
Living Hell - Prologue or something

Apr 8th, 2017
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  1. Living Hell
  2. Prologue or something
  4. “Gaige, no no you can’t do that! Seriously stop! That’s just not even- NO NOT THE VASE!!!” James exclaimed as he grabbed the falling - and very expensive - vase that Gaige had purposely knocked over. He stood up and scruffed his black, usually straight hair, and slowly scratched at his clean, non-freckeled face. He rubbed his green eyes to rid them of tiredness, and letting his arms fall to the sides of his average stomach and chest, he sighed. James was your average fourteen year old boy when it comes to body type and whatnot, though his relations to people were… let’s say odd. When James was very young he found a strange looking locket on the floor on a pavement, and, being the curious young child he was, picked it up and opened it. This is where the strange-ness comes in. Instead of just putting it back and moving on, an odd ghost-looking girl appeared in a burst of light. The girl, whom was named Gaige was apparently a demon. Aaaaand unfortunately for James’ sanity, she was only visible to him, nobody else could see her. This demon told him that now that she had found him she would live with him for the rest of his life, ageing with him and whatnot, aaand he would never be able to get rid of her. That leads on to present day.
  6. Now, Gaige didn’t have to make James life a living hell or anything, she just had to exist alongside him, though being Gaige she sometimes decided to do so. Because Gaige existed kinda like a ghost she could interact with objects as she pleases, if she wants to touch something she can, if she doesn’t she can pass through it. Also, because James was the only person able to see and hear her, she often was able to get James into trouble. Gaige was currently trying to get James into trouble with his parents by floating around the house trying to knock things over and brake them. She was preeety miffed at James because he tried to get into her Underworld Phone to try to get her fired from job as “general nuisance” to James (she is a demon, so that’s like, her job… hey, gotta keep an economy goining, even in hell). Gaige stood in front of James - who was holding about six different fragile items - twirling one of her red pigtails and sticking her tongue out ever-so-slightly while smiling. She put her hand on the hip of her skirt; which she had decorated with an assortment of James’ stolen pins, from the anarchy symbol to mayhem face to a pentagram, and mockingly said
  7. “Now, what have we learned?” James raised an eyebrow and smirked
  8. “That you can be a total bi-” She slapped him.
  9. “I said,” she gritted her teeth “What. Have we. Learned?” James sighed and replied
  10. “That nobody touches your Underworld Phone…”
  11. “Good, now put the stuff back quick, Jane and Pete are coming from racket that,” she snickered “You made” James gasped and quickly scrambled to put the assortment of items back into their proper place once more. Jane and Pete (James’ parents) appeared from the stairwell, and Jane asked
  12. “James, are you talking to your imaginary friend again, son, you’re fourteen, honestly…?”
  13. “Your Mother’s right, James, you need to get real friends.” James groaned at the fact his parents still don’t believe that Gaige exists, even though they have countless times seen things magically start floating due to Gaige.
  15. After James and his unfortunate companion went to watch some TV and his parents went back upstairs, James turned to Gaige, who was fiddling with the plaster that always lay across her nose, and simply said
  16. “Gaige, I hate you.” to which she responded with a small chuckle and just
  17. “Heh, I know, James, I know…”
  20. Fin
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