
Belles Infidèles Translation from Unmei no Hi

Jan 19th, 2019
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  1. As a (hopefully) future translator, listening to this song is an absolute blast. Catalan was (as far as I know) the only language that translated the song "Unmei no Hi (Tamashii vs Tamashii)". The lyrics have nothing to do with those in Japanese, following the old yet unique way of translating called "belles infidèles", which prioritizes quality over literal meaning by a lot, to the point where the translator might feel like they're a better writer than whoever wrote the ST (Source Text, the one which you translate).
  3. "Un ocell se'n va volant" (A Bird Flies Away) is a clear example for this style. Again, NOT A SINGLE WORD is rewritten from the Japanese song, despite it being a great piece of history for Dragon Ball fans. The translation team knew this, they knew that it was, in a way, a masterpiece made by Akira Toriyama's team. But they took on the challenge. Tell you what: they surpassed the challenge, by a mile. Very few people (hell, if any) who are native Catalan speakers and have been a Dragon Ball fan since they were kids will tell you that this song is not good. And it's as if they didn't even consider the Japanese song, despite it being so incredibly memorable for Dragon Ball fans. Big, BIG props to these people.
  5. This right here shows that translating is, surely, art.
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