
she's a random chatter 11

Jan 22nd, 2018
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  1. app tl. rushed and not accurate. has missing shit.
  3. so stalker kinda bullshits mc in how if he knows fmc and how he's a close oppa of hers and goes to school nearby. mc thinks stalker looks decent and not ..stalkerish. stalker tells mc to chill, that he's a good guy but mc calls him out on his bs and how fmc doesn't know him. he asks mc who he is ..a friend, a lover and how he knows fmc has no guy and mc calls him a stalker and tells him to stop. stalker kinda goes how, how come mc knows that and if he's that close to fmc and smth how that's only an act and how he loves her/stalking her or she loves it. here stalker asks more if mc is her bf and that and mc decides to go how he was fmc and played with him to make him stop. mc tells him sorry and how he lured him out to tell him to stop and sorry how he wont do it again. gg(goodguy) asks fmc what's up and she debates whether to tell him but remembers mc's text that smbdy will help and to open up to him. nerd kinda cockblock her but then she goes away and gg insists fmc tell him her worries. how she might not trust him but he wants to help her. fmc kinda tells him sorry for not telling him and gg goes how that's okay and she tells him about the chat thingy and stalker(mc will get burn again ..). mc thinks he needs to get it over with and asks him how he can apologize and stalker calls that mean and stalker doesn't buy it as mc being fmc and kinda wants mc to tell him about her or that(notsure), and mc thinks he needs to kill his phone too. mc think how fmc is strong and so he too must be and tells him he doesn't know her number(stalker wanted her or smth). seems like fmc blocked stalker so he wants mc to call fmc over from his phone. mc thinks how now or never and how he is good at catching things. seems like stalker didn't no know fmc's number by heart and with this ..fmc is safe from him cause stalker did his stalking through the chat id and phone number and now he is lost without her phone number since she blocked him everywhere. stalker thinks mc played from from the start so now ..stalker lost fmc.
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