

Jun 16th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: Bliss came from the den and furrowed her eyebrows at all the bodies in the house. She was astonished by the amount of people there. "Andrew!" Bliss called out over the loud music playing. She gasped running over to their cabinet of China. The people had been taking plates. "No! Those have been in my family since 1892!" She shouted attempting to take all of the china away from the people so she could put it back in the cabinet. // Drew was in the kitchen, taking money from a skeevy looking male. "You have thirty minutes with Albert." He said, waving his hand to his male prostitute who was now leading the other man up the stairs. Drew licked his thumb and proceeded to count his money.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Adam pulled his truck up in front of the Macerick household, his eyes scanning the massive amount of cars lining the street leading up to the property. He slowed to a roll as he started to look for a place to park, pulling over along the curb and putting the truck in park. "I didn't realize there was going to be so many people here. I thought this was just like a small get together type of thing." His gaze swung over to Hayley in the passenger seat, pulling the keys from the ignition and stuffing them down into the pocket of his jeans. He slipped out of the truck, moving around to the passenger's side to pull the door open for Hayley, offering her a hand to help her out and onto the grass. // Brad parked his car behind a long line of what seemed to be frat assholes running up to Bliss' house with funnels and shit. He furrowed his brows, slowly turning his head to look at Kelsey. "Are you sure you're up for this right now? We don't have to go."-
  3. Alexithymiaa: (Eli looks like a tool.)
  4. Covet: [He's all preppy boy.. XD]
  5. Alexithymiaa: (That sweater should be draped around his shoulders.)
  6. Covet: Eli was walking through the house shaking his head, "When the words party were mentioned I didn't think it was going to be this.." He said walking up to Bliss leaning down to whisper to her, while they protected the plates. "And what the hell is Drew up to with this. I mean.. It's one thing for him to be doing this on the streets, but to bring it into the house? " // Cadence had been there for a little while, securing an early parking spot, She had already brought her own joints, and was enjoying the booze liberally, but she started to realize that she wasn't recognizing as many of these faces as she thought. Some of them were from the college, but she was having a harder time picking out familiar people she knew. She didn't really care though, she pulled out her phone to pull up squawks to see if someone had said anything about the party so maybe more people would be showing up.// Kelsey nodded her head, "Yeah... I'm feeling fine. We can at least go in and make an appearance. I just wont drink anything." She said with a smile, tucking her hair behind her ear, "Besides, you'll be there so, I know I'll be fine." she adding mush.
  7. Tsaaq: Bliss looked very fucking stressed as she looked around the crowded house. "Why are you all here?" She tried to shout at the people currently crowding her her space. "Don't ignore me!" She frowned as she looked over to Eli, her lower lip trembling. "What do we do?" // Drew peeked into the lviing room, seeing Bliss freak out. He furrowed his eyebrows and walked out of the kitchen. // Hayley looked at all the cars then at Adam, getting out of the vehicle as she took his hand. "What type of party is this?" She asked quietly.
  8. Alexithymiaa: "I'm not really sure... I thought it was just going to be a few people. But judging by the amount of cars, it's not just a few people. It's a lot more than a few people..." He walked with her hand in hand up the front walkway to the door, stopping and going to knock before hearing the loud music and assuming no one would hear their knocks over it. "I guess we should probably just go in..." He grabbed for the door handle and pushed it open, gazing inside at the fuckery. "Woah..." // Brad smiled to Kelsey and leaned over to plant a kiss on her cheek. "C'mon, we'll get it overwith so we can get back to Talon if it's too much for you." He walked around to the other side of the car, pulling her door open for her.-
  9. Covet: "I don't know. There's a lot of people here though. We could call the cops, but I'm not sure what that would result in." Eli said. "I'd say go talk to Drew, but, he doesn't seem to care right now." He sighed watching more people coming in. "Maybe if we had a group of people that were at least invested in helping contain some of the chaos."// Cadence saw the squawk posted up by Steph and felt her face getting bright red, "Fucking bitch.. she could have just fucking said it. But no, let's make it all vague and shit. FUCK YOU!" She said yelling out, making her way into the kitchen to find herself a bottle of something. She saw Drew in there too, vaguely familiar with him but this was his house so she wasn't surprised to see him or anything. Finding a bottle of rum she took it and tipped it back chugging hard a few times before she coughed." // Kelsey got out and took Brad's hand as they started walking into the house, the smell of weed popping up here and there as they got closer to the door. People laughing, dancing, doing their normal party thing.
