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Sep 18th, 2019
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  1. [...]
  3. A movement at the window. And a troubled voice. ‘Who? Who's there?’
  4. ‘I'm here, Triss.’
  5. ‘Yennefer! That you? Gods! How did... Where are you?’
  6. ‘It does not matter where I am. Do not block the image, because the picture varies. And take away that candle, its blinding.’
  7. ‘Right. Of course.’
  8. Although it was late at night, Triss Merigold was wearing neither lingerie nor her work clothes. She wore a dress for going out. As usual, high collared and closed.
  9. ‘Can we talk freely?’
  10. ‘Of course.’
  11. ‘You're alone?’
  12. ‘Yes.’
  13. ‘You're lying.’
  14. ‘Yennefer...’
  15. ‘You are deceiving me, brat. I know your face; I know you too well. It’s the same look you had when you started sleeping with Geralt behind my back. Back then you put on the same sheepish, innocent mask that I see on your face now. And it means the same thing now that it meant back then!’
  16. Triss was red. Philippa Eilhart appeared in the window next to her, dressed in a dark blue men’s jerkin. ‘Bravo,’ she said. ‘As usual, quick. As usual, perceptive. As usual, hard to grasp and understand. I am glad to see you in health, Yennefer. I am happy that your crazy teleportation from Montecalvo did not end in tragedy.’
  19. [...]
  21. Philippa was silent for a moment.
  22. ‘I deny your request,’ she said finally. ‘I'm sorry, but your exoneration is not in the interest of the Lodge. If you die, you die a traitor. You'll be a traitor and criminal to Ciri, because then it will be easier to manipulate the girl.’
  23. ‘Before you do something that could be fatal,’ Triss said suddenly, ‘leave something behind for us...’
  24. ‘A will?’
  25. ‘Something that allows us to... continue. To find Ciri. Because we are primarily concerned for her health! For her life! Yennefer, Dijkstra has found some traces of... some traces of certain activities have been found. If Vilgefortz does have Ciri, then the girl faces a horrible death.’
  26. ‘Be quiet, Triss,’ Philippa Eilhart hissed sharply. ‘We are not trading or bargaining.’
  27. ‘I will leave you the information’, Yennefer said slowly. ‘I'll leave you the information on what I've found and what I plan. I’ll leave a trail you can follow to her. But not in vain. If you will not facilitate my exoneration in the eyes of the world, then to hell with you and with the world. But at least grant me exoneration in the eyes of the witcher.’
  28. ‘No,’ Philippa denied the request almost instantly. ‘That is also not in the interest of the Lodge. You will also remain a traitor and a mercenary sorceress to your witcher. It is not in the interest of the Lodge for him to furiously attempt to avenge you. If he despises you, he will not attempt to take revenge. By the way, he's probably already dead or will die any day now.’
  29. ‘The information’ Yennefer said dully, ‘for his life. Save him, Philippa.’
  30. ‘No, Yennefer.’
  31. ‘Because it's not in the interest of the Lodge.’ A purple fire kindled in the sorceress’ eyes. ‘Did you hear that Triss? There, you have your Lodge. You see their true colours, their true interests. And what do you think of them? You were a mentor to the girl, almost – as you put it – a big sister. And Geralt...’
  33. [...]
  35. ‘Did you hear that, Triss?’
  36. ‘Forgive me,’ said Triss Merigold dully. ‘Forgive me, Yennefer.’
  37. ‘Oh no, Triss. Never.’
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