
windows slmgr

Feb 18th, 2020
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  1. [Strings]
  2. L_optInstallProductKey="ipk"
  3. L_optInstallProductKeyUsage="Install product key (replaces existing key)"
  4. L_optUninstallProductKey="upk"
  5. L_optUninstallProductKeyUsage="Uninstall product key"
  6. L_optActivateProduct="ato"
  7. L_optActivateProductUsage="Activate Windows"
  8. L_optDisplayInformation="dli"
  9. L_optDisplayInformationUsage="Display license information (default: current license)"
  10. L_optDisplayInformationVerbose="dlv"
  11. L_optDisplayInformationUsageVerbose="Display detailed license information (default: current license)"
  12. L_optExpirationDatime="xpr"
  13. L_optExpirationDatimeUsage="Expiration date for current license state"
  14. L_optClearPKeyFromRegistry="cpky"
  15. L_optClearPKeyFromRegistryUsage="Clear product key from the registry (prevents disclosure attacks)"
  16. L_optInstallLicense="ilc"
  17. L_optInstallLicenseUsage="Install license"
  18. L_optReinstallLicenses="rilc"
  19. L_optReinstallLicensesUsage="Re-install system license files"
  20. L_optDisplayIID="dti"
  21. L_optDisplayIIDUsage="Display Installation ID for offline activation"
  22. L_optPhoneActivateProduct="atp"
  23. L_optPhoneActivateProductUsage="Activate product with user-provided Confirmation ID"
  24. L_optReArmWindows="rearm"
  25. L_optReArmWindowsUsage="Reset the licensing status of the machine"
  26. L_optReArmApplication="rearm-app"
  27. L_optReArmApplicationUsage="Reset the licensing status of the given app"
  28. L_optReArmSku="rearm-sku"
  29. L_optReArmSkuUsage="Reset the licensing status of the given sku"
  30. L_optSetKmsName="skms"
  31. L_optSetKmsNameUsage="Set the name and/or the port for the KMS computer this machine will use. IPv6 address must be specified in the format [hostname]:port"
  32. L_optClearKmsName="ckms"
  33. L_optClearKmsNameUsage="Clear name of KMS computer used (sets the port to the default)"
  34. L_optSetKmsLookupDomain="skms-domain"
  35. L_optSetKmsLookupDomainUsage="Set the specific DNS domain in which all KMS SRV records can be found. This setting has no effect if the specific single KMS host is set via /skms option."
  36. L_optClearKmsLookupDomain="ckms-domain"
  37. L_optClearKmsLookupDomainUsage="Clear the specific DNS domain in which all KMS SRV records can be found. The specific KMS host will be used if set via /skms. Otherwise default KMS auto-discovery will be used."
  38. L_optSetKmsHostCaching="skhc"
  39. L_optSetKmsHostCachingUsage="Enable KMS host caching"
  40. L_optClearKmsHostCaching="ckhc"
  41. L_optClearKmsHostCachingUsage="Disable KMS host caching"
  42. L_optSetActivationInterval="sai"
  43. L_optSetActivationIntervalUsage="Set interval (minutes) for unactivated clients to attempt KMS connection. The activation interval must be between 15 minutes (min) and 30 days (max) although the default (2 hours) is recommended."
  44. L_optSetRenewalInterval="sri"
  45. L_optSetRenewalIntervalUsage="Set renewal interval (minutes) for activated clients to attempt KMS connection. The renewal interval must be between 15 minutes (min) and 30 days (max) although the default (7 days) is recommended."
