
Retro Vaders 2 Concept Doc

Nov 11th, 2013
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  1. Retro Vaders 2
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  7. Weapon Types - The types of Blaster that the player can buy/use to fight off the invasion from the start
  9. Sniper Blaster - Same as in RV1, Single Bullet, upgrades to move faster and reload quicker
  10. Spread Blaster - Same as in RV1, Starts as 2 bullets and upgrades to a much wider spread
  11. Rapid Blaster - Same as in RV1, Starts as 1 bullet, upgrades reload speed and eventually to more bullets
  13. ----- Unlockable Blasters ----- These are unlocked by completing challenges
  15. Seeker Blaster - Single Bullet, slow reload, homes in on target when it gets within radius, upgrades increase radius and reload speed.
  16. Bounce Blaster - Single Bullet, rebounds off an enemy and can be bounced by the blaster again by catching it.
  17. Zapper Blaster - Fires a Bolt of lightning which hits an enemy instantly. Upgrades increase reload speed and movement speed.
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  23. Shield Types - The player can unlock and purchase different shield types by completing challenges
  25. Basic Shields - Same as in RV1, 4 Small shields that cover parts of the screen, can block 4 projectiles each.
  27. ----- Unlockable Shields ----- These are unlocked by completing challenges
  29. Retro Shields - Large Shields made of many parts which as destroyed by all projectiles
  30. Wide Shield - One large shield which covers the entire screen, blocks 4 projectiles.
  31. Rebound Shields - 4 Small shields that cover parts of the screen, reflects a projectile back towards Vaders, 2 charges each.
  32. Recharge Shield - 4 small shields which block damage, starts at 1 charge and slowly recharges over time to a max of 4 charges.
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  38. Enemies - The new enemy types the enemy will face
  40. Normal Vaders - The 3 Basic vaders as seen in RV1 in their various colour/armour forms
  41. Spread Vaders - Fires 3 Projectiles instead of 1 when it attacks
  42. Bomber Vaders - Breaks away from the pack once at critical health and tries to crash into the player, invulnerable when bombing
  43. and killed when it hits the ground or the player.
  44. Regen Vaders - Regrows armour/colour layers if not killed quickly
  45. Stealth Vader - Temporarily turns themselves invisible for a short duration during which bullets phase through
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  48. BOSSES
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  50. Each Boss battle is a unique 1 wave "mission" within the story campaign meaning that you don't have to redo earlier waves to retry a boss if you die.
  51. Bosses have specific weak points which can be hit for critical damage, hitting non-weak points either does normal or no damage at all depending on the boss.
  53. Warp Boss - Cyborg version of the first boss from RV1, Warps to a different part of the screen when hit and launches a rapid
  54. burst of projectiles similar to a spread vader from it's cyborg side eye.
  55. Begins to rapidly warp around at random when at critical health (1 hit remaining).
  57. Splitter Boss - Creates illusion clones of its self when hit, all clones have 1 hp (despite their colour) and can fire as normal.
  58. - The last clone to be destroyed all always be the "true" boss and will result in it spawning new clones after
  59. taking damage.
  61. Bomber Boss - UFO based boss, launches a pack of Bombers each time one of it's weak points is destroyed.
  63. Zapper Boss - UFO based boss who is invulnerable except for a single weak point, only reveals the weak point as it charges it's
  64. weapon for a seconds before launching a lightning bolt strike. Goes beserk when ay critical health and moves
  65. irratically firing as quickly as it can charge.
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  71. Mission 1 - Tutorial: Welcome to Retro Vaders 2, This level will quickly teach you the basics of how to play. The Vaders spawn at the top of screen and move horizontally across it. Each time they reach a side they will descend closer to you. Your job is to shoot them before they reach you. Use [controls text] to move your Blaster and [controls text] to shoot.
