
Enlightening chat logs.

Sep 17th, 2014
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  1. Adepht joined the room.
  2. ThriasTheDragon joined the room.
  3. Orsof Opre joined the room.
  4. Swaggalicious joined the room.
  5. Miaommy joined the room.
  6. ANIMAL CUT joined the room.
  7. Ks Hayder joined the room.
  8. ALPHA NINJA XD joined the room.
  9. Konzâi M joined the room.
  10. ALPHA NINJA XD: still no challenge
  11. Adepht: jayce
  12. Adepht: you are good
  13. Adepht: but please
  14. ALPHA NINJA XD: will have to feed mopre
  15. Miaommy: "diamond"
  16. ALPHA NINJA XD: next time
  17. Adepht: be positive
  18. ALPHA NINJA XD: to have a real
  19. ALPHA NINJA XD: game
  20. Adepht: like
  21. ALPHA NINJA XD: 10 kills
  22. ALPHA NINJA XD: isnt enough
  23. ALPHA NINJA XD: xd
  24. Orsof Opre: vi
  25. Orsof Opre: baron
  26. Orsof Opre: controll
  27. Orsof Opre: 0
  28. Orsof Opre: everytime she goes for drake
  29. Orsof Opre: on purpose
  30. Adepht: man
  31. Orsof Opre: 4 trolls
  32. Adepht: we had jayce that was threwing hard
  33. Orsof Opre: on my team
  34. Orsof Opre: maokai
  35. ALPHA NINJA XD: ye cuz i want to have fun game
  36. Orsof Opre: no thornmail
  37. ALPHA NINJA XD: close games
  38. ANIMAL CUT: lol
  39. ANIMAL CUT: u dumb
  40. ANIMAL CUT: xD
  41. ALPHA NINJA XD: xd
  42. ALPHA NINJA XD: i went for 90% win to 60% doing this
  43. ALPHA NINJA XD: still
  44. ALPHA NINJA XD: worth
  45. ALPHA NINJA XD: the fun
  46. Adepht: well
  47. Adepht: let me state one thing
  48. Adepht: i hope you get banned
  49. ALPHA NINJA XD: maybe
  50. ALPHA NINJA XD: 2 weeks
  51. ALPHA NINJA XD: thats why it's my troll acc
  52. ALPHA NINJA XD: and i understand
  53. ALPHA NINJA XD: that this acc should be banned
  54. Adepht: you do know that riot has ways of tracking smurf accounts?
  55. ALPHA NINJA XD: but still i try to win
  56. ALPHA NINJA XD: after feeding
  57. ALPHA NINJA XD: all i do
  58. ALPHA NINJA XD: is throw a little bit to have
  59. ALPHA NINJA XD: fun games
  60. ALPHA NINJA XD: xd
  61. Adepht: okay
  62. Adepht: but man
  63. ALPHA NINJA XD: i throw to the point i think
  64. ALPHA NINJA XD: we can comeback
  65. Adepht: can you at least not flame
  66. Adepht: during the throw?
  67. ALPHA NINJA XD: idk
  68. ALPHA NINJA XD: fun to talk
  69. Adepht: that would be cool
  70. ALPHA NINJA XD: when i want to win i dont use chat
  71. Adepht: it's extremely not fun to other team members
  72. ALPHA NINJA XD: but i admit it's funny to flame
  73. Adepht: like
  74. Adepht: i gave up enough to start surrender vote
  75. Adepht: and it felt horrible
  76. ALPHA NINJA XD: we had
  77. ALPHA NINJA XD: 3/1
  78. ALPHA NINJA XD: surr vote
  79. ALPHA NINJA XD: i was the last
  80. ALPHA NINJA XD: voted no
  81. Adepht: well, i am not against feeding on purpose to make game harder
  82. Adepht: that's bannable, but whatever
  83. Adepht: i am against being negative
  84. Adepht: or pretending to be negative
  85. Adepht: anyway, thanks for carry
  86. ALPHA NINJA XD: i didnt carried
  87. ALPHA NINJA XD: everybody
  88. Adepht: i didn't deserve this win to be honest
  89. ALPHA NINJA XD: carried
  90. ALPHA NINJA XD: thats why its fun
  91. Adepht: yeah
  92. Adepht: i think i need to stay back a bit more
  93. Adepht: as ashe
  94. Adepht: got initiated by leona too many times and it was only fine if i had flash
  95. Adepht: to dodge her ult
