
Night Rain: Chapter Ten "Frogger"

Aug 31st, 2012
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  1. “Come over here, you sexy chocolate muffin.”
  2. “Muffin? What the fuck, Aiko, you awkward bitch.”
  3. “Um…isn’t that how it…”
  4. “No! What are you, a virgin?”
  5. “Oh my god you are. BAHAHAHAHAH!”
  6. I run out the door without looking back. Running to escape the haunting laughter. I can’t run fast enough. It just mocks me. To think I actually cared about her for a second.
  7. However, in the middle of all my running, I fail to look where I’m going and collide chest-first into the wheel-chair girl from earlier. Who is just as surprised as I am that we ran into each other.
  8. “OOF!”
  9. “OOF!”
  10. “Watch were you’re going, bitch.”
  11. “Imsorryimsorryimsorryim-“
  12. “Whoa, you don’t look so- WHERE ARE YOU GOING?”
  13. I can’t stop. She’ll see me. And laugh at me. I have to go. Go away. Far away. Anywhere. Through the gate! Of course!
  14. “HEY! STOP!”
  15. I barely hear the guard as I sprint past. Down a long and winding hill. He’s in pursuit. He can’t see me. Not like this. So I run. As if my life depended on it. Because it does.
  16. The cars honk their horns as I go sprinting. No, I’m not sprinting. This hill is so inclined that I’m falling. I’m falling with style. Crashing and burning for everything I’ve done. And in a way, I deserve it.
  17. I take a quick peek back. There’s more of them now. One on a segway. I’d laugh if I wasn’t sucking down air like a quarter pounder cheeseburger in the nonbiodegradable Styrofoam containers.
  18. I don’t know where I’m going, but I don’t want them to find me. Please just leave me alone. Leave me a-
  19. WHAM!
  20. I go flying into the air. In what seems like an eternity, I try to piece together what’s just happened. In my frenzy, I failed to look both ways and was hit by that car right there. The one with the recent body work. I get the feeling this is a hurt I won’t want to wake up from. I’ll have to explain why I was running and crying and not in class. My parents will be so disappointed. And the shame. Miki’s probably spreading the story as we speak. They’ll laugh at me. Laughing around corners in the hallway. I’ll never live it down. Please, God, let me die.
  22. No.
  24. I land in the arms of one of the guards chasing me.
  25. God, you sick bastard.
  26. “She’s a bit banged up, but she’ll be fine.”
  27. “She’s lucky! She could have been killed.”
  28. Oh yes, wouldn’t that be unfortunate.
  29. They wait for the ambulance to arrive. I just play unconscious until it takes me away to a hospital three minutes and fifty two seconds later, every second of which hurting my breathing.
  30. I answer none of their questions. Why should I give them the time of day? I don’t even want to be here right now.
  31. Wait wh- they strapped me to the gurney. Fucking fuckers. I’m still not saying a thing. They can’t make me. I’m not talking to them again. And so help me if I see Miki again. I’ll punch her so hard, they’ll have to bandage her face. That dirty brown rice bitch…and now I’m dizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  33. “Aiko? Aiko Amaya?”
  34. “Hnngngh?”
  35. “Glad to see you’re awake. Do you know what day it is?”
  36. “Um…Saturday?”
  37. “It’s September 18th.”
  38. Oh fuck.
  39. “You slipped into a coma shortly after you arrived here. I’ll let your visitor know you’re awake.”
  40. Visitor? Wh- who?
  41. It’s Miki.
  43. I wot m8?
  44. “She’s still reacting to the medication. So she might not be that lucid.”
  45. Oh you crafty fuckers. Drug me with the person who nearly let me rape her. Karma. Yeah, CLOSE THAT DOOR, FUCKER!
  46. “Aiko…I’m sorry.”
  47. She’s crying. You better be, you dirty slut. Beg for my forgiveness.
  48. “I didn’t mean for this to happen to you.”
  49. Now she’ll make excuses.
  50. “I was really drunk, if you remember. I’m not like that! I swear I’m not!”
  51. Each syllable uttered with great importance like they were about to send a nation to war. Nice dramatics. Now you’ll tell me I matter or someshit.
  52. “You’re a friend, Aiko. I would never want to hurt you.”
  53. You’re good with those crocodile tears. I bet it’s how your mother convinced your father not to leave her hooker ass. Now you ask.
  54. “Aiko…can you forgive me?”
  55. “…….no.”
  56. There. Her whole world just shattered into a million little pieces.
  57. “Wh-what?”
  58. “No.”
  59. “B-but,”
  60. “NO!”
  61. Now I’ll fake some sort of fit to get the nurses to kick her out. With a violent flail of my arm, dislocating of equipment, and well pitched screams, the heart monitor begins to moan wildly as a nurse charges in.
  62. “Get her out of here! I need the crash cart!”
  63. And with that, Miki is manhandled out of my room. Sic semper puttan-
  64. "URK!"
  65. Touché, karma. Touché.
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