
Benzodiazepine-Class Drug Neurotoxicity

Nov 30th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. There is an awful withdrawal syndrome that goes along with Benzodiazepine-class drugs. This problem is widespread in the cosmos. Essentially, the mind turns against itself and the person's thoughts turn self-destructive, the victim loses control of their mind.
  3. There are a lot Benzo-Withdrawal support groups on the internet. There is sort of a soft conspiracy against them. It is reminiscent of being shut down by a mod on an internet forum when you try to spread this knowledge. You cry out, but no one listens. On the one hand you have the personal-bias drones who believe what the pharmaceutical industry tells them or believe that their own experiences with the drug are the only ones possible, and then you have the pharmaceutical industry itself which likely knows about the syndrome but don't care, it is about money for them.
  5. Muddying the waters, vulnerability to this neuro-toxic withdrawal syndrome is extremely genetic. Many people have no vulnerability whatsoever, while others are extremely vulnerable, where one pill can trigger the syndrome. Ironically, and I have no evidence for this other than myself, the Jewish pharmaceutical execs who suppress knowledge of this syndrome may the most vulnerable to the syndrome themselves. Being a Yellow Jew is a very un-prestigious business.
  7. I am in the latter group.
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