

Mar 28th, 2012
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  1. REALTALK 7 Moneypower and Studhope
  4. MP: Whats good man. Lay it on me
  6. Studhope: Fuck not much man, I've been watching every single video you've put up, pretty much. and its been soo much different that any other shit Ive read before. Ive been on seddit for about 6mo after I broke up with my girlfriend of a few years and it just never got me anywhere. i got into the pattern of approaching girls and trying to be more friendly and trying to put down the material and nothings been happened. and now that I've been reading your material, wait not material but its making more sense. Its making my life better I guess. You know. My eye contact with people and just that in essence is helping me soo much. But one thing I cant do is ever seem to push a sexual frame on any girl that i meet because most of them I'll meet in sort of a social context. So I'll be with my friends who are guys and girls, and I'd be just weird for me to tell some girl, "hey you know I think your fucking fit" in front of all my friends.
  8. MP: Alright first things first, are you having any sexual relationships right now?
  10. Studhope: not right now no.
  12. MP: whens the last time you had one? A sexual relationship.
  14. Studhope: About 5mo ago
  16. MP: Whens the last time you had a random chance encounter with a woman?
  18. Studhope: What would you consider a random chance encounter?
  20. MP: Maybe you had a day 2 or day 3, had sex, and that was it, whatever.
  22. Studhope: Oh fuck um, well I'm 19 so um i haven't had that much time to have my life start out so..
  24. MP: Alright for sure, alright. Here's whats up. It isn't weird, to set the sexual frame, so long as you do it in a way that's socially appropriate. How do you in a socially acceptable way is the real question. Right? How do you convey sexuality without making her uncomfortable where you're in a situation is whatever, "interacting" with each other. Right?
  26. Studhope: Right
  28. MP: Alright so we can agree that, that is whats going on
  30. Studhope: Ya
  32. MP: Cuz if you think its inappropriate we can address that.
  34. Studhope: Ya ya
  36. MP: Yes what?
  38. Studhope: I wouldn't think its inappropriate.
  40. MP: Alright cool. First things first. What do you think about, when you think about a sexually attractive woman? Beyond her physique and her dashing good looks and etc.
  42. Studhope: How nice i guess it would be to run up to her and know everything about her, get to know her.
  44. MP: What about what makes her sexy to you? Like I have things that I find really sexy.
  46. Studhope: Well completely aside from her body, um, when a woman is intelligent, i find that sexy. When someones on my wavelength. You know.
  48. MP: Check this out. One of the things you're saying, wavelength, great. Hold that cuz we'll be coming back to it. One of the things for me, is the saw she speaks. If a woman can speak to me clarity. Each word has Punctuation to it, and Presentation, and the words almost take on a tonality that's colorful or whatever. Thick, wet, warm, whatever, I find that to be really sexy. A lot of girls don't do that. But when a girl does for me, it really turns me on. And that's something I think a lot of people cherish. When people are able to deliver their thoughts in vehicle of very well formed words. Ok? the more well formed the words are, the more people pay less attention to them and more attention to the gift wrapping around them so to speak. Right?
  50. Studhope: Yea the structure of what you're saying. Not what you're saying.
  52. MP: Exactly, so you can convey sexual intent.... through the delivery..... through the pronunciation of
  53. everything you say. and it can be just as good as setting the very explicit sexual frame. For instance, hop into her wavelength which is really simple since you're doing this inside of your social circle, right? Its not like you have to do cold approach. Its like you're introduced already. and then I'd go from there with things like, "you know hey you're shooting the shit" when the fucking lame ass question comes up at your age which is like, "oh where do you go to school, are you in school?" right?
  55. Studhope: Yea
  57. MP: And that's when ide take the chance to set a sexual tone. Maybe you cant think of frame so it helps to think of it as a tone but ide be like, *sigh "well you know, I'm studying right at McGill University and idunno...its, its its nice. What do you study?" and THAT is the way you can avoid ," oh yea I'm at McGill, fucking awesome yea, woo beer, fucking where do you go to school? Aww really? that's fucking cool!" which is not sexual tone.
  59. Studhope: yea yea. i don't like speaking bullshit, which I find myself doing a lot of the time. I'll fill the gaps you know and ill have a conversation going and they'll seem to have their sort of pacing going and if I feel myself not being in state or what the fuck ever, then I'll sort of break down and I'll end up filling gaps with random bullshit that i say. and i don't think it helps people. Most of the time I'm more worried about what the other people think of me than the actual interaction which makes it a fuck lot harder to have a conversation with someone.
