
A day with Susie

Nov 9th, 2018
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  1. "Have fun sweetie!" Toriel cheered gleefully before closing the door.
  3. Kris had asked her again if he could go spend the afternoon in the library. Something about studying a particular subject. Toriel was delighted to see her son endeavoring to learn new knowledge autonomously and was happy to let him go out. She didn't suspect in the slightest that what he was in fact hanging out with the black sheep of the town. Kris looked to his right and then to his left. Sure enough there she was, leaning on a wall with her arm crossed.
  5. "Took you long enough, Freak. What's the deal?"
  7. Kris explained to her that in order to make his excuses more convincible he was describing to Toriel progressively more and more obscure field of studies which he would go to "study". So obscure in fact that they weren't known by anyone at all beside Kris! He would have to invent something semi-believable to fool Toriel he really was expanding his wisdom.
  9. "You know, everything would be much easier if you just told her you wanted to hang out with a friend."
  11. Kris explained that Toriel would probably deem her a bad influence and forbid them to meet.
  13. "Well i'll kick her butt if that happens!"
  15. Kris asked Susie to please not kick her mother's butt.
  17. "Just joking! Anyway let's start walking, we'll find something to do when we see it."
  19. Susie got her back off the wall and went across the street. Kris promptly caught up to her. If somebody had told him he would become best buddies with Susie, he would have never believed it. It took some time for her to warm up to him, but it all worked out. She was at ease around him. He discovered that Susie had a very messed up sense of what "fun" was. More than one time they would attempt something stupid, sometimes risking their well being, just to then laugh it off afterwards. It was a bone chilling experience, but also very exciting. One additional perk of hanging out with Susie was that nobody dared anymore to pick on him. Berdly went against this unspoken rule once. He didn't come to school for a week and when he did, he made sure to keep his mouth shut. There were many rumors of what Susie did to him. Kris prefered to not know the details.
  21. Susie stopped in her tracks and faced left. Like a mirror, Kris stopped and looked where Susie was focusing her gaze.
  23. "Mmhh, it seems they have opened a new ice cream shop. Let's go here."
  25. Kris nodded. He sure could do for something to cool his throat from the summer heat. They went in. When Kris came out, he was holding a cup with two scoops of chocolate. When Susie came out, she had a cone with three scoops of chocolate, two scoops of vanilla, one scoop of coconut, two scoops of blue moon, one scoop of caramel, one scoop of stracciatella and, finally, one scoop of the 'mystery flavour. This 'monster' which she had created towered solemnly over her figure. It was just a disaster waiting to happen. Susie was however too impatient to wait. She lined up all the scoops towards her mouth and shouted to Kris.
  27. "Hey Kris! Check this out!"
  29. With one decisive motion, she pushed it all in. In a matter of a blink of an eye, everything was gone, no traces left. Susie expected to be met with surprise, yet Kris only slightly raised his eyebrows. He told her that she would have to do better than that to impress him.
  31. "Is that a challenge?"
  33. Kris could not reply before Susie added "Don't answer that. Before this day ends I'll do something that will make your eyes come out of your sockets. But first, follow me. There is a place I want to show you."
  35. Susie took a turn to the left. They were now traversing the a small alley. Suddenly, five menacing figures appeared at the other end, blocking their passage. Susie and Kris stopped. The one in the center stepped forward, presumably the leader of the bunch. He was a cat like monster with a huge red pompadour and a light blue outfit. On his right cheek was strapped a piece of cotton, evidence of some kind of fight.
  37. He shouted "There you are Susie! I will make you pay for what you did to me last week. This time I've brought reinforcements!"
  39. Susie stared at him.
  41. She examined the gang he had brought and then replied stoically "Oh... it's you. So you want to have another go at it uh? Didn't know you had a thing for getting your ass handed out to you."
  43. Before the leader could reply, another member of the gang pointed at Kris "Wait, who are YOU supposed to be?"
  45. They stared at him. Kris could not think of a response, before another one, a bit fatter and shorter than the others, shouted "Jeez, just look at how small you are! Do you want us to call your mommy?"
  47. Susie, still perfectly calm, replied "I've read that Self-awareness is a great way to develop your intelligence. Maybe you should start by looking yourself at the mirror, don't you think?"
  49. His face turned red from anger like a fat plump tomato. Some of his mates tried to hold him down, but he had already escaped their grasp and was madly charging towards Susie. He threw a pathetic punch. Susie only had to move a bit to the left to dodge. With the punch not hitting the target, he lost his balance and tripped. Before his face could say hello to the cold concrete ground, he was greeted by Susie's fist at full force. He was hit so hard that his fat body was propelled into the air. Several teeth flew across all sides of the alleyway, each leaving a faint trail of blood. The gang watched with horror as their comrade slided across the brick wall, peeling his skin and ruining his uniform. Finally he landed into a trash bin, unconscious. After this show of immense power, many seemed like they were on the verge of fleeing the scene.
