
WarpedRealm release 1.47

Feb 26th, 2023
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  1. Release 1.47 Changes:
  2. - :tick: Edited discordlink scheduled tip message to mention wilderness keys instead of vote keys
  3. - :tick: Nether mob balance changes:
  4. Ghost fire projectile damage: 5 -> 3
  5. Fire Exploding arrows damage: 5 -> 3
  6. Fire exploding arrows ignite: 100 -> 60
  7. Fire bite damage: 15 -> 10
  8. - :tick: /discordlink now grants 3 wilderness keys instead of 3 vote keys
  9. - :tick: Discord tickets now can only be closed by staff anymore
  10. - :tick: Discord linking now set your discord name to your ingame name
  11. - :tick: Fixed spawners not despawning in the resource world
  12. - :tick: Fixed crops that arent fully grown still granting exp
  13. - :tick: Added quest drink/eat objective
  14. - :tick: Fixed farming skill lore showing combat lore instead from level 10 to 15
  15. - :tick: Fixed combat giving exp when not dealing damage (at spawn etc)
  16. - :tick: Players flying will now get their flight disabled when entering combat with players / mobs
  17. - :tick: Fixed all base commands having wrong colors set (Yellow instead of blue)
  18. - :tick: Instead of keys on first join new players now get the keys across their 2 starter quests. (In total 4 wilderness keys and 1 spawner key)
  19. - :tick: Added delay to resource world teleportation
  20. - :tick: Fly mode now resets on world switch, if you now use "magical path" in one world and switch worlds the effect will not persist.
  21. - :tick: Fixed the boss key dropped by bosses having the old version of key lores
  22. - :tick: Decreased mythic mob spawn chances in the end by 20%
  23. - :tick: Fixed sorting in the wiki not being alphabetical anymore
  24. - :tick: Removed on block spawn conditions for end mobs
  25. - :tick: Decreased gaia base damage: 35 -> 25
  26. - :tick: Removed adaptations from the help menu
  27. - :tick: Removed wiki page for adaptations
  30. - :tickanimated: Added 5 new quests to the wilderness using the new eat/drink objective
  31. - :tickanimated: Added wiki page for skills
  32. - :tickanimated: Added elevators
  33. - :tickanimated: Added wiki page that explains how to create elevators (
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