  61. MP: Are you aware that you're a really charming dude?
  63. Studhope: Um fuck yea man
  65. MP: Are you aware that its a double edged sword
  67. Studhope: Yea
  69. MP: Ok. you gotta turn the charming down a half notch and speed down a half notch because you present alot real quick, and its good for communicating with other men, its great communicating with friends or in a group but its not so good for isolating and building deep connections that transcend everyday conversions and enter sexuality
  71. Studhope: mmmhmm yea
  73. MP: Like for instance, I'm sure you've head me, i talk like this alot, "*rapidvoice* look you gotta do this, and this, and clean this up, and gotta do this. ok? so you ramped up then you ramped down. and then .....everything you say .....comes from a place...of confidence. And she hangs on e-v-e-r-y word. And that's a simple mechanic that if you pickup isweartogod...don't change anything about your mentality, your mentality is perfect dude. I guarantee you're getting laid. You fuckin skype me up and you got pic of you and some fuckin dime and I'm like oh that's a good looking girl. you fucking tell me you're only problem is that you don't know how to get into a sexual frame that makes her comfortable to set in a social setting and I'm think, "alright this guy dosent have a problem, he just needs one little tip" and the tip is...the mechanic of silence, tone, pace, and presentation, which is like everything man. Its the difference between a fuckin romantic comedy and a romance. Its the difference between John Cusak and fuckin Casablanca. You see what I'm saying?
  75. Studhope: Ya
  77. MP: And i can tell..I already know its going to be a challenge for you because you're used to being a bit of a social circle court jester.
  79. Studhope: Yea class clown man.
  81. MP: Yea. and you're really quick from the hip and i guarantee that you shoot every shot. regardless if its hitting the target or not and what I'm gonna tell you to do is that you only have soo many rounds in the chamber and you gotta spend them accordingly. right?
  83. Studhope: Yea
  85. MP: So its like, if you're constantly funny, people get to know you as the funny guy. But if you pick your moments, then people want you to say more shit, so that you can be the funny guy for them, cuz they wanna be entertained. And i would use that, (when a girls pulling for me to be that guy) I would use that to be like, "You know what sweetheart, why don't you sing and dance for a second hows that sound?" and I'd eye fuck the shit out of her. And she blushes every time, and they're gonna blush. They're gonna laugh really funny, they're gonna blow it off, *snap* then I'd go back into being funny. i would snap right back into being, "Awww comon wtf are you doing, don't get all serious, I'm just fucking with you, you don't have to put on your ballerina slippers and act like a fuckin goomba."
  87. Studhope: Mmhmm
  89. MP: And then her her emotional state just went from super fucking ramped to super fucking low, and deep, and from the belly, and right here with me right now, like we're in a fucking room pounding it out. And then it goes back up again like it didn't even happen. (talking to a child voice)"Oh you didn't hold onto that did you sweetheart? Oh did you hold onto that, do you want it again?.....(slow sexy voice) I bet you fucking do" And i dunno if you can feel it right now but I'm trying to build the induction for you right now. You should feel UP and down and UP and down, almost like your face wants to flush.
  91. Studhope: Yea I'm like sitting here and my hearts beating faster and I'm pacing my feet against the floor like I'm kicking a drum
  93. MP: Why does that work? Lets not talking about whats happening, lets talk about why it works. Basically what I'm doing is taking a frame, and zooming way out, and zooming way in. And it doesn't matter what I'm taking about because its just the perspective of this conversation. The words i;'m saying man don't matter. I could be like, "hey look you fuckin see that giraffe in the zoo walking around walking around? Now its gonna..begin to...slow...way.....down. And then, its gonna speed up and were gonna beback in the game and watching that giraffe, full stride, run across the fucking field. Whatever. And I just made that shit up, I think I've seen like one giraffe in my life but its the same principle and its whats gonna help you in the field; get into the field get into these moments where the girls are literally like, "Woah Fuck" lunging forward. And when you watch this video again, you're gonna be able check my mannerisms and check what I'm doing with my hands and face and that's gonna help. And im not saying copy these routines. That's not what I'm saying. Build this into your personality. See what I'm saying? Make presentation, more important than the content because that's what its all about anyways man.
  95. Studhope: Mmhmm
  97. MP: Look. You're gonna bring you to the table regardless of what i tell you. If I say do this verbatim, Its never gonna come out verbatim. But what I can tell you to alter is the way you frame yourself. You see what I'm saying?
