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  1. //------------------------------//
  2. // Marevel vs. Cropcom 3// Story: Joysticks// by TheGreatSako//------------------------------//
  4. “And, and she also inex...exanicably...she also sets things on fire by mistake for no reason at all, too!” Button Mash happily proclaimed. He was joyfully trotting on the streets of the ever-busy Ponyville Market alongside his mother, Love Tap. He just finished a long, boring day of school, and was happy to finally get out. Not to mention that it was Friday! His mother always lets him stay up late on Fridays and Saturdays so that they can play games together all night.
  6. “Haha, that's...that's great Button.” Love Tap weakly replied, not sure how she should feel that her son made a new friend today, but that the two were apparently natural pyromancers. She shuddered at the realization. “I should talk to Twilight about this...” she thought as they continued walking along the road to their destination.
  8. After turning the final corner into the heart of Ponyville's busiest junction, the sign of the Extra Life arcade became visible, proudly being displayed above the large building. The sign was composed of magically animated metal figures: a silhouette of a pony wearing a red shirt with blue overalls and a red cap kicking a green tortoise shell into a block on the other side of the sign, which would then bounce back and be kicked again. Every time the shell passed over a letter that letter would light up, creating an eye-catching series of colors as the shell moved back and forth, which after the shell made a full trip all of the letters lit up at the same time.
  10. “There it is, my little JoyBoy,” Love Tap commented to her son, as they both looked at the sign in awe, never getting tired of seeing it in all of its splendor. “Ready to spend all of these bits?” she asked, turning to look at her son as she wiggled her rump, causing the bits inside of her saddlebags to jingle.
  12. “Yeah! We're gonna beat Pinkie's high score today!” Button Mash's head snapped away from the sign and towards his mother so fast that the propeller on his hat spun wildly, mirroring his enthusiasm. He got up on his hind legs to get into a boxing stance, wanting to punch at the air like he has seen Rainbow Dash do so many times. Being inexperienced, the moment that he threw a punch he lost his balance and began to topple backwards, pivoting on one hind leg he flailed his forelegs in front of himself with a panicked expression on his face in an attempt to not fall over.
  14. Seeing her son falling over Love Tap quickly turned and caught him with a foreleg. “Careful there Button, don't want to use up all of your energy now. We're going to need that energy for beating the Changeling stages with perfect scores this time.” She pushed Button forward so that he could land back on all fours.
  16. Once he was stabilized, they gave each other a hard, determined look, nodded their heads once then turned their heads to look at the arcade again. Taking a synchronized step towards the large building they dashed towards the entrance, eager to show who were the best gamers in Ponyville.
  18. After stepping inside the noisy chatter of the Ponyville Market was replaced by the chaotic amalgamation of various sound effects coming from the enormous amount of arcade cabinets crammed into the building. They swept their eyes slowly from left to right with starry eyes, spotting familiar ponies playing the games. Doctor Hooves could be seen lamenting over killing himself in Bombermare with Derpy patting his withers while giving him a sympathetic smile. An X-Mares machine in the center was commandeered by the Cutie Mark Crusaders, with their eyes glued to the screen, but were still arguing amongst each other over “wasting their mutants powers”. They continued to move their gazes to the far right until they locked eyes with the Earth Pony proprietor of Extra Life, 1-Up.
  20. His appearance always looked in accordance to his habit of dressing up as characters in the games on his arcade machines. This time he was wearing a white samurai garb, it had large black triangles lining the bottom of the shirt and black stripes at the end of his pants. A red sash tied together the garb with a Neighponese katana tucked under it and red bandages covered his fetlocks. The cosplay was completed with his mane dyed black and tied into a ponytail using some of the same red material, and a few long strands of his mane gelled to stick up in front of his face in a spiky fashion.
  22. Seeing the disarming smile on his face, Love Tap became slightly flustered because she knew the stallion personally, so she knew that particular look meant that he wanted something, so she tried to pretend not to see him, shifting her line sight over to the noisy machines, wanting to just get lost in the jungle of magical devices. Button Mash, of course lacked any sense of subtlety and immediately began to wave wildly at the stallion.
  24. “Hey Mr. Up! Over here! Me and my mom are here again with lots of bits! Wanna watch us beat Pinkie's high score on Tirek's House?” He bounced up in front of 1-Up while dragging his mother along. He then gave the stallion in front of him a large grin.
  26. “Hey there kiddo! That sounds great, it'd be nice to be able to change that plaque...” His smile faltered a little as his eyes veered towards the plaque next to that particular game, the number-one slot being occupied by a stylized name, the confetti and paint clashing horribly with its surroundings. Reasserting his smile he looked over to Love Tap. “Before that, though, I actually wanted to talk to your mother about something,” he said while his eyed glittered with mischief that could give Discord a run for his money.
  28. “Bingo,” Love Tap thought.
