
Robotnik in Equestria

Sep 6th, 2016
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  1. "I've done it! I've created a space-time transporter to dominate another world aside from Mobius, away from the prickly blue pest! Scratch! Grounder! Get in. We're going on a little trip!"
  2. >>Short transportation sequence later
  3. Scratch: "Where are we now, your maliciousness?"
  4. Grounder: "It's so bright and colorful."
  5. Robotnik: "It's absolutely wretched how sickeningly sappy this place is. It's missing the Robotnik touch of metal gray."
  6. Scratch: "Look! That town is filled with... ponies?"
  7. Grounder: "I always wanted one of those."
  8. Scratch: "Since when?!"
  9. Grounder: "Since now. Those things look so cute, er, I mean, in an evil way, right?"
  10. Robotnik: "You want ponies?! You got it! Round up each and every one of those pony pests! We'll make them our literal workhorses to begin our glorious colonization! Ahahahahaha!!!"
  11. ____________________________________________________
  13. Wes: "Hello there, your excellence. I'm afraid I've already beaten you to punch. My company has made a space-time doohickey of their own. Plus, your contraption is breaking a lot of patent laws that we've already cooked up long before."
  14. Robotnik: "WHAT?! There can only be room for ONE crooked dictator in this world, Wesley, and I've already filled that position."
  15. Wes: "Au contrary, Ivo, the positions have been filled long before you and I got here. Take my new partners for example. These fellows beside are living the salesmen's dream. These ponies are easy to suck- er, I mean, persuade in anything we throw their faces."
  16. Grounder: "Wait, are you saying that there are other villains besides Robotnik in this colorful town."
  17. Scratch: "I don't believe it. Nothing with such big round eyes and small bodies could possibly be as evil as his putridness, AH HA AH HAAA!"
  18. Robotnik: "As surprisingly astute as my bolt-brained lackeys are for pointing out the possibility of another one of your tricks, the idea of fighting for territories between you AND whatever wicked creature comes my way sounds titillating. Ok, you dumbbots. Change of plans. We're going to comb this place of any, er, PONY as devious as I am that dares go against my magnificence. Once they are out of the way, we can set out to build MY utopia! Ahahahahaha!
  20. ___________________________________________________
  22. Robotnik: "Listen up, bolt brains! I've done some thorough digging, and I found that, while there are indeed creatures that are almost as bad as yours truly, there are pesky heroes about as well."
  23. Grounder: "It's not the hedgehog again, is it? My treads always get sore trying to catch up with him..."
  24. Scratch: "You're lucky you HAVE treads, doofus. The sprockets in my entire LEGS go numb. You have no right to complain."
  25. Robotnik: "SHUT UP AND LISTEN! The heroes of this world are powered by what are called the Elements of Harmony. Think chaos emeralds, but less powerful. Together, they might be trouble. But, if we divide and conquer, we can have them sorted out. First, we go for the weakest one. There's a pony that live in a cottage near the outskirts of the podunk village we arrived in. Seize her and lock her up in the dungeon. I trust even you dingbots can handle some one so puny?"
  26. Scratch: "Got it! We'll apprehend the pony faster than you can say-"
  27. Robotnik: "Shut up and get going!"
  28. Scratch: "Ah hehe, right. That."
  29. >One uneventful egg-o-matic hovercraft ride later... Scratch and Grounder find themselves at Fluttershy's cottage.
  30. >Grounder points at her personal chicken coop.
  31. Grounder: "Look, Scratch, you're just in time for your family reunion!"
  32. Scratch: "D-oh, Grounder, quit embarrassing yourself. Don't you realize that we're in a new land to call our own? The hedgehog always embarrasses us in every turn! This is our only chance to look like intimidating henchmen for once!"
  33. >> They walk to Fluttershy's door and give it a knock.
  34. Grounder: "Look at all these furry pests! Is she some sort of crazy cat lady or something?"
  35. Scratch: "Shh! I hear someone coming! Remember, first impressions are everything."
  36. >> The door slowly opens...
  38. ________________________________________________
  40. >> Fluttershy opens the door gingerly. She sees Scratch and Grounder trying to look as menacing as possible. Fluttershy lets out a small gasp.
  41. Scratch: "In the name of our glorious leader, we are placing YOU under arrest. Come quietly, and we MIGHT be merciful! Ah HA ah HAAA!"
  42. Grounder: "Yeah! No funny business! Put your, um, forelegs behind your head and follow us to your cell."
  43. Scratch: "Hand me the cuffs, Grounder!"
  44. Grounder: "Oh, oh, right."
  45. >Grounder looks inside his compartment, but finds that he has no tools for detainment.
  46. Grounder: "Uh... I forgot them."
  47. Scratch: "Grounder, you had ONE job!"
  48. Grounder: "It's not my fault! Dr. Robotnik was in such a hurry to get us here that I didn't have time to pack my things!"
  49. Fluttershy: "Um, excuse me...?"
  50. Scratch: "Fine, fine, then we'll just carry her over to the lair."
  51. Grounder: "But what about those wings? She might do what that two-tailed fox does to us. She might carry us up in the air and drop us. I don't want to be broken again."
  52. Scratch: "Fine! Then we tie her up. Get the rope."
  53. Grounder: "Forgot those, too."
  54. >Scratch is turning red with frustration.
  55. Fluttershy: "Excuse me."
  56. Scratch: "WHAT?"
  57. Fluttershy: "Eep! Um... I have some cookies in the oven and I need to pull them out of the oven before they burn. Would you like to come in and we talk about my, uh, kidnapping there?"
  58. >> Scratch and Grounder look at each other, then, like a couple of kids, smile at the idea of cookies before returning to Dr. Robotnik.
  59. Scratch: Grounder: "Sure!"
  60. >>Fluttershy successfully saves the cookies that she was baking. They are carrot cookies that were meant for Angel and her, but she decides to share with her unexpected guests as well. She puts the cookies on a plate and places it on the table in front of couch where Scratch and Grounder is sitting. Greedily, they grab handfuls of cookies and chow down. Angel taps his foot with anger, wondering if HE's going to get any.
  62. ____________________________________________
  64. Scratch: "Hey! These aren't bad at all!"
  65. Grounder: "Yeah! Nice to eat something that doesn't have eggs in it for once. Thanks!"
  66. Fluttershy: "Your welcome. Um, I really thought that you two were pretty scary but, looking at you now, I think that your pretty nice."
  67. Scratch: "Nice?! No, no, no. You got it all wrong. We're evil! As bad as can be!"
  68. Grounder: "May I have some more tea with my cookies?"
  69. >Scratch clocks Grounder on the top of his noggin. His head recedes into his body.
  70. Scratch: "Dummy! Bad guys don't mind their P's and Q's!"
  71. Fluttershy: "*gasp* Why did you hit him?"
  72. >Grounder talks through his body. There is an echo inside.
  73. Grounder: " Aw, my brother does that all the time. You get used to it."
  74. Fluttershy: "Brothers? You two?"
  75. >She turns to Scratch with anger in her eyes.
  76. Fluttershy: "How can you do such a thing to your own brother?!"
  77. Scratch: "It's simple! First, you clench your fist, and then you swing it in a downward motion. Nothing to it."
  78. Fluttershy: "I simply will not tolerate such rough behavior out of you."
  79. >The Stare is activated. Scratch is quite afraid for his life.
  80. Fluttershy: "Apologize to him!"
  81. Scratch: "Ah. Ehehe. Uh, S-Sorry."
  82. Grounder: *in a haughty tone* "I forgive you."
  83. Fluttershy: "Now then, I think you need to be taught a lesson for your behavior. Get a broom and sweep up the cookie crumbs. Grounder, let me get you some more tea."
  84. >Fluttershy exits the room. Scratch is looking at Grounder who returns a smug expression. Scratch growls, dons an apron, and begins sweeping, as Grounder and Fluttershy share tea and conversation.
  86. >Meanwhile, Robotnik is viewing their progress with a giant computer screen.
  88. Robotnik: "Those dunderheads! Instead of performing evil deeds in my name, they are having a tea party! Arrrrgh! If you want something done right, you got to do it yourself! Just wait til I get there, you fabricated failures!
  90. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
  92. >"Those blathering dumb-bots will RUE the day they failed Dr. Julian Ivo R-r-r-r-r-r-obotni-"
  93. >'ONE SIDE, PAL!'
  94. Robotnik: "Whoa-oa-oa-oa!"
  95. >His egg-o-matic spins clockwise in many successive rotations until it is stabilized again. Robotnik is slouching over the vehicle, green in the face. Rainbow Dash flies back to see what she bumped into.
  96. Rainbow: "You all right, uh... wait, who are you?
  97. >Robotnik shakes his head and regains his composure.
  98. Robotnik: "You feather-brained troublemaker! Watch where you are going!:
  99. Rainbow: "Hey, chump. I wanted to say I was sorry! What's with the attitude.:
  100. Robotnik: "There are plenty of reasons, but let's start with the obvious. First of all, you're blue and you're fast. That's reason enough for me to hate you already. Second, if you don't start looking what's in front of you, I'll have you detained and locked in the deepest cell I can find. For I am Robotnik, evil genius!"
  101. Rainbow: "Yeah, well you are in MY home turf now, so I recommend you go back to wherever you came from before my hoof goes into your teeth, Robuttnik."
  102. > Robotnik is trembling in anger.
  103. Robotnik: "Did you just call me... what I think you called me?!"
  104. >Flashes of Sonic rush through his brain, repeating the same insult. Without hesitation, he whips out a bazooka in the cockpit and aims it at Rainbow Dash.
  105. Robotnik: "I'll show YOU, you... pesky, pinheaded PEGASUS!"
  106. ______________________________________________________________
  108. >Robotnik fires the bazooka and a net flies out of it, aiming to ensnare the blue bug from out of the sky. Unfortunately, Rainbow's reflexes keep him from hitting his mark. He makes several attempts, all while Rainbow Dash is making funny faces at him.
  109. Rainbow: "Ha! You're too slow, egghead!"
  110. >Just then, a blur of two pegasi speed past Robotnik and capture RD with a new of their own!
  111. Rainbow: "Hey!"
  112. Robotnik: "What? No fair! She was my prey to torture as I please."
  113. >One of the pegasi holding the net is accompanied by three more to hold the struggling Rainbow Dash. Their uniforms are dark purple in color with lightning donning the legs and neck. Their leader hovers over between Robotnik and Dash to gloat.
  114. Lightning Dust: "You're going to have to wait in line. This one is mine."
  115. Rainbow: "What?! Lightning Dust? Why are you doing this! Leggo!"
  116. Lightning: I'll tell you why! When I was dishonorably discharged and saw you climb to the top, I knew I wanted to show the Wonderbolts, no, ALL of Equestria that they made a mistake enlisting you. Now, I've gather a few others like myself and formed the Shadow Bolts!"
  117. Rainbow: "Oh, REAL original."
  118. Lightning: "I'm not looking to be trendy, RD. I'm looking to rule the skies, and I'm starting with YOU."
  119. Robotnik: "Now, you listen here. I like the cut of your gib, but I'm going to be the one who rules the land and sky of Equestria! Do what you want to the blue pest, but stay out of my way!"
  121. ________________________________________________________________
  123. >Robotnik starts to use his allegedly giant brain to sort the situation out.
  124. Robotnik: *thinking* "They're ALL pretty fast. Don't I have an invention that Wes Weasely sold me? Yes... The one that those dumbbots used to catch Sonic. Might work here..."
  125. Lightning: "Don't cross us, fatso! If you can't even keep up with the likes of us, you've no right to rule the skies!
  126. Robotnik: "Ha! I've caught rodents faster than you, and I don't need to outfly you!"
  127. >Robotnik whisks behind one of the pegasi holding the net.
  128. Robotnik: "I just need to OUTSMART you. It won't take much, I might add."
  129. >Robotnik pulls out an extra fluffy feather and proceeds to tickle one of the Shadowbolts.
  130. Robotnik: "Coochy coochy coo!"
  131. >The pegasus starts to laugh uncontrollably, loosing his grip. His partner is unable to hold the increasing weight of the net as it starts to slip. Robotnik then positions his hovercraft below the net and catches Rainbow Dash.
  132. Robotnik: "I remember when I turned my robots into ninjas once before. I admired their skill (but not their ability to open doors). But, what I admired most were their well placed smoke bombs!"
  133. >Robotnik launches one in the sky. As it explodes, he proceeds to make his getaway. Meanwhile, his opponents are blinded by the smoke and coughing.
  134. Lightning: "You *cough* won't get away *sputter* with that, *ack* fatcakes!"
  135. >Robotnik takes Rainbow Dash to his secret, but shoddily constructed lair by the lake where Pinkie and Dash like to hang around and swim in.
  136. >>The lair consists of one room. Inside are his dimensional transporter, his lab equipment, various toolkits, traps of all types, and materials gathered to expand his headquarters.
  138. Rainbow: "Why did you save me, Egghead?"
  140. __________________________________________________________
  142. Robotnik: "Listen to me, you technicolored troublemaker. I personally think you should stick your head in a thundercloud and, last I remember, you aren't fond of me, either."
  143. Rainbow: "That goes without saying, egg breath."
  144. Robotnik: "But we BOTH hate Lightning Dust. So, I'm willing to make a truce with you for now. Back in my world, I have a machine that was sold to me that is able to nullify gravity. Once they're caught in its field, they have no chance of flying out!"
  145. Rainbow: "That sounds awesome! But, how do I know I can trust you?"
  146. Robotnik: "Hahaha! You can't! But know that my eyes are on them for now. I'll be coming for you soon after!"
  147. Rainbow: "All right, so what's the plan?"
  148. >Robotnik untangles the bolas holding RD in the net.
  149. Robotnik: "The plan is so simple, even my short-circuited lackeys can't fail this one (if they weren't slacking off). You find Lightning Dust and go be your usual annoying self. Have her follow you here and pass by a large bush near my hideout where my gizmo is stored. Once you pass by, I'll flip the switch and catch your pursuers one-by-one!"
  150. Rainbow: "I love a good chase. I'm in!"
  151. Robotnik: "Then I'll set up the trap! Don't go anywhere until I get back."
  152. Rainbow: "Hey, I'm the embodiment of loyalty! I'm not gonna turn my back on a partner."
  153. Robotnik: "Good to know. Hehe."
  155. __________________________________________
  157. >An hour passes since RD's allegiance with Robotnik has been made. Lightning Dust and her small band of unmerry mares scout the skies looking for Dash or the allegedly brilliant scientist that took her away.
  158. Lackey 1: "We looked all over Cloudsdale and Ponyville, but she's not anywhere."
  159. Lightning Dust: "Keep looking! I want that spotlight-stealer to our trophy when we run the Wonderbolts out of Equestria!"
  160. >A rock hits Lightning Dust on the back of her head. She turns to look at its sender.
  161. Rainbow: "Looking for me is the easy part, Dust. Catching me is a lot harder."
  162. Lightning Dust: "Everypony after her, don't her get away this time!"
  163. > Lightning Dust dives towards her, followed by her minions. Dash responds by gaining speed towards Robotnik's planned location. To distract them from the fact they are being led into a trap, she circles around some trees, a couple houses, and even through Applejack's barn. Every flier behind Dash, except her equal, Dust, has trouble keeping up with her, but don't lose the scent. Finally, she makes her way over towards the lake. Passing the bush Robotnik directed her to go, Rainbow Dash lets out a resounding "NOW".
  165. Robotnik, who is inside the bush with the device, wastes no time flipping the switch.
  167. _______________________________________________________________________________
  169. > An anti-gravitational field emits from the generator, floating above Robotnik. He barely misses Rainbow Dash, but her pursues all find themselves stopping cold and floating in midair, unable to fly out.
  170. Robotnik: "Curses! I was a split second too late. I could have had them ALL under my snare. Ah, well, at least I have Dusty and her ragtag band of rejects under my dominion now. I might as well come up with a plan to stop Rainbow Dash some other way. Until then, I'll play it cool."
