

Nov 15th, 2020
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  1. At the start of each round, roll 1D6: On a 1-4, reinforcements arrive from the corresponding door. On a 5-6, no enemies arrive. Reinforcements are dicated by the roll of a further D6:
  3. 1-2: 2 Slugga Boys
  4. 3-4: 3 Shoota Boys
  5. 5-6: 1 Flash Git
  7. Doors can be locked with a DN3 Tech roll. Be aware that Complications on other rolls may re-open these doors!
  9. Your objective is to plant three meltabombs on the Ork reactor, one by each conveyer belt. A DN3 Tech roll is required to set each charge. Note that locking doors and planting the Meltabombs both take your action, and thus cannot be done in the same turn you run or attack. The Mek can deactivate a planted charge with a DN5 tech roll.
  11. The slaves are too malnourished and abused to be much use in a fight. They can, however, be used as cover - each mob counts as Heavy Cover (+2DN to incoming ranged attacks) but will be killed or dispersed after protecting against a single attack.
  13. The ore heaps count as Heavy Cover, as does the corner of the reactor. The conveyors count as Light Cover. The barricades on the Ork gantry are also considered Heavy Cover.
  15. ---
  17. In addition to your main attack on the Reactor, further boarding teams can be deployed to other areas of the Kroozer. By default, you can dispatch Armsmen to attack two areas without spreading your men too thin. Recruiting the Morabito's pirates allows you to send them to a third. Additionally, by pulling men away from the Esperanza's defence teams, you can attack a forth, but this will leave the ship dangerously undermanned in the event of a counter-boarding action. Further locations can be attacked, however doing so will split your attacking forces and decrease their odds of success.
  19. The results of your boarding actions are decided by a DN3 skill roll on behalf of the boarding team. Success indicates a good result, Failure results in your troops being driven back. If the Wrath Dice comes up as a Critical or a Complication, then your party will suffer significantly fewer or more casualties respectively, regardless of the success or failure of their objective. If you choose to split your forces, you can attack any number of additional locations, but doing so increases the DN of all boarding tests by 1.
  21. Bridge: Storming the bridge is a nigh-suicidal action, but a successful diversionary attack here would prevent the Kaptain or his bully-boys from intervening elsewhere.
  23. Engines: If your attack on the Reactor fails, disabling the engines would allow the Esperanza to operate freely above Ghast for some time, along with making it easier to escape the Kroozer's fire.
  25. Reactor: This is your primary target. Assigning more forces to this location will allow more allied NPCs to assist.
  27. Gunnery decks: Attacking the gunnery decks would make it easier for subsequent waves of boarding craft to land or escape, along with reducing the threat to the Esperanza itself.
  29. Cargo: Who knows what the Ork vessel's cargo bays contain? They aren't likely to be heavily guarded, but retrieving anything of value will require heavier (and thus, more vulnerable) ships being dispatched.
  31. Barracks: The Kroozer contains numerous Ork pirates; going after the krew directly would draw them away from other locations and make it more difficult for them to launch a counter-boarding action. It is, however, likely to be a gruelling and bloody fight.
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