  99. Studhope: Yea
  101. MP: Of course you do. Alright, just because I'm on a tear right now I'm gonna give you a little extra.
  103. Studhope: Sweet
  105. MP: When you introduce yourself to girls at first, don't be the clown, not yet. Intimate moment w/out intimate words and then be funny. And that will build instant rapport. Its contrast, its the use of paradox and induction, and its super powerful. Its gonna raise the hair on the back of their necks because of the breaks that their limbic system is gonna have to put on to fuckin take in both inputs at the same time. So how do you do it?ex: "oh hey man I wanna introduce you to my cool homie, one of the #pickup boys, whatever" and instead of being like, "Hey whats up? Nice to meet you." I want you to be like, "Hey sweetheart..." And then when she's like, "Oh what?" you be like, "oh I'm sorry, lets do that again. Whats up shorty..Oh wait i fucked it up again. Little miss? Can i call you little miss? Perfect. Whats your name?" ...Ok? Why? Why'd I do that? I know you know.
  107. Studhope: I dunno man, you're playing with her but you introduced yourself not in the playful joker mindset.
  109. MP: I started from a place of "I own this, and if you talk to me long enough, I'm gonna do whatever i want to you, so long as that's what you want...and its what you want...Isn't it? Wait, don't think about that...I'll find out later. I don't wanna know right now."
  111. Studhope: Heh yea man *chuckle
  113. MP: whats up? you getting nervous over there bro? I can hear it.
  115. Studhope: Hahaha I'm getting lost in your voice. Its the kinda shit that Ive been reading In the Slight of Mouth and stuff.
  117. MP: Oh you started reading that.?
  119. Studhope: I flipped through the first chapter, I'm not good at sitting down and reading fucking big texts. I flipped through the stuff i thought would be kinda interesting. But i never really grasped that whole technique. I wouldn't even know how to construct my words to get someone to hang on your every word
  121. MP: Well you do know
  123. Studhope: Ha ya man
  125. MP: What else you got something else for me?
  127. Studhope: Hmm i got some shit written down...Yea some shit i deal with. I mean most of my fucking life I'm around the same kinda people, i have the same social circle at university. My friends from grade school are nonexistent. Um. and so you know this really the only circle circle i have. The girls that I meet have gotten to know me from the first day, so they're essentially the same girls over and over again. Whether I've learned their names or not, their sort of around me all the time. So sort of reintroducing myself. You know, being able to do this whole, "hey this is my name again, here everything you already know about me again." i mean they've also gotten to know my character through class and you know, seeing me around.
  129. MP: Its never too late to shift it. How do you shift it? Alright. You run into a girl. Lets say on campus met on campus, you already whatever, but you haven't taken the opportunity to develop the relationship sexually.
  131. Studhope: Mmmhmm
  133. MP: She says hello, you say hello. And you start with something like, "You know what, this is gonna sound really crazy, but you look irresistible right now. And she's gonna go," Wat? What did you just say?!" because you've never said that before. and then be like, "Pssh I'm just fucking with you are you serious? I'm just having a fucking lazy day." * Shes gonna go, "What do you mean lazy day?" and be like, "don't think about it." And then walk off. I shit you not just be like, "I gotta get to class"
  135. Studhope: Alright yea
  137. MP: And that's a deep and nasty (i hope i don't get downvotes for this) psychological hook. that she will think about for the next 48h like, "WTF?"
  139. Studhope: Yea man that's the kinda shit i wanna be able to drop. I'm fascinated by nlp and mind fucking peoples. This is prob the best way to approach this
  141. MP: Ok. When you listen to this again, figure out what I used "Lazy Day." Figure out that. You may already know now.
  143. Studhope: I already sorta clicked it. Can i have a lil guess?
  145. MP: Yea of course.
  147. Studhope: Um, Its because, the intention is that its lazy and we shouldn't do anything so hey fuckit we should go do something else instead of university. You know, fuck in my room. lol
  149. MP: You're on track. Theres more going on but you're at the surface. Its something about the emotional state. Its where we were before and its where we are now when I said, "You know I'm just having a really fucking lazy day, I gotta get to class." ok? just think about it. What else bro?
  151. Studhope: Um do you deal with people sorta calling you out in public. I mean a mannerism about myself that i guess I've sorta noticed, up to like when we do this call, is that i say alot of positive things about myself in public. Esp when people try to bring me down a peg, i feel like i have to say something out loud.
  153. MP: Its cultural. Its cultural man. Ive talked to alot of guys from your part of the world. You guys squab with each other alot. Um. Its has to do with the gender rules in your society. I wouldn't sweat it. I don't want to tell you how to handle this because i don't know how it works exactly. I've never been you age, in university, in your area. But i will tell you this. Silence, in your case, is way more powerful than any other word. Esp when it comes to people who are knocking you down a bit.