  171. >Rainbow Dash flies down towards Robotnik to see the capture zone personally.
  172. Rainbow: "Hey, all right! You got them all! Way to go, egghead.
  173. Robotnik: "Underestimate me at your own peril, my mischievous mare friend. Turns out that investment I made to that sneaky salesman paid off, after all. Of course, it needed a few tweaks from a brilliant scientist like myself. They were in constant motion, so anti-gravity alone would stop them. So-."
  174. Rainbow: "Ugh, you sure like to hear yourself talk. Get the point."
  175. Robotnik: "I'm giving you a free physics lesson, you ungrateful simpleton! Your brain is in need of a few extra IQ points! The point is I installed a small black hole generator to suck them in and keep them in!"
  176. Rainbow: "Well, good, because I called the Wonderbolts over to arrest Lightning Dust before we went on with the plan."
  177. Robotnik: "WHAT? I wanted them to- Uh... Ok, I suppose it's best if they were out of my hair anyway."
  178. Rainbow: "But, you're bald."
  179. Robotnik: "Shut up! I meant the hair in my 'stache!"
  181. ____________________________________________________
  183. >The Wonderbolts were able to come and apprehend the Shadowbolts, thanks to Robotnik's cooperation. Much to his chagrin, however, Rainbow Dash was able to still go free.
  184. Spitfire: "Thanks a lot for the assistance. I didn't think someone so out of shape could even catch up with them."
  185. Robotnik: "Are all of you pegasi always so painfully obnoxious or is there a trend going around that I'm missing? Ah!"
  186. >Spitfire gives a light jab to Robotnik's gut. It knocks a bit of wind out of him.
  187. Spitfire: "I like your spunk, doc."
  188. Robotnik: "I'll ask you not to do that again if you know what's good for you."
  189. Spitfire: "Get a load of this tough guy! Anyways, thanks to you and Rainbow Dash, we can scratch these punks of the wanted list. They'll be permanently grounded when I get through with them."
  190. Robotnik: "Scratch? Ground- Oh, blast! I got so caught up with all this nonsense that I forgot to teach those two a lesson in villainy! This isn't over, Rainbow Dash! I'll be back!"
  191. >Robotnik waddles on his way to his not-so-secret-anymore lair to prepare his hovercraft for deployment. Spitfire stares at him with disbelief.
  192. Spitfire: "The hay was that about, private?"
  193. Rainbow: "Just a little rivalry, no biggie."
  195. _____________________________________________
  198. >Meanwhile, around the same time as Rainbow Dash's and Robotnik's truce was freshly made. Scratch and Grounder are washing a batch of bunnies, ferrets, and any other animal needing a bath. Fluttershy approaches them with a plate with two glasses of ice-cold lemonade on top.
  199. Fluttershy: "I brought you boys some lemonade! It's my way of saying thank you after being such a big help."
  200. Grounder: "Aww, gee. That's great!"
  201. Scratch: "Thanks, Mama Shy!"
  202. Fluttershy: It usually takes me all day to wash these critters up but, thanks to you two, we'll be done before the sun sets. Then, we can go to the spa together with Rarity and have a relaxing evening."
  203. Grounder: "Mama shy, you should know that I scrubbed 14 animals since your last check up."
  204. Scratch: "Yeah? Well, I scrubbed 18!"
  205. Grounder: "That's because you left Harry all to myself. Bears are tough to get the stains out of."
  206. Fluttershy: "Thank you so much for your support. I'm proud of both of you. Enjoy the lemonade, boys."
  207. >Fluttershy flies back into her cottage as the the two grab the cups and take a swig.
  208. Scratch: "Just so you know, I'm Mama's favorite. So give up trying to suck up to her."
  209. Grounder: "That's not true. She said she's proud of both of us! Besides, she knows that you can't wash dishes like I can."
  210. Scratch: "What about the time you scuffed the floors with your treads after cleaning them?"
  211. Grounder: "Well, she didn't get mad, so I must have done an ok job. Yet, there's something in the back of my head that's been bothering me..."
  213. ________________________________________________________
  216. Scratch: "It can't be your brain. Ha ha ha haaaaaa!"
  217. Grounder: "No, no. I feel like I've forgotten to do something important. Something we were supposed to do."
  218. Scratch: "You mean, capture Mama Shy and take her to Doctor Robotnik?"
  219. Grounder: "Yeah! That's it! Um, did you know the whole time?"
  220. Scratch: "Yeah! The way I figured it, we could do what Dr. Robotnik said at any time. But who would give up this? Just do what we usually do at the fortress, plus the cleaning of annoying little animals, and we get a lot more praise and a lot less yelling."
  221. Grounder: "Hey, yeah! It may not be evil, but it's a lot more relaxing."
  222. Scratch: "Plus, eh... *mumble* *mumble*"
  223. Grounder: "Huh?"
  224. Scratch: "I said... I never had a mama before. She makes me feel all cozy."
  226. >Just then, a rumbling noise can be heard from the distance, getting closer and closer.
  228. Grounder: "Huh? What's that sound?"
  229. Scratch: "Whoa! It's Robotnik! Quick, find something to tie Mama up with!"
  230. Grounder: "Wait, Scratch! Look over there!"
  232. _________________________________________________
  234. >Scratch looks at the oncoming machine that Grounder is pointing to. It looks it is a cross between the Cider-Squeezey 6000 and a wood chipper. At the helm of the mechanical contraption is the Flim-Flam Brothers, with their new partner, Wes Weasley.
  235. >The bots stare in awe as the machine makes its way to the edge of the Everfree forest. Once there, it hovers a large suction funnel above a tree. With the flick of a switch, it uproots the tree with a powerful vacuum suction. It travels to the end of the pipe, where various buzzsaw noises start to emanate from the body of the machine. In the back of the machine, planks of wood stack up, with the remnants of the wood too short to be boards are meshed and turned into boxes of toothpicks. Flim, Flam, and Wes hop out of the contraption to view their handy work, as Wes uses a toothpick produced by the machine.
  236. Wes: "'Waste not, want not', as my mother used to say."
  237. Flim: "'Look at the products were making just from one tree, dear brother! We're going to make a mint!"
  238. Flam: "A killing?"
  239. Flim: "A fortune!"
  240. Wes: "An enterprise! You boys have had clever ideas, but not the strategies to make them effective. But together, hehe, we'll be rolling in riches."
  241. Flam: "I can see it now. FlimFlam Weasley's Magical Materials!"
  242. Flim: "It will be wood that aristocrats and nobles will flock over to stay above the common rabble."
  243. Wes: "Oh, no no no. You gents are thinking too small. We sell it to the common ponies and tell them it will make them feel like princesses. It will be the new standard, normal wood will be obsolete, and we'll have continued business throughout our careers!"
  244. Flim: "Wes, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful conglomerate."
  246. _______________________________________________
  248. >Fluttershy bursts through her cottage door, spooking the bots. She looks at the machine in horror as she thinks about all the animals who live inside the forest losing their habitat. Without a second thought, she races towards the machine as fast as she could. Instinctively, Scratch and Grounder stop what their doing and follow behind her.
  249. Fluttershy: "Stop! You can't do that!"
  250. Wes: "Who's that?"
  251. Flim: "One of the Apple family's annoying friends. Don't trouble yourself, Wes. We'll handle her."
  252. >The brothers walk up to greet her, with the bots catching up to her, panting loudly.
  253. Flim: "Hello, ma'am! How can we help you today?"
  254. Fluttershy: "Please. I beg of you. Stop what you're doing. You have no idea of the consequences that will follow if you continue to root out those trees!"
  255. Flim: "This isn't a nature reserve, ma'am. We've gotten permission to take out an acre of this forest for our business."
  256. Fluttershy: "What?! B-but, how could the mayor allow you to do that?"
  257. Flam: "A petition, dear mare. Wes conducted a survey of what the ponies in Ponyville thought of the Everfree Forest."
  258. Flim: "A solid 78% said that they were terrified of it, 16% said that had no strong opinions of it, and 6% said it was important for the environment.
  259. Flam: "So, we had the ponies who were afraid of it sign the petition for a section of the forest to be cut down. That way, families could have more safe landscapes for their little foals to play in. Don't you know the dangers of what lurks inside that forest? Think of the children!"
  260. Fluttershy: "I-I know that the forest is scary, but it houses a lot of important wildlife that affect the environment outside of the forest. Plus, the dangerous animals that live in the forest will be forced to move, and they might move to our neighborhoods! You're actually ENDANGERING lives."
  261. Flim: "Got a problem with it? Make a petition to stop us. And, as soon as we put our Magical Materials on the market, we might take down more than just an acre."
  263. ___________________________________________________
  265. Fluttershy: "M-more than an acre?"
  266. Flam: "That's how supply and demand works."
  267. Fluttershy: "I... I need to go get Twilight..."
  268. >Fluttershy takes off towards the direction of Twilight's Castle.
  269. Flim: "This might be trouble."
  270. Flam: "A princess easily can overturn a mayor's decisions if she wanted to..."
  271. Wes: "Not when I put this in front of her face."
  272. >Wes reaches into his pants and pulls out his long contract.
  273. Wes: "Ahem. According to section 2, paragraph 3, 'Once the recipient agrees to the conditions of the proposal made by FlimFlam Weasely Inc., they cannot make further alterations until after a set number of years since the agreement of said proposal.'"
  274. Flam: "How long do we have until the contract's renewal?"
  275. Wes: "That's the beauty of it. It's up in the air, gentlecolts. A set date was not made prior to the signing."
  276. Flim: "T-that's ingenius! How did you manage to slip THAT?"
  277. Wes: "People and ponies alike really should read the fine print."
  278. Grounder: "Wait, so you can actually do evil stuff, like, legally?"
  279. Wes: "Why are you two still here...?"
  280. Scratch: "That sounds great! It's all of the bad with none of the hassle. Ah ha ah HAAAA."
  281. Grounder: "Yeah. Too bad all that fancy talk went over my head. Otherwise, I'd do what he's doing. Did you understand it, Scratch?"
  282. Scratch: "Uh, of course! Ah ha. It's just that I prefer the traditional smash-and-grab type of evil. It's more fun that way."
  284. _________________________________________________________________
  286. Wes: "Well, I'm glad I could give you two a lesson in Weasley-brand ingenuity, but I'm a busy man. Give my regards to ol' Robotnik, will ya?"
  287. >The three evil entrepreneurs get in their Magic Material Mesher and proceed with their deforestation.
  288. Grounder: "Hey, Scratch. I just realized something... Mama Shy seemed very upset with them, wasn't she?"
  289. Scratch: "Yup. Apparently, she cares about the dumb ol' trees."
  290. Grounder: "We don't care about the trees?"
  291. Scratch: "Not one bit."
  292. Grounder: "But we care about Mama Shy, right?"
  293. Scratch: "Well... Yeah. A little bit."
  294. Grounder: "Should we help her?"
  295. Scratch: "Hmmm, well, let's think about this."
  296. Grounder: "Oh, ok... About what?"
  297. Scratch: "Weasley, Flim, and Flam. They're villains, right?"
  298. Grounder: "Yeah. So are we!"
  299. Scratch: "But Doctor Robotnik wants Equestria to himself! So he's rounding up all the villains as bad as he is so doesn't get any competition."
  300. Grounder: "Oh, I get it! So, by helping Mama Shy stop those guys..."
  301. Scratch: "Right! We also obey Our Nastiness's wishes!"
  302. Grounder: "Hehe, now I'm on board! Two rights make a wrong! But how do we stop something so big?"
  304. _____________________________________________________________________
  306. Grounder: "Can't we build a big robot to smash their machine into scrap?"
  307. Scratch: "We don't MAKE machines, dum-dum! We only use inventions Dr. Robotnik makes for us to capture Sonic!"
  308. Grounder: "How hard can it be? We just put things together until it smashes things!"
  309. Scratch: "I guess that's one way of putting it. Tell you what. Let's go to Mama Shy's shed and see if there are any tools we can use."
  310. >The two simply walk back to Fluttershy's cottage without any sense of urgency and approach her shed. A red puddle is seen leaking out from under the door.
  311. Grounder: "Um, are you sure we're allowed to be in there?"
  312. Scratch: "Ah, we don't need permission! Once we save the forest, she'll forgive us on the spot."
  313. >Scratch jimmies the handle, the door won't open. Aggravated, Scratch puts his shoulder into it and forces his body on the door. Suddenly, the door swings open and Scratch tumbles inside. Squawking, Scratch tumbles inside and a loud crashing noise is made shortly after.
  314. Grounder: "Uh, Scratch?... Scratch?"
  315. >After seconds of silence, Scratch pops out of the darkness, flailing his arms. His body is covered head to two in a red liquid.
  316. Scratch: "It's so horrible!"
  317. >Scratch begins screaming, with Grounder joining shortly after.
  319. _______________________________________________________________
  321. Scratch: "The floor is covered in red paint! Blech! I hope this stuff comes off."
  322. Grounder: "Ahh! Don't scare me like that!"
  323. Scratch: "I'm sure there's some thinner in there. So, don't worry too much about staining your treads. Now, come on. Help me look for some tools."
  324. >Grounder, recovering from the shock, squeaks his way in with Scratch. He finds an oil lamp on a workshop table inside and ignites it. The place is filled with materials and tools for making birdhouses and other pet homes. A can of red paint is toppled over, with a red imprint of Scratch's body on the wall.
  325. Scratch: "She won't mind if we take the toolbox."
  326. Grounder: "How about some wood?"
  327. Scratch: "Yeah, yeah, and some nails!"
  328. Grounder: "Does she have any rope?"
  329. Scratch: "If she did, we would have used it to kidnap Mama Shy. Let's use the vines near the forest, instead!"
  330. >The two clean up and gather everything they can to make something, anything, to defeat the Magic Material Mesher. So far, their efforts have been less than fruitful. Instead of blueprints, they drew stick figures on a napkin. Instead of measuring materials twice and cutting once, they use the whole thing. Nails and hammers were flying as they constructed what they thought would be their ultimate weapon.
  332. >Meanwhile, not far away, the CMC are running towards Fluttershy's home fraught with worry.
  333. AB: "Ya'll think we'll be too late?"
  334. SL: "I don't know when they started in the first place, but the forest is a big place. I think that we'll be able to stop them before anything permanent happens."
  335. SB: "But what if we can't?"
  336. AB: "Crusaders never give up until the very end. We didn't earn our marks by not trying!"
  338. ______________________________________________________________________
  340. >The sound of a loud squawk slows the CMC's travel to a halt. The look around for a second to pinpoint the sound.
  341. SL: "Where did that come from?"
  342. >Another yell rings out, only much deeper. They take a another second to scan the area.
  343. AB: "Sounded like it came from Fluttershy's."
  344. >This time, they continue to their initial destination, but much slower, carefully sneaking up towards the source of the sound. They hide behind a bush and see Scratch and Grounder in the distance, making what could be seen as a device to capture someone. A wooden box is seen hanging of a tree branch, with a white 'x' underneath and a wad full of Mobiums, the local currency of Mobius. Attached to the rope holding the box aloft are various gizmos and doohickeys that are meant to chain from one to another. At the end of the long chain are Scratch and Grounder making the finishing touches on their invention. Scratch hits his thumb with his hammer, making a familiar squawk escape his beak.
  345. Grounder: "You know, I've been counting how many times that happened to the both of us. So far, it's been 56 times."
  346. >Grounder hits his thumb next.
  347. Grounder: "Ouch! 57."
  348. Scratch: "Ahh, I doesn't matter if we don't hammer those nails in all the way. I'm sure it'll hold in place."
  349. >After tempting fate one too many times, one of the nails unhinge from one of the contraptions and sets the whole thing off.