  30. Returning him a strained smile, 1-Up could practically hear her face creak as she replied, “Oh, well, I don't know, Up. My son and I,” she emphasized her correct use of grammar while giving her son a stern look, who of course completely ignored it or didn't notice, “have had a pretty busy day, so we don't have very long to stay here before we have to head back home so that I can start dinner.” Upon hearing her flimsy excuse Button turned to look at his mother, one of his eyebrows practically flying off of his face from the exaggerated, and incredulous look on his face.
  32. “What?! Mom, you said that we'd just stop by the twenty-four hour pizza place for dinner, and that we'd get to stay here really late today!” he whined, completely oblivious to his mother's pleading look.
  34. Love Tap began to sweat under the pressure. “Ah, well, I just wanted to wanted to be a bit tactful. We've been looking forward to spending some time together after such a long week,” she quickly came up with another excuse, desperate to not get roped in to whatever 1-Up has schemed up.
  36. “What? Mom, we spent all week after I finished my homework every day playing Changelings Impersonated My Neighbors,” Button Mash said while giving his mother a deadpan stare. “Also...didn't you promise Mr. Up a favor last time we came here?” he asked, while he adopted an innocently confused expression.
  38. “Uh...I don't know what you're talking about Button, hahaha...” she weakly laughed as she turned around to shoot her son a sour look, hoping that he'd get the message and shut his trap.
  40. Since he was inattentive to social cues, he just powered on through with helpfully reminding his mother of her forgotten promise. “No, mom, remember? You were on a Gauntlet marathon and you ran out of bits, and you made a lot of noise and stuff. Mr. Up was all like, 'what's wrong?', and you were all like 'Up! Give me some bits! I'll pay you back, I swear to Celestia! I'll do anything!' and he was all like, 'Anything?' and you were all, 'Yeah, anything!'” he proudly reminded his mother, and ended his long explanation by gasping for air.
  42. Her expression matched that of a pony eating one of Pinkie's experimental desserts, then changed it to an exasperated look. Sighing loudly she turned back around to face 1-Up, and relented to his request with a resigned tone, “all right, Up, stop looking at me like that. What do you want? Spit it out.”
  44. 1-Up's smile was strained under the effort of trying not to laugh. Button essentially strong-armed his mother into helping him with his favor without having to do anything himself. “Whoa, no need to trip over your own hooves, girl! I know how eager you are to help me but calm down,” he said while he chuckled. He quickly sobered up however, when her demeanor made the air itself feel ice cold. “Ahem, right, well remember how I told you last time that Princess Twilight Sparkle came up with some interesting new technology? And how I planned to use it to create new ways to play games?”
  46. Her agitation washed away as her curiosity for a new type of game arose. “Oh yeah, I remember that. Something about 'Empathy Magic' I think it was?” she questioned, now fully interested in this request of his.
  48. “That's right,” he nodded, “I created some equipment specifically to use that new kind of magic, in order to create an interesting new game experience,” he elaborated. “All I want you to do is be one of the players to test out my new machine tomorrow that uses this technology. I want to set you up against another player, it'll be a fighting game.”
  50. Upon hearing that it was a fighting game Love Tap's initial demeanor did a one-eighty. “A fighting game? And I get to play it for free? Count me in!” she exclaimed, as she put on a cocky attitude.
  52. “That's the spirit! I'm going to host a big event tomorrow, where all of Ponyville is welcome to attend.”
  54. “Even better! I love having a captive audience watching me kick flank.”
  56. “Oh, and make sure to bring your son with you, you're going to need a special partner for this type of game. I'll see you a little bit before one PM tomorrow,” he added cryptically. He didn't give them a chance to ask more questions as he quickly cantered into his arcade, where he hid among the countless number of machines.
  58. She watched him vanish, not quite sure what to make of his final statement. Love Tap was quickly broken out of her contemplation by her son, however.
  60. “Come on, mom! We'll worry about that stuff tomorrow, there's a high score out there that doesn't have our names on it!” he tried to drag his mother along as he explained.
  62. She chuckled at her son's simple, but reasonable logic. “You're right, let's just have some fun today, we'll see what that's all about tomorrow.” She then followed her son to the machine that they came here to play, ready to spend the rest of the night playing games.
  64. ~***~
  66. It was just after lunch time, when most ponies have already eaten and are now full of energy to keep up with their day. Love Tap and Button Mash were two such ponies. They were both well groomed and well fed, their steps loudly clopping against the stones in the roads of the Market. Confidently trotting up to the Extra Life, they could already see a large throng of ponies filling up the entrance, chatting away about this event and the mysterious new arcade machine that will revolutionize gaming. Spotting 1-Up among the crowd they moved towards him.
  68. Seeing their approach his already large grin widened even more. His outfit this time was rather simple; he wore a pair of dark olive green slacks, which were hoisted up by a single, large suspender which looked a lot like a belt. His mane was trimmed short and slicked back. He wore no shirt, which somehow emphasized his surprisingly well-defined muscles, as opposed to how he looked when he was naked like any other pony. He also wore a rather fuzzy looking mustache.
  70. “Hey Mr. Up,” Button greeted, “cool mustache, I have one just like it!” he excitedly proclaimed.