  96. ALPHA NINJA XD: ashe is useles champ
  97. ALPHA NINJA XD: xd
  98. Adepht: she has good winrate
  99. ALPHA NINJA XD: bye
  100. Adepht: and i like her
  101. Adepht: bbl
  102. ALPHA NINJA XD: higher elo
  103. ALPHA NINJA XD: u cant pick her
  104. ALPHA NINJA XD: or u get camped
  105. Adepht: probably
  106. ALPHA NINJA XD: and vs fed lucian or trist
  107. ALPHA NINJA XD: no way u come back
  108. Adepht: good arrows win soloq
  109. Adepht: anyway when i will climb i will see
  110. ALPHA NINJA XD: i think i'll climb
  111. Adepht: this is my only acc and i just got out of LP hell
  112. ALPHA NINJA XD: not fun
  113. Adepht: after Master tier
  114. ALPHA NINJA XD: idk
  115. ALPHA NINJA XD: on my main i got in promo
  116. Adepht: when due to rebalancing MMR-LP i had to win 3 times more to not get down]
  117. ALPHA NINJA XD: with 1 game
  119. Adepht: RANKED ANXIETY
  120. ALPHA NINJA XD: i was d1 90 decayed duo to inactivity to 40
  121. ALPHA NINJA XD: and got +60
  122. ALPHA NINJA XD: bo to master
  123. ALPHA NINJA XD: xd
  124. Adepht: i guess you had a lot MMR
  125. ALPHA NINJA XD: so i'll wait for u
  126. ALPHA NINJA XD: in high elo
  127. Adepht: ever hit challenger before master?
  128. ALPHA NINJA XD: see ya
  129. ALPHA NINJA XD: ye
  130. ALPHA NINJA XD: s3
  131. ALPHA NINJA XD: not s4
  132. Adepht: huh
  133. ALPHA NINJA XD: didnt played s4
  134. ALPHA NINJA XD: much
  135. Adepht: oh well, thanks for the game, but i guess this is enough league for me right now
  137. ALPHA NINJA XD: i guess i'll stop
  138. ALPHA NINJA XD: doing this
  139. ALPHA NINJA XD: since i was like
  140. ALPHA NINJA XD: 40/5
  141. ALPHA NINJA XD: in d3
  142. ALPHA NINJA XD: before trolling
  144. Adepht: you are too good
  145. ALPHA NINJA XD: not rly
  146. ALPHA NINJA XD: just ppl wanna shine in soloq i dont wanna shine i wanna win
  147. ALPHA NINJA XD: so i win
  148. Adepht: i can't shine in soloq
  149. Adepht: my champion pool is like team champs
  150. Adepht: CC machines and shit
  151. Adepht: even my ADC is a CC bot
  152. Adepht: lol
  153. ALPHA NINJA XD: idk
  154. ALPHA NINJA XD: i play
  155. ALPHA NINJA XD: bruisers
  156. ALPHA NINJA XD: and i full roam with
  157. Adepht: well, thanks for the chat
  158. Adepht: was enlightening
  159. ALPHA NINJA XD: see u
  160. ALPHA NINJA XD: in high leo
  163. ________________________
  164. Followup 2 days later in PM
  166. [4:15] ALPHA NINJA XD: hello ^^
  167. [4:16] Adepht: hi man
  168. [4:16] ALPHA NINJA XD: now i am very cool with ppl and i climb
  169. no more troll ^-^
  170. [4:16] Adepht: That was to be expected
  171. [4:16] ALPHA NINJA XD: now im the one gettin trolled but i prob deserve to be trolled sometimes :D
  172. [4:16] Adepht: noone deserves to be trolled
  173. you are just percieving the world differently
  174. [4:17] ALPHA NINJA XD: karma
  175. [4:17] Adepht: nah
  176. karma doesn't exist
  177. [4:17] ALPHA NINJA XD: ik
  178. [4:17] Adepht: basically consider following
  179. when you troll yourself
  180. [4:17] ALPHA NINJA XD: but
  181. yesterday i had 2 afk in a row on this acc
  182. [4:17] Adepht: you don't take it seriously when other on your team also troll
  183. [4:17] ALPHA NINJA XD: and today i had afk against me in my promo to master on my main
  184. XD
  185. karma
  186. [4:18] Adepht: Diamond is full of trolls
  187. like do you know
  188. [4:18] ALPHA NINJA XD: my main got chall mmr
