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Apr 23rd, 2017
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  1. <Acou_Bass> for entering unicode char's
  2. <Acou_Bass> the compose key is alright for some of them but not all hehe
  3. <JayVii> đ
  4. <JayVii> crtl+shift+u + NUMBER
  5. <JayVii> works for me
  6. <JayVii> maybe your WM interprets it instead
  7. <JayVii> 睷
  8. <JayVii> ya
  9. <Acou_Bass> doesnt work for me ;(
  10. <shymega> stumpwmdoesn't work with that
  11. <shymega> Tipping_Fedora: learn to linux -_-
  12. <shymega> Acou_Bass: awesome?
  13. <shymega> funny, i was looking this up earlier
  14. <shymega> Acou_Bass: are you my alter ego?
  15. <shymega> my northern counterpart
  16. <shymega> ;D
  17. <McClane2> =]
  18. <Tipping_Fedora> shymega, it is indeed true I need to learn to linux
  19. <JayVii> git gud
  20. <JayVii> ?
  21. <JayVii> ._.
  22. <JayVii> well, that is unfriendly AF
  23. <Tipping_Fedora> lol
  24. <Tipping_Fedora> your not wrong
  25. <shymega> git gud the hacker McClane2
  26. <McClane2> shymega: Mcclane2 you are a few apps however that provide x86 binaries along with the compositor happened on both release and git.
  27. <Tipping_Fedora> I am well aware I have a long way to go
  28. <Tipping_Fedora> .tell vivian DIE VIVIAN
  29. <muubot> Tipping_Fedora: I'll pass that on when vivian is around.
  30. * Vivian (~Vivian@unaffiliated/tipping-fedora/x-7828765/bot/vivian) has joined
  31. <shymega> !ban Vivian
  32. <Vivian> No note found under 'ban Vivian '.
  33. <muubot> Vivian: 2017-04-23 - 15:33:15 <Tipping_Fedora> tell Vivian DIE VIVIAN
  34. * LDC-BOT sets ban on *!*@unaffiliated/tipping-fedora/x-7828765/bot/vivian
  35. * LDC-BOT has kicked Vivian from #linuxdistrocommunity (for spam/flood)
  36. <shymega> your bot can fuck off
  37. <shymega> final warning
  38. <Tipping_Fedora> hey
  39. <shymega> you were told *no*
  40. <shymega> by Irishluck83
  41. <Tipping_Fedora> I knew it was coming so I sent the kill for it
  42. <shymega> i don't care
  43. <Tipping_Fedora> ok then
  44. <shymega> you evidently told it to come here
  45. <Tipping_Fedora> no
  46. <shymega> bullshit
  47. <Tipping_Fedora> it just joins all channel;s im in about every 20 min
  48. <shymega> you're on a thin line now
  49. <shymega> oh really
  50. <Tipping_Fedora> yea
  51. <shymega> yeah, that's bs
  52. <Tipping_Fedora> so ic can try to keep in in line with my znc bouncer
  53. <Tipping_Fedora> whatever though
  54. <McClane2> I though.
  55. <shymega> it's a shit design
  56. <Tipping_Fedora> actually can you keep that ban on it?
  57. <Tipping_Fedora> I didnt actually want it in here
  58. <shymega> yeah right -_-
  59. <Tipping_Fedora> but can you just change it to the host in case I ever recalim tha tnick?
  60. <shymega> you've been warned twice though
  61. <Tipping_Fedora> shymega, im not argueing that
  62. <shymega> i'm not discussing anymore, i'm waiting to hear back from fellow staff now
  63. <shymega> consider yourself on a _very_ thin line
  64. <Tipping_Fedora> ok then
  65. <Tipping_Fedora> so in other news, I got a piface 2
  66. <Tipping_Fedora> and im pretty excited to use it
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