  72. “It's not your mustache, Button, it belongs to your father,” she reminded her son. She turned to face 1-Up while ignoring her son's whiny rebuttal. “So, Up, where's this machine? We're here to kick the flanks of whatever poor souls you lined up against us,” she haughtily asked.
  74. “Hoho! Full of fire today, aren't you girl? Good, good, I want the unveiling to be memorable. Anyways, your opponents are already inside waiting for you two, so let's go ahead and meet them, shall we?” he happily suggested, excited to get this demonstration event underway.
  76. Leading them to the center of the building, where a large machine they didn't see there yesterday was located. It sported a huge screen with two raised platforms in front of it, spaced apart by a few trots. Upon the two platforms there were pedestals, and upon each one there was a joystick. A pair of strange, red, and lightly glowing runes were also on the pedestals, located behind the joysticks. Love Tap then read the game title being displayed on the screen.
  78. “What?! Marevel vs. Cropcom 3?!” she mentally screamed, while her eyes widened in reaction to this revelation. “Up, how the heck did you get your hooves on this game? It's not going to come out for two more months!” she demanded as she tore her eyes away from the screen.
  80. “Hehe, well, let's just say that I have friends in lots of places,” he mysteriously responded. “Anyways, here are your opponents,” he said as he directed their attention away from the machine and towards the two ponies that were waiting for them, standing away from the large arcade cabinet.
  82. The two ponies were none other than Rumble and Thunderlane, the former looking agitated and impatient, and the latter looking as excited as Love Tap at the prospect of playing a highly anticipated and unreleased game. Rumble had an orange bottle filled with an unidentifiable liquid next to him, and Thunderlane was wearing a light yellow harness that was covered in more glowing runes. The harness was wrapped around his flanks, which seemed to also reach all the way under him, almost like a ripped pair of tights. Next to Thunderlane there was another harness on the floor, along with more luminous runes that were drawn on what appeared to be glossy paper.
  84. Thunderlane stuck out his hoof and greeted the two ponies, “hey there! Love Tap, is it? I've seen you and your little brother hanging around here quite often, the name's Thunderlane” he said as he gave Love Tap a suave look.
  86. Rumble stuck out his tongue and made a gagging noise, which Button Mash mimicked. “Augh, bro, stop that! You know that's not her brother!” he said while frowning at his brother.
  88. Thunderlane retracted his hoof to whop Rumble on the head. “Rumble, don't be rude to the lady! Apologize!” he told him.
  90. Love Tap giggled at the brothers antics, almost feeling guilty for the thrashing she imagined that she was going to give them in front of all of Ponyville. “Oh that's alright, boys. Yes, my name is Love Tap, and this here is my son, Button Mash,” she introduced them while she gestured with her hoof.
  92. “Yeah, I'm her son! Geez.”
  94. “And this is my little brother, Rumble,” he directed their attention to the light gray colt nursing a small bump on his head.
  96. “Yeah, nice to meet you and stuff,” Rumble grumbled.
  98. 1-Up stepped in front them the group, deciding that was enough for introductions. “All right ponies! I'm going to explain what you're going to be doing here and how the machine works. First I want you to put on that harness, Tappy, while I go let the audience in.” He then cantered back towards the entrance.
  100. She reached to pick up the harness and began to examine it. She couldn't discern what it was made out of, only that it felt rubbery and made her hoof feel tingly.
  102. “Yeah, it feels a little weird, it's obviously magical. Here, let me help you put it on,” Thunderlane offered while trotting up to Love Tap.
  104. While the two adults were busy, Button walked up to the still fuming Rumble. “So, how good is your brother at fighting games?” he asked with a challenging tone.
  106. Rumble immediately quit his complaining and adopted a confident smirk. “Hah! 'How good'? My brother is the best in all of Equestria! No, the whole world! Even the best from Griffhala can't beat him!” he proudly exclaimed.
  108. “Nuh-uh,” Button countered, “nopony can beat my mom, we're gonna kick your flanks, just you wait!” Button then began to look confused. “Wait, what are we doing anyways? There's only two joysticks, how does this require partners?” Rumble was about to ask a similar question when a shout startled the both of them, which caused them to jump into the air. They both landed such that they now faced the source of the shout.
  110. “Welcome to Extra Life, citizens of Ponyville and tourists alike! In front of you all, you see my wonderful new arcade cabinet, its unique interface will revolutionize the entire industry as we know it! I present to you the Carnal Controller!” 1-Up boomed out. “Today I brought to you two of Equestria's best to demonstrate its use, I present to you Love Tap and Thunderlane, and their partners Button Mash and Rumble!” The crowd cheered out and stomped their hooves in applause as the participants were introduced. Thunderlane flared his wings and grinned, drinking in the attention. Love Tap, now wearing her harness, blushed and waved shyly at the audience. Button and Rumble both looked a little nervous, and still unsure as to what they were there for.