  189. [4:18] Adepht: that leave ration actually INCREASES with ELO
  190. [4:18] ALPHA NINJA XD: not mainy dc
  191. but i dont rly like it
  192. [4:18] Adepht: like people in diamond ragequit games
  193. more than in bronze
  194. [4:18] ALPHA NINJA XD: it's like 1 mistake = whole game lost
  195. [4:18] Adepht: what the fuck
  196. [4:18] ALPHA NINJA XD: most of the time
  197. [4:18] Adepht: maybe
  198. i am just waiting for azir to get cheaper
  199. because he is the closest one to the character i actually want to play
  200. stylistically
  201. i mean what can be cooler than summoning minions to do your work
  202. and just pointing fingers yourself
  203. [4:20] ALPHA NINJA XD: this champ is hard to balance lol
  204. i feel he's going to be either op or useless anytime
  205. [4:20] Adepht: yeah
  206. and he is apparently pretty bad right now
  207. [4:20] ALPHA NINJA XD: idk
  208. [4:20] Adepht: because noone plays him
  209. [4:20] ALPHA NINJA XD: ppl building
  210. nashor tooth
  211. useless item
  212. lol
  213. [4:20] Adepht: nashor has the stats he wants
  214. [4:20] ALPHA NINJA XD: no
  215. u cast spells pretty often u need cdr but not as
  216. full ap is way better
  217. [4:21] Adepht: maybe
  218. i won't be so quick to jump to conclusions
  219. it's quite possible that they build it too early into the game
  220. because soldier's damage scales with your level
  221. [4:21] ALPHA NINJA XD: ye maybe 4th item but idk
  222. [4:21] Adepht: so AS becomes more valueable later
  223. [4:21] ALPHA NINJA XD: not many ap champ scale with as
  224. only kayle
  225. even diana doesnt need as
  226. [4:22] Adepht: he probably needs to rush Morello
  227. cheap, good stats
  228. [4:22] ALPHA NINJA XD: ye idk about his mana cost
  229. [4:22] Adepht: they are okay
  230. [4:22] ALPHA NINJA XD: if he needs mana reg or not
  231. [4:22] Adepht: he won't run out of mana
  232. unless you spam hard
  233. so i think that Athene will be an overkill
  234. [4:23] ALPHA NINJA XD: but i feel atm ppl gettin baited in the as thing on him
  235. and should focus on ap
  236. [4:23] Adepht: yeah, nashor rush is probably shit
  237. meh
  238. [4:23] ALPHA NINJA XD: since he got 3 spells not based on auto with ratios
  239. [4:23] Adepht: his E isn't a spell you will do damage with often
  240. and ult is situational
  241. [4:24] ALPHA NINJA XD: ye but the shield value inscrease i think
  242. and the ult u cant dash is like
  243. [4:24] Adepht: shield value scales with Bonus Health
  244. not AP
  245. [4:24] ALPHA NINJA XD: wtf riot
  246. yas wall and azir ult
  247. retarded mechanic
  248. [4:24] Adepht: PLAYMAKING POTENTIAL
  249. i honestly think that Azir's ult is better than yasuo's wall
  250. [4:24] ALPHA NINJA XD: like i was maining rengo and nida
  251. [4:25] Adepht: because that shit
  252. [4:25] ALPHA NINJA XD: they reworked both
  253. [4:25] Adepht: is fucking frustuating
  257. [4:25] ALPHA NINJA XD: and the new nid is so op idk
  258. her mechanics are so retarded it's so broken xd
  259. [4:25] Adepht: at least she isn't old nid
  260. fuck old nidalee
  261. [4:25] ALPHA NINJA XD: i was old nid ad god
  262. ap ad
  263. [4:25] Adepht: she was disgusting
  264. at least AP nida
  265. that one was dumb as fuck
  266. AD nid i can bear with
  267. [4:26] ALPHA NINJA XD: ye
  268. ad nid could almost one shot an adc and ppl doesnt expect it but it was so better ap