  73. Mission 2 - Blaster Types: In order to help you defeat the Vaders, numerous Blasters are available. You are currently using the Sniper Blaster but can equip a different one at any time during play by pausing the game and visiting the upgrades shop. At the start of the game only 3 blaster types are unlocked but you can unlock 3 other blaster types by completing challenges. Try selecting a different blaster for this mission.
  75. Mission 3 - Upgrades: The Upgrade shop also allows you to upgrade your blasters using Credits. Credits are earned each time you kill a Vader, complete a mission or earn an award/medal by completing an achievement. Each Blaster has 2 types of upgrades: The Blaster Level and the Spectrum Level. Upgrading the Blaster level improves the Blaster itself and upgrading the Spectrum level increases the amount of damage each shot does.
  77. Mission 4 - One Small Step for Mankind: Now that you're briefed on how to play let's start destroying those Vaders. Our scanners have detected that the Vaders are using the Moon as a forward base so that's where you'll be heading first. Destroy any Vaders you encounter along the way and report back when you reach the Vader Moonbase.
  79. Mission 5 - Lunar Showdown: It looks like the Vader in charge of the Moonbase is an old friend of yours. The Giant Yellow Vader you battled during the first encounter appears to have survived and has come back for his revenge. It looks like he's received a few upgrades since last time too. Destroy him once and for all and reclaim the Moon for the people of Earth.
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  86. Challenges are unlocked as the missions within the Story/Arcade Mode are completed.
  88. Each challenge is a unique level where the player uses a specific blaster and other modifiers to complete a specific challenge.
  89. Completing the challenges give bonus credits, unlocks awards and new blaster types or new shield types.
  91. Challenge #1 - First Contact [Unlocked after Arcade Wave 1] - Player must complete 1 wave of yellow Vaders with only 1 life, Retro shields and the basic Sniper Blaster (Unlocks the Retro Shields for use in other Modes)
  93. Challenge #2 - Breaking Out [Unlocked after Arcade Wave 3] - Complete a Wave of Vaders using the basic Bounce Blaster (unlocks the Bounce Blaster for use in other Modes)
  95. Challenge #3 - Operation Spectrum [Unlocked after Arcade Wave 5] - Face off against 3 waves of Vaders increasing in difficulty using the Wide shield and (2,1) Sniper Blaster. 3 Lives (Unlocks Wide Shield for use in other game modes)
  97. Challenge #4 - Bullet Hell [Unlocked after Arcade Wave 8] - Player must complete a wave of Spread Bombers using an upgraded Spread Blaster, 3 Lives, no shields
  99. Challenge #5 - On the Rebound [Unlocked after Arcade Wave 10] - Player must complete 2 waves of Spread Vaders using a basic sniper blaster and Rebound shields. (Unlocks the Rebound Shields for use in other game modes)
  101. Challenge #6 - Seek and Destroy [Unlocked after Arcade Wave 12] - Player must use the Seeker Blaster to destroy 5 waves of increasingly powerful vaders. (Unlocks the Seeker Blaster for use in other game modes)
  103. Challenge #7 - Stealth Invaders [Unlocked after Arcade Wave 15] - Complete 3 waves of stealth vaders using an upgraded Zapper blaster. No Shields, 3 Lives (Unlocks the Zapper Blaster for use in other modes)
  105. Challenge #8 - Air Raid [Unlocked after Arcade Wave 19] - Complete a wave of heavily armoured Bomber Vaders with 1 life, No Shields and an upgraded Sniper Blaster. (Unlocks the Recharge Shield for use in other game modes)
  107. Challenge #9 - Attack of the Hybrids [Unlocked after Arcade Wave 23] - Player must compete 3 waves of unique Vaders which have the traits of other types of Vaders combined, using a fully Upgraded Rapid Blaster, no shields and 1 life.
  109. Challenge #10 - Boss Showdown [Unlocked after final Arcade Wave] - Player has 5 lives, no shields and the max upgraded sniper blaster to defeat each of the Arcade bosses one wave after another.
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