  46. L_optSetKmsListenPort="sprt"
  47. L_optSetKmsListenPortUsage="Set TCP port KMS will use to communicate with clients"
  48. L_optSetDNS="sdns"
  49. L_optSetDNSUsage="Enable DNS publishing by KMS (default)"
  50. L_optClearDNS="cdns"
  51. L_optClearDNSUsage="Disable DNS publishing by KMS"
  52. L_optSetNormalPriority="spri"
  53. L_optSetNormalPriorityUsage="Set KMS priority to normal (default)"
  54. L_optClearNormalPriority="cpri"
  55. L_optClearNormalPriorityUsage="Set KMS priority to low"
  56. L_optSetVLActivationType="act-type"
  57. L_optSetVLActivationTypeUsage="Set activation type to 1 (for AD) or 2 (for KMS) or 3 (for Token) or 0 (for all)."
  58. L_optListInstalledILs="lil"
  59. L_optListInstalledILsUsage="List installed Token-based Activation Issuance Licenses"
  60. L_optRemoveInstalledIL="ril"
  61. L_optRemoveInstalledILUsage="Remove installed Token-based Activation Issuance License"
  62. L_optListTkaCerts="ltc"
  63. L_optListTkaCertsUsage="List Token-based Activation Certificates"
  64. L_optForceTkaActivation="fta"
  65. L_optForceTkaActivationUsage="Force Token-based Activation"
  66. L_optADActivate="ad-activation-online"
  67. L_optADActivateUsage="Activate AD (Active Directory) forest with user-provided product key"
  68. L_optADGetIID="ad-activation-get-iid"
  69. L_optADGetIIDUsage="Display Installation ID for AD (Active Directory) forest"
  70. L_optADApplyCID="ad-activation-apply-cid"
  71. L_optADApplyCIDUsage="Activate AD (Active Directory) forest with user-provided product key and Confirmation ID"
  72. L_optADListAOs="ao-list"
  73. L_optADListAOsUsage="Display Activation Objects in AD (Active Directory)"
  74. L_optADDeleteAO="del-ao"
  75. L_optADDeleteAOsUsage="Delete Activation Objects in AD (Active Directory) for user-provided Activation Object"
  76. L_ParamsActivationID="<Activation ID>"
  77. L_ParamsActivationIDOptional="[Activation ID]"
  78. L_ParamsActIDOptional="[Activation ID | All]"
  79. L_ParamsApplicationID="<Application ID>"
  80. L_ParamsProductKey="<Product Key>"
  81. L_ParamsLicenseFile="<License file>"
  82. L_ParamsPhoneActivate="<Confirmation ID>"
  83. L_ParamsSetKms="<Name[:Port] | : port>"
  84. L_ParamsSetKmsLookupDomain="<FQDN>"
  85. L_ParamsSetListenKmsPort="<Port>"
  86. L_ParamsSetActivationInterval="<Activation Interval>"
  87. L_ParamsSetRenewalInterval="<Renewal Interval>"
  88. L_ParamsVLActivationTypeOptional="[Activation-Type]"
  89. L_ParamsRemoveInstalledIL="<ILID> <ILvID>"
  90. L_ParamsForceTkaActivation="<Certificate Thumbprint> [<PIN>]"
  91. L_ParamsAONameOptional="[Activation Object name]"
  92. L_ParamsAODistinguishedName="<Activation Object DN | Activation Object RDN>"
  93. L_MsgHelp_1="Windows Software Licensing Management Tool"
  94. L_MsgHelp_2="Usage: slmgr.vbs [MachineName [User Password]] [<Option>]"
  95. L_MsgHelp_3="MachineName: Name of remote machine (default is local machine)"
  96. L_MsgHelp_4="User:        Account with required privilege on remote machine"
  97. L_MsgHelp_5="Password:    password for the previous account"
  98. L_MsgGlobalOptions="Global Options:"
  99. L_MsgAdvancedOptions="Advanced Options:"
  100. L_MsgKmsClientOptions="Volume Licensing: Key Management Service (KMS) Client Options:"
  101. L_MsgKmsOptions="Volume Licensing: Key Management Service (KMS) Options:"
  102. L_MsgADOptions="Volume Licensing: Active Directory (AD) Activation Options:"
  103. L_MsgTkaClientOptions="Volume Licensing: Token-based Activation Options:"