  10. Alexithymiaa: (WHO YOU GONNA CALL?! GHOSTBUSTERS!)
  11. Covet: [Go away XD]
  12. Tsaaq: Bliss looked around, panting. "No cops." She said calmly with her hands raised. "Just find Drew..." She whispered, spinning around in a circle, getting bumped into by partygoers.//Drew smirked as he opened the door. "Hey guys come in." He said to the group, squinting his eyes at Adam and Hayley before snapping his fingers. "Hayley! Is that you?" He slurred. "I haven't seen you in forever... You wear a lot more clothes now." He sputtered, waving the group inside. // She hid behind Adam as they walked up the walkway towards the door. She frowned and further hid when Drew answered the door. She lowered her head and bit the inside of her cheek.
  13. Alexithymiaa: -Adam gently put his arm around Hayley's shoulders, stepping inside the house along with another group. "Hi..." He spoke in a very unsure voice, moving his way into the party with Hayley glued to his side. "Do you see Bliss or Eli anywhere?" // Brad walked with Kelsey up to the front, seeing the door open and people moving into the house. He followed them in, taking in the insane party that was going on right now. "Yeah, see I wasnt expecting it to be like this. How many people are even in this house right now? I feel like someone's going to get trampled." He moved in a bit closer to avoid being bumped into by a drunken frat boy, looking down at Kelsey. "You sure this is okay?"-
  14. Covet: "He.. went...I don't know which way he went now." Eli said grumbling as he walked towards the door to see if there were more people coming in. He saw Hayley and Adam, Kelsey and Brad too, And then he noticed Drew, "Bliss!" He called out, "I found him!" Eli turned to see someone making out with one of the nice bust statues that was in the little study, "Why.. Can you stop please... just.. hands off the statue..." He said pulling them away and pushing them towards anywhere but the study. // Cadence polished off the bottle she had like it was nothing and smiled, heading towards the living room to see Bliss, "Hey Bliss.. Fantastic party, I didn't know you could throw one quite like this." She said sluring a bit as she danced to the music blasting. // "Drew looks so wasted right now." Kelsey said with a frown and stepped up behind Adam and Hayley, "Hi guys, how you two doing?" She asked with a smile and a wave, listening to Drew's comment, " Wow...well that's classy." She said softer, "You look great Hayley, don't listen to him."
  15. Tsaaq: Bliss inhaled and exhaled. "Andrew!" She called out before seeing seeing him by the door and trying to run over to the door, pushing through the crowd. // Drew smirked as they passed. "Don't go too far Hay." He said before raising his eyebrows at the Eli and Bliss approaching, he decided to flee the scene. // Hayley lowered her head as she leaned against Adam. She heard Kelsey and smiled. "Thanks..."
  16. Alexithymiaa: "Just pretend he doesn't exist, Halo." He had leaned down so he could say it in here ear without shouting since it was loud in there. He looked to Kelsey and Brad, sending them a smile. "Doing well. How about y'all?" He asked, really taking in the party. "Would anyone like something to drink?" // Brad scowled at Drew as he passed because fucked up you piece of shit, not cool! "Wow.. but a douchebag. Do we know that douchebag? Because he looks like a giant douchebag."-
  17. Covet: "And he's off again." Eli said with a sigh, looking over to the group of people they did know, "Sorry about the chaos guys. Drew kind of has this thing getting out of hand. We're just trying to help with damage control at this point." He said hearing a crash from somewhere in the house, "Oh for crying out loud." // Cadence watched as everyone kind of just blew her off, biting the inside of her cheek. The booze was hitting her fast and she finally said fuck it, throwing the bottle down on the ground breaking it. Her switch was flipped at this point and she made her way back outside towards her hummer, ignoring anyone on her way out, shoving people as well. // Kelsey shook her head, "Yeah, that's Bliss's cousin, Drew. That's a fitting title for him." She looked at Eli and Bliss, "Are you sure you guys don't need some help with all that, there's a lot of people...and oh.. that sounds like something breaking." She said stumbling back as she saw Cadence pushing past people so she could go outside.
