

Jan 14th, 2015
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  2. AldenIceWolf: lol
  3. AldenIceWolf: afk
  4. AldenIceWolf: all good
  5. xXMissHeartlessXx: tyt o.o
  6. Ssexxiikillla: yes hes mad
  7. HarperRayneCreed: -.-
  8. xXMissHeartlessXx: -draws on dads face while he afk-
  9. xXMissHeartlessXx: <.<
  10. xXMissHeartlessXx: >.>
  11. EnkiHadesDreams3R: hb son
  12. AldenIceWolf: .tell mpom neverrrrrrrr
  13. Ssexxiikillla: -draws on gpa face- making cute butterflys
  14. xXMissHeartlessXx: -paints his nails blue- hehe
  15. xXMissHeartlessXx: xD
  16. Ssexxiikillla: i got the toes
  17. Ssexxiikillla: -paints his toes rainbow-
  18. HarperRayneCreed: -.-
  19. HarperRayneCreed: llol
  20. xXMissHeartlessXx: xDDD
  21. xXMissHeartlessXx: mommy wanna help?
  22. Ssexxiikillla: Ohh eden
  23. Ssexxiikillla: lets dress him up
  24. xXMissHeartlessXx: MOM
  25. xXMissHeartlessXx: U HAVE A DRESS
  26. xXMissHeartlessXx: >.>
  27. HarperRayneCreed: sorry im looking in shop :D
  28. xXMissHeartlessXx: help us dress dad up
  29. xXMissHeartlessXx: o.o
  30. Ssexxiikillla: i got the shoes
  31. xXMissHeartlessXx: xDD
  32. xXMissHeartlessXx: im about to go do some laundr
  33. xXMissHeartlessXx: laundry
  34. Ssexxiikillla: We need a something PINK
  35. xXMissHeartlessXx: >.<
  36. xXMissHeartlessXx: pink tutu
  37. Ssexxiikillla: yes
  38. Ssexxiikillla: now we thinking
  39. xXMissHeartlessXx: xD
  40. xXMissHeartlessXx: MAKE UP
  41. Ssexxiikillla: OMG
  42. xXMissHeartlessXx: :o
  43. Ssexxiikillla: DRAGQUEEN STYLE
  44. xXMissHeartlessXx: yassss
  45. Ssexxiikillla: His hair?
  46. xXMissHeartlessXx: curls...
  47. xXMissHeartlessXx: xD
  48. Ssexxiikillla: yes
  49. xXMissHeartlessXx: -puts a pink tutu on dad, then curls his hair- u do the makeup
  50. Ssexxiikillla: -gives gpa big eyebrows, very big lips with red lipstick over it, and a very shadowy eye blush, big fake lashes, and very red blush-