  350. Scratch: "Whoa-ho-ho!"
  351. Grounder: "Duck and cover!"
  352. >Parts start to fly around as the two cower on the ground. Despite the fact that it was activated early, in the end, the box was still held in place.
  354. _______________________________________________________
  356. >Scratch and Grounder take their hands of their eyes and survey the damage. Their disappointment becomes confusion when they see that the rope is still holding the box up. Not knowing when to quit, Scratch stupidly stands below the box when viewing where the rope is connected to towards the winding chain, while Grounder follows the path of destruction towards the pulley system that's keeping the rope held up.
  357. Grounder: "Hey, this one didn't active. Is it working?"
  358. Without thinking, as he is wont to do, he triggers the next piece that sends the box on top of Scratch.
  359. Scratch: "WHA-HO! Hey! Grounder, you bolt-brain! Get me outta here!"
  360. Grounder: "Oops! Hold on, let me see if I can lift it!"
  361. >Grounder equips his hands, but finds that it can't lift it. Although the box was shoddily made, it was surprisingly heavy. Perhaps, if the two worked together, they would have lifted it, but Scratch was too busy panicking.
  362. >From the bush, the CMC collectively start to feel pity for the robots. They look at each other, nod their heads, and, one-by-one, walk towards the box. The rope that was holding it in place has now detached from the pulley and is now on the ground. The three pick it up, take the rope on the opposite side of Grounder, and start to pull. All four try their hardest to lift the box on its side until the thing finally gave in and toppled over. Scratch, who was in tears, starts to cheer and give Grounder a hug.
  363. Scratch: "You did it! I thought I'd never see your stupid face again!"
  364. Grounder: "Hehe, guess I don't know my own strength!"
  365. SB: "Really?!"
  366. AB: "That's gratitude fer ya."
  367. SL: "And you say I'm a chicken, cause that's the biggest chicken I've ever seen, literally and figuratively."
  369. _________________________________
  371. Scratch: "Who are you calling a chicken, squirt?"
  372. Grounder: "Uh, I don't think she means me, right?"
  373. >Scratch stops embracing Grounder and stomps towards the CMC. He leans his long neck towards Scootaloo.
  374. Scratch: "I'll have you know that it was dark and scary in there, kid. You'd be crying for YOUR mommy if you were in my position!"
  375. Grounder: "Yeah, and Scratch knew it wouldn't do any good because Mama Shy is away from home!"
  376. Scratch: "Shut up, Grounder!"
  377. SL: "Mama..."
  378. AB: "SHY?!"
  379. > The CMC take moment for that statement to sink in before tumbling over with laughter. Scratch is noticeably peeved.
  380. Scratch: "AH, go home, you little brats! You're distracting us from stopping the machine that's tearing down the forest!"
  381. AB: "*giggle* H-hey! We were going to try and do that, too! We have a zebra friend that lives in there, and she uses the forest's plants to make potions!"
  382. Grounder: "Ooh, neat! That means we can probably work together! After all, Dr. Robotnik always says... um."
  383. Scratch: "The enemy of my enemy is resourceful and easily disposable?"
  384. Grounder: "That's it!"
  385. SL: "Uh, sure, we can work together. But, we're probably going to have to do better than that... thing you built before.
  386. Scratch: "Think YOU got what it takes, squirt?!"
  387. AB: "Don't worry! I like to build things with my sister all the time! We can handle it!"
  389. ____________________________________
  391. Scratch: "So, tell me again why we are making a wooden figures of the two ponies that are with Wes?"
  392. AB: "Because those folks are so vain that they can't help but appreciate themselves. Can't ever say 'no' to admiration."
  393. Scratch: "But I don't want to admire them! I want to kick their tails!"
  394. SL: "That part is when we get them out of that machine!"
  395. Scratch: "I don't get it."
  396. AB: "Look, ya can't fool us. I bet ya'll like to be underhanded, right?"
  397. Scratch: "I'm listening."
  398. AB: "These figures are gonna hold a secret compartment with something inside to stop the machine! Sweetie Belle went to go see Zecora, because she might have something that can stop the magic that's powering it."
  399. Scratch: "Wait, wait, wait, wait, that thing's running on magic?"
  400. SL: "Well, duh. What do you think it runs on?"
  401. Scratch: "Oil? Electricity? Gasoline? Anything that keeps MY motor going. Ah HA ah HAAAA! Get it?"
  402. >Scratch's shrill laugh makes both Scootaloo's and Apple Bloom's ears go back.
  403. AB: "Er, well, anyway, that's why Sweetie Belle went into the Everfree Forest."
  404. Scratch: "So why did Grounder go along with her?"
  405. SL: "We aren't allowed inside without adult supervision."
  406. Scratch: "Trust me, kid. 'Adult' is not a good term to compare Grounder with."
  407. >Apple and Scoots look at each other with worried expressions.
  408. AB: "Did we make a horrible mistake?"
  409. Scratch: "I dunno. Probably!"
  411. _____________________________________________________
  414. Zecora: "Hear me, plants of Everfree! Give your magic unto me! A hissing boil, the bubbles pop, around this stone, magic will stop!"
  415. >Zecora drops a simple rock in to her bubbling cauldron. The brew begins to swirl and dance, as green sparks fly out. Sweetie Belle is watching the fireworks with wonderment, while Grounder turns his head away from the blasts momentarily. Soon, the water cools. Zecora retrieves the glowing stone that is floating in the brew, defying all laws of buoyancy.
  416. Zecora: "Take this with you, Sweetie Belle. This stone contains a powerful spell. Any magical thing within in half of a mile of this stone will suffer a halting denial."
  417. SB: "Thanks!"
  418. Grounder: "Does she always talk like that?"
  419. >Zecora glares at Grounder.
  420. Grounder: "Oh! Uh... Stone we got, uh... Thanks a lot. Wow, harder than it sounds. Do you have a lot of poetry books to brush up on your rhyming? Bet you can't tell me what rhymes with orange! Hehe."
  421. >Sweetie Belle facehoofs.
  422. Zecora: "If you are done with your jeers and kicks, I've a message to give to Robotnik."
  423. Grounder: "What? How do you know about-?"
  424. Zecora: "Heed me, machine from far off lands. An encroaching evil is close at hand. His inevitable release cannot be halted. But with his defeat, your master and you will be exalted. Keep the stone with you after your current task is done. If your master uses it correctly, the day is won."
  425. >Grounder snaps his metal fingers repeatedly.
  426. Grounder: "Great poetry slam! But, could you repeat that? I didn't catch all of it..."
  428. __________________________________________
  430. SB: "She said to take the stone and keep it with you after we're done with it.
  431. Grounder: "Oh! That's easy enough! I'll just store it my compartment."
  432. >Zecora hands the stone to Grounder. It's emanating a soft purple light with a faint rune etched into it. Grounder opens up his stomach compartment and recklessly tosses it in.
  433. SB: "Careful with that!"
  434. Grounder: "Ooh, hehe, it's giving me a tickling sensation!"
  435. SB: "Oh well, at least he's happy. Thanks a lot, Zecora. We'll stop those greedy ponies!"
  436. >Zecora bids them farewell, as the two begin their journey back outside of the forest from her hut. Halfway there, Grounder's belly starts to ring.
  437. Grounder: "Uh oh. It's Dr. Robotnik..."
  438. >He takes the phone out of his compartment and give it to Sweetie Belle.
  439. Grounder: "Here. You take it."
  440. SB: "What? What even is this? What do I do?"
  441. Grounder: "Just press your cheek up against and talk. Oh, and tell him I'm not here."
  442. >She does so.
  443. SB: "Um, hello?"
  444. Robotnik: "What? Who is this? Where's Grounder?"
  445. SB: "Um, I don't know who your talking about?"
  446. Robotnik: "The last time I checked, there weren't any active phone lines in Equestria. So, either your backwards civilization expanded their technological comprehension beyond cups attached to strings in the short time I've been here, or you are a terrible liar!"
  447. >Sweetie Belle cups the phone with her hoof.
  448. SB: "He's on to me. What do I say?"
  449. Grounder: "Oh, I know. This usually works."
  450. >Grounder whispers in Sweetie's ear on what to say next. In her best sing-song voice, she says...
  451. SB: "We're sorry, but the call has been lost. Please try again later."
  452. Robotnik: What?! Must be getting interference up here..."
  453. >Grounder hangs up the phone and breathes a sigh of relief.
  454. Grounder: "Thanks. I usually let Scratch do the talking."
  455. SB: "Because he's better at explaining things?"
  456. Grounder: "No, because he'll yell at him first."
  458. __________________________________________
  460. >The sunlight permeates through the trees as Sweetie and Grounder reach the exit. To their right, off in the distance, the Magic Material Mesher is doing its dirty work. Straight ahead, they see Scratch, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo sitting together. The two make their way towards them.
  461. Scratch: "Ah ha. Hey, look! Your friend's ok!"
  462. Grounder: "Yeah, and I'm here, too!"
  463. AB: "Did ya git what we needed?"
  464. SB: "Give her the stone, Grounder."
  465. >Grounder opens up his compartment and gives the stone to Apple Bloom. She opens the back of her FlimFlam figurine, inserts the stone inside, and closes it.
  466. AB: "Ok, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna wait until they turn that machine off so they don't suspect a thing and then give it to them.
  467. SL: "The machine won't run, so they'll be confused and inspect it. Then, we nab them and tie them up with vines you guys used to make your first trap. Got it?"
  468. Scratch: "Got it. We'll pin, you tie!"
  469. Grounder: "Uh oh..."
  470. Scratch: "Uh oh? Why uh oh?"
  471. >The group turns towards Grounder's direction to see Robotnik's hovercraft closing in. He lands, hops out, and stomps his way towards them.
  472. Robotnik: "I gave you ONE easy task, just one, and you instead play arts and crafts with the local brats! G-r-r-r!"
  473. Scratch: "N-No, you got it all wrong, your nastiness! We were trying to apprehend the bad guys of this world to get them out of your way!"
  474. Robotnik: "By drinking tea and playing with dolls?! I've never heard of something so stupid, and you two have been with me for a long time!"
  475. SB: "Hey! Our plan is not stupid. It's actually very clever!"
  476. Robotnik: "Nobody asked for your opinion, you squeaky buffoon!"
  477. Grounder: "Hey, that was kinda mean! You should be yelling at us, not them."
  478. Robotnik: "For once, Grounder, you're absolutely right."
  479. Grounder: "I am? Oh, boy. Oh... wait, is that a good thing or-"
  480. Robotnik: "NITWITS!"
  482. ___________________________________________________________
  484. Robotnik: "It's become very obvious that these ponies have done something to scramble your moral compasses. I'll have to take you back to the hideout and have you undergo basic rottenness training!"
  485. Scratch: Ah ha, that's all? I thought we were in trouble."
  486. Robotnik: "As your wicked and supr-r-reme dictator, I can have the rarest moments of mercy to my lackeys. But, I'll make sure you don't screw up again! Meanwhile, what's the intention of these useless carvings?"
  487. >Apple Bloom explains Weasely's actions and her plan to stop them.
  488. Robotnik: "I see. While I am the number one fan of deforestation, nothing makes me more giddy than putting a wrench in someone else's plans."
  489. >In the distance, the machine powers down. Wes, Flim, and Flam set up a picnic blanket for their lunch break.
  490. Scratch: "Ah ha! That's our cue!"
  491. SL: "They'll suspect you guys if you give them the figurines. So, we'll give this to them, then come back to get you guys."
  492. Robotnik: "Once I get my hands on that sneaky little cheat, I'll throw his worthless hide back in to Mobius. Equestria should only know that *I* am the most devious villain around."
  494. _______________________________________________________________________________
  496. >Wes, Flim, and Flam sit on the blanket while the brothers open up a basket of goodies.
  497. Wes: "All right, boys! What's on the menu this fine afternoon."
  498. Flim: "It's our favorite!"
  499. Flam: "Straight from our days of youth..."
  500. Flim & Flam: "Daffodil and cauliflower sandwiches!"
  501. >An overwhelming sense of disappointment washes over Wes.
  502. Wes: "Oh. Hey, no offense, palsies, but isn't there somewhere I can order a pizza from?"
  503. Flim: "Sure, but it's quite a walk back to Ponyville to get some!"
  504. Flam: "Shoulda perused the local cuisine before you came out here, Wes."
  505. Wes: "Can't I just get someone to deliver it?"
  506. Flim: "Unless you got psychic ESP, no one's gonna know that you want pizza all the way out here!"
  507. Wes: "Whew. Looks like culture shock is getting to me. I've taken for granted the pleasures of a simple telephone. Oh, well. When it comes to soliciting, I prefer to have my foot in the door than a phone on my ear."
  508. AB: "Howdy, ya'll!"
  509. >All three turn to face the CMC. Apple Bloom is playfully balancing the figurine on her head.
  510. Flim: "Oh, it's... Applejack's little sister..."
  511. Flam: "And her friends, too."
  512. SL: "Hey, guys. Whatever happened in the past, stays there, right? We made you something that you might like!"
  513. SB: It's our way of saying 'thank you for giving us more fields to play in by chopping down too many trees."
  514. >Apple and Scoots nudge Sweetie.
  516. _____________________________________________________
  518. >Flim and Flam take the figurine and inspect it closely. The CMC are visibly nervous.
  519. Flim: "Ha! You're using regular wood to make this? How droll."
  520. Flam: "But it does have an incredible likeness."
  521. Flim: "We'll put it on our dashboard. The Magic Material Mesher was in need of decoration, anyway."
  522. >The CMC are relieved that they took the bait.
  523. Wes: "Hey, wait a minute! How come those two get something special? What about me?"
  524. AB: "Who are you?"
  525. >Before Wes could answer, the CMC skip away back towards Robotnik and his cohorts. Wes is distraught about Flim and Flam's unexpected attention. Flim checks his watch.
  526. Flim: "Oops! Lunch time's over. Back in the Mesher everyone. Time is money!"
  527. >Wes begrudgingly joins the two in the machine, willing to give his right arm for a decent meal. Flim puts the figurine in the dashboard and attempts to turn on the Mesher.
  529. ______________________________________________________
  531. >Flim expects the engine to start with the lever flipped down, but it lets out a sputter before it dies. Flam and Wes look at Flim for an explanation. Flim responds with a sheepish smile and attempts the handle 3 more times.
  532. Flim: "Uh, Flam? Are you sure you fully charged the magic in the battery this morning?"
  533. Flam: "Of course! You were with me recharging it together, remember?
  534. >All three exit the machine. Flim opens the side of the Mesher to get a better look of the engine inside.
  535. Flam: "Brother, I'll try to charge the battery. When I say "now", start it up."
  536. Flim: "Right-o."
  538. >Meanwhile, from a distance...
  539. SB: "They took the bait! Grab the vines!"
  540. Scratch: "Ha HA ha HAAAA! Time for a good, old-fashioned hog tying!"
  541. Robotnik: "Don't be so hasty, you fools! I'm enjoying their confusion."
  542. AB: "But, if we wait too long, they might discover the stone."
  543. Robotnik: "Trust me, you little brat. I know Weasley. When things don't start to go his way, he'll try every desperate attempt to make it so. It's the stubbornness of a salesman."
  545. >Flam tries to use his magic, but finds that he can't. He makes sparks, but nothing comes out. Flim tries to start the engine again. The magical conductors make sparks of lightning, but short out afterwards...
  546. Flam: "I don't get it... Why isn't my magic working?"
  548. ___________________________________________________________________
  550. >Wes pulls out a can of oil from his pants pocket of seemingly infinite space.
  551. Wes: A good old quart of H.D. S.V.A.D.L. engine oil! Perfect for making your engine run smoother for all super villain transportation needs! Now, then. Where's the oil plug on this thing?"
  552. Flam: "Uh, you should probably know what the parts do first before- "
  553. Wes: "Never mind, I think I found it!"
  554. Flam: "Stop! Don't try to mess with any-"
  555. > Flam pulls Wes away from inside the Mesher, but he spills the canister of oil all over the various parts inside.
