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a guest
May 16th, 2018
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  1. # (Gem install did not work with PostgreSQL binary from enterprisedb.)
  2. #
  3. # - Install PostgreSQL with homebrew (requires XCode):
  4. # cd $HOME/d/other
  5. # git clone git://
  6. # cd homebrew
  7. # brew install postgresql
  8. # - Add $HOME/d/other/homebrew/bin to $PATH
  9. # - Follow the further instructions:
  10. # initdb $HOME/d/other/homebrew/var/postgres
  11. # launchctl load -w $HOME/d/other/homebrew/Cellar/postgresql/8.4.0/org.postgresql.postgres.plist
  12. # - Install the Gem:
  13. # env ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" gem install postgres
  14. # - Install Rails DBs:
  15. # createdb XXX_development
  16. # createdb XXX_test
  17. development:
  18. adapter: postgresql
  19. encoding: unicode
  20. database: xyz_development
  21. pool: 5
  22. username: <%= %x(whoami) %>
  23. password:
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