  104. L_MsgInvalidOptions="Invalid combination of command parameters."
  105. L_MsgUnrecognizedOption="Unrecognized option: "
  106. L_MsgErrorProductNotFound="Error: product not found."
  107. L_MsgClearedPKey="Product key from registry cleared successfully."
  108. L_MsgInstalledPKey="Installed product key %PKEY% successfully."
  109. L_MsgUninstalledPKey="Uninstalled product key successfully."
  110. L_MsgErrorPKey="Error: product key not found."
  111. L_MsgInstallationID="Installation ID: "
  112. L_MsgPhoneNumbers="Product activation telephone numbers can be obtained by searching the phone.inf file for the appropriate phone number for your location/country. You can open the phone.inf file from a Command Prompt or the Start Menu by running: notepad %systemroot%\system32\sppui\phone.inf"
  113. L_MsgActivating="Activating %PRODUCTNAME% (%PRODUCTID%) ..."
  114. L_MsgActivated="Product activated successfully."
  115. L_MsgActivated_Failed="Error: Product activation failed."
  116. L_MsgConfID="Confirmation ID for product %ACTID% deposited successfully."
  117. L_MsgErrorLocalWMI="Error 0x%ERRCODE% occurred in connecting to the local WMI provider."
  118. L_MsgErrorLocalRegistry="Error 0x%ERRCODE% occurred in connecting to the local registry."
  119. L_MsgErrorConnection="Error 0x%ERRCODE% occurred in connecting to server %COMPUTERNAME%."
  120. L_MsgInfoRemoteConnection="Connected to server %COMPUTERNAME%."
  121. L_MsgErrorConnectionRegistry="Error 0x%ERRCODE% occurred in connecting to the registry on server %COMPUTERNAME%."
  122. L_MsgErrorImpersonation="Error 0x%ERRCODE% occurred in setting impersonation level."
  123. L_MsgErrorAuthenticationLevel="Error 0x%ERRCODE% occurred in setting authentication level."
  124. L_MsgErrorWMI="Error 0x%ERRCODE% occurred in creating a locator object."
  125. L_MsgErrorText_6="On a computer running Microsoft Windows non-core edition, run 'slui.exe 0x2a 0x%ERRCODE%' to display the error text."
  126. L_MsgErrorText_8="Error: "
  127. L_MsgErrorText_9="Error: option %OPTION% needs %PARAM%"
  128. L_MsgErrorText_11="The machine is running within the non-genuine grace period. Run 'slui.exe' to go online and make the machine genuine."
  129. L_MsgErrorText_12="Windows is running within the non-genuine notification period. Run 'slui.exe' to go online and validate Windows."
  130. L_MsgLicenseFile="License file %LICENSEFILE% installed successfully."
  131. L_MsgKmsPriSetToLow="KMS priority set to Low"
  132. L_MsgKmsPriSetToNormal="KMS priority set to Normal"
  133. L_MsgWarningKmsPri="Warning: Priority can only be set on a KMS machine that is also activated."
  134. L_MsgKmsDnsPublishingDisabled="DNS publishing disabled"
  135. L_MsgKmsDnsPublishingEnabled="DNS publishing enabled"
  136. L_MsgKmsDnsPublishingWarning="Warning: DNS Publishing can only be set on a KMS machine that is also activated."
  137. L_MsgKmsPortSet="KMS port set to %PORT% successfully."
  138. L_MsgWarningKmsReboot="Warning: a KMS reboot is needed for this setting to take effect."
  139. L_MsgWarningKmsPort="Warning: KMS port can only be set on a KMS machine that is also activated."
  140. L_MsgRenewalSet="Volume renewal interval set to %RENEWAL% minutes successfully."
  141. L_MsgWarningRenewal="Warning: Volume renewal interval can only be set on a KMS machine that is also activated."
  142. L_MsgActivationSet="Volume activation interval set to %ACTIVATION% minutes successfully."
  143. L_MsgWarningActivation="Warning: Volume activation interval can only be set on a KMS machine that is also activated."
