
You Wouldn't Pirate a Hiki's Obsession With a Catgirl

Feb 2nd, 2014
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  2. [21:27:57] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Lesieli was about to go to the Safari Zone, but then Valentine and Seton ran off and then they came back with wonderful gifts of pokemon books and plastic moe and oh god how distracting. It is at this time that she is finally able to enter the Safari Zone with the 6 Safari Balls she was given yesterday.
  3. [21:29:27] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Nine has recently finished a certain phone call
  4. [21:34:20] <~Aori_Radidjiu> The Safari zone is split into a handful of different climates. Grasslands/Desert, Beach, Forest/Jungle, Mountain, and SKULL CAVE
  5. [21:34:42] <~Aori_Radidjiu> anyway, you two end up entering the Safari Zone at about the same time~. Maybe you'll do things together?
  6. [21:40:40] <Nine> "Hi!~" she waves to Les, apparently not doing the whole stealth thing this time!
  7. [21:42:51] <Nine> 1d6-1 pokemon education? figure out which area has the STRONGEST POKEMON to capture!
  8. [21:44:11] * Lesieli is looking kinda lost, all alone and worried after everyone else ran off without her. "Oh phew, I'm not alone! Was getting pretty worried there"
  9. [21:46:21] <Nine> "Mew got ditched?"
  10. [21:46:49] * DiceMaid-9001 (DiceMaid-9@sux-EADD5C74) has joined #youareapirate
  11. [21:46:53] <~Aori_Radidjiu> roll again~
  12. [21:47:18] * Nine turns her attention from the safari zone map (it has a map, right?) to Les, tilting to the right as she questions the lost girl.
  13. [21:47:26] <Nine> 1d6-1 if you say so D:
  14. [21:47:26] <DiceMaid-9001> Nine, if you say so D:: 3 [1d6=4]
  15. [21:47:35] <Lesieli> "Looks like it. And they should know how incompetent I am on my own!"
  16. [21:47:46] <Lesieli> ". . . that is, err, uhhhhh . . ."
  17. [21:48:04] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Strongest pokemon? YOu have no idea. All you know is that cats prefer grasslands and forests!
  18. [21:48:06] <Nine> "On meow own?"
  19. [21:48:10] * Lesieli gets herself slightly depressed again~
  20. [21:48:20] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ...and maybe mountains, but not usually!
  21. [21:48:29] <Lesieli> No, take that tilde off, that doesn't fit there at all
  22. [21:51:10] <Nine> "Why do mew meow that, nya?"
  23. [21:53:37] * Lesieli suddenly grabs the girl in a side-huggle "But no! Stick with me, I don't wanna get eaten by a wild pokemon somewhere. Pleeeeease~"
  24. [21:56:52] <Nine> "Nya?" she looks totally confused. "Why would they eat mew?"
  25. [21:58:23] <Lesieli> "I dunno, there's some big, scary pokemon out there, and a decent chance they might be living in this park. Don't wanna take any chances alone"
  26. [21:59:28] <Nine> "Are there?! I wannya catch one - do mew nyao where they are?"
  27. [22:00:25] <Lesieli> "Oh, I dunno, lemme think. . ."
  28. [22:01:13] <Lesieli> 5d6+11 What's Biggest, Scariest Pokemon round this park?
  29. [22:01:13] <DiceMaid-9001> Lesieli, What's Biggest, Scariest Pokemon round this park?: 32 [5d6=6,6,4,3,2]
  30. [22:03:42] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You've heard that the Skull Cave has a bunch of ghost pokemon who are really into messing with people's heads. And Lairons. Lairons are fucking terrifying are you kidding.
  31. [22:04:59] <Lesieli> "The cave. Yeah, the cave, anyplace shaped like a skull has got to be terrifying."
  32. [22:05:21] <Lesieli> "Lotsa ghosts and solid metal monsters"
  33. [22:07:03] <Nine> "Nya! Wannya go?"
  34. [22:07:41] <Lesieli> "Sure I guess, just not on my own"
  35. [22:08:00] <Nine> "I'll purrtect mew~"
  36. [22:09:47] * Lesieli straightens up a bit "Well, I don't know if I need that so much . . ."
  37. [22:10:44] <Nine> "Nya?"
