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Nov 4th, 2016
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  1. [licode@chatcity-kurento-1 ~]$ BasicExample started
  2. express deprecated res.send(status): Use res.sendStatus(status) instead basicServer.js:156:13
  3. OPTIONS /createToken/ 200 5.018 ms - 2
  4. { roomId: '', username: '5871', role: 'presenter' }
  5. eyJ0b2tlbklkIjoiNTgxYzlhM2ZhODYxNTk3YjVmMWY5NDNkIiwiaG9zdCI6ImNoYXRjaXR5LWt1cmVudG8tMS5iZWFub25ldHdvcmsuY29tOjg0NDMiLCJzZWN1cmUiOnRydWUsInNpZ25hdHVyZSI6IllUZGpOR1EzTURoaU9ETmtNbUl5WW1aak5HWmlPV1JoWXpGbU1EQmpaR1F5WVRjNU9ERmpNdz09In0=
  6. POST /createToken/ 200 537.277 ms - 232
  7. 2016-11-04 10:25:04.401 - INFO: ErizoController - message: erizoClient connected, clientId: CpV4Zh0DJwJ19Qg2ujvm
  8. 2016-11-04 10:25:04.544 - INFO: RPCPublic - message: consumed token, tokenId: 581c9a3fa861597b5f1f943d , roomId: 5818d597005e8904f36ce69b, serviceId: 581761d0b00b3fb856f7faef
  9. 2016-11-04 10:25:04.548 - DEBUG: ErizoController - message: Token approved, clientId: CpV4Zh0DJwJ19Qg2ujvm
  10. 2016-11-04 10:25:48.325 - INFO: ErizoController - message: addPublisher requested, streamId: 848450347315520000, clientId: CpV4Zh0DJwJ19Qg2ujvm, state: erizo, data: true, audio: true, video: true, minVideoBW: 100, attributes: [Object], userName: dejan_on, userID: 5871, type: PUBLIC, private_list:
  11. 2016-11-04 10:25:48.325 - INFO: RoomController - message: addPublisher, streamId: 848450347315520000, state: erizo, data: true, audio: true, video: true, minVideoBW: 100, attributes: [Object]
  12. 2016-11-04 10:25:48.326 - INFO: EcCloudHandler - message: createErizoJS, agentId: ErizoAgent
  13. 2016-11-04 10:25:48.332 - INFO: EcCloudHandler - message: createErizoJS success, erizoId: 3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6, agentId: bc023cba-73ae-6af5-95ce-890fd97bdf27
  14. 2016-11-04 10:25:48.332 - INFO: RoomController - message: addPublisher erizoJs assigned, erizoId: 3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6, streamId: 848450347315520000
  15. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:48.337 - INFO: ErizoJSController - message: Adding publisher, streamId: 848450347315520000, state: erizo, data: true, audio: true, video: true, minVideoBW: 100, attributes: [Object]
  16. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:48,341 - INFO [0x7f37ae9ca840] WebRtcConnection - , message: constructor, stunserver: , stunPort: 0, minPort: 0, maxPort: 0
  17. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:48.343 - INFO: ErizoJSController - message: WebRtcConnection status update, id: 848450347315520000, status: 101
  18. 2016-11-04 10:25:48.344 - INFO: ErizoController - message: addPublisher, state: PUBLISHER_INITIAL, clientId: CpV4Zh0DJwJ19Qg2ujvm, streamId: 848450347315520000
  19. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:48.507 - INFO: ErizoJSController - message: Process Signaling message, streamId: 848450347315520000, peerId: CpV4Zh0DJwJ19Qg2ujvm
  20. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:48,509 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] WebRtcConnection - , message: setting remote SDP
  21. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:48,510 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] WebRtcConnection - , message: Creating videoTransport, ufrag: f35062eb, pass: b3ee3e7b3fa1ff576d049fdee8cbe3fa
  22. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:48,510 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] DtlsTransport - , message: constructor, transportName:video, isBundle:1
  23. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:48,529 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] DtlsTransport - , message: creating active-client
  24. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:48,529 - WARN [0x7f37ae9ca840] dtls.SSL - error in before/connect initialization
  25. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:48,529 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] DtlsTransport - , message: created
  26. 2016-11-04 10:25:48,529 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] DtlsTransport - P?[, message: starting ice
  27. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:48,530 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] NiceConnection - , message: creating Nice Agent
  28. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:48,530 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] NiceConnection - , message: adding stream, iceComponents: 1
  29. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:48,530 - DEBUG [0x7f3796ffd700] NiceConnection - , message: starting g_main_loop, this: 0x15bcaa0
  30. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:48,530 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] NiceConnection - , message: setting remote credentials in constructor, ufrag:f35062eb, pass:b3ee3e7b3fa1ff576d049fdee8cbe3fa
  31. 2016-11-04 10:25:48,530 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] NiceConnection - , message: setting remote credentials, ufrag: f35062eb, pass: b3ee3e7b3fa1ff576d049fdee8cbe3fa
  32. 2016-11-04 10:25:48,530 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] NiceConnection - , message: gathering, this: 0x15bcaa0
