

May 31st, 2016
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  1. -inciting incident:
  2. -morg and reina talk
  3. -brynn walks in all muddy and gets chastised
  4. -he’s talking about imaginary creatures that need help that reina is sick of hearing
  5. -morrighan says she’ll go talk to him, brynn tries to show her where he meets them
  6. -turns out brynn wasn’t lying, they asked him to get help but were afraid to come meet her on account of them fearing most of humanity, the woodlanders think the puca(magical trickster horse basically) might be to blame too
  7. -they explain some of their kind has gone missing recently, they think humans did it, morrighan agrees to help, thinks she might have seen the puca, but she thinks it's just a daydream
  9. -rising action:
  10. -they go back, not telling reina on account of protecting the woodland monsters, ask about anything odd happening in town
  11. -reina says that people have gone missing recently here, some people think maybe it’s spirits because “if gods are real, what else is real”
  12. -next day morrighan does investigation, townsfolk worried, alderman is an ornery asshole who wants to go after the spirits on what everyone thinks is a huge whim, tries to get Brynn to lead him to them on account of what he kept saying before
  13. -morrighan chases after an image of herself, it gets away, but the puca was chasing it too, so she continues after the puca instead
  14. -catches puca, they mindmeld, turns out the puca's actually trying to stop whatever that thing was, and takes her to where the real alderman is held
  15. -ITWASARUSE.png
  16. -they go back to find a mini-battle in town
  18. -climax:
  19. -meanwhile, the two groups, villagers(being led by the real alderman) and woodlanders, both scared to death of each other, fight in an impromptu skirmish
  20. -Morrighan, the puca, and the real alderman stop the skirmish, revealing the imposter
  21. -imposter turns out to be a woodlander called a fetch, takes brynn and runs
  22. -morrighan and radala give chase, deal with magic tricks and have to joust an army of clones
  23. -eventually catch it, fetch did this because he wanted the woodlanders to try and rise up against the humans, and was tired of living in fear of them, hiding in the woods, short discussion on cohabitation, and the foolishness of not trusting the capacity of empathy and understanding
  24. -they come back, everyone on both sides is saved, they try to make semblance of peace
  25. -morrighan thanks puca, puca wants to stay with her, becomes her steed
  26. -youdiditforonce.jpg
  28. -falling action:
  29. -reina patches up morrighan and they florence nightingale a bit before an interruption
  30. -dhaiga guard knocks at the door
  31. -"church is taking over, cliona has been excommunicated, go meet her up north with the other church refugees like now"
  32. -lookslikeyoudon'tgettostayhappyafterall.avi
  33. -she leaves the next day, town left with the hope the two groups integrate (we come back, and they do, but have different problems)
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