  38. [22:11:54] <Lesieli> "But yeah, let's go then"
  39. [22:12:50] <Nine> TO THE SKULL CAVE
  40. [22:13:37] <~Aori_Radidjiu> both of you roll me 5d100~
  41. [22:13:49] <Nine> 5d100 SHENANIGANS
  42. [22:13:49] <DiceMaid-9001> Nine, SHENANIGANS: 171 [5d100=68,11,38,17,37]
  43. [22:13:54] <Nine> sorry, shenyanigans
  44. [22:14:17] <Nine> those digit matches
  45. [22:14:21] <Nine> 68 -> 38 -> 37 -> 17 -> 11
  46. [22:15:08] <Lesieli> 5d100
  47. [22:15:09] <DiceMaid-9001> Lesieli, 5d100: 207 [5d100=66,22,82,12,25]
  48. [22:15:31] <Lesieli> Double dubs
  49. [22:39:39] <~Aori_Radidjiu> The two of you walk into the Skull Cave, torches lighting the passages you go through. Les notices a Sableye in the shadows, a Noibat flying over your heads, a magnemite passing by you (which gives you a nod in passing), and then, as you go down into the chilly icy area, you notice a Spheal rolling around on the ice, and a Seel clapping its flippers.
  50. [22:40:50] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Knives notices...
  51. [22:40:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ...
  52. [22:40:54] <~Aori_Radidjiu> *Nine
  53. [22:40:59] <~Aori_Radidjiu> THEY SOUND SIMILAR SHUT UP
  54. [22:40:59] <Nine> ;-;
  55. [22:41:04] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Nine notices...
  56. [22:41:09] * Nine isn't a pokemon! ..mostly!
  57. [22:43:05] <~Aori_Radidjiu> A HUEG Machoke punching into the cave wall to make a tunnel, a Dunsparce hiding in the shadows, a Jigglypuff puffing itself up in anger at a Misdreavus, and, when you get to the icy area, a Smoochum giving you a wink <3
  58. [22:45:08] <Nine> 5d6+1 what does my scouter say about their powerlevels?
  59. [22:45:08] <DiceMaid-9001> Nine, what does my scouter say about their powerlevels?: 17 [5d6=5,1,2,6,2]
  60. [22:45:38] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Nothing super strong. Level range is 20-35, you'd say
  61. [22:45:55] <~Aori_Radidjiu> If you want EXACT LEVELS I could roll for them but goddamn
  62. [22:46:19] <Nine> N-no, not levels, powerlevels!
  63. [22:46:31] <~Aori_Radidjiu> oic
  64. [22:46:34] <~Aori_Radidjiu> no snowflakey ones
  65. [22:46:47] <~Aori_Radidjiu> There's nothing SUPER SPESHUL about any of these pokemon
  66. [22:47:05] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (You guys are allowed to point out your finds to each other, of course)
  67. [22:48:23] * Lesieli nods back, but otherwise has fun observing all the neat pokemon
  68. [22:48:49] <Nine> N-no, not snowflakiness, powerlevel! ;-;
  69. [22:48:56] <Nine> ARE ANY OF THEM A WORTHY CHALLENGE?!
  70. [22:49:58] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Difficulty to catch? Nothing in this safari zone is all that difficult to catch, all of the pokemon are relatively docile. That wasn't my decision, mind you (not that I dislike it), but the hardest pokemon to catch are probably ones in arguments like the Jigglypuff and Misdreavus
  71. [22:53:50] <Nine> "Nya... nyone of these seem very dangerous, nya."
  72. [22:55:56] <Lesieli> "Yeah, not sure if I'm relieved or disappointed. Sure are cute though~"
  73. [22:57:20] <Nine> "But nyone of them are cats, nya. Meowbe I could spar with that myachamp..."
  74. [22:57:46] * Nine points at the machoke!
  75. [22:58:08] <Nine> "Nya! Meowchamp! Wannya spar?!"
  76. [22:58:52] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Thinking about it, considering that this is a public safari zone in a region where almost all of the wilds are restricted from public access for being TOO DANGEROUS, you'd think that they'd take pains to make sure this safari zone is safe for normal people
  77. [22:59:45] * Nine can dream, can't she!?
  78. [23:03:03] <~Aori_Radidjiu> The Machoke turns around to face you, pointing at himself
  79. [23:03:09] <~Aori_Radidjiu> As if to go "Me?"
  80. [23:04:41] * Nine puts her hands on her hips, managing an air of arrogance. "Who else, nya?"
  81. [23:05:07] <~Aori_Radidjiu> He shrugs, then PUTS UP HIS DUKES
  82. [23:05:59] * Nine raises her fists too, the bells adorning her outfit jingling as she falls into a relaxed combat stance~
  83. [23:06:10] <Lesieli> "Don't hurt yourself~"
  84. [23:07:08] * Aori_Radidjiu changes topic to 'Nine > Machoke'
  85. [23:07:12] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Nine!