  112. “I also acquired the help of Ponyville's own Premiere Party Pony Pinkie Pie and Equestria's Fastest Flier Rainbow Dash to narrate! So give them a round of applause as well,” he said, which caused the two ponies in question to pose in front of the crowd, while both were wielding a comically large microphone.
  114. “I'm super duper happy to be here, Up-Up!”
  116. “Yeah, this match is gonna be awesome!”
  118. He cantered over to his participants while he left the two announcers to keep the audience fired up. “Great! You both look ready to begin,” he remarked with an excited expression on his face.
  120. “So Up, what are we gonna be doing?” Rumble asked as he and Button trotted up behind 1-Up.
  122. “Yeah, what are the two squirts here for, exactly?” Thunderlane agreed with his brother. Love Tap was also looking at 1-Up now, curious to know the answer to this question as well.
  124. “I'm glad you all asked! This is what makes the Carnal Controller so unique. You see, these two are here to be your Joysticks!” he said as he moved behind the two colts. “These two are going to lube up,” he gestured to the orange bottle that was back at Rumble's initial position, “their little bottoms and put themselves on the rods you see up on those pedestals.”
  126. All four ponies blushed at the explanation, they weren't quite expecting to have that type of fun here.
  128. “Now that I look at it, those joysticks do look like those things that mom sticks in dad's bum sometimes...” Button Mash said, which broke the silence.
  130. “Button!” Love Tap scolded, “that's—don't! Be quiet!” she said as she fumbled over her words in embarrassment.
  132. 1-Up boisterously laughed at Love Tap's bashful attitude. “Oh don't be so shy, Tappy, since that's exactly what we're going to be doing here today, in front of Ponyville no less!”
  134. Rumble was the next pony to break out of his stupor. “Uh...well, whatever, so we just have to sit there and put those things inside us?” he inquired.
  136. “That is correct, little colt!” 1-Up responded. “Now you two adults should help your partners prep themselves for becoming Joysticks,” he instructed the ponies as he cantered back towards his two announcers to give them further instructions.
  138. They stared at 1-Up as he left their presence, still a little shocked from the revelation about the nature of their match. Thunderlane broke their simultaneous statue impersonation this time. He turned towards Rumble and gestured at the orange bottle, “uh, okay, go bring the bottle over here Rumble.”
  140. Rumble went to the bottle and brought it back in a daze, placing it in between all four ponies. Thunderlane reached for it with his mouth, then turned it over and squirted out a copious amount of the slick substance on to his hoof. He placed the bottle back on the ground and look at his little brother. “Uh, okay Rumble, so...turn around and lift your tail, 'kay?”
  142. Rumble complied with his brother's request and turned his pert little flank toward Thunderlane. Button shook his head and broke out of his stupor, then jumped up and whirled around to face his mother. “Come on mom, we gotta get ready too, we're not gonna lose in front of all these ponies!” he cheered her on. He then brought over the bottle and gave it to Love Tap.
  144. Her entire face erupted into a color reminiscent of hot charcoal. “Yes, well turn around too, Button,” she told him as she squirted some of the lube on to her hoof as well. Button did as his mother told him and whirled back around, looking straight ahead of him with his game-face on. “Button,” she called his attention, “I need you to raise your tail.”
  146. Button Mash blushed, but more at the thought that he forgot to do that. He wasted no time, and lifted his multicolored tail. This exposed his little chocolate starfish, which was a slightly darker brown than his fur. “Alright my little JoyBoy, this might feel a little...weird,” she said as she lifted his rear up by his stifles, placing them up on the crook between her upper arms and her shoulders.
  148. Button was about to ask his mother what she meant by “weird” when the question died in his throat as she placed her hoof on to her son's sphincter. She rubbed her hoof generously all over his brown eye, liberally applying the transparent smear around his pucker, and pushing copious amounts of the liquid into his poop chute.
  150. “Ah! M-mom that's really...warm. It feels really good!” Button gasped out into the air.
  152. Love Tap smirked as her son began to get into it, she herself was beginning to feel a little turned on by their debaucherous act. She placed a hoof on both sides of her son's perky flanks and spread his anus wide open. She took the rest of the lube on her hoof and poured it all into her son's gaping whale eye. The liquid made obscene squishing noises as it splashed all over his clenching insides. After she finished pouring the last drop, she placed her son back on the ground, who was panting after the pleasant experience. She looked over to Thunderlane to see that he was also finishing up by draining the rest of the lube into Rumble much in the same manner that she did.
  154. “Wowee, that looked like a lot of fun, folks!” the four ponies heard Pinkie exclaim over the microphone to the audience, which was now watching the preparations with rapt attention, almost being completely quiet. The four ponies looked completely flustered, since they forgot all about the crowd.
  156. “Come on, competitors! Don't stop now, we came here for a show!” Rainbow Dash yelled over the mic as well, causing the audience's chatter to start back up. 1-Up approached the four causing them to break out of their shock.
  158. “All right, ponies! Now place your Joysticks on to the pedestals so that I can begin to explain how this is going to work!”