  144. L_MsgKmsNameSet="Key Management Service machine name set to %KMS% successfully."
  145. L_MsgKmsNameCleared="Key Management Service machine name cleared successfully."
  146. L_MsgKmsLookupDomainSet="Key Management Service lookup domain set to %FQDN% successfully."
  147. L_MsgKmsLookupDomainCleared="Key Management Service lookup domain cleared successfully."
  148. L_MsgKmsUseMachineNameOverrides="Warning: /skms setting overrides the /skms-domain setting. %KMS% will be used for activation."
  149. L_MsgKmsUseMachineName="Warning: /skms setting is in effect. %KMS% will be used for activation."
  150. L_MsgKmsUseLookupDomain="Warning: /skms-domain setting is in effect. %FQDN% will be used for DNS SRV record lookup."
  151. L_MsgKmsHostCachingDisabled="KMS host caching is disabled"
  152. L_MsgKmsHostCachingEnabled="KMS host caching is enabled"
  153. L_MsgErrorActivationID="Error: Activation ID (%ActID%) not found."
  154. L_MsgVLActivationTypeSet="Volume activation type set successfully."
  155. L_MsgRearm_1="Command completed successfully."
  156. L_MsgRearm_2="Please restart the system for the changes to take effect."
  157. L_MsgRemainingWindowsRearmCount="Remaining Windows rearm count: %COUNT%"
  158. L_MsgRemainingSkuRearmCount="Remaining SKU rearm count: %COUNT%"
  159. L_MsgRemainingAppRearmCount="Remaining App rearm count: %COUNT%"
  160. L_MsgLicenseStatusUnlicensed="Unlicensed"
  161. L_MsgLicenseStatusVL="Volume activation will expire %ENDDATE%"
  162. L_MsgLicenseStatusTBL="Timebased activation will expire %ENDDATE%"
  163. L_MsgLicenseStatusAVMA="Automatic VM activation will expire %ENDDATE%"
  164. L_MsgLicenseStatusLicensed="The machine is permanently activated."
  165. L_MsgLicenseStatusInitialGrace="Initial grace period ends %ENDDATE%"
  166. L_MsgLicenseStatusAdditionalGrace="Additional grace period ends %ENDDATE%"
  167. L_MsgLicenseStatusNonGenuineGrace="Non-genuine grace period ends %ENDDATE%"
  168. L_MsgLicenseStatusNotification="Windows is in Notification mode"
  169. L_MsgLicenseStatusExtendedGrace="Extended grace period ends %ENDDATE%"
  170. L_MsgLicenseStatusUnlicensed_1="License Status: Unlicensed"
  171. L_MsgLicenseStatusLicensed_1="License Status: Licensed"
  172. L_MsgLicenseStatusVL_1="Volume activation expiration: %MINUTE% minute(s) (%DAY% day(s))"
  173. L_MsgLicenseStatusTBL_1="Timebased activation expiration: %MINUTE% minute(s) (%DAY% day(s))"
  174. L_MsgLicenseStatusAVMA_1="Automatic VM activation expiration: %MINUTE% minute(s) (%DAY% day(s))"
  175. L_MsgLicenseStatusInitialGrace_1="License Status: Initial grace period"
  176. L_MsgLicenseStatusAdditionalGrace_1="License Status: Additional grace period (KMS license expired or hardware out of tolerance)"