  86. [23:07:34] <Nine> "When meow ready!" FOCUS ENERGY
  87. [23:08:11] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Choke!" He grins, also using Focus Energy!
  88. [23:08:31] <Nine> "I'm nyot gonnya give you furever, mew nyao!~"
  89. [23:09:07] * Nine dashes to the Machoke... ROLLING KICK!
  90. [23:09:14] <Nine> 1d20 AC4, flinch on 15-20
  91. [23:09:14] <DiceMaid-9001> Nine, AC4, flinch on 15-20: 12 [1d20=12]
  92. [23:10:10] <Nine> I'll assume it doesn't have 9 Evasion >_>
  93. [23:10:22] <~Aori_Radidjiu>
  94. [23:10:28] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Nyope, that hits!
  95. [23:10:30] <Nine> 3d6+10+24
  96. [23:10:31] <DiceMaid-9001> Nine, 3d6+10+24: 41 [3d6=5,1,1]
  97. [23:11:23] <~Aori_Radidjiu> He takes the hit, blocking part of it, looking pretty good!
  98. [23:11:27] <~Aori_Radidjiu> He counters with...
  99. [23:12:13] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 1d20 Karate Chop! (Crit 14-20)
  100. [23:12:14] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Karate Chop! (Crit 14-20): 18 [1d20=18]
  101. [23:12:18] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Welp.
  102. [23:12:44] <~Aori_Radidjiu> 4d6+20+30 Here goes!
  103. [23:12:45] <DiceMaid-9001> Aori_Radidjiu, Here goes!: 57 [4d6=1,3,2,1]
  104. [23:13:50] <~Aori_Radidjiu> He raises his hand, chopping down on you, right through your guard! Owowow.
  105. [23:13:51] <Nine> I assume she's recovered from any damage yesterday?
  106. [23:13:57] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Correct!
  107. [23:14:34] <Nine> That STILL gave her two injuries, though!
  108. [23:14:47] <Nine> "Nyot... bad!"
  109. [23:15:11] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You're floored by this blow, and momentarily have the wind knocked out of you! YOu're able to get up, but the Machoke looks a LITTLE concerned.
  110. [23:15:31] <Nine> 5d6+5 COMBAT, REMAIN STANDING
  111. [23:15:31] <DiceMaid-9001> Nine, COMBAT, REMAIN STANDING: 19 [5d6=2,2,3,3,4]
  112. [23:16:52] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Oh, no problem! You almost fall over, but remain standing. Whoa, that hurt, though.
  113. [23:18:17] * Nine still had the wind knocked out of her, though, but GOTTA LOOK TOUGH INFRONT OF THE HIKKIKOMORI
  114. [23:19:01] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Anyway! Your turn, Nine!
  115. [23:19:18] <Nine> "But nyot enyough!"
  116. [23:20:35] <Nine> DOUBLE KICK
  117. [23:20:47] <Nine> 2d20 AC 3, DOUBLE STRIKE
  118. [23:20:48] <DiceMaid-9001> Nine, AC 3, DOUBLE STRIKE: 38 [2d20=18,20]
  119. [23:20:52] <Nine> wow, double crit
  120. [23:21:07] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Double kick? MOre like Double Crit, yeah.
  121. [23:21:11] <Nine> 6d12+20+24 this fight
  122. [23:21:12] <DiceMaid-9001> Nine, this fight: 91 [6d12=4,12,4,10,9,8]
  123. [23:22:09] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You kick him twice, with MUCH GUSTO, leaving two large bruises on his chest...but...
  124. [23:22:14] <~Aori_Radidjiu> He's still barely up!
  125. [23:22:27] <Nine> "Nyot bad!"
  126. [23:22:36] <Nine> "I'm impurressed!"
  127. [23:22:54] <~Aori_Radidjiu> He sweats a bit. This is his last chance, can't screw it up!
  128. [23:23:00] <~Aori_Radidjiu> oh wait
  129. [23:23:12] <~Aori_Radidjiu> durrr, why didn't I think of htis right away
  130. [23:23:51] <Nine> '-'?
  131. [23:23:54] <~Aori_Radidjiu> He takes the two hits, looking pained, then flashes with a gleam of light, his eyes sparkling, and then he punches you with renewed vigor!
  132. [23:23:56] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Counter!
