

Nov 10th, 2016
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  1. [\cmds] - Shows you a list of commands.
  2. [\vote, \startvote] -* Start a vote. Example: \vote "Is Discoid cool?" Definitely!;Yep;Totally
  3. [\mvote, \makevote] - Vote for the current vote. Example: \mvote a
  4. [\slots, \playslots, \slotsgame] - Play the slots game!
  5. [\yomomma, \yomama] - Gets you a yo momma joke.
  6. [\slay, \destroy, \annihilate] - Slays someone -- RPG style!
  7. [\penguin, \cutepenguin, \pengy, \pingu, \noot] - Shows you a cute penguin. Yay!
  8. [\image, \img, \flickr] - Finds Flickr images with the specified tag.
  9. [\dog, \doggie, \puppy] - Generates a cute doggy!
  10. [\lua, \runlua, \lrun] - Runs Lua with the source specified.
  11. [\keywordalerts, \kas, \ska] - Shows a full list of the keyword alerts active.
  12. [\deletekeywordalert, \dka, \removekeywordalert, \rka] -* Deletes the specified keyword alert by its name.
  13. [\leave, \resign, \retire, \quit] -* Disconnects from the server.
  14. [\status, \discoidstatus, \stats] - Shows Discoid's status.
  15. [\rbxinfo, \robloxinfo] - Shows ROBLOX info for the username specified.
  16. [\prune, \purge] -* Prunes last X chats if possible.
  17. [\greeting, \getgreeting] - Shows the server's current greeting.
  18. [\setgreeting, \greetingset] -* Sets the server's current greeting with the specified one.
  19. [\cat, \kitty] - Shows a cute cat!
  20. [\8ball, \8-ball] - Spin the 8-ball!
  21. [\rolecolor, \setrolecolor] -* Sets a role's color by hex. Must be a real hex value. #RRGGBB. Example: \rolecolor #000000 My Role
  22. [\userinfo, \uinfo] - Gets a user's information on Discord by their @Username, :Id, #Discriminator, or Approximation of username.
  23. [\eval, \evaluate, \calculate, \process, \calc] - Evaluates an equation.
  24. [\sri, \subredditimage, \srimg, \subredditi] - Gets a random recent image from the subreddit specified. Don't specify a subreddit for the homepage. Example: \sri /r/aww or \sri funny
  25. [\keywordalert, \ka, \skr] -* Creates a new keyword alert. Example: \keywordalert "THE KEYWORD" [keep or delete] [Message upon said or none] (NO BRACKETS) Other example: \keywordalert "badword" delete Do not say that.
  26. [\currency, \currencyconvert, \cc] - Converts AAA to BBB. Example: \currency 5 usd cad returns what 5 USD is in CAD
  27. [\setnotifchannel, \snc, \setnotif] -* Sets the current channel to Discoid's notification channel. (user joins, etc.)
  28. [\chansay, \saychan, \channelsay] -* Says the specified text in the specified channel. Example: \chansay #general Hello, world!
  29. [\rfc, \randomfromchannel] - Gets a random message from the last 50 messages in the channel specified. Example: \chansay #general
  30. [\meme, \memegen, \newmeme, \dankify] - Makes a new meme. Example: \memegen bad-luck-brian TRIES TO FART;SHITS or \memegen meme-name TOP;BOTTOM
  31. [\memes, \memelist] - Shows a list of all memes.
  32. [\botdetect] - Detects bots.
  33. [\customcommand, \createcustomcommand, \newcustomcommand] -* Create a custom command. TODO: Create a website guide for this command.
  34. [\deletecustomcommand, \delcustomcommand, \removecustomcommand] -* Removes a custom command.
  35. [\customcommands, \ccmds, \customcommandslist] - Shows you the list of custom commands here.
  36. [\customprefix, \customprefixnew, \newcustomprefix] -* Sets this server's custom prefix. Must be 1 character long. Use \customprefix none to disable. Custom commands must be invoked like -!, ! being your custom prefix.
  37. [\configwipe, \wipeconfig, \wipe, \clearconfig, \resetconfig, \resetserver] -* Resets your server's configuration file. This deletes all custom commands, all keyword alerts, the greeting and the notification channel. Use at your own risk.
  38. [\support, \sprt, \srt] - Contact support with the message you specified. Ticket expires after 5 minutes.
  39. [\scontact] - For Discoid Central support team members only. It won't do anything if you aren't in the support team!
  40. [\sclose] - For Discoid Central support team members only. Read above.
  41. [\manage] -* Gives you a large set of management objects for your server.
  42. [\steaminfo, \sinfo, \steaminformation, \steamuserinfo, \suinfo, \steamuser, \usersteam, \userinfosteam] - Lets you see information on a Steam user by their URL/64-bit ID/end of URL.
  43. [\subscribe, \dsasub, \discoidsubscriptionannouncements] - Subscribes/Opts out of Subscription Announcements (uptime issues, updates, etc.)
  44. [\minecraftcharacter, \mcchar, \mcc, \minecraftchar, \mccharacter] - Displays the Minecraft character of a specified username/UUID.
  45. [\kick, \boot, \removefromserver] -* Kicks a member from the server.
  46. [\banish, \ban] -* Bans a member from the server.
  47. [\mute, \donttalkpls] -* Mutes a user from speaking in every channel.
  48. [\unmute, \talkpls] -* Unmutes a user from every channel.
  49. [\credits, \discoidcredits] - Shows a list of credits for Discoid. <3
  50. [\help, \helpcommand, \describe] - Shows a detailed documentation on a command.
  51. [\guide, \guides] - Displays user-created guides relevant to or not relevant to Discoid.
  52. [\rule34, \rule-34] - Searches Rule34 with the tags specified.
  53. [\urbandictionary, \ud] - Searches Urban Dictionary with the word specified.
  54. [\setloggingchannel, \slc] -* Sets the logging channel to the current channel.
  55. [\server, \serverinfo] - Gets information about this server.
  56. [\autorole, \setautorole] -* Sets an autorole name for the server.
  57. [\delautorole, \deleteautorole] -* Deletes an autorole name.
  58. [\getrole, \getautorole] - Allows you to take a freebie autorole.
  59. [\autoroles, \autorolelist] - Lets you view all autoroles set up on this server.
  60. Commands marked with a -* indicate they require the Discoid Admin role.
  61. For detailed information on a specific command, use \help <command name>.
  62. You can join Discoid's official server here:
  63. You can visit Discoid at its website here:
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