  556. Flam: "No!"
  557. Flim: "Now?"
  558. >Flim starts the engine again. Magical sparks fly out inside and ignite the oil.
  559. Flam: "NO! What have you done? Flim! Get out of the Mesher!"
  560. >Flim does so with a confused expression, but it quickly turns into terror after witnessing the wild fire.
  561. Wes: "Oh, geez. I hope you got a warranty on this thing."
  562. Flam: "You idiot! We gotta get out of her before-"
  563. >A fiery explosion completely destroys the Mesher, and sends a shockwave (as well as many broken parts) in its surrounding area. The three salesmen, charred but completely intact, lift themselves of the dirt as they hear Robotnik laughing uncontrollably.
  565. ________________________________________________________
  567. Robotnik: Oh ho ho ho ha ha! You really are too much, Weasely. Seems you don't understand the way this world works! That's why it's simply ripe for the taking for a technological genius such as myself."
  568. >Wes stands up and brushes himself off. His suit and pants are tattered and burned, barely covering his body.
  569. Wes: "You think so, eh, palsy? Well, it takes more than a malfunction to bring this salesman to his knees. With my partners, we'll outfox any pony or egg-bellied doofus willing to match wits!"
  570. Flim: "PARTNERS?!"
  571. Flam: "With YOU?!"
  572. Flim and Flam: "No way!"
  573. Flim: "Do you have any idea how much the Mesher costed us on materials alone?"
  574. Flam: "We made the investment to build it because YOU said it was a great idea."
  575. Wes: "It WAS a great idea. How was I supposed to know it didn't run on oil like any other car back home?"
  576. Flim: "Maybe you should pack it up and head back, then!"
  577. Wes: "What about our partnership?! I have our terms and agreements right-"
  578. >Wes finds he has no pockets, because they were burnt off.
  579. Wes: "OH NO! My documents! My precious papers of incomprehensible legalese!"
  580. Flim: "I guess our little partnership is over."
  581. Twilight: "As well as your little operation!"
  582. AB: "Twilight!"
  583. > Robotnik turns to see Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Mayor Mare looking angrily at the entrepreneurs.
  585. ____________________________________________
  587. Scratch & Grounder: "Mama Shy!"
  588. Robotnik: "MAMA SHY?! Of all the-"
  589. Twilight: "You two should know that the Everfree Forest is deemed a nature preserve!"
  590. Mayor: "How DARE you forge my signature? I thought you would have gotten the hint when I told you three to hit the road!"
  591. Fluttershy: "You have a lot to answer for the needless destruction of little critter's homes,"
  592. >Without hesitation, Scratch and Grounder go to hug Fluttershy, who repays them in kind.
  593. Scratch: "You shoulda saw us, Mama! My plan went perfectly to stop those rotten ponies!"
  594. Grounder: "Hey! I thought of it, too!"
  595. Scratch: "I made the dolls."
  596. Grounder: "Yeah, well, I got the stone! Oh wait, where is it now? That zebra lady told me to keep it. Did it survive the explosion?"
  597. >Grounder lets go of Fluttershy and squeaks around the area of the explosion to look for it.
  598. Meanwhile, Robotnik is about to put his hands around Scratch's neck before he felt a tap on his shoulder.
  599. Robotnik: "What?!"
  600. Wes: "You know what? You can have this place. I think that I'm going to have to lay low for a while back on Mobius. See ya later, Ivo!"
  601. >Wes runs away from the group as fast as he possibly could. Mayor Mare runs after him. Meanwhile, Twilight traps the brothers in a magic bubble to prevent their escape. The CMC approach Fluttershy.
  602. SL: "Um, Fluttershy, you know it was US that came up with the idea that stopped them, right?"
  603. Fluttershy: "*whispers* Let them have their moment."
  605. ____________________________________________________
  607. Grounder: "Oh, here it is!"
  608. >Grounder picks the charred remains of the figurine that was given to them. The compartment holding the stone, thankfully, is still intact. Grounder takes it out of the figurine and places it in his own.
  609. Robotnik: "Scratch! Grounder! Come here this instant!"
  610. Grounder: "Coming, master!"
  611. They both race to Robotnik's side.
  612. Robotnik: "We'll have to retreat for now, duncebots! We're severely outgunned!"
  613. Scratch: "But they don't HAVE guns. They have magic!"
  614. Robotnik: "That's precisely the point, you empty-headed cluck, and the Princess of Magic is standing right THERE! We'll need to come up with a new attack strategy, since you morons can't even handle a simple kidnapping!"
  615. Grounder: "But, Mama Shy said that she was the Princess of FRIENDSHIP while we were talking over tea."
  616. Robotnik: "STOP CALLING HER THAT! In this world, friendship and magic are interchangeable! It makes me sick to think about how her power comes from something so nauseatingly sappy! Meanwhile, you two are going to have to begin your punishment while I come up with a plan!"
  617. Scratch: "Punishment?!"
  618. Grounder: "Aw, gee. Do we have to?"
  619. Robotnik: "Stop blubbering and get in the Egg-O-Matic! We must go while they are preoccupied with Flim and Flam. At least, I can scratch those two off my list of competitors..."
  620. >The bots obey and hop in his machine. Robotnik hops in afterwards and takes off.
  622. __________________________________
  624. >The next day...
  625. >Deep inside the depths of Tartarus, there is a large, jagged, evil looking stalagmite jutting out of the ground. A seal of the Two Sisters is glowing on the surface, keeping whatever evil being is inside at bay. However, the seal is slowing losing its potency. Slowly, it turns dim...
  627. Robotnik: "Scratch! Grounder! Get over here this instant! It's time for your punishment!"
  628. Scratch: Ah ha... We're not here, your Maliciousness."
  629. Grounder: "Yeah! Uh, please leave a message at the sound of the beep!"
  630. Robotnik: You blubbering buffoons! Don't even try to weasel your way out of this one! Take your medicine like the willing lackeys you are.
  631. >Realizing there's no turning back, Scratch and Grounder make their way to Robotnik, as he taps his foot impatiently.
  632. Robotnik: "About time. We've tried the divide-and-conquer strategy by taking the Element wielders one by one. However, not only are they a hardy and clever lot, but they've somehow put their disgusting lessons of friendship in to your poor excuse for brains. I'm going to make an invention so powerful, no living creature can escape it. But, I'll need some materials."
  633. >Robotnik hands the two of them a checklist of assorted parts and doodads.
  634. Robotnik: "Go to Ponyville and gather these for my latest creation. Don't ask for them or buy them. STEAL them. That's part one of your punishment. While you're out there, you are going retake a basic course of the fundamentals of villiany."
  635. >Robotnik hands them a second list.
  636. Robotnik: "Both of you are going to do every single evil deed that's on that list. It has everything to root out those goody-goody values that these ponies hold dear, such as unscrewing salt shaker caps and, a personal favorite of mine, taking candy from babies."
  637. Grounder: "Hey, this doesn't seem so bad!"
  638. Scratch: "Haha! Hey, yeah! This actually seems like fun!"
  639. Robotnik: "Of course it is! It's so simple that even you two can do it. But, eh, just as an extra incentive, don't come back until you've done EVERYTHING on that list!"
  640. Grounder: "What is we can't, and we get your materials anyway? Won't you need them?"
  641. Robotnik: "That's a risk I'm willing to take to get you two back on the path of the crooked and wide."
  642. Scratch: "Just like you, your crookedness?"
  643. Robotnik: "Indeed."
  644. Grounder: "And as wide as you are?"
  645. Robotnik: "Enough talk! Get out there and don't come home until you've done everything!"
  646. __________________________
  648. >Scratch and Grounder are strolling down one of the many paths in Ponyville. Many onlookers gawk at the foreign invaders, but aren't alarmed enough to do anything. The bots each have a backpack that is already stuffed with spare parts they've either were swiped while nopony was looking or gathered off the side of the road.
  649. Scratch: "These ponies sure are taking our road to villainy pretty well."
  650. Grounder: "Yeah. One of them even thanked us for cleaning up litter around town."
  651. Scratch: "Suckers! Ah HA ha HAAA! So, we already got larceny off of our list of stuff to do today. What's next?"
  652. Grounder: "I don't see larceny in MY list, but we did do thieving. Let's see... There's tying two shoelaces together."
  653. >Scratch looks around to see a lot of ponies are wearing no shoes at all, or at least any shoes with laces on them.
  654. Scratch: "Uh... Let's skip that one for now."
  655. Grounder: "Hey, let's take candy from a baby!"
  656. Scratch: "That's a good one! Now, if I were a brat with a sweet tooth, where would I-?"
  657. >Grounder spots the Sugercube Corner.
  658. Grounder: "Ooh, I know! I know! Over there!"
  659. Scratch: "Hey! I got an idea! What about that candy store over there?"
  660. Grounder: "I just said that!"
  661. Scratch: "Come on!"
  662. >The two march their way in and take a look around. They see Pumpkin and Pound Cake in a playpen with a couple of unwrapped suckers.
  663. Scratch: "Paydirt!"
  664. Grounder: "Pay dirt? But dirt's worthless."
  665. Scratch: "Pay attention, numbskull! There's one for each of us! Let's swipe 'em!"
  666. Pinkie Pie: "*gasp* OHMIGOSH!"
  667. >The two of them freeze on the spot nervously.
  668. Pinkie: "New friends!"
  670. __________________________________________________
  673. Scratch: "Ah ha... Do we know you?"
  674. Pinkie: "No, but that's what makes this special! I've never seen anything like you guys before! What are your names? Are you made of metal? What do you eat? Do you sleep?"
  675. Grounder: "One at a time! One at a time! My head can't process all these questions!"
  676. Scratch: "You'll have to forgive my brother. His brain is so small that you can replace it with a peanut and nothing would change. Name's Scratch, and this is Grounder!"
  677. Grounder: "I'm not a peanut brain!"
  678. Pinkie: "Hahaha! Oh boy, you guys are a riot! Are you traveling comedians?"
  679. Grounder: "No, we're-"
  680. >Scratch covers Grounder's big mouth with his hand.
  681. Scratch: "Yes, we are! We're working on new material, right, Grounder?"
  682. Grounder: "Er, right."
  683. Pinkie: "Neat! Hey, what's that you got there?"
  684. Scratch: "Oh, this? It's a list of things we gotta do."
  685. Pinkie: "Maybe I can help! Let me see?"
  686. >Pinkie yoinks the paper from Scratch's hand and reads it. The bots look at each other nervously.
  687. Pinkie: "I didn't know you guys were pranksters, too!"
  688. Grounder: "Too?"
  689. Pinkie: "I love pulling pranks! Let's see. A few of these are a bit excessive, but I think I can help you with most of them. I like this one. 'Replace the jelly in jelly donuts with hot sauce!'. Rainbow Dash will get a kick out of this one!"
  690. Scratch: "You mean, you'll help us with the list?"
  691. Pinkie: "Sure, but I think you shouldn't take candy from babies. Especially in a candy store. Here, guys! Help yourselves!"
  692. > She offers the bots a couple of lollipops. They take them.
  693. Scratch: "If we take these to Robotnik, he'll be convinced that we did it!"
  694. Grounder: "Yeah! Thanks, um..."
  695. Pinkie: "Call me Pinkie Pie! Let's go set up some pranks!"
  696. Scratch & Grounder: "Ok!"
  698. _____________
  700. >"You incompetent dumbbots! I'll only beat you half to death for complying with your list of evil deeds, and for bringing back..whatever that is!"
  703. _____________________________________
  705. >Scratch took a minute to imagine what would happen if he brought Pinkie Pie to Robotnik's lair. The last thing he wanted to do was make Pinkie watch as Robotnik literally chokes his chicken.
  706. Scratch: "Uh, could you do me a favor?"
  707. Pinkie: "Sure! Anything for my new friend!"
  708. Scratch: "We're kinda staying incognito before our next comedy show, so can you not follow us to where we're staying to attract any fans?"
  709. Pinkie: "You got it. I won't let anyone follow you, including me. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"
  710. Grounder: "Ok! Let me go get one."
  711. Scratch: "Grounder, you dummy. She meant figuratively!"
  713. >The three perform as many pranks as they can to unsuspecting ponies, at least the more harmless ones. Scratch and Grounder decided to keep up their appearances in Ponyville, so they checked off any remaining pranks that might upset the pink pony. Pinkie's giggles and Scratch's crowing laugh often echoed in the town.
  715. Scratch: "Hoo wee! That was the most fun I've had in...ever!"
  716. Grounder: "We even got the rest of the junk that Robonik told us to get!"
  717. Pinkie: "You gotta introduce me to him sometime! If you guys are this much of a blast, he's gotta be REALLY fun."
  718. Scratch: "Ha ha, yeah, maybe later..."
  719. Pinkie: "Oh! You know what? Here!"
  720. Grounder: "What are these?"
  721. Pinkie: "They are your invitations for a house party I'm going to hold in a few days! There will be punch, cake, and ice cream to eat, as well as some games, too!"
  722. Scratch: "Cake!"
  723. Grounder: "Games! Aw, gee whiz, thanks!"
  724. Pinkie: "You bet! I hope that you will come and give us a sneak peek of your next show!"
  725. Scratch: "Hehehe, yeah..."
  726. Grounder: "Hey, Scratch! What's that?"
  727. >Grounder points at the sky.
  729. __________________________________________
  731. >A strangely familiar boomerang-shaped space ship soars across the sky, briskly covering sections of Ponyville in a cast shadow. Ponies begin to panic everywhere.
  732. Pinkie: "Whoa! It's a UFO! We have aliens coming to visit us now. Do they come in peace? Do the come to party?"
  733. Grounder: "Scratch, my memory is a bit hazy, but do you remember that ship? 'Cause I do..."
  734. Scratch: "Whoa-ho-ho! If that's who I think it is, Robotnik's not gonna be happy! Oh, quick! Pinkie Pie, tell everyone to get inside their homes, and lock their doors and windows!"
  735. Pinkie: "Ooooh, ok! I trust you."
  736. >Pinkie climbs up on an outside dining table in a restaurant.
  737. Pinkie: "Ok, everyone! There's a slight chance that we are being invaded! Just return to your homes, lock your doors, and hide under your beds!"
  738. Rarity: "Pinkie Pie! What's going on?!"
  739. Pinkie: "Hi, Rarity! I wish we ran into each other sooner! I was about to introduce you to my new friends, but we're kinda in a state of emergency right now!"
  740. Rarity: "What?! Wha-What emergency? What friends?"
  741. Pinkie: They're over...
  742. >Somehow, Pinkie Pie has lost sight of the two robots amongst the crowds of panicking ponies. In the outskirts of town, Scratch and Grounder are running as fast as they can with their backpacks full of junk.
  744. Robotnik: "Ahh! Just a few necessary tweaks, and the main component of my secret weapon will be complete. Ha ho ho! It feels so good to have a day to myself where I can conduct my wicked experiments in peace. I simply must go on a evil-related holiday and leave the dumbbots here to house-sit."
  745. >A knocking on the hideout door echoes into the workshop room.
  746. Robotnik: Speaking of which... *sigh* All good things must come to end.
  747. >Robotnik presses a button on his intercom to speak with the badniks outside.
  748. Robotnik: "The door is open. Bring the materials to my workshop."
  750. _________________________________________
  752. >Scratch and Grounder enter the workshop with stressed expressions.
  753. Robotnik: "So, you finally got everything I need, did you? If I find even one thing missing, I'll have your beak as a doorstop!"
  754. Grounder: "Hey, what about me?"
  755. Robotnik: "Well, if you insist, I always wanted a new wastebasket. Your empty head will do nicely!"
  756. Grounder: "Thanks!"
  757. Scratch: "Shut up, Grounder! Your maliciousness, I got something that-"
  758. Robotnik: "Oh, before I forget, did you do everything on the OTHER list?"
  759. >Scratch nods his head and motions Grounder to give him the lists and the candy as proof.