  133. [23:24:03] <Nine> ohdear
  134. [23:24:58] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Effect: Reaction - Counter may be used as a Reaction to Attacks that deal Physical Damage to the user. The target loses HP equal to the amount of damage the user received. Do not apply weakness or resistance, do apply immunity. Do not apply stats.
  135. [23:25:01] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Take 76 damage.
  136. [23:25:38] * Nine takes two more injuries, and is KO'd!
  137. [23:26:36] * Lesieli rushes to her side to make sure she's alright "Whoa hey I said don't hurt yourself!"
  138. [23:28:24] <~Aori_Radidjiu> He brings a hand to his mouth, a little mortified at how badly he hurt her, going to her side as well.
  139. [23:28:52] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Being a pokemon he dun' know shit about first aid but if he sees any bleeding he applies pressure to it!
  140. [23:29:34] * Nine is at -33 HP, with 4 injuries. IDK if that means she's bleeding out ;-;
  141. [23:30:03] <Lesieli> 2d6+6 Med check for safety
  142. [23:30:04] <DiceMaid-9001> Lesieli, Med check for safety: 15 [2d6=3,6]
  143. [23:30:26] * Lesieli Oh come on this was supposed to be an easy trip
  144. [23:31:11] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She's not bleeding out, but very badly hurt! probably sprained any arms she tried to block with and all
  145. [23:32:10] <Lesieli> "Urgh, she seems ok for the moment, but we need to get her back to the center ASAP"
  146. [23:32:30] * Lesieli tries to pick the injured girl up to carry
  147. [23:32:50] <~Aori_Radidjiu> roll me an athletics check
  148. [23:33:03] <Lesieli> 1d6-2 funtime
  149. [23:33:03] <DiceMaid-9001> Lesieli, funtime: 4 [1d6=6]
  150. [23:33:25] * Nine probably weighs a bit more than you'd expect from a small girl, given she has MUSCLE and muscle is DECEPTIVELY HEAVY, but not THAT much.
  151. [23:34:25] <~Aori_Radidjiu> You pull her up
  152. [23:34:25] <Lesieli> Still, only Power 3, though
  153. [23:34:26] <~Aori_Radidjiu> ...
  154. [23:34:30] <~Aori_Radidjiu> And then have to set her down
  155. [23:34:44] <~Aori_Radidjiu> The Machoke gets EXACTLY what you're trying to do, though, and picks her up, nodding to you.
  156. [23:34:57] * Lesieli strains to lift her "Come onn, come onn, rrrrgghhh"
  157. [23:35:36] <Lesieli> "Wha? Oh phew, thanks~ No way I can get her myself. Come on!"
  158. [23:35:53] * Lesieli lets him carry her, leading the way back to the center
  159. [23:36:20] <Break_> A whistling sound rings out in Lesieli and the Machoke's general direction.
  160. [23:36:49] <~Aori_Radidjiu> "Choke?" It turns to face the whistle.
  161. [23:37:17] * Lesieli turns too "Oh come on, like we've got time for this"
  162. [23:37:41] <Break_> "Hey!" A woman, wearing a dark blue long coat, fitted blouse, black slacks and a tie calls out to the two. "Need some help down there?"
  163. [23:38:06] <Break_> "If that Machoke's not yours, there's only so far he can take you without someone pulling some strings."
  164. [23:39:24] * Lesieli is confus " . . . Uhhh, what? Just need a bit of immediate medical attention, that's all"
  165. [23:40:04] <~Aori_Radidjiu> The Machoke looks terribly embarrassed.
  166. [23:41:23] <Break_> " the center it is, then," the woman says, hopping down from her place on the outcropping and approaching the two. "It's over this way, but I'll report it."
  167. [23:42:07] <Break_> She speaks into a device on her wrist. "Wardens, this is Alpha-Golf-One. We've got an injury."
  168. [23:42:26] <Break_> "Girl and a Machoke's carrying her out."
  169. [23:43:25] <Lesieli> "This 'wild zone' really ain't that wild, is it?"
  170. [23:44:08] <Break_> "Wild enough to ensure that first resnpoders really aren't too far behind no matter what, honestly."
  171. [23:45:13] <Break_> "The wardens should be tracking my location now, so we might as well get as close to the Center as we can if moving her without specialized equipment won't hurt her."
  172. [23:47:38] <~Aori_Radidjiu> The Machoke nods to the woman, and starts carefully carrying Nine out of the Skull Cave, and towards the entrance.
  173. [23:47:53] <Lesieli> "I don't think so? Should be ok"
  174. [23:48:04] * Nine is probably fine to move. I mean, she only has four injuries, not five!
