
Kaingame Glutton Lieutenants

Jul 11th, 2013
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  1. Walt delivers a letter to you with information on the following persons of interest holding the rank of Capo.
  3. Jiub-Jiub ('Shub-shub') - Wiry for a Qu, this one is known as "Reaper Jiub" among his/her peers for his terrifying presence, sadistic personality and brutal battle skills. S/his weapon of choice is a gigantic pizza cutter, which is more deadly than it sounds given it's made of adamantite. The Qu apparently employs terrific blows that would shatter lesser weapons. Doesn't know any magic.
  5. Ferra Folga - "The Immortal" - A friendly Qu whose seemingly playful personality belies a completely sociopathic nature resulting in someone unable to feel empathy for others at all, regarding targets as merely toys to be played with, and broken, to see how they work. Given s/his nickname because of an inexpicable regenerative capability that can repair even the most grievous wounds in minutes. No current weakness is knownn. Walt recommends something that stunts healing, if you have anything like that.
  7. The Checkered Pawn - A Qu of unknown name obsessed with Treno and its culture of nobility, dressing in fine clothes and employing expensive, inefficient weaponry. Has an amount of luck ludicrous enough to be definable as an actual factor of skill, explaining the Pawn's rise to Capo status. Identifies as female, which is unusual for a Qu. A bit unpredictable, Walt doesn't know what to suggest except to avoid her.
  9. Dylard y Forgardias - A human who rose in the ranks of the Glutton's toadies due to except service. He is a demolitions expert, utilizing a number of explosive devices like bombs, cannons, and fireworks. A native of Durandal, he comes from an architectural background and helped design much of the town itself, and as the rumors go he has a penchant for being fast and unseen. In a relationship with the Checkered Pawn.
  11. ??? - A fifth capo who Walt couldn't dig up much info on. Apparently someone who is established elsewhere in Gaia and receives orders remotely. Someone with resources to burn is all Walt can figure.
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