  760. Robotnik: "Excellent! Now, don't EVER forget: You are my lackeys! You will do my evil bidding and enjoy it, no matter what the task! Now, leave the bags on the floor and go scrub the floors or something."
  761. Scratch: "But, boss! A UFO flew over Ponyville while we were, uh, busy making mayhem!"
  762. >Robotnik takes a spare part out of Scratch's backpack to begins to install it in his machine.
  763. Robotnik: "*in a condescending tone* That's nice, Scratch. Did they happen to probe you or were they actually looking for INTELLIGENT lifeforms?"
  764. Grounder: "It's true, though! It was a yellow, boomerang shaped flying saucer!"
  765. >Robotnik stops what he is doing and stands silent for a few seconds. Then, he turns to face the two.
  766. Robotnik: "Ok, boys. No tricks. Are you absolutely sure that you saw a UFO like that HERE?"
  767. Scratch: "We did. Honest!"
  768. Grounder: "Cross our hearts and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in our eye."
  769. Robotnik didn't care how or where Grounder learned that rhyme at the moment. His face conveys utter despair.
  770. Robotnik: "Then, SHE'S here."
  771. Grounder: "Who?"
  772. Robotnik: Don't tell me you've forgotten! It's Katella, the Intergalactic Huntress!
  774. ___________________________________________
  777. Grounder: "Oh yeah, her! Um... what about her?"
  778. Robotnik: Since you are in desperate need of a refresher, I'll briefly describe who she is. I'll even spell it out slowly, so you fully realize how miserable she made me in the short time she's been on Mobius. She's an amazonian woman who captures exotic animals and puts them in zoos across the universe! Naturally, she fell in love with my brilliant brain and dashing good looks, and wanted to marry me on the spot! Thankfully, mama was there to break me out of THAT mess."
  779. Scratch: "But why did you turn her down, your roundness? I don't want to say she was a looker but..."
  780. >A wolf whistle blows out of Scratch's lips(?).
  781. Robotnik: "Because she is too rough! While my heart is black and my mind is big, my body is too soft for my own good. I bruise easily! Perfection needs to be preserved!"
  782. Grounder: "So, is she here to take you back?"
  783. Robotnik: "She doesn't even know I'm here, you moron! It must be because of something else."
  784. Scratch: "Oh! I know! The ponies!"
  785. Robotnik: "That's it! She must be here to round up talking, sentient ponies to put into zoos! Unacceptable! Every pony here is suppose to be MY obedient slave! I won't allow her even one pony to be taken away. Come along, boys! We've got a UFO to find!"
  787. _________________________________________________________
  790. >Robotnik and his nogoodniks are riding in his Egg-o-matic hovercraft. There is a single blip on the radar, and Robotnik is heading right towards it.
  791. Robotnik: I tuned my radar to pick up any aircraft machinery activity. It really helps distinguish it from the blimps, hot air balloons, and random pegasi that might show on radar. Ah, but I'm really not confident about meeting Katella again. Remember, if she tries anything hasty or violent, I want you two to be my bodyguards. Every bruise I receive, I'll give you TWO each."
  792. Scratch: "Can I convince you to give Grounder my share of the bruises? I really don't want them!"
  793. Grounder: "We don't really bruise anyway. But, yeah, no, give it all to Scratch. He's the leader of the S.S.S.S.S. He should be held responsible!
  794. Robotnik: "If you don't do as I say, you're BOTH going to be scraped! Wait, I see the ship! There!"
  795. >The Egg-o-Matic lands in a barren wasteland. There are traces of green goo and cocoon shells scattered about the landing area.
  796. Grounder: "Oooh, I don't like the look of this place."
  797. Scratch: Ah ha. Yeah! It's a stark contrast to the colorful pony lands! Where are we?"
  798. Robotnik: "According to the map, we are in a place in what the ponies call "The Badlands", an inhospitable area where only the strong survive. It's perfect as an evil villain's hideout, and that's what makes me concerned. Follow me and keep a close eye for anything suspicious.
  799. >The three walk past Katella's ship and towards what looks like a stone castle. It's foundations are being held together by more of that mysterious green goo."
  800. Robotnik: "How revoltingly magnificent! What a shame that I didn't find this place sooner. This has "evil" written all over it. Maybe we can relocate our base here!"
  801. "This castle is currently occupied. You are trespassing!"
  802. Scratch: "Who said that?"
  803. >The large rocks surrounding them turn into changeling soldiers. They all hiss collectively as Scratch, Grounder, and even Robotnik start yelling.
  805. _____________________________________________________
  808. Robotnik: "Wait a minute, boys! Let's not be hasty. I can see from your brilliant shades of black that you are as evil and underhanded as I. I merely wanted a tour of your disgustingly cozy abode!"
  809. Head Guard: "The Queen already has an audience with someone else! She will not have the time nor the patience for a second guest."
  810. Scratch: "Really? Who?"
  811. Robotnik: "Is it REALLY that hard for you to put 2+2 together?"
  812. Grounder: "We're not that stupid! It's 4, right?"
  813. Robotnik: "Gold star for you, Grounder. In fact, I'll give you several!"
  814. >Robotnik gives Grounder a swift bonk on his metal noggin.
  815. Grounder: "Oooh, pretty stars!"
  816. >The changelings, one after another, break their serious behavior and start laughing.
  817. Guard 1: "T-This one is a riot!"
  818. Guard 2: "He can pass as the Queen's court jester!"
  819. Head Guard: "Ha, ha... Ha. All right, all right. For giving us something to laugh about after posing as a rock for hours on end, we'll have you cooped up in a cell until the queen is ready to see you."
  820. Scratch: "A CELL?! Dr. Robotnik is too important to be treated as your jailbird!"
  821. Head Guard: Consider the alternative: we originally planned to give our spears some much-needed target practice."
  822. Robotnik: "I graciously accept, with one simple request."
  823. Head Guard: "You're not in any position to make requests, lard-o!"
  824. Robotnik: "Hear me out. I want the queen's first visitor to visit me in the cell before she takes off in her ship. That's all. We go way back, you see."
  825. Head Guard: "Hmm, all right, I'll consider it. Now, follow me, and don't try running away!"
  826. __________________________________________________________________________________________________
  827. >The three have been cast into a dungeon cell. However, the changelings didn't even bother frisking their weapons, as they assumed their stay would be a short one.
  828. Robotnik: "I can't believe it! What would Katella want with the queen of these wretched insects? I'm surprised that she hasn't already rounded them all up and sold them to the highest bidder. What could she be planning?"
  829. Scratch: "Are you asking for our input, your maliciousness?"
  830. Robotnik: "No, I'm asking myself for input! You two are too stupid to come up with anything useful."
  831. Grounder: "Because, frankly, I think it's a girl's-night-out kinda thing! Gossip about boys, trade secrets, that sort of thing!"
  832. Robotnik: "Case in blasted point! What am I doing here? I should be asserting myself as supreme rottenness, not stay all cooped up a crummy cell with molted shells and goo everywhere! Grounder! Use your drills to grind through the lock! I'm too impatient to wait for an answer!"
  833. Grounder: "Oh boy, time to show my stuff!"
  834. >Grounder drills through the lock easily, as it is made mostly of hardened goo.
  835. Robotnik: "Good! Now, I saw the entrance of the throne room on our way over here. Grab a few bubble gum bombs and get ready to hurl them as we make our way to her."
  836. Scratch: "But, what if they attack us? They got jagged spears!"
  837. Robotnik: "That's why you're my bodyguards, lame brain! A spear or two won't do anything to you! You're expendable, but I'm not! Now, are we ready?"
  838. Grounder: "And waiting, master!"
  839. Robotnik: "It's time for a good ol' fashioned jailbreak!"
  840. ____________________________________________________________
  841. >Two well armed changeling guards are guarding the throne room door. One cannot stop giggling.
  842. Guard 1: "Hey, do you want to hear a joke?"
  843. Guard 2: "No. You can get reprimanded by your immaturity, but leave me out of it."
  844. Guard 1: "Please! It's a classic!"
  845. Guard 2: "*sigh* Make it quick."
  846. Guard 1: "Ok, ok. Why did the chicken cross the road?"
  847. Guard 2: "Chitin, I swear to Chrysalis- Hey... What's that?"
  848. >A pink ball rolls towards them and stops between the two. They lean in for a closer look, only to be caught in an explosion that leaves their bodies glued to the floor and their mouth covered in bubble gum.
  849. Scratch: "I'll tell you why! Because the chicken want to get to the other side of this door! Ah ha ha HAAAA!"
  850. Grounder: "Gee, that's the most coincidental set-up to a joke I've ever seen!"
  851. Robotnik: "Stop uttering nonsense and pay attention, you rubes. You're about to get a lesson in how an evil villain makes an entrance!"
  852. >Robotnik attempts to kick open the door, only for it to resist completely. He bounces around holding his foot, muttering incoherent curses under his breath. The first guard is emitting muffled laughter.
  853. Robotnik: "Fine! Time to this the old-fashioned way."
  854. >He turns the handle and bursts in.
  855. Robotnik: "Behold! A warrior of wickedness and defender of devilishness is before you, for I am Dr. Robotnik! Ghastly, mean, and evil supreme!"
  856. Grounder: "Hey, I get it!"
  857. Scratch: "Yeah, looks fun!"
  858. >The two unwittingly shove Robotnik to the floor to make their entrances.
  859. Scratch: "I am the leader of the S.S.S.S. Squad, Scratch, minion of mischief, and this is my lackey, Grounder!"
  860. Grounder: "I'm not the lackey. You are!"
  861. Scratch: "I'm Robotnik's favorite. Therefore, you're beneath me."
  862. Robotnik: "Shut up, you empty-headed embarrassments and help me up!"
  863. >A echoing cackle echoes from across the chamber from Queen Chrysalis, as she sits on her throne with Katella by her side.
  864. __________________________________________________
  866. Chrissy: "Mmm hm hm... I didn't know I had some professional fools coming to my doorstep today. If I weren't so amused, I'd have my swarm dissect you on the spot."
  867. Katella: "Robotnik?! What are you doing here, you bottom feeder? If you've come for me, forget it. You've already had your chance, and now I'm happily married."
  868. Robotnik: "*whispering* Oh, thank heavens... I almost feel sorry for the poor sap."
  869. Grounder: "Hey, that's great! Who's the lucky husband?"
  870. Katella: "My career!"
  871. Chrissy: "Wait... You two were an item?"
  872. Katella: "It's unfortunate. I meet a guy who's handsome and evil, and it turns out he doesn't appreciate me."
  873. Chrissy: "H-handsome?"
  874. >Chrysalis eyes Robotnik up and down.
  875. Scratch: "Take a picture, it'll last longer!"
  876. >She shudders in repulsion.
  877. Chrissy: "Oh, you can do SO much better."
  878. Robotnik: "Hey! I can't help it if she was magnetized by my brilliance and personality."
  879. Katella: "So, why exactly are you here? It better be good, or I might just get a restraining order on you after I rearrange your face."
  880. Robotnik: "Boys, huddle up."
  881. >Robotnik and his badniks form a circle.
  882. Robotnik: "There's two ways we can go about this, boys, and we need to think of the long term effects. The first option is to force the information out of them. However, if you boys feel I'm out of my element (not likely), I can swallow my pride and ask Katella out on a date to get the information out of her. She might still be into me. It'll be difficult, but it's the (relatively) safer situation."
  883. ___________________________________________
  884. Grounder: "I don't know. Katella seems to be set on shutting you down for a second chance."
  885. >Scratch nods his head.
  886. Robotnik: "Exactly what I was thinking! Good to know that we're on the same page, despite the vast intelligence gap between us. Ok, boys. Here's what we-"
  887. Scratch: "Wait a minute! What about the other one?"
  888. Robotnik: "Don't be daft. What other one?"
  889. Scratch: "The queen!"
  890. Robotnik: Wha- *teeth clenched* Are you out of your minuscule mind?!"
  891. Grounder: "Oh yeah! Katella may know you, but the queen doesn't. Go on, don't be shy. You can totally woo her!"
  892. Robotnik: "I'm feeling faint. My minions are conspiring to see me fail. I thought I had a chance with Katella, but the queen of bugs? ...You know what, fine, I don't care anymore! I'll humor you both. However, if this goes wrong, I'll make you both pay for my humiliation after we fight our way out. Be ready."
  893. >Robotnik takes out a comb and runs it through his mustache. Then, runs his hand across his conical head and turns around, chortling.
  894. Robotnik: "My my my, Katella. You focus so much on the past. It's time to let things go and focus on the future. Perhaps I may find someone more suitable in the future to share my evil dreams with.
  895. >He makes eye contact with Chrysalis while saying that last sentence. She looks to her right, then her left. She looks back at him, as her pupils shrink.
  896. Chrysalis: "You're kidding...right? You... know I'm openly disgusted with you, right?"
  897. Robotnik: "Disgust is a beautiful thing, my dear queen. It means that, underneath my rotund outer shell, a black heart beats wicked blood that courses through my evil veins. I'm sure that many of the ponies that have seen you have responded in the same way you have towards me. That means that you are calculatingly cruel, radiantly rotten, and fantastically frightful. I've seen your true beauty, and, if you permit me, I plan to see it flourish!"
  898. ________________________________________________________________
  900. >Scratch and Grounder lean in close to each other and whisper "nailed it".
  901. >Katella has her mouth hung open, while Chrysalis turns her face away from Robotnik.
  902. Chrysalis: "W-Well, when you put it that way, I... Wait. No. No, this is ludicrous. I'm the mighty queen of the Changelings. I have no room in my heart for love; it's only food to me."
  903. Robotnik: "There's an old proverb that states that a way to a man's heart is through his stomach. I'm sure the same can be said for changelings. Come with me to my headquarters for the night, and I assure you you'll have your fill."
  904. Katella: "Unbelievable! I give you my heart and you crush it underneath your heel. Then, you turn around and spill your guts over a giant bug."
  905. >Chrysalis hisses at Katella.
  906. Chrysalis: "I think you've overstayed your welcome. We've already made our deal, so be on your way!"
  907. Katella: "You'll regret this, Robotnik! I'll make you pay dearly for toying with me!"
  908. Katella storms out of the throne room and slams the doors.
  909. Scratch: "Whew. I think we dodged a bullet with her."
  910. Grounder: "She gives me the goose pimples. See?"
  911. >Grounder shows off the bumps on his metal frame. Scratch is confused as to how and why.
  912. Robotnik: "What do you say, my dear queen?"
  913. Chrysalis: "...Fine. It's a free meal, in any case. Give me the location of where you are staying, and I'll meet you tonight. Don't make me regret listening to your honeyed words."
  914. _________________________________________
  916. Robotnik: "I assure you that you have a delightful night between two like-minded masters of mayhem. If you'll excuse me, I shall work to make your stay a pleasant one."
  917. >Robotnik makes his way to door with Scratch and Grounder following behind him. Once he is out of the queen's ear shot, he reverts back to his grumpy, commanding self.
  918. Robotnik: "I hope the two of you are happy for what you've put me through, and I'm not going to suffer it alone! I want the headquarters spick and span before she arrives! Make it presentable, and don't forget the meal, either!"
  919. Grounder: "You bet! I'll make my special eggs a l'orange for the two of you."
  920. Robotnik: "Moron! Haven't you been paying attention? She says that she feeds on love, so you'll need to go to Ponyville and bring back the first sickeningly sweet couple that you bumble across."
  921. Scratch: "Anything else?"
  922. Robotnik: "Now that you mention it, I want her to feel at home. So, scoop up some of the green goo you can find around here and plaster it in the dining area when we get back."