  175. [23:48:59] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Actually, there are rest stops throughout the safari zone, so you guys actually manage to find one shortly after leaving the cave. It's a pirate-themed bar, with a few people getting drunk, a few chilling with new pokemon, and others getting injuries tended to.
  176. [23:52:45] <Break_> "Shiny," the woman notes to herself, looking rather impressed.
  177. [23:54:00] <~Aori_Radidjiu> The Machoke gently sets down Nine on a bench near where people are being treated and turns around looking to GET OUT because oh god this is awkward
  178. [23:54:46] <Nine> WAY TO HIT AND RUN, MACHOKE
  179. [23:54:52] <Lesieli> "Huh, guess getting hurt ain't too uncommon here? Thanks again for the help~"
  180. [23:54:55] * Nine doesn't say this, because she's still unconscious though.
  181. [23:55:15] <Break_> "Yeah, big guy, thanks for the help."
  182. [23:55:22] <Break_> "Sure you don't want to stick around?"
  183. [23:55:26] <~Aori_Radidjiu> BLUSH
  184. [23:55:32] <Break_> "At least let me know what happened."
  185. [23:55:44] <~Aori_Radidjiu> He scratches the back of his head, nervously, stopping dead in his track.
  186. [23:56:28] <Lesieli> "They were boxing, just a friendly fight. She got in a nasty kick, he followed with a better one"
  187. [23:56:56] <Break_> "Ouch, guy. You'd think someone like her would know better than to mess with your type, yeah?"
  188. [23:57:36] <~Aori_Radidjiu> He points to the two HUGE foot-shaped bruises on his stomach.
  189. [23:57:46] <Lesieli> "She's pretty tough herself it seems"
  190. [23:58:16] <Break_> "....even so," she notes with a wince. "Still, you sure you don't need to get patched up yourself? I know I'd be reeling if I took a blow like that."
  191. [23:59:01] <~Aori_Radidjiu> He puts his hands on his hips, puffing out his chest proudly...then winces.
  192. [23:59:19] <Break_> "....yeah, stick around for a bit. We'll get you some medical attention, too."
  193. [23:59:59] <Break_> "Pride in yourself is awesome up until the point where it proverbially goes before a fall, and all that."
  194. Session Time: Sun Jan 26 00:00:00 2014
  195. [00:02:09] <Break_> The crimson-haired woman calls for a nurse.
  196. [00:04:07] <~Aori_Radidjiu> One comes, a young man in a medical uniform. He nods to the both of you and then starts bandaging up Nine and the Machoke. "Quite the fight these two had, huh?" He gives the two of you a nod. "Make sure she gets something to drink, no sudden movements, don't get into any big fights until tomorrow, got it?"
  197. [00:04:18] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Nine and the Machoke are healed to full HP, and heal an injury
  198. [00:04:32] <Nine> Does he say that to Nine while she's unconscious? >_>
  199. [00:05:00] <Nine> also oh god does that mean Nine gets STRIPPED? or is he a really dumb nurse and bandages over her clothes?
  200. [00:05:38] <Break_> "The girl can probably heed that advice. The Machoke, well, I don't know if he's been caught or not."
  201. [00:05:56] <Break_> "Leaning towards no."
  202. [00:06:22] <~Aori_Radidjiu> He gets a CURTAIN and then strips her, yes.
  203. [00:06:32] <Lesieli> (Yes yes yes take it off take it off)
  204. [00:06:46] <Lesieli> *cough*
  205. [00:06:47] <Nine> SO LEWD
  206. [00:07:16] <Lesieli> "Caught? Oh yeah, that's what the place is for isn't it?"
  207. [00:07:24] <Lesieli> "I'm just here for all the rare pokemon~"
  208. [00:07:39] <~Aori_Radidjiu> The Machoke shakes its head when the woman says "caught"
  209. [00:07:46] <Break_> "Yeah, this place is something, huh?"
  210. [00:08:06] <Break_> "Alright, well, if you're not comfortable here, big guy, you can head out if you want, since you're all patched up."
  211. [00:08:08] <Nine> (a-aory answered the less important question over the more important question ;-; )
  212. [00:08:16] <Nine> I'LL ASSUME SHE WAS AWAKE FOR IT THOUGH
  213. [00:09:05] <~Aori_Radidjiu> He says that to the other two, notice he talks about Nine like she's not in the conversation
  214. [00:09:24] <Nine> o-oh, okay.
