
Chapter 2 edits, part 1

Jun 19th, 2016
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  1. The tattoo station had several platforms where the subjects sat to get the insignia marked on him. The artists themselves looked pretty gruff, scared, marked with many shapes, symbols or even pictures edited into the chromoderm somewhere in amongst their various paintings, they had the Insignia themselves. It was brighter almost surreal against the pictures of robotic dragons, or giant metallic fish.
  3. Change "him" at the end of the first sentence to "them", plural due to you referring to "subjects" earlier in the sentence. Change "scared" to "scarred". Extra space in between "with" and "many". Change "the chromoderm" to "their chromoderm". Can "chromoderm" be pluralized, or is that the plural version of the word? Add a semicolon after "chromoderm". Remove "in" after the word "somewhere". Change "Insignia" to lowercase. Overall suggestion on the sentence since that was a massive dump of edits: "The artists themselves looked pretty gruff, scarred, marked with many shapes, symbols or even pictures edited into their chromoderm; somewhere amongst their various paintings, they had the insignia themselves." Add a comma after "brighter".
  5. “I'm here for the mark,” Starscream said to the artist who wore an patch over his optic.
  7. Change "an" to "a".
  9. “So are we!” Skywarp suddenly said from his right hand side. Starscream all but leapt out of his plating as the other startled him with his abrupt presence. The artist looked up un-phased.
  11. Change "right hand" to "right-hand". Change "un-phased" to "unfazed".
  13. But every time, he turned around, Skywarp would be there with his friend only a dozen or more meters behind. “I don't know how you do it...”
  15. Remove the comma after "time".
  17. Skywarp tapped the side of his nose and smiled a knowing smile slyly. The dark Seeker turned to face the newly arrived Thundercracker and grinned. Thundercracker frowned at the instruments that were laid across the artist's work station.
  19. Move "slyly" to in between "and" and "smiled". Since it's an adverb, it needs to modify the object directly before it (in this case, "smile"). Change "newly arrived" to "newly-arrived". Change "work station" to "workstation".
  21. “So, who's gonna be first?” the artist asked, Picking up the needle-like instrument.
  23. Lowercase on "Picking".
  25. The blue Seeker did dare consider volunteering.
  27. This sentence is confusing, what are you trying to say?
  29. This'll be it for the day, I'm going to crash in front of the NBA Finals for the rest of the night. More in the coming week!
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