  33. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:48,532 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] WebRtcConnection - , message: Discovered New Candidate, candidate: a=candidate:13 1 udp 2013266431 53474 typ host generation 0
  34. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:48,532 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] WebRtcConnection - , message: Discovered New Candidate, candidate: a=candidate:14 1 udp 1019216383 0 typ host generation 0
  35. 2016-11-04 10:25:48,532 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] WebRtcConnection - , message: Discovered New Candidate, candidate: a=candidate:15 1 udp 1015022079 53883 typ host generation 0
  36. 2016-11-04 10:25:48,532 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] WebRtcConnection - , message: Discovered New Candidate, candidate: a=candidate:16 1 udp 2013266431 46614 typ host generation 0
  37. 2016-11-04 10:25:48,532 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] WebRtcConnection - , message: Discovered New Candidate, candidate: a=candidate:17 1 udp 1019216383 0 typ host generation 0
  38. 2016-11-04 10:25:48,532 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] WebRtcConnection - , message: Discovered New Candidate, candidate: a=candidate:18 1 udp 1015022079 33955 typ host generation 0
  39. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:48,532 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] NiceConnection - , message: gathering done, stream_id: 1
  40. 2016-11-04 10:25:48,532 - INFO [0x7f37ae9ca840] NiceConnection - ?], message: iceState transition, transportName: video, iceState: initial, newIceState: cand_received, this: 0x15bcaa0
  41. 2016-11-04 10:25:48,533 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] DtlsTransport - ?], message:NiceState, transportName: video, state: 1, isBundle: 1
  42. 2016-11-04 10:25:48,533 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] WebRtcConnection - ?], transportName: video, new_state: 2
  43. 2016-11-04 10:25:48,533 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] WebRtcConnection - ?], message: Getting Local Sdp
  44. 2016-11-04 10:25:48,533 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] DtlsTransport - ?], message: processing local sdp, transportName: video
  45. 2016-11-04 10:25:48,533 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] DtlsTransport - ?], message: processed local sdp, transportName: video, ufrag: M93x, pass: ngM27T3p0ecuL68zKGkiO1
  46. 2016-11-04 10:25:48,533 - INFO [0x7f37ae9ca840] WebRtcConnection - , newGlobalState: 103
  47. 2016-11-04 10:25:48,533 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] WebRtcConnection - , message: Setting remote BW, maxVideoBW: 300
  48. 2016-11-04 10:25:48.532 - INFO: ErizoJSController - message: WebRtcConnection status update, id: 848450347315520000, status: 103
  49. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:49.377 - INFO: ErizoJSController - message: Process Signaling message, streamId: 848450347315520000, peerId: CpV4Zh0DJwJ19Qg2ujvm
  50. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:49,379 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] WebRtcConnection - , message: Adding remote Candidate, candidate: a=candidate:0 1 UDP 2122252543 fd24:69a5:fcfc:1200:3c20:392b:9799:8196 58202 typ host, mid: sdparta_0, sdpMLine: 0
  51. 2016-11-04 10:25:49,379 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] NiceConnection - @?\, message: setting remote candidates, candidateSize: 0, mediaType: 0
  52. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:49.380 - INFO: ErizoJSController - message: Process Signaling message, streamId: 848450347315520000, peerId: CpV4Zh0DJwJ19Qg2ujvm
  53. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:49,382 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] WebRtcConnection - , message: Adding remote Candidate, candidate: a=candidate:1 1 UDP 2122187007 fd24:69a5:fcfc:1200:e483:eb0e:f4fc:49f0 58203 typ host, mid: sdparta_0, sdpMLine: 0
  54. 2016-11-04 10:25:49,382 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] NiceConnection - 0], message: setting remote candidates, candidateSize: 0, mediaType: 0
  55. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:49.384 - INFO: ErizoJSController - message: Process Signaling message, streamId: 848450347315520000, peerId: CpV4Zh0DJwJ19Qg2ujvm
  56. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:49,385 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] WebRtcConnection - ?], message: Adding remote Candidate, candidate: a=candidate:2 1 UDP 2122055935 58204 typ host, mid: sdparta_0, sdpMLine: 0
  57. 2016-11-04 10:25:49,385 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] NiceConnection - , message: setting remote candidates, candidateSize: 1, mediaType: 0
  58. 2016-11-04 10:25:49,385 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] NiceConnection - , message: adding remote candidate, hostType: 0, hostAddress:, hostPort: 58204, priority: 2122055935, componentId: 1, ufrag: f35062eb, pass: b3ee3e7b3fa1ff576d049fdee8cbe3fa
  59. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:49.388 - INFO: ErizoJSController - message: Process Signaling message, streamId: 848450347315520000, peerId: CpV4Zh0DJwJ19Qg2ujvm