  215. [00:09:28] * Nine IS STILL UNCONSCIOUS THEN
  216. [00:09:54] <~Aori_Radidjiu> She wakes up not too long after the Nurse leaves, though!
  217. [00:11:12] <Lesieli> "So, what was that I said about not getting hurt?"
  218. [00:11:32] <~Aori_Radidjiu> The Machoke is still there, with the bandages.
  219. [00:11:55] <Break_> "Kinda hard to scrap with a Fighting-type without getting hurt, honestly."
  220. [00:12:01] <Break_> "Call it...personal experience."
  221. [00:12:02] <~Aori_Radidjiu> and holding a bag of ice to its bruises.
  222. [00:14:31] <Nine> "Oww," the catgirl whines. Does Break know she's a catgirl? She totes is!
  223. [00:14:47] <Nine> "That was intense, nya!"
  224. [00:15:14] <Break_> "Sure looked like it, yeah. The big guy's still here if you want to sort things out."
  225. [00:15:22] <Break_> "Nonviolently, I mean."
  226. [00:15:23] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Wave~
  227. [00:15:31] * Nine waves back~
  228. [00:18:59] <Break_> "So you guys are basically the first people I've spoken to here without heavy local accents."
  229. [00:19:05] <Break_> "I mean, well, besides Cindy, anyway."
  230. [00:22:21] <Break_> It's worth noting that this woman's own English is accented - distinctly not Visiwan, certainly.
  231. [00:22:26] <Nine> "Meow not byad... we meowt be about equal, nya?"
  232. [00:22:50] * Nine 's accent is hard to tell. Is cat an accent?
  233. [00:23:18] <Lesieli> "Yeah, we're visiting from Wakino. Well I am at least; no idea about her"
  234. [00:23:34] <Lesieli> "Honestly I've no idea who she is really"
  235. [00:23:58] <Break_> "Wakino? Curious; I just came from there, actually, and should be back there in a little bit."
  236. [00:24:35] <Nine> "Who are mew?" she asks the woman.
  237. [00:25:28] <Break_> "Me? Oh..."
  238. [00:25:35] <Break_> "My name's Alexis. What about you two?"
  239. [00:25:39] * Break_ is now known as Alexis
  240. [00:27:10] <Alexis> SURVEY SAYS Alexis's accent sounds roughly Scandinavian. Or Swedish.
  241. [00:28:08] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (Sweden IS part of Scandinavia)
  242. [00:28:22] <Alexis> (Hey, don't look at me, I'm going by what Dox said, silly)
  243. [00:28:33] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (:P)
  244. [00:28:43] <Lesieli> (As an ancestral Nord, you disappoint me. Dirty Swedes)
  245. [00:30:12] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (the region she's from is NONSPECIFIC PART OF SCANDINAVIA, essentially)
  246. [00:30:27] <Nine> (pokedinavia)
  247. [00:30:34] * Doxy ( has joined #youareapirate
  248. [00:30:45] <Nine> "I'm Nyine Lives."
  249. [00:30:55] * Doxy ( has left #youareapirate
  250. [00:31:39] <Lesieli> "Lesieli, it's native."
  251. [00:32:47] * Doxy ( has joined #youareapirate
  252. [00:34:21] <Alexis> "Charmed, both of you."
  253. [00:35:03] <Alexis> "I'd ask what brought you all the way here from Wakino, but I think that's fairly obvious. I'm more impressed that you were able to secure even a little standing room, judging by how popular the opening was."
  254. [00:36:20] <Alexis> ".....and that opening, good lord...."
  255. [00:36:24] <Nine> "Openying?"
  256. [00:36:25] * Alexis shudders.
  257. [00:36:38] <Alexis> "Huh? You didn't see the ceremonies?"
  258. [00:37:53] <Lesieli> "Opening of what?" she asks curiously
  259. [00:38:11] <Alexis> "This Safari Zone, of course."
  260. [00:38:42] <Lesieli> "Oh, it's brand new? Neat"
  261. [00:38:45] <Nine> w-would Nine know that? D:
  262. [00:39:12] <Alexis> "Even if you weren't physically present for the opening yesterday, I'm sure the incident is viral by now...."
  263. [00:39:20] * Alexis pulls out her phone to check for just that.
  264. [00:39:46] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Nine, having come here earlier than the others, would've probably seen the opening, as the crew of the Mutiny came a bit over an hour after it happened
  265. [00:40:18] <Nine> "Oh, nya, that opurrning!"
  266. [00:40:25] <Alexis> "....yep, several million views already."
