
story wip

Dec 4th, 2013
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  1. Lucas stared in awe as the world slipped away from him, the space around him adding to impenetrable black. Shuddering from the sheer speed it took for all of it to disappear, he cries out for his friends and Father, hearing nothing in return from his calls. He was alone now, alone in the darkness that swallowed his entire world in a blink of an eye. Everything he fought for, all the needles he and his brother pulled, lead to a vast nothingness before him now where he couldn’t even have the comfort of knowing if the few loved ones he had left were still alright. He falls to what he can only believe is a floor, hugging his knees tight to his chest as he starts to sob.
  3. They are all gone, all of his friends were gone and it was his fault. He pulled the final needle that made the world collapse; he is the reason why no one is able to answer him, why he is now sitting in a thick darkness crying alone. Shaking now, he whimpers into the nothingness around him, wishing he could have his Father sitting next to him and tell him everything will be alright. Resting his forehead on his arms now, he closes his eyes and tries to level his breathing as best he could. He was so tired after everything he had to fight through, after everything him and his friends faced. The battle with Porky, the way he slipped through their fingers before they could land a finishing blow against him, left him feeling empty inside before he was forced to face the reanimated body of his twin brother. As much as he wished he could say he was fighting his Brother, to excuse everything that they were put through by him as Claus being a jerk, he knew deep down that his brother was long dead. He found the Masked Man, a soldier to the army that ruined his life and the lives of others, a tool used by the foul beast that taunts them even in this thick blackness. He should have been strong enough to fight the Masked Man, to stop him sooner and not draw out their fight long enough for his Father to get hurt protecting him. He knows what he should have done but knowing is not enough to erase the event. He stood there passively as the stitched up cadaver attacked him, harming itself when their lightning attacks rebounded back to them. He stood there uselessly because he wanted to believe that it was his Brother and not the abomination it really was like the rest of the chimeras they fought.
  5. The next he lifted his head, he found himself in a daze. He wasn’t sure when he fell asleep in this dark space, but he found himself with the taste of sleep in his mouth and his back sore from sleeping sitting up. Getting back to his feet, he stretches out his tired muscles and starts to walk around aimlessly into the dark. There had to be something in all of this, more than just the solid flooring he was walking on at least. He remains as quiet as he could, hoping he would be able to hear the voices of someone he knows, anyone at this point to let him know he was not alone anymore. Hugging himself, he tries to keep himself together as he walks forward toward the unknown, hearing nothing but the echo of his own footfalls. His chest felt tight, his body cold, as fear clawed at his throat over the feeling of being utterly alone in this strange place. Shaking, he can feel himself start to cry away, begging for someone to make a sound and let him know he wasn’t lost alone here, praying that someone would hear him and comes find him.
  7. A chilling thought creeps into his mind, wondering if he wasn’t alone but merely dead. If he was dead, then what about everyone else that was there with him. Were they lost in the dark as well, searching for each other like him? He slows to a stop and looks down at his hands, watching them shake before him as he processed this thought. He couldn’t understand it, the feeling he was having at this moment, but he was no longer afraid. If he was dead then there was nothing left for him to, nothing he could do to bring everything back. Maybe it was better this way, being dead, never having to face the world he left behind and see what had come of it in the massive earthquake when he pulled the needle. His friends could be at peace now he supposes, he is sure his Father would be with his Mother by now. All Lucas had to do was just find his way to the end and see what the afterlife had in store for him now.
  9. He feels his knees give out under him, forcing him to the floor as he tries to catch his breath, strained fits of laughter bubbling in his throat. He was laughing at the idea of being dead, finding a sick joy out of it, as if it was better for him to be cold and dead than to be alive and alone in a dark world of choking silence. He could feel tears rolling down his face as he laughed at his own plight, wrapping his arms around his body before falling to his side and curling up into himself. He was dead and alone, left behind by everyone he loved and made to find his own way through it all now. After having them next to him for this long, supporting him through everything up until now, he felt weak without them there to guide him. Where was the strength he had before, the spark they saw in him that could change a world for the better, the strange power that had other take notice and help him on his way to the bitter end. Lifting his hands to his head, he clings to his blond hair and rocks against the ground as he spirals into a void of uncertainly and loneliness.
  11. He doesn’t know how long he lied there on the floor, finally empty of any emotion he could squeeze out through his tears. He doesn’t even have the energy to get back to his feet, remaining on the floor in a limp ball of human flesh, feeling nothing now in this state. Lucas was nothing but a shell at this point, void of all emotions and thoughts as he waited for the unknown to make itself known to him. In his state, blind and deaf to everything around him now, he soon found himself falling back asleep as a last refuge of a tried boy.
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