  923. Scratch: "Blech!"
  924. Grounder: "Uh, your sauveness, I hate to say this, but we don't have a dining room are in our headquarters."
  925. Robotnik: "THEN MAKE ONE! NO EXCUSES!"
  926. ________________________________________________
  927. >In the few hours between Robotnik's meeting with the Queen and their date, Scratch and Grounder worked tirelessly to turn Robotnik's workshop into a makeshift dining room. However, they needed an idea on how to make the dining room attractive to one with an evil soul. They were able to receive outside assistance, but Robotnik didn't take a liking to it, at first.
  928. Robotnik: "Do you boys know why this is called a secret lair? I'll give you a hint. It's because this is a lair THAT IS SECRET!"
  929. Pinkie: Ok, so I'm thinking that streamers and balloons are a no go."
  930. Scratch: "Right!"
  931. Pinkie: "You're looking for something feminine and charming, but also has a mischievous side to it."
  932. Grounder: "Yeah! Like hearts made out of spiderwebs or something!"
  933. Pinkie: "I can do that. Fluttershy can give us a few spiders that can make all kinds of shapes."
  934. Robotnik: "NO! No more ponies are going to visit here! This is a secret evil headquarters! GET OUT!"
  935. Pinkie: "Awwww, someone's nervous about their big night! Here. This will make you feel better!"
  936. >Before Robotnik says another word, Pinkie stuffs a big lollipop in his bigger mouth. He takes it out.
  937. Robotnik: "Now look here, you-"
  938. >His taste buds catch up to him. He gives it another lick.
  939. Robotnik: "Is this... eggnog-flavored? It's positively heavenly. Er, carry on, you obnoxious little troublemaker. We'll have you in charge of the decorations."
  940. Pinkie: "Okie dokie lokie!
  941. >Robotnik exits the room with a content smile, something the bots haven't seen in a long while. After the decorations were complete, the two got making (and getting) the main courses.
  942. Grounder: "Eggs a l'orange with spinach and tomato quiche! Perfect for an evil scientist with a broad palette! What did you get for our honored guest, Scratch?"
  943. >Scratch points to two tied-up and gagged ponies.
  944. Scratch: "Two newlyweds who are on their honeymoon in Ponyville! Though, I'm sure this is not the romantic outing they were looking for. Ah HA ha HAAAA!"
  945. _________________________________
  947. Robotnik: "Be truthful, boys! How do I look?"
  948. >Robotnik has curled and trimmed his mustache to make his face look more dignified. He's also wearing his old tuxedo shirt he wore when he was on Screech's show, "Lifestyles of the Very Good". He never bothered to wear the tuxedo pants, however. His bottom half shows that he's wearing his usual attire.
  949. Scratch: "Magnificent! Splendorous!"
  950. Grounder: "And also a lot of other long, impressive-sounding words!"
  951. Robotnik: "Ok, boys. For once in your lives, no fighting each other! I want to bring about an air of competency."
  952. Scratch: "What if we're not competent?"
  953. Robotnik: "Then you should fake 'til you make it, or until she leaves. Whatever comes first."
  954. >A knocking is heard on the HQ door.
  955. Robotnik: "That's her! Positions!"
  956. >Grounder goes in the back room to prepare the meal for serving while Scratch opens the door for somepony that isn't Chrysalis.
  957. Robotnik: "What?! Who are you? How did you find my lair? Did the pink one tell you? I-"
  958. >Chrysalis abandons her disguise to stop him from embarrassing himself any further.
  959. Robotnik: "Oh! Your majesty! I'm afraid I didn't recognize you at first. I had forgotten your race was capable of shape shifting.
  960. Chrysalis: "You were the one who told me to come to Ponyville. I'm not exactly popular here, so a disguise was necessary.
  961. >Robotnik notices that she looks under-dressed for this arrangement, but doesn't being it up.
  962. Scratch: "May I take your hat, ma'am?"
  963. Chrysalis: "Lay a feather on the crown and I'll incinerate you."
  964. >Scratch deflates into nervous laughter.
  965. Robotnik: "Well, do come in out of the cold! We have a special treat for you.
  966. >Chrysalis complies for now, but wonders if coming here was a big mistake. She enters the workshop and sees a table with two chairs across from each other and a lit candle in the middle. She notes the heart spider webs and familiar changeling goo on the walls.
  967. Chrysalis: "Really? Really. Ok."
  968. _______________________________________________________
  969. >Robotnik pulls up a chair for her to sit on.
  970. Robotnik: "After you, my dear."
  971. Chrysalis: "Call me Chrysalis. All of these forced formalities are getting on my nerves."
  972. Robotnik: "Ah, a wonderful name for striking fear in the hearts of your enemies.
  973. >Robotnik pulls up a chair and sits on it. It can barely support his weight. Grounder enters with Robotnik's entree.
  974. Grounder: "Here's the chef special for you, o supreme ruler!"
  975. >He sets the plate down and removes the cover.
  976. Robotnik: "What the heck is this, Grounder? Spinach! You bolt-brain! You know how much I hate-"
  977. >Chrysalis is giving him a discomforting look.
  978. Robotnik: "I mean, uh, excellent looking meal, Grounder. My compliments to the chef."
  979. >Robotnik takes a mouthful of quiche and chokes it down. Scratch comes in with a very large platter and sets it besides Chrysalis.
  980. Scratch: "And now, our guest's special dish."
  981. >He lifts the cover on the platter to unravel the two ponies he captured earlier.
  982. Scratch: "Free Range Honeymooners a la carte! Ah HA ha HAAAA!"
  983. >Chrysalis's eyes light up as she sees her next meal. The ponies struggle, but can't hope to get away.
  984. Chrysalis: "Ahhh, just how I like my love. Young, blossoming, and full of hope. Not bad, Robotnik. Not bad at all."
  985. >Chrysalis opens her mouth and begins sucking in the emotional essence from the two helpless ponies. She is audibly making lip smacks and swallowing sounds that echo in the room. The room turns bright green as the robots hold each other in fear from the sight. Robotnik is also feeling a little frightened from the sight as well.
  986. _____________________________________________________
  987. >Chrysalis finishes her meal and leaves the 2 ponies emotionally drain. It's not enough to do lasting damage to them, but it's enough that they're not going to remember what happened tonight. Chrysalis rubs her belly in satisfaction and lets out a satisfied sigh.
  988. Robotnik: "Er, are we satisfied with our meal, Chrysalis?"
  989. Chrysalis: "I am, Robotnik. Very well, you may ask of me one thing and one thing only."
  990. Robotnik: "What? How did you know that I wanted a favor?"
  991. >Chrysalis puts her hooves on Robotnik's cheeks and pushes them in.
  992. Chrysalis: "I can sense love and emotion in other creatures, big fella. I know for a fact that there's no love between us."
  993. Robotnik: "Buff, yourf ftill a comfelling fillian to me!"
  994. Chrysalis: "What was that?
  995. Robotnik: "I said that you are compelling villain, unique in many ways. I squelch the happiness of others through oppressive and hopeless ways. Meanwhile, you take away happiness and harness it as raw energy for your wicked scheme. My dear, you are truly bad."
  996. Chrysalis: "Flattery will get you everywhere with me, Robotnik. I also must applaud your brilliant mind in machinery, though the results are a bit mixed."
  997. >She eyes the badniks while saying that.
  998. Robotnik: "Let's not talk about those bozos. Let's talk about you. I'm deeply curious. Why did Katella come to see you?"
  999. Chrysalis: "She didn't come to see me, personally. I captured her when she was trespassing on my grounds. However, I've come to like her independent attitude and we formed a deal. If she can capture Twilight Sparkle and take her away and put her in a zoo far away from here, I would let her go. Then, I can move in and take over Ponyville in her absence!"
  1000. Robotnik: "Handled like a true dictator. When will she make her attempt?"
  1001. Chrysalis: "Midnight."
  1002. Robotnik: "Ah, er... I see."
  1003. _________________________________________
  1005. Chrysalis: "I'm sure that she'll be able to succeed. I sent my best men along with her, to keep an eye on her and assist her capture. Well, I hate to eat and run, but I have a hive to run. Despite what you may think, we aren't a hive mind. Someone has to keep them on the line to prosperity."
  1006. Robotnik: "It was a delightful evening with you all the same. Do come back and we'll trade war stratagems."
  1007. Chrysalis: "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. Also, I can see what Katella saw in you in the first place. When you get right down to it, you can be downright cruel. You just need to lose 100 pounds."
  1008. Robotnik: "You can afford to gain a bit of weight yourself. All that love must not be very high on Calories."
  1009. >Chrysalis laughs.
  1010. Chrysalis: "Ta-ta, egg boy."
  1011. >She dons another disguise and heads out the door.
  1012. Scratch: "That wasn't so bad!'
  1013. Grounder: "Yeah, but now that she's gone, Robotnik's done being polite!"
  1014. Robotnik: "Blast that rotten Katella! Capturing the Princess of Friendship was on MY agenda! I have bigger plans to harness her magical powers for my doomsday machines than to just put her in a petting zoo! Pack your essential things, boys! We're planning a stake out on Twilight's castle before Katella comes over and swipes her from under our nose."
  1015. Scratch: "Awww, do we have to?"
  1016. Grounder: "It's already past our bed time!"
  1017. Robotnik: "I'll charge your batteries on the way over, now stop complaining and get in the Egg-O-Matic!"
  1018. _________________________________________________
  1019. >The three villains have managed to set up a camp at the doorstep of Twilight's castle. Grounder is using his extending binocular eyes to keep a close surveillance around the castle, Scratch has his eyes in the sky to look out for passing ships, and Robotnik is fine-tuning his weapons of choice to stop Katella."
  1020. Robotnik: "There are many choices I would have picked, but I think a good, ol' fashioned freeze ray is just the ticket to stopping the huntress in her tracks.
  1021. Grounder: "Everything seems to be clear, your rottenness. All the ponies are asleep in their homes, and not a single human is around."
  1022. Scratch: "The stars are pretty tonight, but there isn't any- Whoa-ho-ho! There she is! She's hovering right over us!"
  1023. Robotnik: "She must be attempting to land near the castle! That means her ship is ripe for retaliation... Get back in the Egg-O-Matic, you robotic rubes! We need to maintain our element of surprise!"
  1024. >The three dive into their respective seats and take off. Robotnik swerves his hovercraft into an alleyway between a couple of buildings near the castle.
  1025. Robotnik: "Grounder! Use your eyes to peek around and tell me if she's making her way into the castle."
  1026. ____________________________________________________
  1027. >Minutes pass. Soon, Grounder sees Katella picking the lock on Twilight's castle doors.
  1028. Grounder: "I see her! She's trying to get in!"
  1029. Scratch: "Some princess! She lives all alone in there with no guards? She's just begging to be pony-napped!"
  1030. Robotnik: "Let's just hope that she stays naive enough for when I inevitably break my way in and take her one day. Even then, I like the challenge."
  1031. Grounder: "She jimmied it open! She's in and she close the door behind her!"
  1032. Robotnik: "Perfect! Time for Operation Spaceship Surprise! Ahahahahaha!"
  1033. >Robotnik pilots the hovercraft upwards and circles around the castle. He finds her ship easily.
  1034. Robotnik: "If I were an evil intergalactic poacher, I wouldn't make the mistake of being stingy enough to pass up some sort of cloaking device for my ship. Oh well. Her negligence is my benefit."
  1035. >They park the Egg-O-Matic and conceal it in the bushes to avoid detection.
  1036. Robotnik: "She even left her shuttle doors open! She's really getting rusty. Perhaps... too rusty.
  1037. >They approach the stair way leading up into her ship.
  1038. Robotnik: "Robots first!"
  1039. Grounder: "Wow, how nice of you."
  1040. Scratch: "Are you sure? We usually follow behind you."
  1041. Robotnik: "No, no. Please, I insist."
  1042. >Scratch lifts Grounder to carry him up the stairs.
  1043. Scratch: "Rgh, why did Dr. Robotnik never think to give you legs?"
  1044. Grounder: "Treads make me look mean and tough like a tank!"
  1045. Scratch: "He also made you as smart as one, too."
  1046. Grounder: "Gee, thanks!"
  1047. >The two step inside the aircraft. A moment later, a shout is heard from the both of them.
  1048. Robotnik: "As I expected. Looks like those two still have some use as live bait after all."
  1049. __________________________________________________________________
  1050. >Robotnik marches right in and sees the bots swinging upside down in a rope snare with multiple bear traps clamped onto them. Robotnik unties the ropes holding them up and they come crashing down.
  1051. Robotnik: "How sinister and sneaky! Hoping a pony would be caught through curiosity, eh? But, you'd have to get up pretty early in the morning to fool a genius like me."
  1052. >Scratch and Grounder help each other to remove the bear traps.
  1053. Scratch: "That shouldn't be hard, since you like to sleep in."
  1054. Robotnik: "Do you even know what a metaphor is?"
  1055. Grounder: "A self-referring number?"
  1056. "Who's there? Help! Help us!"
  1057. Scratch: "There's somebody calling for help on the other side of that door, your maliciousness!"
  1058. Robotnik: "Normally, I'm the type of guy that ignores pleas for help, as it is music to my ears, but my interest in who she has stored here is thoroughly piqued."
  1059. >With the push of the button, the doors to the "exhibits" swings open. They let themselves in to see a traitorous site.
  1060. Grounder: "Look! There are changelings all packed into that cage!"
  1061. "Help us!"
  1062. "We don't want to be zoo animals!"
  1063. "I'm claustrophobic!"
  1064. "I'm hungry..."
  1065. "Who's the fat guy?"
  1066. "I know him! We captured him outside of the fortress!"
  1067. >The head guard steps forward from the gaggle of excited changelings.
  1068. H.G.: "So, it's you. Have you come to mock us as revenge for how we treated you?"
  1069. Robotnik: "Maybe later. Haha. But I think you should start talking first."
  1070. H.G.: "Katella turned traitor! We were supposed to assist her in capturing the princess, but she called us an added bonus and locked us all up!"
  1071. Scratch: "But you coulda swarmed her easily!"
  1072. H.G.: "She was a tough warrior... She knocked us out one at a time."
  1073. Robotnik: "Seems I'm not the only villain to suffer from incompetent lackeys. Nevertheless, your failures might gives us the advantage we need."
  1074. ________________________________________
  1075. >Meanwhile, inside the castle, Katella is planning a cruel and cunning trap to capture Twilight. She silently checks what is behind each door. She's able to find Spike's room, the bathroom, and Twilight's room.
  1076. >She makes her move. She sets up an anti-magical net that will spring when stepped on outside of the bathroom door. Then, she goes into Twilight's room and plants a sound device that makes noise of dripping water. Then, she ducks around the corner of the corridors and waits. Minutes pass, and a yell is heard. Unfortunately for Katella, Spike is the one who springs the trap.
  1077. Spike: "Wah! Twilight! Help!"
  1078. >Katella removes Spike from the trap and wraps her arm around him, slightly choking him and preventing him from breathing fire. Twilight bursts from her room to see this.
  1079. Twilight: "Spike! I don't know who you are, but you better let him go, or I'll-"
  1080. >Katella pulls out her laser pistol and points it to Spike's head.
  1081. Katella: "You'll what? If I see you try anything, princess, I'll put a fresh hole in your little friend's head!"
  1082. >Twilight gasps. She looks at Spike, then Katella, then spike again. Without hesitation, she submits.
  1083. Twilight: "Ok. I'll do whatever you say. Just please don't hurt Spike."
  1084. Katella: "You see that net? Wrap it around yourself."
  1085. >She does so. Anything to have her friend be ok.
  1086. >Katella gets close to tie the net shut. After tying the final knot, Spike manages to get a solid chomp on her arm. She yelps and flings the poor dragon to a wall. Knocking him out.
  1087. Twilight: "Spike! Y-You're a monster!"
  1088. Katella: "And you'll be the star attraction in a zoo! People will pay millions for a chance to have an alicorn. Now say good-bye to your little friend. It'll be the last time you see him!"