  269. but the new mechanics are totally too much
  270. idk
  271. [4:26] Adepht: well, they compensate for reduced Q width
  272. [4:26] ALPHA NINJA XD: with cdr u can dash on a guy and mark him every
  273. 2 sec
  274. [4:27] Adepht: she is slightly worse without mark
  275. but with mark she is a bit better
  276. [4:27] ALPHA NINJA XD: even if the guy is running a 800 u can follow
  277. [4:27] Adepht: than old one
  278. also you can only apply mark with spears/traps
  279. [4:27] ALPHA NINJA XD: ye but it's too op
  280. the dmg are too high
  281. [4:27] Adepht: not sure
  282. [4:27] ALPHA NINJA XD: the reset cd ult when mark
  283. is op
  284. the reset jump is op
  285. with e
  286. [4:27] Adepht: they are changin that
  287. [4:28] ALPHA NINJA XD: ye but it's retarded
  288. they make it on w
  289. [4:28] Adepht: i think her W will have CD reduced to 1.5 seconds
  290. [4:28] ALPHA NINJA XD: will change nothing
  291. [4:28] Adepht: if you jump on hunted
  292. [4:28] ALPHA NINJA XD: how many it is atm ?
  293. [4:28] Adepht: 1
  294. [4:28] ALPHA NINJA XD: ye but
  295. cdr will be
  296. applied
  297. so
  298. [4:28] Adepht: but you don't build CDR on AD nida
  299. [4:28] ALPHA NINJA XD: i do
  300. i was building triforce before
  301. [4:28] Adepht: you are one of not many :D
  302. [4:28] ALPHA NINJA XD: not anymore
  303. [4:28] Adepht: gaunglet?
  304. [4:29] ALPHA NINJA XD: and trust me maybe u'll think i say shit or w/e
  305. [4:29] Adepht: nah, i think i can trust you on nida
  306. [4:29] ALPHA NINJA XD: but on nid rengo
  307. im prob the best
  308. i mean
  309. i undertsand the champ
  310. change
  311. [4:29] Adepht: like my opinion on her is based mainly on competive play
  312. [4:29] ALPHA NINJA XD: ye
  313. [4:29] Adepht: like worlds are underway
  314. [4:29] ALPHA NINJA XD: but soloq =/= pro
  315. [4:29] Adepht: and people actually play decent amount of nida
  316. [4:29] ALPHA NINJA XD: pro play tf not like soloq
  317. so u cant tf
  318. but if u are good in soloq
  319. u can group and fight
  320. thats what i do
  321. [4:30] Adepht: about nida
  322. basically my current expirience with her based on soloq
  323. unless she is fed she is manageable
  324. if she is
  325. it's fucking GG
  326. there is no way to win
  327. [4:30] ALPHA NINJA XD:
  328. the champ is so op
  329. u cant rly lose lane
  330. [4:31] Adepht: >71% winrate over 50 games
  331. nice
  332. [4:31] ALPHA NINJA XD: all at d1 50+
  333. [4:32] Adepht: nice
  334. this dialog totally makes me want to play ranked again
  335. [4:32] ALPHA NINJA XD: gauntlet so good in soloq cuz it makes your teammate able to chase with u
  336. XD
  337. [4:32] Adepht: and not wait for azir
  338. [4:33] ALPHA NINJA XD: it makes nida
  339. a
  340. tanky support carry assassin
  341. legit
  342. [4:33] Adepht: man you play ignite toplane
  343. are you korean
  344. only those guys do that nowadays
  345. [4:33] ALPHA NINJA XD: nah
  346. [4:33] Adepht: current soloq is TP only
  347. [4:33] ALPHA NINJA XD: im like yolo meta boy
  348. idc about meta
  349. i play what i think is fun
  350. [4:34] Adepht: TP is pretty fun tho
  351. [4:34] ALPHA NINJA XD: i was playing full ap kata with tp in s3
  352. XD
  353. 1 season before
  354. XD
  355. [4:34] Adepht: nothing is as satisfying
  356. as teleporting botlane
  357. [4:34] ALPHA NINJA XD: idk
  358. i pick ignite
  359. i shit on my lane
  360. then i carry dem noobs