  51. Before that, the leader managed to shout "Don't mind that idiot! We still outnumber her. Get her!"
  53. Three ran towards Susie. None of their hits connected. Susie retaliated with a punch and a kick which knocked two of them on their asses. The remaining one tried to hold her down from the back. She effortlessly knocked him back with her elbow. She turned and landed two punches into his stomach. A precise uppercut to his chin then put him down for good. Behind her another was rushing her while screaming at the top of his lungs. Susie took one of the lids from the garbage bins and banged his head so hard that the aluminium bent in the its shape. He mindlessly wandered in circles a bit, before collapsing on the ground. Meanwhile one of them was directing a barrage of fists to Kris. To his frustration, Kris avoided all of them, like a fly mockingly flying circles around a swatter. Kris was now in range to strike. The scoundrel braced for impact. The hit never came. Kris instead leaned closer and flirted. The gang member took one step back. He rubbed his head, his expression quite puzzled.
  55. "Wait... what?"
  57. It was now that Kris took the opportunity to deliver a bone shattering kick to his balls. The face that was before red from embarrassment was now blue from nauseating pain. He grasped his crotch and fell against the wall.
  59. "Not fair little dude, not fair."
  61. The leader was the only one left standing.
  63. He hissed in anger "Damn you!" and attempted to make a run for it.
  65. Susie grabbed Kris and launched him towards the runner. Kris kicked his head mid flight, making him fall. He attempted to get back up, but there she was already in front of him.
  67. Susie cracked her knuckles menacingly "You know, you have to be a special kind of stupid to attempt the same thing twice, but I don't care. More fun for me I guess."
  69. As Susie mangled him with a fury of punches and kicks, he screamed so loud that one could see his very soul being expelled from his body. With one final strike he was flung to the brick wall. When gravity brought him down, part of the wall came with him. Kris and Susie looked down the alley, a pitiful scene laid before them.
  71. Susie stretched her arms and yawned "Let's get out of here Kris before anyone shows up."
  73. They resumed their original path. Kris noticed that they were no longer in the little town, but in a small clearing. It was full of flowers with bees still buzzing around collecting pollen.
  75. "There," she pointed towards a little hill with a tree full of peaches on top "that's where we want to go."
  77. They slowly climbed. Each small step from the duo broke the sacred silence of the place. When they reached the top, Susie sat, her back rested upon the bark of the tree. She nodded to Kris to do the same. They were both now facing the setting Sun and the flaming sky. They stayed like this for some minutes, both knowing that they didn't have to say a word to let the other know how much they were enjoying their presence. The last rays of light were just about to disappear behind the forest, when Susie turned towards Kris.
  79. She smiled and said "Remember when I told you I would do something to impress you before the end of the day?"
  81. Kris nodded.
  83. "Well then, close your eyes. I've got something."
  85. Kris did as Susie told him. He waited patiently, but something was off. She wasn't moving an inch. Her breath was still rhythmically caressing his cheek like before. She was hesitating to do something. It was then, after all this waiting and anticipation that he could feel it. Something warm was brushing against his cheek. Something tender, something moist. Something very beautiful. Kris opened his eyes. Susie was giving him a little kiss.
  87. He jerked back in shock. Susie was already giggling devilishly.
  89. "I won our little bet, freak! Your eyes are about to come out of their sockets, like I said!"
  91. She then added "I wonder if you ever dreamed of something like this happening. I sure did..."
  93. Before she could complete her sentence, however, Kris springed forward and he too left a little kiss to the Susie's cheek. It was now Susie who was in disbelief. She pressed her hand against where she was kissed, as if she was trying to rub in the sensation she had felt.
  95. Slowly, words came out of her mouth "What.. what did you just do?"
  97. A terrifying chill ran down Kris' spine. Did he just mess up? Would Susie no longer be his friend? He was about to make all kinds of apologies when Susie smiled again. The tension was gone. He too smiled. Their smile turned into a chuckle. Their chuckle turned into a giggle. Their giggle turned into a full blown laughter.
  99. When they were done, Susie commented "Hahaha this was so weird! I still feel all tingly inside."
  101. Kris and Susie decided to leave it at that. It was now night. Endless constellation lighted up the sky. Both did not move. the grass was soft and they had each other to warm themself. They silently agreed to just sleep there under the myriad of stars and around the sounds of nature. As Kris began to drift towards sleep, he thanked destiny for this wonderful friend he had encountered.
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