  160. Love Tap and Thunderlane looked at their respective partners, then grabbed them with their mouths and hoisted them on to their backs. Trotting over to the platforms, they looked at the pedestals.
  162. “All right Rumble, you ready for this?” Thunderlane asked his little brother as he gave him a reassuring look.
  164. “Yeah, let's kick their flanks!” he enthusiastically replied.
  166. Nodding once, Thunderlane once again grabbed his brother by the scruff of his neck and positioned him over the rod. Dipping his head, he lowered Rumble on to the shaft. Rumble gasped as soon as the implement pressed against his mahogany knot, but it was met with very little resistance and easily slid in with a noisy 'pop'. Rumble wrapped his hooves around his big brother's muzzle while he slammed his eyes shut in pleasure, and lightly bit his own lip as his dark gray underdeveloped baby-maker began to unsheathe and peek out from between his legs. Thunderlane kept lowering his little brother on to the rod as it parted Rumble's clenching rectal runway. Rumble began to squeak in pleasure as it reached deeper and deeper into him, his pecker now up in full mast and throbbing.
  168. Finally Rumble's bottom touched the pedestal, the entire shaft now inserted into him. Now feeling the rod in his fudge factory he noticed that it felt awfully flexible, like if it were made of rubber, but really warm and slightly tingly. Glancing over to Button Mash he saw that his mother was twisting her son back and forth into place like a stopper on to a bottle, even being accompanied by tinny squeaking sounds. Once he reached the bottom Button had his mouth wide open, a look of sheer pleasure was plastered on his face as his glassy eyes gazed off into the crowd in front of them, his own impressively-sized colthood jutting out from in between his legs; it had the same color as his corn hole.
  170. “All right, you're almost ready, competitors!” 1-Up yelled out as he nodded at the two Joysticks being put in their places. He approached Thunderlane's pedestal and grabbed Rumble then turned him around so that he was now facing the screen. “You see, your Joystick's testicles have to be situated on top of these two runes,” he pointed at Rumble's dark gray prepubescent foal-factories which were now both sagged over the runes, smothering their glow, “they will act as buttons for the game, but be warned, every time that you press them it will affect your Joystick.” he vaguely informed them, as he adopted the same mischievous look he had yesterday. 1-Up then pressed his hoof into an indentation in the front of the pedestal. He used it as a grip to pull out a section of the pedestal. The part that Rumble was situated on slid downwards towards Thunderlane at a forty-five degree angle, making Rumble's upper body fall backwards to rest on it making his proud prick reach perfectly straight towards the ceiling. Now that most of Rumble was located under his brother, he could see Thunderlane's own large, pulsing, nearly black horsemeat dangling right in front of him, the very tip of it 'booping' him on the muzzle every time that his older brother exhaled.
  172. “Now for the finishing touches,” 1-Up said as he pulled out the glossy looking paper with runes on it from his pants pocket. He touched one of the runes and peeled it off, revealing them to be stickers, and placed one on to the front of Rumble's birthing beacon, making sure that the whole sticker was correctly applied. A shudder went up Rumble's spine as a gratifying electric feeling went through his schlong, which originated from the sticker. “These stickers are used so that the game can pick up input, they will also have the same affect on your Joystick that the buttons do as you use them,” he explained, then he looked at Thunderlane and gave him half of the sheet which had three more of the stickers on it, “place the rest of them on him so that they're at forty-five degree angles from each other.” He then moved off of the pedestal and moved to Love Tap's pedestal to set up Button Mash in the same manner and give her the same explanations.
  174. As the two groups were finishing setting up their Joysticks Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were still busy keeping the crowd excited for the event. “All right, the show is about to begin!” Pinkie yelled, “now, are you r-r-ready to g-g-get it on?!”
  176. Putting a hoof over her microphone, Rainbow whispered to Pinkie, “hey, Pinkie, what are you doing?”
  178. “What do you mean, Dashie?!” Pinkie's question thundered over the invisible, magic speakers as she looked innocently over at Dash.
  180. Shoving Pinkie's microphone down Rainbow responded, “I mean, why are you repeating the same manure over and over again? You've just been saying those phrases and things like, 'The m-m-millionnaire fighting two-thousand one,' and, 'What an incredible cast of warriors has gathered here.' Why are you doing that?” she asked as she looked into Pinkie's sparkling blue eyes.
  182. “Duh,” she responded, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, “because that's what announcers do! Once we run out of things to say we have to start mixing up the things we've already said!” she explained.
  184. Giving Pinkie a very confused, but resigned look she simply sighed. “Pinkie...we're not like those weird golem things that Twilight makes all of the time, you don't have to act all weird like that you know. Think on your hooves, come up with new material, c'mon, we gotta keep these ponies pumpin'! Like how Vinyl does it!” She flared out her wings to emphasize her statement.
  186. Gasping in realization, Pinkie nodded furiously at Rainbow's assertion. “You're right! Just like Vinyl, got it, Dashie!” She put the microphone back up to her mouth, “alright Ponyville~! Sorry for the wait, but it looks like our two fighters are now completely ready to duke it out! Let's hear some noise to get this thing goin'!”
