
3/19/18 Reading

Mar 19th, 2018
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  1. 1 - Past [pinky toe]
  2. (Events that have taken place previously)
  3. Death
  4. This card often uses the words change or transition as it's major descriptions. It shows evolution whether through killing certain habits, producing new ones or any combination of the two. The easiest example of Death I can see in the past is the obvious change of scenery and major movement in the move to Oregon. This would also apply to any and all transitions that went with it, big or small (including friends, habits, experiences, etc that were left behind or have been picked up since being there)
  6. 2 - Who [ring toe]
  7. (Physical and mental forces at play)
  8. The Moon
  9. This was actually today's card of the day and it represents illusion, mystery or a sense of trickery. It symbolizes the potential beauty that may lay behind the clouds as well as the unimaginable journey or lack of complete clarity in the path. The Moon may contain deception, but behind the deception is important truths or certainties.
  11. 3 - Surrounding Perceptions
  12. (How other's perceive you / it)
  13. The High Priestess
  14. This is often best described as intuition or subconscious understandings. It is the face and main image of the Steampunk Tarot Deck and rightfully so as it correlates to all the truths and insight contained within one's self. In this position it may be very positive as those around you see this force being utilized. They may understand you are choosing based on what you feel in your gut and a variety of interactions may depend on this.
  16. 4 - Present [middle toe]
  17. (The situation at hand)
  18. Temperance
  19. This is seen as true balance. It is the act of taking in so much information but also utilizing it. It is understanding the physical as well as the mental. It is the combination of emotional as well as logical. Temperance is all about finding the true balance in life to maintain harmony and showing / feeling that bliss.
  21. 5 - Expressions & Behavior [index toe]
  22. (What personal actions are taking place)
  23. The Tower
  24. This is often seen as that sudden burst of unexpectedness. Some people will use the term spontaneous jolt while others may choose the word destruction or impact. The Tower's nature is that it shows change that wasn't necessarily planned, which happened rapidly. It doesn't necessarily pertain to purely physical as the mental realm can go through this quick transition as well.
  26. 6 - Aspirations [big toe]
  27. (Goals, hopes and dreams)
  28. Four of Swords
  29. This shows a sense of patience and waiting. It is not necessarily the act of lacking movement, but rather the mental state of attempting to "figure the way out". Swords is the suit of thoughts. The Four of Swords might show a lack of current understanding, but with the objective of comprehending the surroundings and every factor at play.
  31. 7 - Future [foot / heel]
  32. (Possible outcomes and predictable focus)
  33. Three of Cups
  34. This symbolizes emotional companionship and happiness. It is the feeling of a close friend(s) and that bond between individuals. A Three of Cups is spontaneous, but joyous pleasure. The future shows us these sudden situations of experiencing profound happiness or joy.
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