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Jan 25th, 2020
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  1. First off I will go by explaining why I made the program the most nasty color of all :D of course lime green just for you! I mean come on we are talking about a tree company here of course haha I even went through the effort of using photoshop on this! I will sorta categorize each thing and then why I named it that. Other then that I designed the form the way I did because I thought it would be easier to use for example I have the order button near the part where you enter the height for the reason of customers not mistaking the new order button or the order button, I also placed the new order button by the exit button for the same reason to show that this button is to make a new order and of course the exit button was placed on the bottom right. I placed the image on the top of the screen and made it rather large so people know what program they are using and such. I also added the price of how much a tree costs per foot in the label that describes asking for the tree height (Not sure if there was a price we were supposed to use so I used $5 per foot)
  3. Tree Height TextBox: I named the tree height textbox txtTreeHeight, I named it this way because its the a text box and the height the user inputs (ease of use on my part) - user inputs tree height
  5. Cost of Tree Label: Named lblCostOfTree as its a label and making it lbl makes it easy to identify as a label and find what it was used for - displays cost of tree
  7. Sales Tax Label: Named lblSalesTax for same reason as above - displays sales tax
  9. Grand Total Label: Named lblGrandTotal for same reason as above - displays grand total
  11. Order Button: Named btnOrder the btn part stands for btn so it comes up with a list of buttons and then the Order makes it stand out as for the order button aka accurate description this is basically a calculate button
  13. New Order Button: Named btnNewOrder same reason as above this is basically a clear button
  15. Exit Button: Named btnExit same as above do I really need to explain this button haha it exits the application
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