  155. Studhope: Yea.
  157. MP: You have the ability. Because you generally present soo much information and material at such a high rate, you have the ability to create void space by not giving it away and make people really consider what they say to you next. For instance, ask me a question. Ask me a really rude question about my mother.
  159. Studhope: Ask about your mother? Um? Where does your mother like to taken?
  161. MP: What?!?
  163. Studhope: Where does your mother like to be taken?
  165. MP: ...............................
  167. Studhope: Ive lost you haven't i?
  169. MP: Do you feel that? Of course not i did exactly what you should be doing in public. K? So when a guy knocks you down a peg, start with something pointed like "Wait?". And wait. And when he asks again, don't respond.
  171. Studhope: Do i look him in the eye?
  173. MP: I would. You don't have to.
  175. Studhope: I find that if I look someone in the eyes, then....
  177. MP: Increasing display of aggression yadayada?
  179. Studhope: Yea
  181. MP: Make eye contact and then you can look away. You don't have to stop, just don't fill the space. Let
  182. them bear the burden of the discomfort. You asked me if people call me out in public, i get it alot especially when i fuck with like group sets and people are like, hold on imma burp up creatine. Phwwww Man I'm on this crazy new diet and i feel like shit. Anyways people call me out alot in group sets esp when I'm picking up on a girls with a boyfriend. and i know that's a moral grey area for alot of people; I'm not getting into that. However, alot of guys will be like, "Look bro, she's got a BF, do you mind?" and I'm like, "What?" and then I'll look away. And its weird because they want to answer, but since I've disengaged so far as the ritual of back and forth is concerned, generally they'll jump to aggression, put a hand on me, and then I *Player Approved Cower and I'm like, "Woah Bro, I'm just here to make friends, I don't know whats going on, I'm really sorry."
  184. Studhope: Yea
  186. MP: And that earnest apology, with the delivery and posturing like, "you're the boss whatever be the bossman, I'm just doing me and you're doing you, we're cool?" will get must guys to back off and they feel the instant boost of like, "Yea man, I'm the biggest monkey in the fucking group." You know what i mean? And that's usually enough to satiate people. I know, just from the guys I've talked to that are from your same area, is that there's alot of chest beating going on in your neck of the woods and i would just allow people to beat their chest and tell them that you don't want any problems by not saying anything because if you contribute to that ritual, at all, it only develops. You only get deeper in that shit. So...
  188. Studhope: OK that makes sense man. Ok i got one more for you if you got time.
  190. MP: Ok lay it on me.
  192. Studhope: So you have this whole honest approach towards women and life don't you?
  194. MP: Yes
  196. Studhope: Umm if you have this, lalala let me rephrase myself. If you ice a girl, you ignore her, but essentially what you're doing is get her to fuckin talk to you, you know within the next couple days, that's what shes gonna do, you gotta pull her. But, if you're trying to do this whole honest approach of hey, "were a guy and a girl in a room without a bed thing" aren't you fucking with the whole honesty thing? Cus that's something that's kinda messed with my head.
  197. MP: Ok. With a girl that I'm not. If I'm inside of emotional security - meaning that we both agreed to interact as people and be completely and utterly responsible - then i tend not to pull the ice shit or pull. Im pulling primarily in the interactions that established that relationship, generally after the approach, when we're not in person. Its my way of letting her know, politely, that I'm not gonna tolerate the way shes treating me. Generally, cold pulls from women, are displays of passive aggressiveness..You see what I'm saying? They're doing it to gain control of the interaction while we're not together because its very hard to do when you're face to face. Its very hard to just ignore someone when you're face to face. So rather than be rude and honest, I'll be honest and silent. Its not like I'm manipulating her into texting me again. She doesn't have to. But I'm basically telling her that unless she performs in some different manner, I'm not interested in that kind of interaction.
  199. Studhope: Yea.
  201. MP: I'm not gonna fuckin play grade school playground games with her. You know what i mean?
  203. Studhope: Yea mon.
  205. MP: And that's just my opinion on it. Some guys like that? I don't. I don't like to get abused. Its weird to me. to like...when a girl doesn't text me back and its important that she does so, i find it to be a massive turnoff and that's when most of the time I'm like, "Ice!" Or ill be like, "hey yo are we hanging out?" and shes like, "haha I'm busy." I find that to be not acceptable but you should make your own constructs of what kind of behaviors bother you and don't bother you and go from there.
  207. Studhope: Yup. Awesome. I thinks that it man, you clarified alot of shit for me. Thanks.
  209. MP: Alright brother.
  211. Studhope: Alright cool. Cheers. Later
  213. MP: Godspeed man.
  219. Transcribed by YouTheMan aka DumperPumper
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