  18. Tsaaq: Bliss huffed once she finally got over to the door. "Damn it!" She shouted. "Drew!" She called after him then looked at the group. "Sorry everyone. I can't seem to figure out how to get everything in order around here..." She muttered. //Drew went to find some clients to book for his whores before peeking out at the group. He went to pour a drink for himself before grabbing another cup. // Hayley crossed her arms over her chest. "He's a fucking creep, obviously." She said. "Yeah I'm okay... I don't like parties like this though. I'm trying not to be a downer about it. I want to have fun with my friends." She shouted over the music. "Can we go somewhere else in the house?" She yelled, covering her ears.
  19. Alexithymiaa: -Adam looked over at Eli, raising his voice to shout to him. "We can help you keep everything under control. Or try to. Or attempt to get everyone out of the house." He trailed off, trying to come up with a better solution. "Just tell us what you want us to do. That way it's not so overwhelming, right?" // Brad winced when he heard the sounds of shattering coming from the next room, shaking his head. "This just has bad news written all over it. These people are like wild animals." He put his hand on Kelsey's side to help move her out of the way when Cadence pushed passed them to head outside. "Wow, someone we actually know. Wait, where is she going?"-
  20. Covet: "Hey, hey, hey. It's alright My Love. Some things are just out of control at this point. Well, everything is out of control. I want to say sure we can just lock ourselves away somewhere, but I fear for the house. We told Prudence we'd keep it in one piece." He said looking stressed as he glanced at Adam. Want to make a loop with me? Maybe the girls can get some fresh air?" He suggested pretty much at a loss at this point. // Cadence went to the back of her vehicle and pulled out the box of uniforms that she'd picked up because she needed to send them in for the new ones. Carrying it over to an empty spot on the drive way she dumped it over into a pile. She was laughin at this point, but in a bit of a disturbed way as she slurringly argued with herself. "fuck this fucking school... these fucking people... fuck all of you!" She yelled out as she walked back to the vehicle to get the container of 'emergency' gas out of the back as well. // Kelsey looked at Brad and shrugged, "I don't know. But It seems like there's fewer people outside, we can help Bliss get some air, though if you'd like" She said looking over at her and Hayley.
  21. Tsaaq: She sighed, running her fingers through her hair. "Yes please help me." Bliss said, her eyes widening when seeing people going into Jason's room. "Stop it!" Bliss shouted, running towards the hallway."I'll be right back guys." She called out to the group. "Stop that's my dad's room!" She whimpered. "You can't go in there." She went to swing the door open. "Get out!" She shouted, pointing down the hallway. Bliss went to lock the door and fought her way back to the front door. "Come on guys." She sighed. "Sorry about that." // Drew nodded his head at the group, approaching them once Bliss ran off. "Hey Hayley. I got you something to drink. So if you're looking to get some money. Some good money." He spoke to her, trying to hand the cup over. // Hayley nodded her head in agreement. "Yes can I get some fucking air-" She began to say, seeing Drew approach. Hayley panted, smacking the cup out of his hand and storming out of the house hurriedly and spotted Cadence. // Remy drove up slowly to Bliss' house, looking pretty worried since he knew how she was. But seeing Cadence made him even more worried as he sped onto the property.