  267. [00:40:40] * Alexis presses Play on the video and tilts the device to let the two watch.
  268. [00:45:03] <~Aori_Radidjiu> (logs for that posted in the OOC channel~)
  269. [00:45:50] <Alexis> The video runs its course from Cynthia's introduction, and ends with a somewhat extended run of the incident - the promised catfight between Lilith and Cynthia Vai.
  270. [00:48:31] <Lesieli> "Huh. Neat I guess"
  271. [00:50:36] <Alexis> "I didn't know she had a cousin, much less one she hated that much."
  272. [00:56:58] <~Aori_Radidjiu> The Machoke scratches its head at this. This doesn't seem like honorable combat to better oneself!
  273. [00:57:22] <Nine> "A cat fight, nya?"
  274. [00:57:52] <Alexis> "Well, not....literally."
  275. [00:57:57] <Alexis> " know."
  276. [00:58:08] * Nine 's ears twitch at the word 'literally.'
  277. [00:58:34] <Alexis> "Hm. Big guy, if you were looking for a good scrap, there would be someone I want you to meet."
  278. [00:58:47] <Nine> "Sometimes, cats get into hissy fights and try to claw each other up, nya." she explains to the Machoke!
  279. [00:58:49] <Alexis> "Sadly, I had to leave him at the gate, but he's usually up for a brawl."
  280. [00:59:18] <Alexis> "Always training and such, but he can be kinda angry at times."
  281. [01:00:08] <Nine> "Myaster told me anger resolves nyothing, nya."
  282. [01:00:31] <Alexis> "Well, I tried to teach him that, because I've known him since he was little! He's calmed down a lot since then, thankfully."
  283. [01:00:55] <Alexis> "He tries to come off as an almost Zen-master-type of figure but old habits die hard, I guess."
  284. [01:01:16] <Alexis> "He's honestly a real sweetie when you get to know him, but he's the type that only truly respects skill, you know?"
  285. [01:02:07] * DiceMaid-9001 is now known as RichterBelmont
  286. [01:02:30] * RichterBelmont is now known as DiceMaid-9001
  287. [01:02:35] <Nine> "But also, nya... it was my idea to spar!~"
  288. [01:03:17] <Alexis> "...might want to choose your opponents a little more wisely next time, then. But at least it ended well."
  289. [01:03:56] <~Aori_Radidjiu> The Machoke nods along with this, a sparkle in his eyes.
  290. [01:05:13] <Nine> "I'm fine, nya!"
  291. [01:05:39] <Nine> 2d6+1 resist wincing on ironic cue or whatever. SHE WON'T SUCCUMB TO PAIN LIKE MACHOKE DID
  292. [01:05:39] <DiceMaid-9001> Nine, resist wincing on ironic cue or whatever. SHE WON'T SUCCUMB TO PAIN LIKE MACHOKE DID: 8 [2d6=1,6]
  293. [01:08:30] <Alexis> "Did you guys at least find any interesting buddies in the cave?"
  294. [01:09:27] <Nine> "I got a cat yesterday, nya~"
  295. [01:10:56] <Lesieli> "Not personally. Lots of neat pokemon though~"
  296. [01:11:20] <Alexis> "Definitely! I saw this little purple goo ball Pokemon that was just the most -adorable- thing."
  297. [01:11:29] <Alexis> "I'm tempted to go back there to find one."
  298. [01:13:59] <Nine> "And I sparred with that one, nya!" she points at the Machoke.
  299. [01:14:42] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Acknowledging wave~
  300. [01:15:47] <Nine> "I'm getting so myany ways to test my myasters training, nya~"
  301. [01:15:53] <Alexis> "Well, when it comes down to it, at least you -can- spar with them. I wouldn't be able to without my gear."
  302. [01:16:07] <Alexis> "Even then I prefer staying back, so it probably wouldn't be a fair, proper spar."
  303. [01:16:13] <Nine> "Gear, nya?"
  304. [01:17:07] <Alexis> "Oh, tac-gear."
  305. [01:17:20] <Alexis> "I'm a Ranger, here on business, technically."
  306. [01:18:04] <Nine> "I have gear too, nya!"
  307. [01:18:24] * Nine suddenly realizes she's probably in, like, hospital patient-y garb instead of her dress and stuff. D:
  308. [01:19:08] <Lesieli> "Well aren't you two fancy. All I've got are these nifty little boots." she clanks them together for effect
  309. [01:19:16] <Lesieli> "Oh, and my phone I guess"
  310. [01:20:25] <Alexis> "Solid boots come with the territory." She clanks her own together, almost as if in reply.