  177. L_MsgLicenseStatusNonGenuineGrace_1="License Status: Non-genuine grace period."
  178. L_MsgLicenseStatusNotification_1="License Status: Notification"
  179. L_MsgLicenseStatusExtendedGrace_1="License Status: Extended grace period"
  180. L_MsgNotificationErrorReasonNonGenuine="Notification Reason: 0x%ERRCODE% (non-genuine)."
  181. L_MsgNotificationErrorReasonExpiration="Notification Reason: 0x%ERRCODE% (grace time expired)."
  182. L_MsgNotificationErrorReasonOther="Notification Reason: 0x%ERRCODE%."
  183. L_MsgLicenseStatusTimeRemaining="Time remaining: %MINUTE% minute(s) (%DAY% day(s))"
  184. L_MsgLicenseStatusUnknown="License Status: Unknown"
  185. L_MsgLicenseStatusEvalEndData="Evaluation End Date: "
  186. L_MsgReinstallingLicenses="Re-installing license files ..."
  187. L_MsgLicensesReinstalled="License files re-installed successfully."
  188. L_MsgServiceVersion="Software licensing service version: "
  189. L_MsgProductName="Name: "
  190. L_MsgProductDesc="Description: "
  191. L_MsgActID="Activation ID: "
  192. L_MsgAppID="Application ID: "
  193. L_MsgPID4="Extended PID: "
  194. L_MsgChannel="Product Key Channel: "
  195. L_MsgProcessorCertUrl="Processor Certificate URL: "
  196. L_MsgMachineCertUrl="Machine Certificate URL: "
  197. L_MsgUseLicenseCertUrl="Use License URL: "
  198. L_MsgPKeyCertUrl="Product Key Certificate URL: "
  199. L_MsgValidationUrl="Validation URL: "
  200. L_MsgPartialPKey="Partial Product Key: "
  201. L_MsgErrorLicenseNotInUse="This license is not in use."
  202. L_MsgKmsInfo="Key Management Service client information"
  203. L_MsgCmid="Client Machine ID (CMID): "
  204. L_MsgRegisteredKmsName="Registered KMS machine name: "
  205. L_MsgKmsLookupDomain="Registered KMS SRV record lookup domain: "
  206. L_MsgKmsFromDnsUnavailable="DNS auto-discovery: KMS name not available"
  207. L_MsgKmsFromDns="KMS machine name from DNS: "
  208. L_MsgKmsIpAddress="KMS machine IP address: "
  209. L_MsgKmsIpAddressUnavailable="KMS machine IP address: not available"
  210. L_MsgKmsPID4="KMS machine extended PID: "
  211. L_MsgActivationInterval="Activation interval: %INTERVAL% minutes"
  212. L_MsgRenewalInterval="Renewal interval: %INTERVAL% minutes"
  213. L_MsgKmsEnabled="Key Management Service is enabled on this machine"
  214. L_MsgKmsCurrentCount="Current count: "
  215. L_MsgKmsListeningOnPort="Listening on Port: "
  216. L_MsgKmsPriNormal="KMS priority: Normal"
  217. L_MsgKmsPriLow="KMS priority: Low"
  218. L_MsgVLActivationTypeAll="Configured Activation Type: All"
  219. L_MsgVLActivationTypeAD="Configured Activation Type: AD"
  220. L_MsgVLActivationTypeKMS="Configured Activation Type: KMS"
  221. L_MsgVLActivationTypeToken="Configured Activation Type: Token"
  222. L_MsgVLMostRecentActivationInfo="Most recent activation information:"
  223. L_MsgInvalidDataError="Error: The data is invalid"
  224. L_MsgUndeterminedPrimaryKey="Warning: SLMGR was not able to validate the current product key for Windows. Please upgrade to the latest service pack."
  225. L_MsgUndeterminedPrimaryKeyOperation="Warning: This operation may affect more than one target license.  Please verify the results."
  226. L_MsgUndeterminedOperationFormat="Processing the license for %PRODUCTDESCRIPTION% (%PRODUCTID%)."
  227. L_MsgPleaseActivateRefreshKMSInfo="Please use slmgr.vbs /ato to activate and update KMS client information in order to update values."
  228. L_MsgTokenBasedActivationMustBeDone="This system is configured for Token-based activation only. Use slmgr.vbs /fta to initiate Token-based activation, or slmgr.vbs /act-type to change the activation type setting."