  22. Alexithymiaa: -Adam nodded to Eli. "Yeah, let's just make a round of the house to make sure everything is kept in order. I know it's going to be kind of hard right now, but we'll do the best we can." He eyed Drew as he tried to hand Hayley a cup. "That's not necessary. I think you should try getting a handle on your guests." He breezed by him, staring for the dining room where a bunch of people were playing beer pong over the top of the fancy centerpiece because EXTRA CHALLENGE. He leaned in, pulling the centerpiece off the table and hugging it to his chest to try to save it. // "Yeah, let's step outside for a minute." He followed behind Hayley, putting his hand on the small of Kelsey's back as he made his way outside. He watched Cadence in the driveway with the box of unicorns, furrowing his brows. "What... wait... what..." Putting his arm out to stop the girls from moving any closer since Cadence was very obviously manic right now, he took a few steps closer. "Cadence....?"-
  23. Covet: [Unicorns? Bitch what you smoking over there?]
  24. Alexithymiaa: (UNIFORMS! God dammit.)
  25. Covet: [HA HA HA]
  26. Alexithymiaa: (Bringme your box of unicorns.)
  27. Covet: Eli nodded his head and looked at Drew, "How about you take your special cups and leave for a few hours like you normally do Drew, Stop harassing innocent people." He said getting irritated with his whole act now. Regardless of the fact that he'd had his ass beat by Drew once already and still hadn't fully healed from all that.// Cadence took the gas can and poured it on to the uniforms soaking them and the box in it, then reached into her pocket for her lighter. She lit her joint first, then leaned over to light the box and uniforms on fire, the whole thing going up in a whoosh of flames, because of how much gas she'd used. She fell back onto her ass, laughing from the sensation, standing back up she heard Brad and saw a small group of people watching her. She went to kick at the flames and the fire a bit, "Fuck this entire fucking school... You don't get to fucking care now..." She said pointing over at Brad. "Conisder this my fucking resignation.. from cheer...from fucking school.. I'm fucking done with NWSU."// Kelsey frowned as she saw the uniforms go up pretty quick, "I really hope nobody needs a different size next year..." She said unsure of what to say right now, looking over at Hayley, "But... she didn't have to do this here...this is the last thing Bliss needs.
  28. Tsaaq: Bliss went outside, walking behind Hayley. Her eyes widening as she saw the flames.. "CADENCE!" She shouted as she ran over to her. "Why are you burning things in my driveway!?" She shouted, practially about to pull her hairway. // "Wait but..." He stepped back at the cup fell. He looked confused by Hayley's reaction and darted his eyes. "Sorry?" He called out. Drew rose an eyebrow at Eli. "It wasn't a special drink..." He trailed off. "She used to talk to me y'know... You should mind your fucking business!" He shouted at Eli. "Fuck off!" // Hayley furrowed her eyebrows as she stepped closer to the fire. "Fuck..." She trailed off, just in shock. // Remy got out of the lambo, slamming the door closed. "Cadence! Cadence, what are you doing?" He shouted, grabbing her by her shoulders.
  29. Alexithymiaa: -Adam turned and walked back toward the front door in search of Eli, holding the centerpiece out toward him. "I didn't want them to break this..." He looked between Drew and Eli, putting a hand up. "Woah woah, take it easy. Just calm down." He moved his hand to Eli's shoulder, giving him a quick pat. "Just ignore him." // "Hayley, be careful." Brad snapped out quickly, trying to nudge her back away from Cadence. "Bliss, don't!" He yelled out when he saw her running for Cadence, moving over and putting his hand out to stop her from moving any closer. "Just let Remy handle it. Don't get in her way. I don't think she's stable right now."-
  30. Tsaaq: ((hair away**))
  31. Covet: Eli put his hands up and looked at Drew, "Well seeing your current career choices, I can't exactly take that chance, but she made it pretty clear she wants nothing to do with you, so leave her alone. I'm sure you've got plenty of other play things, you don't need to bark up her tree too." He said puffing up a bit because Cohen's don't quit. // "Shut up! Shut up! SHUUUUUUUT UPPPP!" She screamed, at the people yelling at her, trying to pull away from Remy as he held onto her shoulders "I'm making a fucking point. Since they're all here to see it too. If this is gone...and I'm gone...then I don't have to deal with it anymore." She said both laughing and yelling at the same time, getting free so she could kick the fire up some more, making sure it all burned. // Kelsey frowned and reached for Brad's hand, giving it a squeeze, "There's gotta be something we can do...right?"
