
Rage Moriga & Brandt (TheStalinator) Petplay RP (INPROGRESS)

Mar 10th, 2015
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  1. Keen Mohler: Moriga growled aggressively. Damned doom timeline. Damned game. She'd screech in rage as she'd float aimlessly around the Paradox space. She'd find a floating bit of spacerock, and, through a fit of incredible rage, she'd blow it to smithereens. She'd let out another bloodcurdling scream. Her eyes were black with rage, crackles of black 'rage' energy emitting from her all over her face and her mouth.
  2. TheStalinator: Brandt was in a different mindset entirely from the mutantblood he didn't know existed. While some would call it 'denial' he'd call it 'correct. This timeline certainly wasn't doomed. Why would it be doomed, he's in and alive in this timeline, any timeline with those qualities can't possibly be doomed, because the universe revolves around him. For now he was relaxing, waiting for something to happen. Which it did, when a rock was blown up and there was a horrid scream within hearing distance, which he went off to find the source of.
  3. Keen Mohler: Moriga panted as she wiped the dust and rubble from her outfit. She'd take a deep breath before twitching violently. She'd screech again, gripping her horns in anguish. She'd break out in a jumble of cuss words, incoherent speech, and ungodly screeches. The babble was cutshort when she'd sense someone near. She didn't know how she knew someone was near, perhaps just her animalistic tendencies right now. Good. She needed a punching bag.
  4. TheStalinator: Of course he didn't think that whatever just blew up a boulder and screeched would be any danger to him. When your power is literally to 'destroy life' you don't tend to worry much. He walked uncarefully, almost like he wanted whatever was here to find him. "Come on, what the fucks out here disturbing my rest?" He hissed, looking up in attempt to find whoever was out here.
  5. Keen Mohler: Moriga saw it. Some male troll, smelled like a highblood. She'd screech as she'd fly towards him. She'd try to land a punch square on his noggin, but he could probably read it from a mile away.
  6. TheStalinator: And he did indeed see it coming a mile away, an advantage of letting your enemy come to you. With a quick jump to the right, Her punch would miss wildly. With a scoff, his hands glowed a soft tan, as he aimed a quick fist at the back of her head.
  7. Keen Mohler: Moriga screamed in unholy rage as she'd swipe wildly when she was hit in the side of the head. Within a few moments she became shakey. It was as if she was being drained of all energy. She'd wildly flail like a dying animal as slowly everything went black.
  8. TheStalinator: "Always so easy~" Brandt smiled to himself, setting up to just finish the attacker off. When he noticed something. This blood on her hands. That's not even on the spectrum. He growled, shoving a nail into her skin and seeing his claw coated in the same colour. A dirty mutantblood thought she could attack HIM? In such an obvious way?! No no no. She gets to live. Because there's much funner ways to destroy someone's life than just killing them. After making sure she was out cold and not dead, he picked her up, carting her back to his hive.
  9. Keen Mohler: Moriga groaned as she was carried back to his hive. She'd mutter random gibberish. She had a few moments where she'd stir but immediately fall back to unconsciousness.
  10. TheStalinator: He'd leave her in his backroom. Which, for this purpouse, he'd clean up a bit, a no frills, rather comfortable room. She'd be laid out on a bed, stripped, whatever wounds that were still bleeding would be bandaged up and fixed. But what would probably be the wierdests, is that she'd wake up to a slick haired cerulean blood sitting at her bedside.
  11. Keen Mohler: Moriga groaned as she'd wake up. All traces of that black energy had faded during her rest, but she still looked grumpy as hell. "Th-the fuck are you?", she'd stutter with a twitch. She'd try to get up, shaking like a leaf before collapsing back down on the bed. "THE FUCK ARE MY CLOTHES?!", she'd yell looking to her now naked body, small, much weaker, crackles of energy forming from her mouth.
  12. TheStalinator: He had to surpress a smirk as she shook, falling back down to the bed. "Stay down, you're way too weak to do shit." Brandt looked over her, observing her frail looking body like a piece of meat. "I'm the guy who found you collapsed in the woods, be glad I didn't leave you there." He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. "And you were bleeding like hell, so I had to disrobe you to patch you up." Of course, this was all lies. The real reason was that he wanted a pet, and pets don't need clothes.