  229. L_MsgKmsCumulativeRequestsFromClients="Key Management Service cumulative requests received from clients"
  230. L_MsgKmsTotalRequestsRecieved="Total requests received: "
  231. L_MsgKmsFailedRequestsReceived="Failed requests received: "
  232. L_MsgKmsRequestsWithStatusUnlicensed="Requests with License Status Unlicensed: "
  233. L_MsgKmsRequestsWithStatusLicensed="Requests with License Status Licensed: "
  234. L_MsgKmsRequestsWithStatusInitialGrace="Requests with License Status Initial grace period: "
  235. L_MsgKmsRequestsWithStatusLicenseExpiredOrHwidOot="Requests with License Status License expired or Hardware out of tolerance: "
  236. L_MsgKmsRequestsWithStatusNonGenuineGrace="Requests with License Status Non-genuine grace period: "
  237. L_MsgKmsRequestsWithStatusNotification="Requests with License Status Notification: "
  238. L_MsgRemoteWmiVersionMismatch="The remote machine does not support this version of SLMgr.vbs"
  239. L_MsgRemoteExecNotSupported="This command of SLMgr.vbs is not supported for remote execution"
  240. L_MsgTkaLicenses="Token-based Activation Issuance Licenses:"
  241. L_MsgTkaLicenseHeader="%ILID%    %ILVID%"
  242. L_MsgTkaLicenseILID="License ID (ILID): %ILID%"
  243. L_MsgTkaLicenseILVID="Version ID (ILvID): %ILVID%"
  244. L_MsgTkaLicenseExpiration="Valid to: %TODATE%"
  245. L_MsgTkaLicenseAdditionalInfo="Additional Information: %MOREINFO%"
  246. L_MsgTkaLicenseAuthZStatus="Error: 0x%ERRCODE%"
  247. L_MsgTkaLicenseDescr="Description: %DESC%"
  248. L_MsgTkaLicenseNone="No licenses found."
  249. L_MsgTkaRemoving="Removing Token-based Activation License ..."
  250. L_MsgTkaRemovedItem="Removed license with SLID=%SLID%."
  251. L_MsgTkaRemovedNone="No licenses found."
  252. L_MsgTkaInfoAdditionalInfo="Additional Information: %MOREINFO%"
  253. L_MsgTkaInfo="Token-based Activation information"
  254. L_MsgTkaInfoILID="License ID (ILID): %ILID%"
  255. L_MsgTkaInfoILVID="Version ID (ILvID): %ILVID%"
  256. L_MsgTkaInfoGrantNo="Grant Number: %GRANTNO%"
  257. L_MsgTkaInfoThumbprint="Certificate Thumbprint: %THUMBPRINT%"
  258. L_MsgTkaCertThumbprint="Thumbprint: %THUMBPRINT%"
  259. L_MsgTkaCertSubject="Subject: %SUBJECT%"
  260. L_MsgTkaCertIssuer="Issuer: %ISSUER%"
  261. L_MsgTkaCertValidFrom="Valid from: %FROMDATE%"
  262. L_MsgTkaCertValidTo="Valid to: %TODATE%"
  263. L_MsgADInfo="AD Activation client information"
  264. L_MsgADInfoAOName="Activation Object name: "
  265. L_MsgADInfoAODN="AO DN: "
  266. L_MsgADInfoExtendedPid="AO extended PID: "
  267. L_MsgADInfoActID="AO activation ID: "
  268. L_MsgActObjAvailable="Activation Objects"
  269. L_MsgActObjNoneFound="No objects found"
  270. L_MsgSucess="Operation completed successfully."
  271. L_MsgADSchemaNotSupported="Active Directory-Based Activation is not supported in the current Active Directory schema."
  272. L_MsgAVMAInfo="Automatic VM Activation client information"
  273. L_MsgAVMAID="Guest IAID: "
  274. L_MsgAVMAHostMachineName="Host machine name: "
  275. L_MsgAVMALastActTime="Activation time: "
  276. L_MsgAVMAHostPid2="Host Digital PID2: "
  277. L_MsgNotAvailable="Not Available"
  278. L_MsgCurrentTrustedTime="Trusted time: "
  279. L_MsgError_C004C001="The activation server determined the specified product key is invalid"
  280. L_MsgError_C004C003="The activation server determined the specified product key is blocked"
  281. L_MsgError_C004C017="The activation server determined the specified product key has been blocked for this geographic location."