  60. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:49,389 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] WebRtcConnection - ?], message: Adding remote Candidate, candidate: a=candidate:3 1 UDP 2122121471 58205 typ host, mid: sdparta_0, sdpMLine: 0
  61. 2016-11-04 10:25:49,389 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] NiceConnection - , message: setting remote candidates, candidateSize: 1, mediaType: 0
  62. 2016-11-04 10:25:49,389 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] NiceConnection - , message: adding remote candidate, hostType: 0, hostAddress:, hostPort: 58205, priority: 2122121471, componentId: 1, ufrag: f35062eb, pass: b3ee3e7b3fa1ff576d049fdee8cbe3fa
  63. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:49.392 - INFO: ErizoJSController - message: Process Signaling message, streamId: 848450347315520000, peerId: CpV4Zh0DJwJ19Qg2ujvm
  64. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:49,393 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] WebRtcConnection - ?], message: Adding remote Candidate, candidate: a=candidate:4 1 UDP 2121990399 58206 typ host, mid: sdparta_0, sdpMLine: 0
  65. 2016-11-04 10:25:49,393 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] NiceConnection - , message: setting remote candidates, candidateSize: 1, mediaType: 0
  66. 2016-11-04 10:25:49,393 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] NiceConnection - , message: adding remote candidate, hostType: 0, hostAddress:, hostPort: 58206, priority: 2121990399, componentId: 1, ufrag: f35062eb, pass: b3ee3e7b3fa1ff576d049fdee8cbe3fa
  67. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:49.395 - INFO: ErizoJSController - message: Process Signaling message, streamId: 848450347315520000, peerId: CpV4Zh0DJwJ19Qg2ujvm
  68. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:49,397 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] WebRtcConnection - ?], message: Adding remote Candidate, candidate: a=candidate:0 2 UDP 2122252542 fd24:69a5:fcfc:1200:3c20:392b:9799:8196 58207 typ host, mid: sdparta_0, sdpMLine: 0
  69. 2016-11-04 10:25:49,397 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] NiceConnection - ?QA, message: setting remote candidates, candidateSize: 0, mediaType: 0
  70. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:49.401 - INFO: ErizoJSController - message: Process Signaling message, streamId: 848450347315520000, peerId: CpV4Zh0DJwJ19Qg2ujvm
  71. 2016-11-04 10:25:49,402 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] WebRtcConnection - ?TA, message: Adding remote Candidate, candidate: a=candidate:1 2 UDP 2122187006 fd24:69a5:fcfc:1200:e483:eb0e:f4fc:49f0 58208 typ host, mid: sdparta_0, sdpMLine: 0
  72. 2016-11-04 10:25:49,402 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] NiceConnection - ?QA, message: setting remote candidates, candidateSize: 0, mediaType: 0
  73. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:49.403 - INFO: ErizoJSController - message: Process Signaling message, streamId: 848450347315520000, peerId: CpV4Zh0DJwJ19Qg2ujvm
  74. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:49,404 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] WebRtcConnection - ?], message: Adding remote Candidate, candidate: a=candidate:2 2 UDP 2122055934 58209 typ host, mid: sdparta_0, sdpMLine: 0
  75. 2016-11-04 10:25:49,404 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] NiceConnection - , message: setting remote candidates, candidateSize: 1, mediaType: 0
  76. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:49.406 - INFO: ErizoJSController - message: Process Signaling message, streamId: 848450347315520000, peerId: CpV4Zh0DJwJ19Qg2ujvm
  77. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:49,407 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] WebRtcConnection - , message: Adding remote Candidate, candidate: a=candidate:3 2 UDP 2122121470 58210 typ host, mid: sdparta_0, sdpMLine: 0
  78. 2016-11-04 10:25:49,407 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] NiceConnection - , message: setting remote candidates, candidateSize: 1, mediaType: 0
  79. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:49.410 - INFO: ErizoJSController - message: Process Signaling message, streamId: 848450347315520000, peerId: CpV4Zh0DJwJ19Qg2ujvm
  80. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:49,411 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] WebRtcConnection - ?TA, message: Adding remote Candidate, candidate: a=candidate:4 2 UDP 2121990398 58211 typ host, mid: sdparta_0, sdpMLine: 0
  81. 2016-11-04 10:25:49,411 - DEBUG [0x7f37ae9ca840] NiceConnection - , message: setting remote candidates, candidateSize: 1, mediaType: 0
  82. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:51,316 - DEBUG [0x7f3796ffd700] NiceConnection - , message: new ice component state, newState: 4, transportName: video, componentId 1, iceComponents: 1
  83. [erizo-3ad1cbf8-e474-ff4b-795d-2dd1515aade6] 2016-11-04 10:25:51,317 - WARN [0x7f3796ffd700] NiceConnection - , message: failed and not received all candidates, newComponentState:4
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