  32. Tsaaq: Bliss panted, grabbing each side of her head and gripping her hair. "I will not shut up! We don't even have a permit to burn leaves on this property, much less uniforms!" She shouted. "Cadence! Stop it!" She yelled. "Help me put it out!" She said to Brad and Kelsey. // Drew furrowed his eyebrows at Eli and sighed exasperatedly. "Listen... What me and her do wouldn't be any of your fucking business. Just like whenever you plow my cousin it's none of my fucking business." He told him sternly. "She's just playing hard to get. Chicks do that sometimes." She shrugged. "Fuck off you fucking kid!" He shouted to Adam. // Hayley bit the inside of her cheek, taking a few steps back and sort of just sitting in the walkway, hugging her knees to her chest. // Remy shook his head at Cadence. "Babe, you just call in. You don't burn shit in front of your friend's house!"
  33. Alexithymiaa: -Adam raised his brows as he just kind of looked at Drew, clearly unamused with his fucking shit. "Well considering you think my girlfriend wants you, I'm kind of inclined to agree with Eli on this one. I really think you need to ease up and back off. You have plenty of people willing to give you to the time of day. You don't need to chase after the one person who won't." // Brad squeezed Kelsey's hand back, giving a little shrug. "I don't know. I don't really know how to deal with something like this. Most of the time there's pretty specific things you're not supposed to do or say and my experience is fairly limited in this department."-
  34. Covet: "You and her have no business. Especially with her boyfriend right here. She's had enough with creeps trying to hit on her and forcing her to do things she doesn't want to do. You don't get special privilidge just because you know her." Eli said glad that Adam was also stepping in. // She whipped her head back around, "Who cares...Nobody is going to call the cops, and even if they did, they wouldn't do anything anyways.. because nobody FUCKING CARES! " She said screaming and stomping about. "Nobody cares until you put it right in their faces on fire...Maybe I should go to the police station next...set all the rape cases they haven't filed on fire.. Or we go to the school torch that whole mother fucker.... maybe then someone will actually give enough of a fuck to save this fucking city from it's self." She said breaking down into a pile herself on the ground in tears, hyperventilating hard as she just went about screaming the same stuff over and over.// Kelsey frowned, and just gawked, "Can you see if Bliss has a hose or something? She seems to be pretty worried about the fire. It would probably be safer..." She said looking over at Hayley, she let go of Brad's hand and went to kneel down next to her, "'s going to be okay, Remy's going to get her under control."
  35. Tsaaq: Bliss whined, looking as if she was about to cry. "Oh Merlin..." She muttered as she covered her mouth. "We have to get buckets or something... My cleaning closet." She went to go back towards the house. // He sneered a moment, looking between Adam and Eli, evaluating how difficult it would be to fuck the both of them up but he did have business to attend to. "Boyfriend..." He trailed off and sized up Adam. "Okay... Well when I knew her. She was a slut but she was underaged and got bored of me." Drew muttered. "I wasn't gonna force her. She used to be into this, not... This." He waved his hand at Adam, then went to roughly shove Adam now. // Hayley looked up to Kelsey and sighed, leaning against her a bit. "This was a bad idea." // Remy stared blankly at Cadence then his expression transitioned back to concern. "Okay babe, I know you're upset..." He dropped down in front of her. "Look... I know. You're pissed. I know. But we're here to help. We're not your enemy."