  13. Keen Mohler: Moriga almost immediately started shaking her head violently. "Th-that's BULLSHIT!", she'd say with a twitch, covering her breasts with her arms. Her red eyes flicked around the room in a panicked rage.
  14. TheStalinator: "Let me add something here." He hissed. "I found your ass laying in the wilderness because you fucking attacked me." He put his chair back down, the legs hitting the floor with a loud smack. "I'm a nice troll, you know. So I'm not killing you, and I was hoping you'd learn some god damn gratitude. " Brandt grits his teeth, breathing out slowly.
  15. Keen Mohler: Moriga rolled her eyes. She didn't even respond other than that. She was sensible enough not to start a fight right now, considerring she might open an old wound or something. She had a burning rage slowly building, the crackles of black energy becoming slightly more concentrated.
  16. TheStalinator: "You seem like you'd rather have had me kill you right there." He scoffed, standing up. "I was going to make you some food, but I guess you'd rather try and go do shit yourself. I won't stop you." Brandt stood against the wall, motioning her to get up.
  17. Keen Mohler: Moriga would attempt to get up. She'd manage it for a bit through sheer willpower, but soon collapsed. "F-Fuck...", she'd gasp, attempting to stand once more from the ground but falling once again to the floor. She'd just glare at Brandt at this point, unable to do anything because of this cunt.
  18. TheStalinator: "Now come on and let me help you out." He leaned down, reaching a hand to help her up. Brandt could be nice for now. He can remind her how much better he is than her when she's not wanting to kill him at the first chance.
  19. Keen Mohler: Moriga accepted the help begrudgingly. She would stand up shakily and then stumble to a wall where she would lean to keep stable. She'd walk along the wall back to the bed and collapse back onto it.
  20. TheStalinator: If she's going to keep trying to do things like this by herself, then he'll just have to fix that. As she took his hand, he discreetly took off a bit more of her energy, intending to make her feel drained and weak. Well, moreso than she already is. "I'll make you some food." Brandt smirked, shutting the door behind him and leaving her alone in the slam guest room.
  21. It had a comfortable enough bed, carpet, a few things in the corner that were covered up by white sheets, and a dresser, that if she were to look in it, would be completely empty.
  22. Keen Mohler: Moriga of course was too stubborn to just give up on trying to stop walking. She'd end up falling three times in her newly even weaker state before giving up and sitting there. She felt so worthless. She'd bury her face in the matress and let out a screech to vent her stress, hitting the matress as hard as she could. Noting that wasn't too hard at the moment.
  23. TheStalinator: When he came back in a few minutes later with a bowl of rice he sighed, setting the bowl down. "I can hear you you know." Brandt sat at the edge of the bed. "You're not going to get any better if you don't let me help you, you know? You're the one fucking yourself up here." He grabbed the bowl, offering it to her. If she was strong enough to operate a spoon, at least.
  24. Keen Mohler: "Meat...?", she'd growl, grabbing the bowl and using her fingers to search through the rice for any protein. She'd sigh as she'd shakily take a handful of rice and shove it into her mouth. She looked like she was going to gag, but painfully swallowed it down before continuing to eat going through the same process until it was gone.
  25. TheStalinator: "You like meat huh?" Just like an animal should, he thought, watching her choke down the rice. "If you decide to cooperate with me, you'll get some fresh meat, how about that?" He gently pet her head, rubbing behind her ears like she was a dog.
  26. Keen Mohler: Moriga pouted a bit. He could probably take her silence as an agreement. Also she was trying to keep from blowing chunks right now. He would however hit an erogenous zone when his fingers touched the middle of her neck. She'd blush and growl a little bit before it was interupted with a slight retch.
  27. TheStalinator: He stood up, noticing that little blush, fingers tapping on it before he walked off. "Good then. I'll give you a bit of evidence." Brandt walked away, soon coming back with a small steak, a highblood easily affording this. He cut off a decent chunk, dropping it into the bowl, bloody and raw as he sat down again. "Eat up, if you're not a bitch there'll be more where that came from."
  28. Keen Mohler: Moriga bit her lip as he touched her neck again, shifting uncomfortably. Suddenly she smelled blood, fresh wonderful blood. She'd devour it messily, getting the blood all over her face and hands. She'd finish and scoot a little bit away from the male again. "W-What want?", she'd grumble through gritted teeth.
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