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a guest
Sep 17th, 2019
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  1. "
  2. Bulbasaur,
  3. Ivysaur,
  4. Venusaur,
  5. Charmander,
  6. Charmeleon,
  7. Charizard,
  8. Squirtle,
  9. Wartortle,
  10. Blastoise,
  11. Caterpie,
  12. Metapod,
  13. Butterfree,
  14. Weedle,
  15. Kakuna,
  16. Beedrill,
  17. Pidgey,
  18. Pidgeotto,
  19. Pidgeot,
  20. Rattata,
  21. Raticate,
  22. Spearow,
  23. Fearow,
  24. Ekans,
  25. Arbok,
  26. Pikachu,
  27. Raichu,
  28. Sandshrew,
  29. Sandslash,
  30. Nidoran,
  31. Nidorina,
  32. Nidoqueen,
  33. Nidoran,
  34. Nidorino,
  35. Nidoking,
  36. Clefairy,
  37. Clefable,
  38. Vulpix,
  39. Ninetales,
  40. Jigglypuff,
  41. Wigglytuff,
  42. Zubat,
  43. Golbat,
  44. Oddish,
  45. Gloom,
  46. Vileplume,
  47. Paras,
  48. Parasect,
  49. Venonat,
  50. Venomoth,
  51. Diglett,
  52. Dugtrio,
  53. Meowth,
  54. Persian,
  55. Psyduck,
  56. Golduck,
  57. Mankey,
  58. Primeape,
  59. Growlithe,
  60. Arcanine,
  61. Poliwag,
  62. Poliwhirl,
  63. Poliwrath,
  64. Abra,
  65. Kadabra,
  66. Alakazam,
  67. Machop,
  68. Machoke,
  69. Machamp,
  70. Bellsprout,
  71. Weepinbell,
  72. Victreebel,
  73. Tentacool,
  74. Tentacruel,
  75. Geodude,
  76. Graveler,
  77. Golem,
  78. Ponyta,
  79. Rapidash,
  80. Slowpoke,
  81. Slowbro,
  82. Magnemite,
  83. Magneton,
  84. Doduo,\nDodrio,
  85. Seel,
  86. Dewgong,
  87. Grimer,
  88. Muk,
  89. Shellder,
  90. Cloyster,
  91. Gastly,
  92. Haunter,
  93. Gengar,
  94. Onix,
  95. Drowzee,
  96. Hypno,
  97. Krabby,
  98. Kingler,
  99. Voltorb,
  100. Electrode,
  101. Exeggcute,
  102. Exeggutor,
  103. Cubone,
  104. Marowak,
  105. Hitmonlee,
  106. Hitmonchan,
  107. Lickitung,
  108. Koffing,
  109. Weezing,
  110. Rhyhorn,
  111. Rhydon,
  112. Chansey,
  113. Tangela,
  114. Kangaskhan,
  115. Horsea,
  116. Seadra,
  117. Goldeen,
  118. Seaking,
  119. Staryu,
  120. Starmie,
  121. Mr.
  122. Mime,
  123. Scyther,
  124. Jynx,
  125. Electabuzz,
  126. Magmar,
  127. Pinsir,
  128. Tauros,
  129. Magikarp,
  130. Gyarados,
  131. Lapras,
  132. Ditto,
  133. Eevee,
  134. Vaporeon,
  135. Jolteon,
  136. Flareon,
  137. Porygon,
  138. Omanyte,
  139. Omastar,
  140. Kabuto,
  141. Kabutops,
  142. Aerodactyl,
  143. Snorlax,
  144. Articuno,
  145. Zapdos,
  146. Moltres,
  147. Dratini,
  148. Dragonair,
  149. Dragonite,
  150. Mewtwo,
  151. Mew
  152. "
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