  36. Alexithymiaa: -Adam took a step back when Drew shoved him, determined not to fight him because he's a lover and not a fighter. "Shes gotten smarter. Don't hold that against her." He snapped with a bit of edge to his voice because Drew fucking sucks and was frustrating him. // Brad nodded and turned off to follow after Bliss, raising his voice a bit so she would hear him. "Bliss! Wait! Do you have a hose outside? That would probably be easier. Or even like cat litter or something along those lines? We need to get the fire out quickly."-
  37. Covet: Eli had, had enough. Between Drew in general, the party and now the comments made calling Hayley a slut and trying to start in with Adam. He had his hands in his pocket when he felt a few plastic pieces that were strip like, in his pocket. He grinned and didn't hold back as he charged at Drew, taking a swing to his face before he wrapped around his arms to take him down to the ground, intending to pin him to the floor. // Cadence shook her head at Remy, "nobody can fucking help...just leave me be." She said folding her arms around herself as she rocked, staring at the fire. "I don't want any help. It's to fucking late for help. Nothing can help me!" She told him biting onto her cheek hard as she, pulled her fists up around her face slamming her eyes shut as if she was just trying to will everything away. // Kelsey rubbed Hayley's back, " It's not your fault. I don't think Bliss wanted this party to happen at all. Maybe we can get out of here... let the guys help Bliss and Eli out? " She said trying not to focus on the hysterical Cadence.
  38. Covet: *she could
  39. Tsaaq: Bliss looked around. He ran around the driveway where the hose had been then returned after turning the water on. // He inhaled deeply putting his hands up. "Yeah okay. Whatever helps you sleep at night. Yentl over here is right. I can screw one of these other bitches-" He said before feeling Eli swing at him making him fall to the floor, parting the crowd. "You little fucking shit!" He shouted attempting to turn Eli over to he could fuck him up. // Hayley bit the inside of her cheek. "Drew is in there..." She trailed off and went to look at the door. "But Eli and Adam haven't come out yet though." // Remy frowned and went to wrap his arms around her. "I can help you. I'm always trying to help you. I promise I'll never leave. I'll never stop trying to help!"
  40. Alexithymiaa: "Hey!" Adam yelled when Eli TOOK DREW DOWN. WOO. He kind of just watched in horror for a moment when Drew started going back at him, wedging himself through the crowd of people that were probably now gawking because that's what happens with fights in parties. Looping his arms beneath Drew's he attempted to tear him off of Eli, and considering he was alarmingly strong since intense gym time, he put up a pretty good fight of getting him off. // Brad reached over for the hose once Bliss turned the water on, turning the nozzle to open it and letting the spray of water come bursting out. Angling it at the firey box of uniforms, he continued to douse the flames, watching them shrink.-
  41. Covet: Eli felt like he was on an eight second ride for his life, actually suceeding in taking him down. He reached into his pocket while he straddled drew on the ground, keeping his arms pinned as best he could while he went about getting the zip ties from work pulled around his wrists and fastened down. It took him longer than expected because Drew wasn't an easy target but with Adam's help, they were able to get it done. Once he had him secured he looked at the group of people around him, "Okay, Party's over. Call me captain buzzkill, I don't care. Hope you all had a good night, but I want to see everyone that's not a close friend to me, or Bliss directly, out and off of this property. // Cadence leaned into Remy, still rocking as she swallowed hard, just emotionally broken and drained, "I just want to go away... please..." She said bawling into him, hearing the fire sizzle out "I'm too fucked up to be anywhere right now." She told him with a heavy hiccup and a sniffle. // "I'm sure they are fine in there, They are probably just making sure that nothing bad's going on, while we take care of this. We don't have to go back in there yet, I don't want to run into Drew at all." Kelsey told her just trying to talk to her and keep her from freaking out.
  42. Tsaaq: Bliss sighed as she watched the fire calm and ultimately go out. "Thanks Bradley." She told Brad, still looking pretty distraught. She shook her head looking at Cadence at Remy. // Drew attempted to shrug the males off of him. He stood while Eli spoke, waiting until the right moment to go and head butt him with all his stregnth and staggered backward. "Don't go any fucking where if you owe me money!" He shouted, beginning to tread away from Adam and Eli, moving through the crowd as far away as possible. // Hayley bit her lip and stood up with a frown. "Do you think everything is okay?" She asked then saw the hoard of people begin to pour out of the house. // "Come on." He helped Cadence stand to her feet and guided her towards his car. Remy put her in the passenger seat and kissed her forehead. "Don't worry baby. I'm gonna take care of you." He told her gently.
