

Apr 23rd, 2020
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  1. [23:38] Elred took up his stance while casting the crystal aura covered his body. Elred skin was covered in a layer of crystal at the moment he needed more practice with this.
  3. He'd take a deep breath and await Tonak to give the signal that he was prepared to spar. Elred was sue to helping the others training and with the recent events it might be needed.
  5. He wasn't sure how Tonak would do, but he'd treat him the same as everyone else. This fight would likely be tricky for him if he didn't keep his head on straight.
  7. "Well, I'm ready whenever you are."
  8. (Elred Yindove)
  9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. [23:38] Tonak would gather the wind to being and focus.
  13. The things he felt. The emotions rushing through his heart and soul.
  15. "I must learn to harness the power within me. From night to day. From moon to sun." The fiece winds begin to pick up more and more. He would then take stance and hold his hands up. Air gathered to his hands.
  17. "Alright show me your all."
  18. (Tonak Botcher)
  19. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. [23:43] {Won Restrained RPB against Tonak Botcher}
  22. [23:49] {Won Restrained RPB against Tonak Botcher}
  23. [23:55] Elred began the battle with Tonak and noticed a few things that could be approved upon soon. This was his job after all to help assist the others with their training.
  25. "You didn't do have bad, but I'd suggest you find a way to apply more pressure to your target. Leaving them to much stance will allow them to gather a game plan and strike you back.
  27. When keeping the pressure on your target it causes them to panic and lose focus. the moment they lose focus in a fight then the battle is yours no doubt.
  29. Different ways is giving them a false sense of security for example if they feel for about to go done surprise them with a burst. Then attack while they are fleeing."
  31. Elred nods he was sure this advise was good he used it all the time when it came to battles.
  33. "Second when it comes to fighting close up it's bet to make people misses their attacks instead of trading blows with them. If you feel you can out damage them then trade away, but against those that use shields it's best to flee.
  35. Switch up your plan of attack with each battle to ensure the target will not be able to predict what you might do, but overall you aren't bad just need some touch ups."
  37. (Elred Yindove)
  38. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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