  1089. >Twilight cries out for Spike as she is dragged away outside of the castle.
  1090. ____________________________________________
  1092. >Katella drags her new prize to her ship. Twilight tries to teleport out, but it is all in vain. As Katella climbs the stairs to her ship, Twilight's back hits each step to the top.
  1093. >Katella notices that her traps have been activated, but no prize is around. She also notices that the blast door to her cages is wide open. She can faintly hear Robotnik's voice. She drops Twilight on the floor of the ship and cracks her knuckles.
  1094. Katella: "I was nice before, my big, evil teddy bear. But I'm afraid it's officially payback time."
  1095. >She marches towards the door to see that Robotnik and his bots are conversing with her changeling prisoners.
  1096. Robotnik: "Settle down, you blithering bugs! I've come up with an ingenious plan to take down Katella once and for all."
  1097. Katella: "Oh, you have, have you?"
  1098. >The bots yelp as she stomps her way over to Robotnik. All the changelings hide behind him, scared that she'll whoop their exoskeletons again. She goes nose to nose with Robotnik.
  1099. Katella: "You've always said that you were a genius, Eggy-poo. But this time, your little underhanded schemes aren't going to work!"
  1100. Robotnik: "Oh, but Katella, I'd have to disagree! My plan's already working perfectly!"
  1101. >Suddenly, Katella feels very cold! Ice is forming around her feet and is climbing higher. She turns around to see another Robotnik zapping her with the freeze ray! She struggles to break the ice, but it is forming around her faster and faster until it completely envelops her.
  1102. Robotnik: "AHAHAHAHAHAHAAA! That was my finest moment of deceit and treachery!"
  1103. >He then proceeds to blow a big raspberry at Katella's frozen body.
  1104. Robotnik: "You three did well in mimicking my superiority and my dumbbot's stupidity, while I hid in the shadows. Very convincing."
  1105. The Robotnik and robot doubles in the changeling crowd revert to their original forms.
  1106. Changeling 1: "Ooogh. That was bad for my self-esteem. I felt like going on a diet."
  1107. ______________________________________
  1108. Robotnik: "That's another thing! While you had my intellect spot on, you needed to work on my physique! Thinner! More muscles! More handsome!"
  1109. Changeling: "Yeah, I'll keep a mental note."
  1110. Robotnik: "Now then, it's time for us to make sure Katella thinks twice before she sets foot in this planet again. Everybody out of the ship! I'm going to make her ship auto-pilot itself to the nastiest planet I can find."
  1111. Scratch: "Yes, sir!"
  1112. >The swarm of changelings and the badniks head for the door. The bugs ignore the trapped Twilight on the floor as they make their way out, but Scratch and Grounder stop to pick her up.
  1113. Grounder: "The boss is gonna get his revenge on your captor soon, little pony."
  1114. Scratch: "Yeah! And trust me, you don't want to be here when that happens! Ah HA ha HAAAA!"
  1115. Twilight: "Wait. As a princess, I should be able to officially put her on trial for her actions. Is all of this really necessary?"
  1116. Scratch: "Hmm, probably not!"
  1117. Grounder: "But it won't stop him!"
  1118. >The two laugh as they carry her out. Meanwhile, Robotnik finds the cockpit of her vessel and roots through a list of preset coordination of many planets.
  1119. Robotnik: "Ah, I feel like I'm stealing from many kids in a candy store. So many options and only one stop. Which one, which one?"
  1120. _________________________________________
  1123. Robotnik: So many wonderfully horrid choices! You know. It may not have worked out between us Katella, but I can send you to my crazy cousin Warpnik to take you as his bride! I'm sure he'd appreciate the company!"
  1124. Head Guarder: "Wait! Don't be so hasty!"
  1125. Robotnik: "You're still here?! Can't you see that I'm enjoying myself?"
  1126. H.G.: "We are grateful that you have saved us and we promise the queen will reward you for it. But, you could make her extra pleased by handing the traitor over to her to be her plaything for a while. Consider this before you make your choice."
  1127. Robotnik: "Hmmm. Now I'm at a crossroads yet again, and it won't be much longer until Katella thaws out. Who gets Katella, Warpnik or Chrysalis. Surely Chrissy won't miss her..."
  1129. _______________________________________________
  1131. >And then, Robotnik got a wicked idea. An evil, awful, wicked idea in the deepest recesses of his cranium.
  1132. Robotnik: "Very well, then. I'll take you all home and deliver her to your queen. I'll be right back."
  1133. >Robotnik pokes his head out of the ship's door.
  1134. Robotnik: "Listen up, you insolent insects! I'm taking you home to your queen. Get back on the ship."
  1135. >The changelings do as they are told and get on the aircraft, mumbling to themselves.
  1136. "Why did he kick us out, then?"
  1137. "Make up your mind, you tub of lard."
  1138. Robotnik: "Scratch! Grounder! Take the Egg-O-Matic and follow me to the Badlands."
  1139. Scratch: "Yes, sir, your maliciousness!"
  1140. Grounder: "Sorry, princess. We've gotta go now! We'll have to have that visit to your castle some other time."
  1141. Twilight: "What do you plan to do?"
  1142. Scratch: "Knowing our leader, we're probably going tie up some loose ends! Be back soon!"
  1143. >Katella's ship takes off into the distance, while Scratch and Grounder "settle their dispute" on who gets to drive and follows it.
  1144. Grounder: "I don't get how you being taller makes you a better driver than me.
  1145. Scratch: "If it will make you shut up, you should also know that it's because I'm older than you, too.
  1146. Grounder: "By like a few minutes!"
  1147. Scratch: "And that's a few minutes of wisdom and experience that YOU will never get. Ah HA ha HAAAAAAA!"
  1148. Grounder: "You don't even have a license to pilot this thing..."
  1149. ______________________________________________
  1151. >Katella's ship and the Egg-O-Matic touch down near the Changeling fortress. Robotnik turns to the head guard.
  1152. Robotnik: "Do me a favor and summon the queen to come to the ship. I'm sure that she'd love to gloat over Katella's defeat with me."
  1153. H.G.: "I'm sure she'd be delighted to do so!"
  1154. >When the guard leaves with the rest of his changeling brethren, Robotnik sets the auto-pilot to depart for the warp of confusion in ten minutes. In around seven minutes, Chrysalis gets on-board the ship. With a sultry swagger, she walks towards Robotnik.
  1155. Chrysalis: "You gigantic hunk of bug love. I was told everything on the way here. I didn't know you cared."
  1156. >She plants a kiss on Robotnik. He tries to hide his disgust.
  1157. Chrysalis: "Now, where is the filthy traitor?!"
  1158. Robotnik: "She's in the cage room. Right this way..."
  1159. >He leads her to the cage room door.
  1160. Robotnik: "After you!"
  1161. Chrysalis: "My my, such a gentleman. After all of this is over, I'll let you have anything your heart desires for-"
  1162. >The blast door shuts behind her. A click is heard as Robotnik engages the lock.
  1163. Chrysalis: "What the-?!"
  1164. Robotnik: "I already have everything I need, which is Katella and you out of the way for me to conquer this world unopposed.
  1165. Chrysalis: "You sneak! You rat! You scoundrel! I'm both thoroughly disgusted and impressed that you would trick ME of all ponies."
  1166. Robotnik: "Say hello to my cousin, Warpnik, for me!
  1167. Robotnik laughs as he makes a mad dash for the way out of the ship, leaving Chrysalis to scream obscenities in anger. He barely makes the bottom of the stairs as it retracts into the ship, closes its doors, and makes its ascension.
  1168. Robotnik: "Run, you fools! To the hovercraft!"
  1169. "What did that guy do?!"
  1170. "Our queen is in there!"
  1171. "It's leaving the atmosphere!"
  1172. "Our glorious queen! Come back!"
  1173. _____________________________________
  1174. >Chrysalis begins to panic as the ship moves on its own. She doesn't even notice that Katella is slowly breaking out.
  1175. Chrysalis: "Curse Robotnik, and curse myself for thinking that we could become allies to take over Equestria together!"
  1176. Katella: "Ah, so he found a way to dispose both of us, eh? It's that same rottenness that made me fall for him in the first place. Too bad that he's practically untouchable.
  1177. >Chrysalis looks at Katella, who's head has broken out of the ice, and hisses.
  1178. Chrysalis: "If it wasn't for YOU, I wouldn't be in this mess! I should have put YOU in a cage, so you would know what it's like to be a zoo exhibit!"
  1179. >The ship stops its movement. It has made it to its destination. Moments later, the two here footsteps coming towards them. The two panic as they wonder what's behind the door. It swings open, unleashing a school of fish in to the room, as Warpnik steps inside to see his new playmates. He laughs maniacally as Chrysalis and Katella hold each other out of sheer terror.
  1180. Warpnik: "So, Robotnik toss you aside like he did with me, hmm? Well, I'm sure that we'll get along juuuuust fine. And what a couple of lookers he sent, too! Tell me, do you like fish?"
  1181. ________________________________________________________
  1182. >Robotnik and his bots look below the hovercraft. To their surprise, the changelings aren't giving chase. Instead, their first instinct is to fight each other to see who will take the queen's place during her absence.
  1183. Robotnik: "Oh ho ha ha! It overwhelms me with joy to see yet another force of opposition crumble underneath my conquering heel!"
  1184. Scratch: "You're always one step ahead, o glorious master!"
  1185. Grounder: "Truly, you are Equestria's rightful ruler."
  1186. Robotnik: "Yes, I AM brilliant, aren't I? But we aren't done yet! We'll need to get hope and perfect my secret weapon to use against the unsuspecting pony masses! Aren't you both thrilled for that?"
  1187. >Robotnik's question is answered by loud snoring from the both of them. They've finally activated sleep mode from conquering the world past their bedtime.
  1188. Robotnik: "D'ohrrrgh! Fine! You two can sleep in the Egg-o-Matic for the rest of the night for all I care. Tomorrow afternoon, every pony will be bowing down to me and glorifying my name! Ah hahahahahaha!
  1189. >The two bots chuckle a little bit with him while in their sleeping state.
  1191. >Meanwhile, down in the depths of Tartarus, the seal of the sisters has run its course. A large stalagmite brakes apart, unleashing a pitch-black, slimy Umbrum of untold evil power.
  1193. "I'"
  1194. Deep laughter echoes in the cavernous depths below, reaching Celesta's mind as she jumps from her slumber.
  1195. ___________________________________
  1197. >Luna slams open Celestia's door and rushes to her side.
  1198. Luna: "Sister. Are you ok? I know that was a very strange dream, but... another evil being has escaped that claws of the underworld."
  1199. Celestia: "Yes... I thought that he would be serving his sentence forever, but... Poneros is free."
  1200. Luna: "If Pandora's Box didn't hope to contain him, what good would putting him a spire do? I knew we should have eradicated him when we had the chance."
  1201. Celestia: "I thought imprisonment would be enough, but my error is grave, indeed."
  1202. Luna: "What about the part of the dream about the egg with the mustache. What did that mean?"
  1203. Celestia: "Poneros cannot live long in our world without a host with a black heart. Him turning into an egg with a mustache must mean that he'll possess somepony... or someONE that looks like him...When he finally does, I don't know what will happen."
  1204. Luna: "Then we must make haste. I'll sweep Equestria to find this shadow. You contact Twilight and ask if she knows anyone with the shape of an egg in the morning sun's light.
  1205. _____________________________________
  1206. >In the morning, Spike wakes up with a headache, caused by his tussle with Katella, to a distant rooster crowing.
  1207. "Ah HA ha HAAAA!"
  1208. >It wasn't Applejack's rooster, and it sounded near. He got out of bed to see who it could be, only to get a familiar bloated feeling in his belly. He belches out a scroll that is marked with Celestia's insignia. He's about to take it to Twilight, only for the castle door to receive a loud banging. Spike wonders what to do first, but ultimately puts the scroll aside for something that needed his immediate attention. He approaches the main door to find Scratch and Grounder letting themselves in.
  1209. Spike: "Uh, who are you?"
  1210. Scratch: "I'm Scratch, and this is-"
  1211. Grounder: "You always do the introductions! I wanna do it!"
  1212. Scratch: "Ugh. Fine."
  1213. Grounder: "Yay! Ok. You can call me Mr. Grounder, best lackey in town, and this is my do-nothing brother, Scratch."
  1214. Scratch: "Saw that one coming. Did you get everything out of your system?"
  1215. Grounder: "Not yet. Uh, if anyone asks, I'm Dr. Robotnik's favorite robot. Ok, I'm done."
  1216. Scratch: "Good!"
  1217. >Scratch slaps Grounder in the face, which makes his head spin several rotations before settling. Grounder responds with by pulling a tail feather off of Scratch, whom responds with a yelp. Soon, the two begin an all-out tussle, dropping on the floor a strange looking crystal that is the cross between a diamond and a spark plug.
  1218. Spike picks it up from the floor.
  1219. ________________________________________
  1220. Spike: "What is this?"
  1221. >The bots immediately stop fighting and direct their attention to Spike.
  1222. Scratch: "Whoa-ho-ho! Careful with that!"
  1223. Grounder: "Robotnik said that if we break it, he'll break us!"
  1224. Twilight: "What's all the commotion? I heard fighting."
  1225. Twilight approaches the group, nearly half-awake.
  1226. Scratch: "Hi, princess! You remember us? We saved your hide from being a zoo animal!"
  1227. Grounder: "Not only that, but we recently moved in to Ponyville, so that must make us next door neeeighbors or something. Huhuh. Get it?"
  1228. Scratch: "So as neighbors, we need to ask a favor."
  1229. >Scratch swipes the crystal from Spike's hand.
  1230. Scratch: "Can we borrow a cup of magic?"
  1231. Grounder: "You practically owe us, anyway."
  1232. >Twilight looks at the object quizzically.
  1233. Twilight: "What is this for, anyway?"
  1234. Grounder: "To be honest, we don't know."
  1235. Scratch: "But Dr. Robotnik said that it would be for something that is a scientific breakthrough!"
  1236. >Twilight ponders her actions for a minute. She recalls Robotnik to be cunning, but had a certain air to him that's not to be trusted. However...
  1237. Twilight: "Well, he did help me out of a large mess. Plus, who am I to stop a fellow researcher for furthering the advancement of science."
  1238. >Without hesitation, she charges up the crystal until it's full to bursting. She then hands it to Scratch.
  1239. Scratch: "Thank you for making our lives a lot easier."
  1240. Grounder: "Yeah, I was not looking forward to becoming the world's largest paperweight again."
  1241. Scratch: "See ya, Princess! Next time, we might be so polite. Ah Ha ha HAAAA!"
  1242. >The two head out the door, laughing to themselves.
  1243. Twilight: "Why do I get a bad feeling from those two...?"
  1244. Spike: "I know, right? It's not genuine politeness. It's like... shady politeness... Oh! By the way, I have a letter from Celestia. Let me go get it."
  1245. __________________________________________________
  1246. >Twilight unravels the scroll and reads it carefully. At first, she is intrigued in Celestia's dream. Then, she is terrified...
  1247. Twilight: "Poneros... I've read about this creature before... In ancient history, he was the leader of all the hardships in the world that were released from Pandora's Box. From Tartarus, he would command spirits that would manipulate ponies to doing evil and heinous acts to satisfy his thirst for pain."
  1248. Spike: "So, back then, ponies lied, cheated, stole, and hurt others a lot more than today?"
  1249. Twilight: "Yes. Eventually, a thousand years ago, he was able to gather enough power to take over the surface, but the Royal Sisters fought back and banished him in a spire in Tartarus. But, now he's free, and he's looking for a host to take over. Someone with a black heart to help him fully regain his power.
  1250. Spike: "Who is he going after?"
  1251. Twilight: "The strange person who helped me last night. He fits the description perfectly. Hop on, Spike. We need to find him before Poneros does. I hope those robots didn't go too far..."
