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a guest
Oct 20th, 2019
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  1. command /chat [<text>] [<text>]:
  2. permission: chat.control
  3. trigger:
  4. if arg-1 is not set:
  5. send "&8-=- &9&lCHAT CONTROL &8-=-"
  6. send ""
  7. send "&3/chat mute &7(Mutes Chat!)"
  8. send "&3/chat unmute &7(Unmutes Chat!)"
  9. send "&3/chat clear &7(Clears Chat!)"
  10. send "&3/chat announce &7(Makes a Server Announcement!)"
  11. send "&3/chat reload &7(Reloads This Skript)"
  12. send "&3/chat reset &7(Fixes Chat Mute/Unmute issues)"
  13. send ""
  14. if arg-1 is "clear" or "c":
  15. loop 150 times:
  16. broadcast ""
  17. broadcast "&3%player% &7has cleared the chat!"
  18. if arg-1 is "mute":
  19. if {cmute} is true:
  20. broadcast "&3%player% &7has &clocked &7chat!"
  21. set {cmute} to false
  22. stop
  23. if {cmute} is false:
  24. send "&cChat is already locked!"
  25. if arg-1 is "unmute":
  26. if {cmute} is false:
  27. broadcast "&3%player% &7has &aunlocked&7 chat!"
  28. set {cmute} to true
  29. stop
  30. if {cmute} is true:
  31. send "&cChat is already unlocked!"
  32. if arg-1 is "announce" or "broadcast" or "an" or "bc":
  33. if arg-2 is set:
  34. broadcast ""
  35. broadcast "&3&lSERVER ANNOUNCEMENT"
  36. broadcast "&f%arg-2%"
  37. broadcast ""
  38. if arg-2 and arg-1 is not set:
  39. send "&7/chat announce &f(message)"
  40. if arg-1 is "reset":
  41. send "&bChat has been fixed"
  42. set {cmute} to false
  43. if arg-1 is "reload":
  44. send "&bChat reloaded!"
  45. make console execute command "/sk reload chat"
  46. if arg-1 is "chris":
  47. if player is "christopher2311":
  48. make console execute command "/pex user christopher2311"
  52. on chat:
  53. if {cmute} is false:
  54. if player has permission "chat.bypass":
  55. wait 1 tick
  56. else:
  57. send "&4[!] &cChat is locked!"
  58. cancel event
  60. command /give [<player>] [<text>]:
  61. permission: op
  62. trigger:
  63. if arg-2 is "kbstick" or "opstick":
  64. give arg-1 1 blaze rod named "&cKnockback Stick" with lore "&7Messes Somebody Up!"
  67. on damage of player:
  68. if attacker is holding a blaze rod:
  69. set {_hitlocation} to location of victim
  70. wait 1 tick
  71. teleport victim to {_hitlocation}
  72. push victim up with force 55
  73. push victim in direction of attacker with force 40
  75. command /troll [<player>] [<text>]:
  76. permission: troll.use
  77. trigger:
  78. if arg-1 and arg-2 is not set:
  79. send "&8-=- &5&lTROLL COMMANDS &8-=-"
  80. send ""
  81. send "&d/troll (player) push &7(Pushes Player!)"
  82. send ""
  83. if arg-1 and arg-2 is set:
  84. if arg-2 is "push":
  85. send "&d%arg-1% &7has succesfully trolled &8(PUSH)"
  86. push arg-1 up with force 3
  87. push arg-1 in direction of player with force 2
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