
Titluri Hotmice + Plasament

Sep 5th, 2017
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  1. Terror - 10 sv Balls
  2. Nightmare - 25 sv Balls
  3. Uncatchable - 50 sv Balls
  4. The Last One - 75 sv Balls
  5. Traitor - 50 sv Balls
  6. Laser - Gather 135.000 firsts
  7. Silveris - Gather 200.000 firsts
  8. Luck - Gather 300.000 firsts
  9. Impossible Mice - Gather 500.000 Firsts
  10. Invincible - 125 sv Balls
  11. Satan - 500 sv Balls
  12. Explosion - Gather 250.000 Firsts
  13. OverCharged - Gather 350.000 Firsts
  14. Hope is lost - 150 sv Balls
  15. Blessed - Gather 200.000 Cheese
  16. Ichun Eye - Gather 250.000 Cheese
  17. Zem - Gather 300.000 Cheese
  18. Murder - Gather 350.000 Cheese
  19. Depressed - 2000 bc
  20. Insanity - 600.000 Firsts
  21. Doomed - 700.000 Firsts
  22. Obscure - 800.000 Firsts
  23. OverLord - 900.000 Firsts
  24. No Energy - 400.000 Cheese
  25. Flow - 450.000 Cheese
  26. Tech - 500.000 Cheese
  27. No Pulse - 600.000 Cheese
  28. Black Galaxy - 700.000 Cheese
  29. Spirit - 800.000 Cheese
  30. O_o - 900.000 Cheese
  31. 7% - 1.000.000 Cheese
  32. Tendou - 1.200.000 Firsts
  33. Forgotten - 1.400.000 Firsts
  34. Vengeance - 50 flags
  35. Kawaii - 50 feathers
  36. Phantomatic - 35 flags
  37. Universe - 35 Feathers
  38. Cheater - 50 bc coins
  39. Null - 100 bc coins
  40. Neutrality - 100 bc coins
  41. Undead - 200 bc coins
  42. Twin 'n' Rip - 50 Feathers
  43. Abyss - 75 sv Balls
  44. Gore - 75 Flags
  45. Heavy Metal - Free Title
  46. Golden Sin - 2.000.000 Cheese
  47. Moon - 25 Feathers
  48. Vine Bau-Bau - 25 flags
  49. Bestie - 25 flags
  50. Dark&Light - 70.000 Firsts
  51. Ultimate Stalker - 1.600.000 firsts
  52. Black Jack - 1.800.000 Firsts
  53. Water Jumper - 80.000 Firsts
  54. Diamond Ace - 96.000 Firsts
  55. Jinx - 170.000 Cheese
  56. Too Many Cheese - 100.000 Cheese
  57. Sletzer - 3333 bootcamps
  58. 4D - 4000 bootcamps
  59. Underestimated - 5000 bootcamps
  60. Black Hole - 6000 Bootcamps
  61. Paw Paw! - 7000 Bootcamps
  62. Ymose - 8000 Bootcamps
  63. Ying Yang - 9000 Bootcamps
  64. Infinite Loop - 100.000 Bootcamps
  65. Slowdown - 102.000 Bootcamps
  66. One Patchy Eye - 104.000 Bootcamps
  67. Ghost - 106.000 Bootcamps
  68. Black or White - 110.000 Bootcamps
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