  188. The two groups were now fully prepared, their Joysticks having had all of their magical input rune stickers properly applied. 1-Up moved in between both platforms to announce the start of the match, “all right, ponies! Everything is now prepared for these two to start their match!” he yelled out, causing the audience to roar and stamp their hooves in approval. “A final word of advice to our competitors, this is what those harnesses you are wearing are for,” he said as he approached Love Tap. Stopping right behind her, he lifted his hoof back and slapped her plush plot hard.
  190. Love Tap watched with her mouth wide open as her badonkadonk jiggled from the smack, but was quickly distracted by a large yelp coming from the other platform.
  192. “Ow!” Thunderlane complained, “why did I feel that?!” he demanded.
  194. 1-Up nodded in satisfaction at the display, and stepped away from the platforms, completely ignoring Thunderlane. “All right ponies, let this match begin!” he said as he waved one of his hooves down, somehow causing the screen that was displaying “Marevel vs. Cropcom 3” to switch to the character select screen. Both Love Tap and Thunderlane stared at the enormous character roster in awe.
  196. “Whoa! Those are a lotta characters up there folks! I can spot characters from Power Ponies, Spidermane, and Mare-Do-Well just to name a few!” Rainbow Dash blurted out as they all got a good look at the impressive selection.
  198. “Heh, I definitely know who I'm choosing,” Thunderlane said as he glanced over to Love Tap with a devil-may-care smirk. He brought a hoof up to his little brother's mare marinator and leaned it over to the left, bringing his on-screen cursor to hover over the portrait of Mare-Do-Well. He pressed his hoof lightly into Rumble's right progeny propagator causing the portrait to light up and select Mare-Do-Well, along with a large 3D model representing her to appear on the right side of the screen, striking a heroic pose. Rumble shifted slightly from the satisfying feelings that the touches brought to him, but otherwise remained still and resolute.
  200. Adopting a confident grin herself, she brought her cursor over to the portrait of Mistress Marelevolent and selected her. Marelevolent's model wildly whipped at the air with her hair tentacles a few times before settling on a sinister looking pose.
  202. With both of their characters chosen, the screen changed to a loading screen, which showed which stage they would be fighting on with different camera angles. The stage appeared to be Apploosa in the middle of a skirmish with the native Buffalo tribe, pies flying from every direction and both ponies and buffalo getting hit by the appetizing ammunition. Mistress Marelevolent jumped in from the left of the screen, which upon landing created a small crater in the ground. Mare-Do-Well, however, jumped in front the right of the screen, where she gracefully landed with barely a single clop heard.
  204. “Aaalllrrriigghhttt ponies, are you ready for Round One?!” Pinkie cheered on.
  206. “Come on, I wanna hear that ground crack under your hooves, ponies!” Rainbow added.
  208. “Hey, hey, don't go breaking my floor now...” 1-Up mumbled under his breath.
  210. After the Round One announcement flashed across the screen, both ponies immediately shot towards each other. Love Tap entered combo after combo using her son's beef bayonet and family jewels, the pliable flesh receiving jolt after jolt of pleasure from so much use. Each attack was either successfully dodged, countered or parried however. Button and Rumble both began to moan loudly from under their respective partners, the fierce round was already showing its affects on their Joysticks.
  212. “Oh boy! It looks like both of the player's Joysticks are getting overstimulated!” Pinkie lamented.
  214. “Oh yeah, it's definitely gonna be bad news for the both of them if they cum,” Rainbow commented.
  216. “I failed to mention, the rods inside of your Joysticks will buzz every time your character is damaged, with the strength of the buzz scaling in accordance to how damaging the attack was!” 1-Up's impressive vocal chords yelled over the din, informing his players of information that he conveniently forgot to inform them of.
  218. The both of them decided to heed the announcers' words and switched to a more conservative play style. They were both neck and neck, their HP at the same half way point. They could no longer touch each other either, with their attempts at using their Joysticks in a more gentle manner making their attacks too predictable, allowing them to constantly parry the other's attacks easily. Frustrated with this stalemate, Love Tap hatched an insidious plan in her mind. She remembered what the last thing that 1-Up showed them was, and realized at what he was hinting at.
  220. “Hey, Button,” she whispered to her left side, trying to catch the attention of her son, “I need you to do something.”
  222. “Yeah, mom?” he whispered back.
  224. “Alright, you remember what your father and I were doing during Hearts and Hooves? Remember how I said that we made your brother that day?” she inquired while still focusing on the match.
  226. “Augh, yeah, how could I forget, the whole house stinked for days!” he complained.
  228. “It's stunk, Button, and yes, I'm referring to that day. I need you to do what your father was doing that day.”
  230. “What?! Why, that's...kinda gross, mom.”
  232. “Because, I have a feeling that the purpose of these harnesses is to distract our opponent, and doing that will be the perfect distraction.”