  311. [01:20:54] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Lesieli's boots whirr and click and levitate her into the air when she clanks them.
  312. [01:21:04] <Alexis> "Anyway, what do you plan to do with the big guy?"
  313. [01:21:06] <Lesieli> "*Mine* hover"
  314. [01:21:14] <Alexis> "...okay, maybe not that fancy."
  315. [01:21:19] <Alexis> "Mine are just sturdy."
  316. [01:21:40] <Nine> "That's a lot more fancy than mine, nya!"
  317. [01:21:51] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Naw, the guy put her back in her dress
  318. [01:23:29] <Alexis> "But yeah, you and the big guy."
  319. [01:23:39] <Alexis> "Going to work something out?"
  320. [01:25:52] <Nine> "I dunnyo, nya. I already have six cats, y'nyao?"
  321. [01:28:42] * Nine gets out of bed to approach the Machoke~
  322. [01:28:54] <Nine> "Do mew have a home here, nya?"
  323. [01:30:10] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Nod.
  324. [01:30:49] <Nine> "A real home, nya?"
  325. [01:35:28] <~Aori_Radidjiu> He scrunches his mouth and tilts his head.
  326. [01:36:02] <Nine> "You nyao... a fameowly and stuff!"
  327. [01:36:29] <~Aori_Radidjiu> He shakes his head.
  328. [01:38:36] <Nine> "Mew don't?!"
  329. [01:39:33] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Nod.
  330. [01:40:33] <Nine> "That's nyo good, mew should get one!"
  331. [01:45:08] <~Aori_Radidjiu> blink, shrug.
  332. [01:45:51] <Nine> "Nyo, nyot shrugging, mew should! Fameowly's impurrtant!"
  333. [01:46:27] * Lesieli just watches, bemused
  334. [01:47:00] * Alexis is now known as Break_
  335. [01:47:12] * Break is now known as Alexis
  336. [01:50:06] * Lesieli ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
  337. [01:50:11] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Again, a shrug.
  338. [01:52:21] * Lesieli ( has joined #youareapirate
  339. [01:53:14] <Nine> "It is!" DETERMINED GLARE
  340. [01:54:24] <~Aori_Radidjiu> This guy's running out of ways to respond, so now he just kind of stares back at you.
  341. [01:55:05] <Alexis> "...I think you're making him kinda uncomfortable."
  342. [01:56:31] <Nine> "Anyway, if mew wannya come with me, mew can - pokeball or nyot, it's up to mew, but I already have six cats, y'nyao?"
  343. [01:57:22] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Shrug, then nod.
  344. [02:01:57] <Nine> "Meowbe you'll meet my myaster too, nya? He's like... me, but ten times better, nya."
  345. [02:04:29] <~Aori_Radidjiu> There's a sparkle in his eyes, he LIKES the sound of that!
  346. [02:04:53] <Nine> "I'm still only an appurrentice, after all, nya?"
  347. [02:05:30] * Nine looks to Les. "Do you still want a purrtector?" :3
  348. [02:06:33] <Lesieli> "Nah, I'm usually pretty good. When they don't abandon me"
  349. [02:07:30] <Nine> "Are mew sure?" :(
  350. [02:09:15] <Lesieli> "Um . . . y-yeah?"
  351. [02:10:15] <Nine> "Okay, nya..."
  352. [02:17:11] <Alexis> "I'm less interested in protectors and more interested in finding friends."
  353. [02:17:22] <Alexis> "Not to say they can't be both, but, you know, priorities."
  354. [02:17:39] <Nine> "I meant in the safurry zone, nya!"
  355. [02:18:20] <Nine> "Though, there weren't an awfur lot of dangerous myonsters..."
  356. [02:20:20] <Lesieli> "Yeah, not quite as bad as I was expecting"
  357. [02:22:46] <Alexis> "Especially with all of thew new species, I'm surprised it's gone this well."
  358. [02:25:09] <Nine> "They're furry polite, nya!"
  359. [02:25:20] * Nine pats the Machoke on the arm!~
  360. [02:25:54] <~Aori_Radidjiu> He grins back at you.
  361. [02:27:33] <Alexis> "Well, I'm glad it worked out."
  362. [02:27:55] <Alexis> "I really should get back to work, though. I might see you two again if you're staying at the zone for a bit, though."
  363. [02:40:37] <~Aori_Radidjiu> Annnnd we'll cut it here. </session>
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