
Shell errors

Sep 29th, 2019
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  1. First argument = name of error. 2nd argument = ID of error. 3rd argument = Error description. 4th argument = Error severity (0 = non-fatal, 1 = fatal)
  3. ElmRegisterException("KeywordNotFoundException", 0, "A non-existent keyword / statement was found. Consult the help file for the extant statements.", 1);
  4. ElmRegisterException("KeywordUnimplementedException", 1, "A keyword was found that is currently unimplemented. This may be included in a later version of the Shell.", 1);
  5. ElmRegisterException("TooManyRootElementsException", 2, "There is more than one ShellXML element.", 1);
  6. ElmRegisterException("NoRootElementsException", 3, "There is no <ShellXML> Element or it is malformed.", 1);
  7. ElmRegisterException("EmptyDocumentException", 4, "The script file is empty (there is only a ShellXML node).", 1);
  8. ElmRegisterException("IncorrectVariableTypeException", 5, "An incorrect variable type was specified.", 1);
  9. ElmRegisterException("InvalidTypeSpecifiedException", 6, "An invalid type was specified.", 1);
  10. ElmRegisterException("IncorrectValueFormatException", 7, "An incorrect format was used (for example - letters used in an int-type variable)", 1);
  11. ElmRegisterException("ShutdownDialogNotFirstArgumentException", 8, "When executing shutdown, /i must be the first argument. Sorry, blame Microsoft. ", 1); // 0 severity?
  12. ElmRegisterException("BackslashNotAllowedException", 9, "The backslash is not allowed in calls to ExecuteFileEx.", 1);
  13. ElmRegisterException("IncorrectlyFormattedXmlTagsException", 10, "A ShellXML tag was incorrectly formatted. Tags must begin with <> and end with </>.", 1);
  14. ElmRegisterException("DuplicateVariableNameException", 11, "Warning: Two variables cannot have the same name. The second variable will be ignored.", 0);
  15. ElmRegisterException("UnspecifiedErrorException", 12, "We have literally no idea what happened. Sorry!", 1);
  16. ElmRegisterException("ShellXmlFileNotFoundException", 13, "Shell attempted to load a ShellXML file that didn't exist. Specify another path.", 1);
  17. ElmRegisterException("AddingStringsNotAllowedYetException", 14, "Operations cannot be applied to strings yet.", 1);
  18. ElmRegisterException("AddingBooleansNotAllowedException", 15, "Operations cannot be applied to booleans. Seriously, what are you thinking?", 1);
  19. ElmRegisterException("PosXIncorrectlyDefinedException", 16, "<Output> element: the posx attribute has an incorrect or invalid character. (e.g. numbers in a letter/string type variable)", 1);
  20. ElmRegisterException("PosYIncorrectlyDefinedException", 17, "<Output> element: the posy attribute has an incorrect or invalid character. (e.g. numbers in a letter/string type variable)", 1);
  21. ElmRegisterException("InputAttributeErrorException", 18, "There was an error parsing an <Output> element. Either you left an attribute blank, or we screwed up.", 1);
  22. ElmRegisterException("InvalidAttributeException", 19, "An invalid attribute was specified for an element.", 1);
  23. ElmRegisterException("NotACharException", 20, "Only one character can be specified for an <Input> element's var attribute, as it is a char type. ", 1);
  24. ElmRegisterException("NoVarNameImplicitException", 21, "No name was defined for the var attribute of an <Input> statement. Check your <Input> statements.", 1);
  25. ElmRegisterException("NoVarImplicitException", 22, "No var attribute was found in an <Input> statement.", 1);
  26. ElmRegisterException("UnspecifiedWarningException", 23, "Unknown Warning: We have no idea. This is a non-fatal warning.", 0);
  27. ElmRegisterException("ConfigPathNotReadyYetException", 24, "Sorry, Shell Configuration is not available yet. ", 1);
  28. ElmRegisterException("IfNotReadyException", 25, "<If> statements are not available yet. Please wait until ShellUI v0.5.6.", 1);
  29. ElmRegisterException("NoPathAttributeInFunctionException", 26, "There was no path attribute in the Function element.", 1);
  30. ElmRegisterException("MessageBoxNoTextException", 27, "No path was specified for a MessageBox when calling WinMsgBox().", 1);
  31. ElmRegisterException("MessageBoxNoCaptionException", 28, "No caption/window title was specified for a WinMsgBox().", 1);
  32. ElmRegisterException("DotNetIoException", 29, ".NET threw an IoException while MoveFileEx was trying to read a file.", 0);
  33. ElmRegisterException("UnauthorizedAccessException", 30, "Access to a file was denied when attempting to perform an operation on it.", 0);
  34. ElmRegisterException("FileNotFoundException", 31, "The file could not be found.", 0);
  35. ElmRegisterException("DirectoryNotFoundException", 32, "The directory/folder could not be found.", 0);
  36. ElmRegisterException("EmptyIfStatementException", 33, "An empty if statement was found.", 0); // severity 1?
  37. ElmRegisterException("CreateInvalidRegistryKeyException", 34, "When calling WinRegCreateKey, an invalid root parameter was specified.", 0);
  38. ElmRegisterException("DeleteInvalidRegistryKeyException", 35, "When calling WinRegDeleteKey, an invalid root parameter was specified.", 0);
  39. ElmRegisterException("RegistryAccessDeniedException", 36, "When calling a registry-related function, access to the registry was denied by the operating system. Try running Shell as administrator.", 0);
  40. ElmRegisterException("RegistrySecurityException", 37, "When calling WinRegCreateKey or WinRegDeleteKey, WinRegGetValue, or WinRegSetValue, a SecurityException was thrown. Most likely, you attempted to edit a system-critical registry key.", 0);
  41. ElmRegisterException("CreateRegistryArgumentException", 38, "When calling WinRegCreateKey, somehow the wrong arguments were passed. This is most likely a bug, and we screwed up.", 1);
  42. ElmRegisterException("DeleteRegistryArgumentException", 39, "When calling WinRegDeleteKey, somehow the wrong arguments were passed. This is most likely a bug, and we screwed up.", 1);
  43. ElmRegisterException("NoVarException", 40, "No var attribute was found in a <Op> element. Please add it.", 1);
  44. ElmRegisterException("NoOpException", 41, "No op attribute was found in a <Op> element. Please add it.", 1);
  45. ElmRegisterException("CreateValueRegistryArgumentException", 42, "When calling WinRegSetValue, somehow the wrong arguments were passed. This is most likely a bug, and we screwed up.", 1);
  46. ElmRegisterException("RegIncorrectParameterException", 43, "We fucked up.", 1);
  47. ElmRegisterException("InvalidOperationIdException", 44, "An invalid operationId parameter was specified in a call to BaseMath().", 1);
  48. ElmRegisterException("BaseMathOutOfRangeException", 45, "BaseMath() went out of the range of a double.", 0);
  49. ElmRegisterException("InvalidWindowPositionException", 46, "When calling UiDrawMultiple, UiDrawBlankSpace, UiSetWindowSize, UiSetCursorSize, UiSetCursorPosition, or UiSetWindowPosition, one of the parameters was negative.", 1);
  50. ElmRegisterException("ConsolePosOrSizeWouldOverrunBufferException", 47, "When calling UiSetWindowPosition, UiSetWindowSize, the console window would be larger than the console buffer. ", 1);
  51. ElmRegisterException("ConsoleHeightTooHighException", 48, "The console height cannot be above 63 columns.", 1);
  52. ElmRegisterException("ConsoleTitleArgumentNullException", 49, "When calling UiSetWindowTitle, a parameter was null. Please rectify this issue.", 1);
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