
Harem database 4

Jul 21st, 2020
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  1. Name: Yachimiri Tsuzukirawakabayashimeno
  2. Alias: The Tsundere
  3. Birthdate: August 7
  4. Hair: Pink/Short-Pink/Long (Crossdressed)
  5. Eyes: Olive gold
  6. Age: 14
  7. Blood Type: O
  8. Height: 5'1
  9. Waist:3.5/10
  10. Hips: 10/10
  11. Size: 3/10
  12. Favorite Food/Drink: Cheeseburg steak/Cola
  15. Trivia: -has a younger sister. They both admire each other
  16. -lives in perpetual poverty with his family, despite them owning a restaurant
  17. -has serious anger issues, but over the course of the series, mellows out
  18. -Sushi is also one of his favorite foods, but could only post one as his complete favorite
  19. -is ambidextrous
  20. -is highly allergic to dogs despite liking them. If one even walks by the restaurant's front door, it's likely that even walking outside to exercise will send him into a sneezing fit
  21. -due to his unique figure, he has to wear tailor made pants. His father is friends with the clothesmaker, so the family doesn't go bankrupt trying to make sure it fits
  22. -hates cats
  23. -also has difficulty with certain places due to his oversized booty, especially in school. The principal himself even commissioned a female uniform with an extra large skirt for him after he started crossdressing to make his life easier after his male uniform's lower half ripped apart sometime after his introduction
  24. -he eventually becomes besties with his social ladder opposite: Wakaojou-kun
  25. -his nickname (besides Tsundere-kun) is Miri-chan. However, only close friends and family may call him that
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