  43. Alexithymiaa: -Adam stood to his feet once Drew was secure, jumping backward and away from him when he fucking weaseled his way up to be a fucking fuck. "I'm going to go check on the girls." He sighed, moving outside with the crowd of people exiting the house. He found Hayley and Kelsey together, looking between the two. "Are you both alright? We're clearing out the party and we're going to clean up and try to salvage the house a bit." // Brad nodded his head to Bliss and finished putting the fire out, turning off the nozzle of the hose and setting it down in the driveway, turning to walk over to Bliss. "No problem. Maybe you should go check on things inside..." he started to say, gesturing to the swarms of people leaving the house.-
  44. Covet: Eli felt Drew's head connect with his and he winced feeling his nose start throbbing again, and bleeding stainging his preppy boy outfit. "Really... again...Holy Moses." He groaned then waved Adam off as he went to find the girls and check outside while people started filtering out and Drew ran off to other parts of the house, "Have fun getting those off" He said getting up to head to the kitchen to find a towel that he could put on his face while he leaned his head back to stop the bleeding. // Cadence went and sat in the car without fighting him, still crying the whole time as she curled up in the passenger seat. // Kelsey looked up to see Adam, "Hey.. Oh.. okay.. is everything alright in there?" She asked Adam as she went to stand up, offering a hand to Hayley.
  45. Tsaaq: She nodded her head and somberly, she walked into her house. She got shoved by the majority of the people exiting. She made her way inside. "Eli?" She called out before heading to the kitchen. She gasped as she ran over to Eli. "Oh my goodness what happened?" // Drew probably got them off somehow, probably one of his gangster friends. But that wasn't before he told his hoes to gather all the monies so the night wouldn't be a waste. // Hayley gulped a bit as she wet to hug Adam. "I just want all these people to leave." // Remy sighed, giving her one more concerned look and driving to the apartment.
  46. Alexithymiaa: 'Yeah, everyone's going home. " Adam leaned down to hug her back, giving her a little pat. "Why don't you go inside and lay down? I'm going to help Eli clean up a bit, okay?" He asked, trying to usher her back into the house so she could relax while he was helpful and shit. // Brad made his way over to Kelsey, holding his hand out to her. "I think it's better if we had back to Talon. Are you doing alright?"-
  47. Covet: "Drew and I got into it again... but I got the party broken up. He got the last hit in though. It was a cheap shot" Eli said, "I'll be fine, just a bit of blood" He told her, "Everything okay outside?" He asked, starting to throw trash away with one hand while he held the towel to his face with the other. // Cadence takes off with Remy, where it's going to be a difficult night because she's not going to want to take her meds or anything at this point. // Kelsey nodded her head, "Yeah, I'll come over tomorrow and help get things cleaned up, I imagine that inside looks even worse than out here." She said looking over at the burned pile of black stuff that sort of resembled a box.
  48. Tsaaq: Bliss inhaled deeply and went to clean up his bloody nose. "Cadence set her cheerleading uniforms on fire in the driveway." She said quietly. "Grandmother is going to be so cross with me" Bliss whispered with her lower lip trembling. // Hayley nodded, going towards the door. "No, I can help. I'm not useless." She told Adam sternly as she went inside. "What took you guys so long to come outside?"
  49. Alexithymiaa: "Uhh...." Adam stammered, not really wanting to tell her the whole story. "Just an altercation." He spoke briefly, moving into the house and leaning down to begin picking up garbage from the floor. It was going to be a long as night of garbage picking. // Brad smiled to the two as they went back into the house, turning to lead Kelsey back to his car. Opening the door for her, he helped her inside before getting in himself to head back to Talon so he could put her to bed because he was going to treat her like glass at least for the next week.-
  51. Alexithymiaa: (LIKE A PORCELAIN DOLL.)
  52. Tsaaq: ((Bwahahaha.))
  53. Covet: "She did what? Why?" He sighed, "I'll make sure that gets scrubbed really well. Prudence isn't even going to know what happened out there at least. I'm hoping nothing in here got damaged." He said going about getting things taken care of while people were still filtering out of the house.
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