  51. Ssexxiikillla: and the shoes
  52. Ssexxiikillla: very dark dark green
  53. Ssexxiikillla: heels!
  54. Ssexxiikillla: 7fthells
  55. Ssexxiikillla: heels*
  56. Ssexxiikillla: He looks so pwetty.. aweee
  57. xXMissHeartlessXx: lol
  58. AldenIceWolf: who growling
  59. AldenIceWolf: lol
  60. xXMissHeartlessXx: shhh we didn't do it
  61. Ssexxiikillla: okay
  62. Ssexxiikillla: shhhh
  63. Ssexxiikillla: lol
  64. AldenIceWolf: have fun withs them as i watch a movie lol
  65. AldenIceWolf: tell that to mpom from me
  66. AldenIceWolf: lol
  67. AldenIceWolf: :P
  68. HarperRayneCreed: me coz i want some peace and maybe i wanted to watch a movie too
  69. AldenIceWolf: lol then lets babty:)
  70. AldenIceWolf: i added cinammon to this popcorn
  71. AldenIceWolf: lol\
  72. HarperRayneCreed: mmm im just trying to find queen of the damed
  73. AldenIceWolf: ooooo
  74. AldenIceWolf: i mights has that lol
  75. AldenIceWolf: holds on
  76. HarperRayneCreed: oks
  77. Ssexxiikillla: ..?
  78. EnkiHadesDreams3R: poof
  79. xXMissHeartlessXx: aweh
  80. HarperRayneCreed: i think he crashed
  81. EnkiHadesDreams3R: mhm
  82. xXMissHeartlessXx: so mom
  83. xXMissHeartlessXx: apperantly tiff has a long lost twin e.o
  84. HarperRayneCreed: ?
  85. Ssexxiikillla: I do
  86. xXMissHeartlessXx: idek
  87. xXMissHeartlessXx: im so confused
  88. HarperRayneCreed: im lost
  89. Ssexxiikillla: me too
  90. EnkiHadesDreams3R: to be honest what does it matter
  91. EnkiHadesDreams3R: who cares
  92. EnkiHadesDreams3R: sorry my opinion
  93. HarperRayneCreed: im soooooooo sorry :(
  94. xXMissHeartlessXx: o.o
  95. EnkiHadesDreams3R: its ok i will give them a piece of my mind they in my club
  96. HarperRayneCreed: i knows and i will understand if you boot them as it being your club
  97. EnkiHadesDreams3R: what
  98. EnkiHadesDreams3R: i am giving you an honest answer
  99. EnkiHadesDreams3R: if you dont like my answer you can leave
  100. EnkiHadesDreams3R: if you did not read i dont care for drama nor need it here
  101. EnkiHadesDreams3R: i know hun i am sorry
  102. HarperRayneCreed: its oks i didnt want drama tonight either that why i was dnd
  103. xXMissHeartlessXx: o.o
  104. xXMissHeartlessXx: there no drama
  105. xXMissHeartlessXx: o.o
  106. xXMissHeartlessXx: im just here with my mom......
  107. EnkiHadesDreams3R: i am sorry for making you come out
  108. EnkiHadesDreams3R: are you kidding me
  109. xXMissHeartlessXx: o.o
  110. EnkiHadesDreams3R: lol
  111. EnkiHadesDreams3R: that is a laugh
  112. xXMissHeartlessXx: mom ;-;
  113. HarperRayneCreed: it oks it my fault i should of hidden my location
  114. xXMissHeartlessXx: ....
  115. HarperRayneCreed: sorry bbg but its her club her rules
  116. EnkiHadesDreams3R: i apologize sweetie i wanted to see you this is my fault~
  117. xXMissHeartlessXx: I didnt do anything o.o we were just talking
  118. HarperRayneCreed: and i wanted to see you too
  119. EnkiHadesDreams3R: i do not care to hear of others misfortunes unless it is my family
  120. HarperRayneCreed: i know she just very little patiance atm
  121. xXMissHeartlessXx: does she know we in her fam ;-;
  122. xXMissHeartlessXx: ._.
  123. HarperRayneCreed: i have told her your her grand daughter
  124. EnkiHadesDreams3R: what
  125. EnkiHadesDreams3R: i am being honest
  126. xXMissHeartlessXx: I havent done anything D': idk what to say.....we were just talking to you ;-;
  127. EnkiHadesDreams3R: your mom is my granddaughter
  128. EnkiHadesDreams3R: i been gone for a while and want time with her with out drama talk
  129. xXMissHeartlessXx: No drama. got it o.o happy thoughts! :D
  130. EnkiHadesDreams3R: o.o
  131. EnkiHadesDreams3R: thank you
  132. xXMissHeartlessXx: ^^ hehe
  133. EnkiHadesDreams3R: i am greatful you understand
  134. EnkiHadesDreams3R: haha come here
  135. xXMissHeartlessXx: brb need to do laundry
  136. Ssexxiikillla: tyt mom
  137. EnkiHadesDreams3R: tyt
  138. HarperRayneCreed: tyt bbg
  139. HarperRayneCreed: i like this dance gma
  140. EnkiHadesDreams3R: me too
  141. EnkiHadesDreams3R: my club pic now
  142. EnkiHadesDreams3R: rofl
  143. HarperRayneCreed: awwws :D
  144. EnkiHadesDreams3R: hehe
  145. HarperRayneCreed: :*
  146. EnkiHadesDreams3R: kiss
  147. HarperRayneCreed: so why you a yummy male today :D
  148. EnkiHadesDreams3R: llol
  149. EnkiHadesDreams3R: better than being female i had a shitty day
  150. EnkiHadesDreams3R: welcome
  151. EnkiHadesDreams3R: speak
  152. EnkiHadesDreams3R: or i boot
  153. Guest_DanandPhilx3: hi
  154. Guest_DanandPhilx3: lol
  155. EnkiHadesDreams3R: lol
  156. EnkiHadesDreams3R: how are you
  157. Guest_DanandPhilx3: good you?
  158. EnkiHadesDreams3R: i amok thank you
  159. EnkiHadesDreams3R: what brings you here
  160. Guest_DanandPhilx3: idk xD
  161. Guest_DanandPhilx3: bored
  162. EnkiHadesDreams3R: lol
  163. EnkiHadesDreams3R: haha leave and come back i made you od
  164. HarperRayneCreed: oooo
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