  234. “Oh, it'll help us win?! Well why didn't you say so?” Button said, giving his mother a smirk that she couldn't see. He looked above him to see his mother's knockers, both of the small mounds topped with pert, pink nipple. Remembering what his father did to her, he reached his neck up and brought his muzzle up to a nipple, then encased it in his mouth.
  236. The affect was immediate, Thunderlane neighed in surprise which caused his pussy pounder to bob upwards, then swing back down on to Rumble's face, smacking him on the muzzle and causing a string of pre to stretch from his muzzle to Thunderlane's tip on the upswing.
  238. “Gah! What the heck, Thunderlane?!” Rumble yelled out in shock, trying to spit out any pre that got in his mouth.
  240. The distraction proved to be enough for Love Tap to push the advantage and bring his HP down to only an eighth of it left. Taking a deep breath Thunderlane managed to stabilize the unexpected gratification. He then risked a glance towards his opponent, curious as to what was causing this this. Upon seeing Button suckling his mother's milf mammaries his eyes comically bulged out of their sockets. He quickly reined in his surprise however, not allowing her the chance to finish him off just yet.
  242. “Hey, Rumble, you see what they're doing over there?” he asked his brother, not bothering to whisper.
  244. Rumble turned his head to look at what the other players were doing, his expression copying his brothers upon seeing them. “Y-yeah...that's...why are they doing that?”
  246. “To distract me; apparently these harnesses make us feel things done to the other pony's lower body.” he responded, focusing almost entirely on playing defensively. “I need you to do the same to me, it'll affect them too.”
  248. “What?! You want me that, to you? What pony would do that, that's disgusting!” he replied while sticking out his tongue in distaste.
  250. “Hey, did you already forget when Flitter and Cloudchaser come visit me during their estrus? Those two are insatiable!” he reminded his little brother while small beads of sweat worked their way down the side of his head.
  252. “Oh yeah...I guess they don't think it's so bad...” he said, recalling the twin's love of giving Thunderlane's cervix puncher a tongue bath. “A-alright,” he complied, “just gotta do it like them, right?” His brother only mumbled an affirmative, putting every ounce of his attention to the match. Looking directly at his older brother's one-eyed trouser snake he slowly opened his little mouth as wide as he could, then wrapped his lips around the tip of his flare.
  254. Like Thunderlane, Love Tap neighed in surprise at the unexpected pleasure, giving him the chance to also bring her HP down to an eighth. She didn't even have to look over, she knew what was going on. She ignored her case of phantom dick in favor of lowering her hind legs. Button pulled away in bewilderment as his mother lowered her rump, only to be confronted by her glistening oyster, her mare juices dribbling out of her hole and on to her son's face.
  256. Button reached his tongue to the side of his muzzle to dab at the droplet of fluid that splashed on to his cheek. Retracting his taint taster back into his mouth he gave a joyful hum at the wonderful taste of his mother. He drew his cum collector up his mother's slit, pushing the folds apart as it passed through them, directing the sweet sluice into his mouth and down his throat.
  258. The completely alien feeling threw Thunderlane completely off guard, allowing Love Tap to hit him with a heavy punch, or in this case a strong tentacle.
  260. “And she's done it folks, Love Tap has won the first round!”
  262. “Aww yeah, let's hear it for this masterful mare of radicalness!”
  264. The crowd responded to the round's conclusion with fierce stamps of approval and ear shattering screams.
  266. Button let his head drop on to the section holding him up with a load 'thunk', which caused his hat to fall off. “Oh wow mom, that was tough...”
  268. “Take a small breather, my little JoyBoy, we still have one more round to win.”
  270. Rumble popped his lips off of his brother's revelry rod and also let his head fall back, while he gasped for air. “Okay, I can see how this is a team effort now...”
  272. “Yeah, we gotta step up our game, bro.”
  274. They were not given much time to recover, however, as the screen showed the characters preparing for the second round.
  276. “All right ponies, let's give it up for Round Two!”
  278. “I wanna see a good thrashing this round, let's cheer 'em on, ponies!”
  280. After the Round Two text flew off the screen, Love Tap decided to play just as aggressively as she did during the end of the last round, wanting to hopefully press the same advantage. Button was back to lapping at his mother's snake pit furiously. He buried his muzzle deep into her treasure trove, diving his tongue as far as he could into her depths to retrieve more of her precious gold.
  282. Rumble was also working hard in his attempts to make Love Tap cum, moving on from just using his lips to craning his neck up in order to inhale as much of his older brother's pony porker as he could. He lathered his tongue all over, from sticking it in the urethra to brushing it over the medial ring. After about half a minute however, Rumble felt his bother's night stick pulse in his mouth.
  284. “C-crap, Rumble, I'm about to cum,” Thunderlane admitted to his brother as his hooves tenderly directed his little brother's filly fooler in a desperate attempt to mitigate damage, “listen, I need you to swallow all of my cum, you can't let yourself get distracted. I'll try my hardest to stay focused when it – ah! – when it happens, I need you to take that chance to give it all you've got, I have a plan to take her out,” he managed to say, only getting interrupted once when Button began to show his mother's clit with special attention.