  282. L_MsgError_C004B100="The activation server determined that the computer could not be activated"
  283. L_MsgError_C004C008="The activation server determined that the specified product key could not be used"
  284. L_MsgError_C004C020="The activation server reported that the Multiple Activation Key has exceeded its limit"
  285. L_MsgError_C004C021="The activation server reported that the Multiple Activation Key extension limit has been exceeded"
  286. L_MsgError_C004D307="The maximum allowed number of re-arms has been exceeded. You must re-install the OS before trying to re-arm again"
  287. L_MsgError_C004F009="The software Licensing Service reported that the grace period expired"
  288. L_MsgError_C004F00F="The Software Licensing Server reported that the hardware ID binding is beyond level of tolerance"
  289. L_MsgError_C004F014="The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is not available"
  290. L_MsgError_C004F025="Access denied: the requested action requires elevated privileges"
  291. L_MsgError_C004F02C="The software Licensing Service reported that the format for the offline activation data is incorrect"
  292. L_MsgError_C004F035="The software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated with a Volume license product key. Volume licensed systems require upgrading from a qualified operating system. Please contact your system administrator or use a different type of key"
  293. L_MsgError_C004F038="The software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated. The count reported by your Key Management Service (KMS) is insufficient. Please contact your system administrator"
  294. L_MsgError_C004F039="The software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated. The Key Management Service (KMS) is not enabled"
  295. L_MsgError_C004F041="The software Licensing Service determined that the Key Management Server (KMS) is not activated. KMS needs to be activated"
  296. L_MsgError_C004F042="The software Licensing Service determined that the specified Key Management Service (KMS) cannot be used"
  297. L_MsgError_C004F050="The Software Licensing Service reported that the product key is invalid"
  298. L_MsgError_C004F051="The software Licensing Service reported that the product key is blocked"
  299. L_MsgError_C004F064="The software Licensing Service reported that the non-Genuine grace period expired"
  300. L_MsgError_C004F065="The software Licensing Service reported that the application is running within the valid non-genuine period"
  301. L_MsgError_C004F066="The Software Licensing Service reported that the product SKU is not found"
  302. L_MsgError_C004F06B="The software Licensing Service determined that it is running in a virtual machine. The Key Management Service (KMS) is not supported in this mode"
  303. L_MsgError_C004F074="The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated. No Key Management Service (KMS) could be contacted. Please see the Application Event Log for additional information."
  304. L_MsgError_C004F075="The Software Licensing Service reported that the operation cannot be completed because the service is stopping"
  305. L_MsgError_C004F304="The Software Licensing Service reported that required license could not be found."
  306. L_MsgError_C004F305="The Software Licensing Service reported that there are no certificates found in the system that could activate the product."
  307. L_MsgError_C004F30A="The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated. The certificate does not match the conditions in the license."
  308. L_MsgError_C004F30D="The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated. The thumbprint is invalid."
  309. L_MsgError_C004F30E="The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated. A certificate for the thumbprint could not be found."
  310. L_MsgError_C004F30F="The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated. The certificate does not match the criteria specified in the issuance license."
  311. L_MsgError_C004F310="The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated. The certificate does not match the trust point identifier (TPID) specified in the issuance license."
  312. L_MsgError_C004F311="The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated. A soft token cannot be used for activation."
  313. L_MsgError_C004F312="The Software Licensing Service reported that the computer could not be activated. The certificate cannot be used because its private key is exportable."
  314. L_MsgError_5="Access denied: the requested action requires elevated privileges"
  315. L_MsgError_80070005="Access denied: the requested action requires elevated privileges"
  316. L_MsgError_80070057="The parameter is incorrect"
  317. L_MsgError_8007232A="DNS server failure"
  318. L_MsgError_8007232B="DNS name does not exist"
  319. L_MsgError_800706BA="The RPC server is unavailable"
  320. L_MsgError_8007251D="No records found for DNS query"
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