  1252. >Spike hops on Twilight's back, as she takes off from her magnificent castle.
  1254. Pinkie: "Hey, guys! Whatcha doing?"
  1255. Grounder: "Hey, Pinkie! We were just heading back to Robotnik's secret HQ."
  1256. Pinkie: "Ooh, nifty! Can I come along?"
  1257. Scratch: "No way! Robotnik isn't expecting any guests."
  1258. Pinkie: "Oh, ok. But he is coming to the party tonight, isn't he?"
  1259. Grounder: "I don't know about him, but we're definitely coming. But, we gotta deliver something first."
  1260. Scratch: "Just make sure to stack some egg hors d'oeuvres if he makes it!"
  1261. Pinkie: "Okee dokee! Byeee!"
  1262. ____________________________________
  1263. >The bots rush towards home while Pinkie goes into the opposite direction. A moment later, Twilight touches down near Pinkie.
  1264. Twilight: "Pinkie Pie! I need help. Have you seen two robots pass by here? One looks like a chicken and-"
  1265. Pinkie: "Yeah! Just talked to them. They're heading back to their super-secret base."
  1266. Spike: "Some secret."
  1267. Twilight: "Do you know where it is? We need to go there! It's an emergency!"
  1268. Pinkie: "Sorry, I did make a Pinkie promise to them that I wouldn't reveal where they are staying or that I would follow without permission.
  1269. Twilight: "Please! The fate of ponykind depends on it! Just this once!
  1270. Pinkie: "Gosh, sounds serious... I hate to let my friends down but, I'm sure they'll understand if it's an emergency. Follow me. I'll take you there!"
  1271. Spike: "Thank you. I know that it's hard to break a promise like that."
  1273. >Meanwhile, Robotnik is making the finishing touches on his machine. It looks like a small karaoke machine with a satellite installed on top of it.
  1274. Robotnik: "There! Now, all I need is the power conduit. Where are those dumbbots! My excitement of world-conquest can hardly be contained."
  1275. >As if on cue, the robots open the door and rush in with the crystal in their hand.
  1276. Scratch: "We got it! You were right, she caved really easily!"
  1277. Robotnik: "Of course, I'm right. I always am."
  1278. >He yanks the crystal from Scratch's hand and installs it in the machine.
  1279. Robotnik: "Feast your eyes on the latest invention in the field of hypnosis and subliminal messaging! The Hypno Talko Broadcaster!"
  1280. Scratch: "It's amazing!"
  1281. Grounder: "Yeah! I'm sure that every pony will want one in their household!"
  1282. Scratch: "I can make an ad campaign to make ponies feel empty without one!"
  1283. Robotnik: "IDIOTS! This machine is more than just some appliance! It's the key to finally ruling this backwards world."
  1284. __________________________________________
  1285. Robotnik: "All I need to do is flip the switch and talk in this microphone, and it makes everyone in Ponyville think what I say. Ergo, when I say 'Robotnik is terrific and we should praise him', they'll be bowing at my feet.
  1286. Scratch: "One question: will YOU also think what you say in the microphone?"
  1287. Robotnik: "Hmm, where did that question come from? Are your circuits actually processing logical conclusions or is it simply a glitch? In any case, yes, I also think what I say in the microphone. However, I already think I'm amazing, so it's no big drawback."
  1288. Grounder: "And we're already programmed to think you are amazing, so it won't affect us either!"
  1289. Robotnik: "Correct! Now, are you two ready for a test run?"
  1290. >Robotnik flips the switch. The machine whirs, but it sputters immediately after starting up.
  1291. Robotnik: "WHAT?! No, no, NO! I was so sure that Twilight's magic would power the machine! What's going on?!"
  1292. Scratch: "Umm, give us a minute. Uh, it runs on magic..."
  1293. Grounder: "And something is stopping the magic..."
  1294. >The two robots take a long time to answer the query, but a light bulb finally hits Scratch over the head.
  1295. Robotnik: "Well?"
  1296. Scratch: "Grounder, do you have the stone that Zecora gave you?
  1297. Grounder: "The one that stops magic? ...Ooooh, hehe. That would explain it. It's in our room."
  1298. Robotnik: "Well, then. GET RID OF IT! Take that stone and go throw it somewhere far away!"
  1299. Grounder: "But... it's really important, for some reason."
  1300. Robotnik: "More important than my conquests?! You have two choices, Grounder. You either toss the stone out, or I can toss YOU out permanently. What'll it be?"
  1301. Grounder: "Well, I guess it's just a silly old stone anyways..."
  1302. Robotnik: "Good. Scratch! Go with him and make sure he disposes it FAR away from here."
  1303. _______________________________________________
  1305. >The robots obey, and Grounder stuffs the magical rock in his compartment.
  1306. Grounder: "So, where do you want to go?"
  1307. Scratch: "*whispers* It's been a while since we've seen Mama Shy. Let's go see if the broadcasting doohickey works on her."
  1308. Grounder: "Hey, yeah! This will be great, Scratch. We'll be a happy family, all under Robotnik's rule."
  1309. Scratch: "We can probably have her be our mama here in the base, once she's under direct control! We can get cookies and tea all day!"
  1310. >The two robots leave the HQ with optimism, but they carelessly leave the door inside ajar. In about 10 minutes, Robotnik's machine starts up again with a low hum.
  1311. Robotnik: "Ah ha! It's working again! Now, time for me to tell Ponyville how incredible I am.
  1312. Twilight: "Hold it right there, Doctor!"
  1313. Robotnik: "What?! How did you find me? How did you come in!"
  1314. Pinkie: The door was open, so we let ourselves in. *gasp* Is that a karaoke machine? I love to sing!"
  1315. >Pinkie yanks the microphone off of the workshop table before Robotnik got a chance to use it.
  1316. Twilight: "Pinkie, no!"
  1317. Robotnik: "Put that down, you pink pest! You have no idea what you are doing!"
  1319. [Embed]
  1321. >Pinkie proceeds to sing her favorite song into the microphone. Twilight can't help but sing along with her.
  1322. Robotnik: "Oh no! What is this song? It's so... sickeningly cheerful... Must... resist! ARRRGGGH! It doesn't matter now, if you are sad or blue, 'cause cheering up my friends is just what Pinkie's here to do!"
  1323. >The song broadcasts across Ponyville, making all the ponies sing along with her. Fluttershy, Scratch, and Grounder hug each other and sing, too, filling them with positive thoughts.
  1324. Grounder: "I always loved you, big brother!"
  1325. Scratch: "I never want this moment to end!"
  1326. Fluttershy: "I'm so proud of you two."
  1327. ________________________________________
  1328. >The Umbrum, Poneros, now crawls across Ponyville, oozing around for a suitable host. Everybody is too busy singing to even pay any mind to the lurking horror patrolling the streets. Eventually, however, it senses an evil presence and makes its way towards it at top speed.
  1330. >In Robotnik's HQ, his time-space dimensional transporter activates. It forms another being coming from Mobius to the world of Equestria. The creature is large, ugly, and meaner than Robotnik will ever be. It stomps towards his workshop to find him singing a happy tune, with Pinkie and Twilight around his arms.
  1331. Robotnik: "Come on, everypony! Smile, smile, smile! Fill my heart up with sunshine, sunshine! All I really need's a smile, smile, smile from these happy friends of-"
  1332. >The large being destroys Robotnik's broadcaster, causing him to snap out of it.
  1333. Robotnik: "Oh! At last! I'm free! That was too close. I thought I would be a sappy, little go-gooder for the rest of my life."
  1334. >He drops the ponies on the ground and turns around to see his broadcaster destroyed. He becomes furious, until he sees who destroyed it. Then, his spine grows cold.
  1335. Mama: "THIS is where you've been all this time?! Singing and dancing with fluffy horses about smiles and sunshine?!"
  1336. Robotnik: "M-Mama! N-no, no, no. It's not want you think! I was going to use that machine to control these ponies! Not sing along with them!"
  1337. Twilight: "Control?"
  1338. Mama: "I DON'T CARE! I oughta wash out your mouth with dirt to get rid of all the nice things you've said in front of your mother! I thought I raised you to be a tyrant, not some flower-picking nancy boy!"
  1339. >She hits Robotnik over the head with her umbrella.
  1340. Pinkie: "Hey! You can't just do that to my new friend!"
  1341. Mama: "Shut up before I turn you and everyone you love into GLUE!"
  1342. >Pinkie starts to tear up...
  1343. Twilight: "You and your son are not welcome here in Equestria. If he stays here, he might spell the end of ponykind!"
  1344. ________________________________________________
  1345. Mama: "Is that so? Well, then. I'll just stay here and make this land my new home. I'm tired of being in the Home of Really Bizarre Mothers anyhow! You two will be my first slaves! Comply now, or I'll start abducting family members in exchange for your obedience."
  1346. Robotnik: "But, Mama, what about me? I was planning to make them my servants!"
  1347. Mama: "YOU will go back to Mobius and finish what you started there! You think you can just go and conquer somewhere else because of Sonic? You quitter. I can't face the other girls back home, because YOU never finish what you start."
  1348. Robotnik: "Mama, please! I've tried everything! Let me have this land for my own. I'm really close!"
  1349. Mama: "Man up, go pack your things, and go home!"
  1350. >Robotnik slouches forward, utterly defeated. He walks past the ponies and away from Mama's stare.
  1351. Pinkie: "Aww, poor Robotnik. He's really trying his best."
  1352. Twilight: "Pinkie, he was going to enslave Ponyville!"
  1353. Pinkie: "Well, yeah, but you gotta admire his determination."
  1354. >Twilight and Pinkie gasp as they hear Robotnik scream. They dash into the main room to see Robotnik cornered by a shadowy, slimy horse-like figure.
  1355. Twilight: "It's Poneros!"
  1356. Robotnik: "Don't eat me! There are two plump looking ponies over there! Eat them!"
  1357. >Pinkie looks at her backside.
  1358. Pinkie: "I'm not THAT plump."
  1359. Mama: "What in Sam hill is going on over here!
  1360. >Poneros stares at Mama.
  1361. Mama: "If you land one hoof on my son, I'm gonna-"
  1362. >Without hesitation, the shadow sweeps past Twilight and Pinkie, and into Mama's body. She doubles over in pain, and clenches her chest. A dark aura surrounds her being...
  1363. Robotnik: "Mama! Are you ok?!"
  1364. >Mama responds with a sinister chuckle.
  1365. _________________________________________________
  1366. Mama: "I'm better than ok, Ivo. In fact, I feel positively wicked right now! I feel like I can take over Equestria with my own two hands. Unfortunately, you aren't part of my plans, so I might as well start my reign of destruction with YOU!"
  1367. >Mama extends her fat finger in Robotnik's direction. Quickly, Twilight raises a shield to protect him from a bolt of magic that shoots from Mama's fingertip.
  1368. Twilight: Poneros! I won't sit idle while you are loose. I'm ending your plans before they begin!
  1369. >Twilight forms a powerful barrier, surrounding Mama and trapping her in.
  1370. Mama: "It's adorable that you're trying, Twilight. But I think you'll find it all fruitless in the end!"
  1371. >Mama grows darker in color as she gathers energy. Lightning shoots out of her body, making her into a living Tesla coil. The bolts assault the barrier until one breaks through and shatters the dome, striking Twilight's horn. She screams in shock!
  1372. Pinkie: "AHH! Twilight!"
  1373. >Pinkie puts Twilight on her back and turns to Robotnik.
  1374. Pinkie: "We need to get out of here, now!
  1375. Robotnik: "Quickly! To my Egg-O-Matic!
  1376. >The three beat a hasty retreat, as clouds of darkness form around Mama.
  1377. Mama: "You fools can't hope to escape my shroud of sin! I'll make you and all of Ponyville turn on each other, and tear down all that you hold dear!"
  1378. >Robotnik puts Twilight in the hovercraft's passenger seat, as Pinkie hops in the other. It lifts off the ground as a dark fog pours from his HQ doors, spreading into the air around Ponyville quickly!
  1379. ___________________________________________
  1380. >The fog seeps into the streets and homes of Ponyville and, as a result, is inhaled into the citizens' minds. Ponies, once good and peaceful, because lawless and destructive. One after another, ponies start to lie, to cheat, to steal, to injure, and to destroy. Families are tearing themselves apart, children are fighting over belongings, and friendships end immediately. Jealousy, greed, hate, and pain ruled Ponyville. Fortunately, it didn't spread too far. Sweet Apple Acre's and Fluttershy's Cottage were just out of reach, and it didn't extend high enough into the sky to invade Rainbow Dash's home. Robotnik was able to escape the dark clouds, and retreat to Sweet Apple Acres (by Pinkie's request). They touch down in front of Applejack's house. Pinkie hops off the hovercraft and knocks the front door in a panic, while Robotnik gingerly picks up Twilight from the hovercraft.
  1381. Pinkie: "APPLEJAAAACK! HELP!"
  1382. >AJ opens the door in a hurry.
  1383. Applejack: "What in tarnation is- *gasp* Land's Sakes! Get her inside, quick!"
  1384. >They take the time to settle in. Applejack, Robotnik, and Pinkie are sitting beside Twilight as she rests in bed.
  1385. AJ: "So, how exactly did this happen and who are you?"
  1386. Robotnik: "How should I know? Everything happened all too fast for me assess the situation. All I know is that... THING made it personal by taking my dear old mama. Oh, and call me Robotnik for now. I'm not in the mood for you to call me your supreme overlord for now.
  1387. AJ: "What? Er...Anyways, whoever did THIS to Twilight must have some pretty potent magic... I think we may need to gather everypony to tackle this crisis together.
  1388. Robotnik: "Define 'everypony'."
  1389. AJ: "Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity."
  1390. Robotnik: "Ah, yes. The so-called Elements of Harmony. I had a feeling I would be using you ponies to help fix this mess. Otherwise, I would have thrown Twilight and Pinkie in that mess to distract him. Hehe."
  1391. ________________________________
  1392. Applejack: "All right, varmint. I don't know what your deal is, but I don't think I take kindly to your type around me or my friends.
  1393. Robotnik: "The feeling is mutual, you filthy hillbilly."
  1394. Applejack: "Rrrrh, but we gotta work together to come up with a plan to defeat whatever did this to Twilight. We'll stay here and help Twilight recover. Can we trust you to round up the party?"
  1395. Robotnik: "Normally, you'd be a fool to trust me to do anything good. But, I do need you all for my latest ideas of revenge. She better be out of bed by the time I get back. There's no time to waste.
  1396. >Robotnik exits the household and walks up to the cockpit of the Egg-o-Matic. He whips out the car phone connected to it and dials for Grounder. He picks up.
  1397. Grounder: "Hiya, boss! Are we ruling over Ponyville now?"
  1398. Robotnik: "NO! Something went horrifically wrong! Now, shut up and tell me where you are. We have a crisis on our hands!"
  1399. Grounder: "You're telling me! Mama Shy is out of pet food, so we are planning leave the house and buy some more!"
  1400. Robotnik: "HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL HER- Wait! You're with Fluttershy?"
  1401. Grounder: "Y-yeah?"
  1402. >Robotnik hops in his hovercraft and lifts off.
  1403. Robotnik: "You all will stay right there! Protect her with your lives! I'll need to run by and pick up a certain speedy pegasus whose familiarity makes my blood boil. I'll see you dolts soon!"
  1404. >Grounder hangs up the phone.
  1405. Fluttershy: "What did he say?"
  1406. Grounder: "We're your own personal bodyguards for a while!"
  1407. Scratch: "Stick with me, Mama! I can kick more tail than my dopey little brother!
  1408. Grounder: "Yeah, well, I have more weapons than you do! Do you have buzzsaws or glue guns? Didn't think so!"
  1409. >A collection of banging and scratching sounds are coming from Fluttershy's front door...
  1411. End of part 1
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