  361. gonna try to find a game when team suck but i carry
  362. xd
  364. dem noobs gettin carried
  365. [4:35] Adepht: btw on the topic of "having fun"
  366. i played teambuilder today with friends, had fun
  367. hue
  368. [4:35] ALPHA NINJA XD: XD
  369. [4:36] Adepht: leona game was me on mid
  370. that one was funny
  371. [4:36] ALPHA NINJA XD: idk i only play champs i feel that are fun
  372. and not useless so i can beat everybody with
  373. [4:36] Adepht: same here
  374. [4:36] ALPHA NINJA XD: so almost only rengo nid
  375. [4:36] Adepht: i can play most supports because i tried maining this role
  376. [4:36] ALPHA NINJA XD: xd
  377. some master yi and kha
  378. a bit of hecarim top
  379. [4:37] Adepht: have you seen that Mid Hecarim game
  380. [4:37] ALPHA NINJA XD: ye but it was
  381. challenger series
  382. just saw the scoreboard
  383. [4:37] Adepht: it was promotional tournament
  384. heca tried to 1v9 from mid
  385. that didn't work
  386. hue
  387. [4:38] ALPHA NINJA XD: i think i played heca mid and failed xd
  388. but never lost with heca top
  389. op as fk
  390. xd
  391. [4:38] Adepht: kinda hard to win game when your botlane is always lost
  392. and toplane is also lost
  393. guy tried tho
  394. [4:38] ALPHA NINJA XD: remind me of last time i played bot on my main
  395. was with rank 1 eu
  396. we failed hard bot
  397. and lost cuz of that
  398. XD
  399. i am the bot u cant carry
  400. [4:39] Adepht: i am the bot that gets carried every time
  401. i am gud at getting carried
  402. [4:39] ALPHA NINJA XD: idk we gave 0/2/0 lucian a quadra + drake
  403. and he carried
  404. xd
  405. [4:40] Adepht: my goal when i play bot is to play safe
  406. and not die
  407. :3
  408. anyway man, it's 4:40 AM here
  409. [4:40] ALPHA NINJA XD: O.o
  410. [4:40] Adepht: russian timezones
  411. they hurt
  412. [4:40] ALPHA NINJA XD: omg rusia
  413. O.o
  414. [4:40] Adepht: i guess that was unexpected for you
  415. [4:40] ALPHA NINJA XD: why u dont go on russia server
  416. very good server
  417. [4:40] Adepht: because it's desolate
  418. [4:41] ALPHA NINJA XD: u got free chall
  419. then u come back with the border
  420. [4:41] Adepht: not worth it
  421. [4:41] ALPHA NINJA XD: idk if u keep it
  422. not sure
  423. [4:41] Adepht: you probably will
  424. but that's like
  425. getting challenger border from 3v3 ranked
  426. [4:41] ALPHA NINJA XD: pls friends wanted to do this s3
  427. [4:42] Adepht: i won't feel good about doing that
  428. [4:42] ALPHA NINJA XD: but 3v is so bad game mode
  429. [4:42] Adepht: like
  430. [4:42] ALPHA NINJA XD: i played 3 games
  431. [4:42] Adepht: border that you didn't deserve
  432. [4:42] ALPHA NINJA XD: then i was like
  433. fk this shit
  434. XD
  435. [4:42] Adepht: doesn't give me that feeling of self-accomplishment
  436. [4:42] ALPHA NINJA XD: gamemode without vision
  437. wtf
  438. [4:42] Adepht: play maokai
  439. sapling everything
  440. free wards
  441. but yes, TT is strange
  442. [4:43] ALPHA NINJA XD: old tt was actually
  443. pretty good
  444. ofc the bushes were fucked up
  445. but the map was cool
  446. [4:43] Adepht: i only played both version sparsely
  447. anyway
  448. man i am seriously almost falling asleep here
  449. thanks for the chat
  450. [4:43] ALPHA NINJA XD: see u
  451. bb
  452. [4:44] Adepht: you too
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