
WIP Theming ini

Jan 11th, 2018
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  1. [Main Colours]
  2. # This field is ignored.
  3. # The background is now an image, see images/background
  4. BGColour = #000000
  6. # The colour of the main buttons.
  7. ButtonBGColour = #283540
  9. # The colour of the text elements. e.g. Button Text
  10. TextColour = #ffffff
  12. [Title Bar Colours]
  14. # Defines the background colour of the title bar.
  15. BGColour = #283540
  17. # The colour of the title bar buttons.
  18. # FYI The title is a button.
  19. ButtonBGColour = #283540
  21. # The colour of the title bar text. e.g. Heroes Mod Loader
  22. TextColour = #ffffff
  24. [Category Colours]
  26. # The colour of the category bar with options such as e.g. Games, Mods
  27. BGColour = #222938
  29. # Defines the background colour of the individual buttons on the category bar.
  30. ButtonBGColour = #222938
  32. # The colour of the category bar text. e.g. Games, Mods
  33. TextColour = #c0c0c0
  35. [Category Button Mouse Enter Animation]
  37. # Defines whether the backcolor (BG Colour) of a category bar button should be
  38. # blended to a target colour when the mouse enters the control.
  39. BlendBGColour = true
  41. # Defines whether the forecolor (text colour) of a category bar button should be blended
  42. # to a target colour when the mouse enters the control.
  43. BlendFGColour = false
  45. # The duration/length of the mouse enter event, specifies the duration
  46. # of the background and/or foreground blend effects.
  47. AnimationDuration = 150
  49. # The framerate at which the mouse enter animation to be performed.
  50. # It does not affect the length of the animation.
  51. AnimationFramerate = 144
  53. # The target colour towards which the backcolor of a button is blended
  54. # if BlendBGColour is set to true and the mouse enters the button area.
  55. BGTargetColour = #393f43
  57. # The target colour towards which the text colour of a button is blended if BlendFGColour
  58. # is set to true and the mouse enters the button area.
  59. FGTargetColour = #000000
  61. [Category Button Mouse Leave Animation]
  63. # Defines whether the backcolor (BG Colour) of a category bar button should be
  64. # blended to a target colour when the mouse enters the control.
  65. BlendBGColour = true
  67. # Defines whether the forecolor (text colour) of a category bar button should be blended
  68. # to a target colour when the mouse enters the control.
  69. BlendFGColour = false
  71. # The duration/length of the mouse enter event, specifies the duration
  72. # of the background and/or foreground blend effects.
  73. AnimationDuration = 150
  75. # The framerate at which the mouse enter animation to be performed.
  76. # It does not affect the length of the animation.
  77. AnimationFramerate = 144
  79. # The target colour towards which the backcolor of a button is blended
  80. # if BlendBGColour is set to true and the mouse enters the button area.
  81. BGTargetColour = #22292e
  83. # The target colour towards which the text colour of a button is blended if BlendFGColour
  84. # is set to true and the mouse enters the button area.
  85. FGTargetColour = #000000
  87. [Title Button Mouse Enter Animation]
  89. # Defines whether the backcolor (BG Colour) of a title bar button should be
  90. # blended to a target colour when the mouse enters the control.
  91. BlendBGColour = false
  93. # Defines whether the forecolor (text colour) of a title bar button should be blended
  94. # to a target colour when the mouse enters the control.
  95. BlendFGColour = true
  97. # The duration/length of the mouse enter event, specifies the duration
  98. # of the background and/or foreground blend effects.
  99. AnimationDuration = 250
  101. # The framerate at which the mouse enter animation to be performed.
  102. # It does not affect the length of the animation.
  103. AnimationFramerate = 144
  105. # The target colour towards which the backcolor of a button is blended
  106. # if BlendBGColour is set to true and the mouse enters the button area.
  107. BGTargetColour = #000000
  109. # The target colour towards which the text colour of a button is blended if BlendFGColour
  110. # is set to true and the mouse enters the button area.
  111. FGTargetColour = #41a3f4
  113. [Title Button Mouse Leave Animation]
  115. # Defines whether the backcolor (BG Colour) of a title bar button should be
  116. # blended to a target colour when the mouse enters the control.
  117. BlendBGColour = false
  119. # Defines whether the forecolor (text colour) of a title bar button should be blended
  120. # to a target colour when the mouse enters the control.
  121. BlendFGColour = true
  123. # The duration/length of the mouse enter event, specifies the duration
  124. # of the background and/or foreground blend effects.
  125. AnimationDuration = 250
  127. # The framerate at which the mouse enter animation to be performed.
  128. # It does not affect the length of the animation.
  129. AnimationFramerate = 144
  131. # The target colour towards which the backcolor of a button is blended
  132. # if BlendBGColour is set to true and the mouse enters the button area.
  133. BGTargetColour = #000000
  135. # The target colour towards which the text colour of a button is blended if BlendFGColour
  136. # is set to true and the mouse enters the button area.
  137. FGTargetColour = #ffffff
  139. [Main Button Mouse Enter Animation]
  141. # Defines whether the backcolor (BG Colour) of a title bar button should be
  142. # blended to a target colour when the mouse enters the control.
  143. BlendBGColour = false
  145. # Defines whether the forecolor (text colour) of a title bar button should be blended
  146. # to a target colour when the mouse enters the control.
  147. BlendFGColour = false
  149. # The duration/length of the mouse enter event, specifies the duration
  150. # of the background and/or foreground blend effects.
  151. AnimationDuration = 200
  153. # The framerate at which the mouse enter animation to be performed.
  154. # It does not affect the length of the animation.
  155. AnimationFramerate = 144
  157. # The target colour towards which the backcolor of a button is blended
  158. # if BlendBGColour is set to true and the mouse enters the button area.
  159. BGTargetColour = #000000
  161. # The target colour towards which the text colour of a button is blended if BlendFGColour
  162. # is set to true and the mouse enters the button area.
  163. FGTargetColour = #000000
  165. [Main Button Mouse Leave Animation]
  167. # Defines whether the backcolor (BG Colour) of a title bar button should be
  168. # blended to a target colour when the mouse enters the control.
  169. BlendBGColour = false
  171. # Defines whether the forecolor (text colour) of a title bar button should be blended
  172. # to a target colour when the mouse enters the control.
  173. BlendFGColour = false
  175. # The duration/length of the mouse enter event, specifies the duration
  176. # of the background and/or foreground blend effects.
  177. AnimationDuration = 200
  179. # The framerate at which the mouse enter animation to be performed.
  180. # It does not affect the length of the animation.
  181. AnimationFramerate = 144
  183. # The target colour towards which the backcolor of a button is blended
  184. # if BlendBGColour is set to true and the mouse enters the button area.
  185. BGTargetColour = #000000
  187. # The target colour towards which the text colour of a button is blended if BlendFGColour
  188. # is set to true and the mouse enters the button area.
  189. FGTargetColour = #000000
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