
LSD Rein

Jun 2nd, 2014
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  1. 'Laughing Sword Dancer' Rein Quintina
  2. Regulus Academy Student
  7. Born in the genetic experiments that were responsible for the creation of the elf human sub-type. Her lithe frame rather deceptive of her power, coming from her more than human body. Many of the early experiments were failures, with only five including herself having made it to adolescence in her group.
  8. Dunya, lanky even as a young child, taller than anyone else in the group. Rather an awkward child he never could get his limbs to go quite as he pleased. Asya a dark haired dark eyed girl with a spring to her step. She had enough energy to share with everyone. Richard, a rather even tempered boy. He was the leader of the little group, the one they all deferred to when there was an argument. Mindy a They were a family as close as can be, the scientists in charge rather dotting on the young elves. Her headphones were a present from her family that she cherishes to this day. A genetic instability that had managed to go unnoticed through the many screenings and testings started affecting the other four in her group.
  10. They knew their time was limited, and they made plans for after their deaths. Their ashes is what makes the steel of her blades so strong, Rein thinks that something of their souls remains with her in them; she would fight the Spawn, but she wouldn't do so alone. She is sad that they passed, but it does not hold her back, rather forging her will to carry on.
  12. With only her left the program had run its course and was shut down, Rein's transfer to Regulus Academy was handled quickly. The mechanical harness for her swords the last gift from the facility that had raised her. The high-schooler doesn't pay much attention in classes, and usually is listening to music instead of the teachers. Despite being unable to carry a tune in a bucket, she can usually be heard humming to her music. Her laughter is far more musical than anything she could sing, battling bringing particularly clear and pure laughter. Not just the thrill of the fight, but the memories of training with her friends is what brings this.
  14. Rein hasn't grown close to anyone at the school, or perhaps the problem is that she is too close to people at school. Lacking somewhat in the social upbringings of many of her classmates she doesn't understand all the niceties like, personal space or privacy.
  16. She doesn't let anyone take, or even touch her headphones. Trying to take her swords from her is even worse; not recommended if you value your health.
  20. Dislikes spicy things.
  21. Likes music with a strong beat.
  22. Banned from all music clubs at the school.
  23. Banned from all fire arm courses.
  26. "I won't let go of even one blade."
  30. Str 100-A
  31. End 50-D
  32. Mag 50-D
  33. Res 20-E
  34. Agi 80-B
  35. Prs 40-D
  36. Eva 40-D
  37. Grd 20-E
  39. Perks
  41. Four Sword Master: Steel Dancer
  42. Blades flash around this young lady in a baffling whirlwind, she is capable of wielding four swords simultaneously. It's an exhausting style just to watch, blades flashing in her hands, body constantly in motion. The way she can manage four swords with her two hands makes no sense at all... but she seems to pull it off effectively if the shredded Spawn she leaves behind are anything to go by. Her style is one of almost pure attacks, chained slashes from all four blades weaving a deadly net until it traps, and shreds her enemies.
  45. Born for War
  46. She was born to fight. Fighting raises her spirits, every slice of the blade boosting her energy. The roar of blood through her veins from real combat is something that practice matches can't bring to her. Instead of tiring from her overly energetic style she gains energy as a fight goes on. The tougher the fight the more worked up she gets.
  49. Five Souls Swords
  50. Her four treasured blades are weapons without peer, literally her irreplaceable comrades. Not every experiment was as successful as she was, these blades are her dear friends who though no longer in this world still fight with her every step of the way. Fighting together no matter what, even their deaths were not enough to separate these friends. She herself is the fifth blade and together they will never break.
  52. The mechanical harness she wears keeps her blades close at hand at all times, ready to be drawn in a flash if she needs. At the same time their flexible nature ensures that they won't get in her way, the long blades though not quite as tall as she is still long.
  56. Skills
  58. Waltz of Steel
  59. Rein strikes at every enemy within range of her swords as she moves fluidly through the field of battle without pausing leaving the defeated scattered behind her like fallen leaves.
  61. Hidden Strike: The fifth blade!
  62. Rein's secret attack, dazzling her enemies with her sword strikes she surprises her enemy by kicking them instead of another sword strike. It's a very strong kick.
  64. Defying Gravity
  65. Rein can regularly ignore the fact that she should be falling when she chooses to. Capable of extending her leaps and jumps far beyond what she should be capable of. Possibly useful if she wants to run up the side of a building, or just cheat on the scales. Reduces her weight.
  67. Beyond the World
  68. There is nothing that Rein cannot cut through with her cherished comrades. Her soul resonates with theirs and together they will cut through anything and everything before them.
  70. Feel the Flow
  71. Rein can sense the flow of magic in the world, where it is strongest and weakest, and the changes. The ebb the flow and where it pools. A precise sensing takes a moment of concentration to focus. Without this she can at best sense large rapid changes nearby.
  73. Exceed
  74. When outmatched by an opponent Rein is capable of closing the gap in strengths by sheer willpower. If they are too fast for her to hit, she will just strike faster. If they are too strong for her to break their block, she will hit harder.
  76. Feel the Flow: Dance Partner
  77. Focusing her senses on one target she can hone in on how magic flows through them, matching their movements with precognition like skill. Magic based attacks are easier to evade and respond to, and even their physical movements backed by magic are clear as day to her eyes with this skill. Usually used on strong enemies she is fighting it is also actually useful for dancing.
  79. Spirits
  81. Strike!
  82. Guts
  83. Soul
  84. Mercy
  85. Continuous Attack
  86. Zeal
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