  286. Steeling himself for what was to come, Rumble didn't have to wait for long when he felt it. Thick ropes of sticky baby batter poured of his brother. He quickly began to swallow as much as he could directly into his throat. Gulp after gulp Rumble couldn't believe just how much his brother was cumming, the white pegasus porridge was splashing against the back of his throat, which he immediately gobbled up, leading it down to his stomach as fast as he could. It was too much though, and began to overflow out of his muzzle, painting his entire face with the viscous substance as gravity caused it to trickle down. After what felt like ingesting gallons of his cloying foal fertilizer, Thunderlane finally stopped and Rumble finally could breath again.
  288. The distraction proved enough, however, as Love Tap ruthlessly pressed her advantage, and wrapped up a fumbling Mare-Do-Well in her tentacles, squeezing the life out of her. Then she whipped her vulnerable body with her ferocious follicles, undoubtedly leaving the flesh underneath the purple suit red and tender. Rumble was mewling around Thunderlane's cock, at the mercy of the buzzing rod that was shoved up his colt cave.
  290. Coming down from his high, Thunderlane managed to break free out of the thrashing he was receiving, managing to escape with a third of his HP intact. Deciding that it was time to go on the offensive he lowered himself closer Rumble, shoving his boomstick deeper into his little brother's throat. Rumble, however, decided to not take it any deeper, and pulled himself off, eliciting a whimper from his older brother. He wasted no time in moving his head up to Thunderlane's scrotum, in order to suck in one his brother's forbidden fruit. Rolling the coin purse around in his mouth, he lavished it with his tongue, rubbing it around the entirety of Thunderlane's sac, savoring the feel of the rough surface.
  292. The new feeling, completely catching Love Tap off guard, made her baby box convulse around her son's invading organ. Button happily ingested as much of the sweet sluice as he could as it cascaded into his mouth and all over his face. A torrent of mare cum kept pouring out of his mother, faster than he could drink it, with some of it starting to overflow and get into his mane.
  294. The interference was one that Thunderlane was waiting for. The instant that Love Tap showed an opening he charged in with a fierce triple-kick combo, which was then followed by a savage uppercut. Thunderlane then began to juggle Marelevolent with a series of bucks and then slammed her into the ground with a lasso. He knew that he didn't have much time until Love Tap would react, but he managed to get her down to a fourth of her HP, which was just enough for what he had planned. He quickly pulled off a weak version of Mare-Do-Well's super move.
  296. “Wow, there it is, folks! Mare-Do-Well's most brutal move!”
  298. “Yeah, she used it when she was captured by The Clopper: the 'No Means No'!”
  300. Mare-Do-Well cartwheeled into Mistress Marelevolent, each of her hooves slamming into her face. Mare-Do-Well finished her attack by ducking down and winding her hind legs into a vicious buck, which was slammed right into Marelevolent's chin. Each blow that Marelevolent suffered caused Button Mash to squirm and squeal in delight as the shaft in his turd trench buzzed like an angry wasp. The final blow knocked out all of her remaining HP, making Thunderlane the winner for this round.
  302. “H-hah, what an amazing victory, huh?” Pinkie Pie weakly announced with lidded eyes. Rainbow was conspicuously missing, since her large microphone was left abandoned, seemingly thrown on to the ground. “Don't worry about our aaaoother announcer, Dashie just went to go get a quick drink, sh–she'll be right back folks!”
  304. A few strands of a rainbow colored hair could be seen waving and a forth behind a potted plant situated right next to Pinkie, with the ponies directly behind her no longer paying attention to the match, but to what was happening right in front of them.
  306. Being the final round, the game gave the players half a minute to watch the in-game announcer talk about the match. The four ponies took every last second they could to catch their breath for this final stretch.
  308. As he rested his head on the section he was laying on, Button looked over to Rumble, to see him rubbing his hooves all over his face in an attempt to remove the offending goo from himself. Button giggled upon seeing his opponent's predicament. “Hehe, you look like you're covered in frosting,” he remarked to Rumble, loud enough for him to hear.
  310. Rumble paused from his vehement scrubbing to look over at Button with an incensed glower. “Yeah? Well, s-shut up! You'll be the one covered in, uh, defeat! When we beat you! So shut your stupid face and get ready to lose!” Rumble fumed.
  312. “Geez, who put a stick up your butt?”
  314. “We do have sticks up our butts, you dumb-dumb!”
  316. “Oh yeah...”
  318. Their argument was cut short by the announcer shouting at the players to get ready. Both Thunderlane and Love Tap placed their hooves back on their respective Joysticks, ready to end this. Both Rumble and Button Mash, however, were completely exhausted, and neither could muster up the energy to service their partners, thus leaving this match entirely up to the skill and luck of the adults.
  320. “All right – hah! – ponies, time for R-Round Three! Let's hear it for the Final Round!”
  322. Throwing caution to the wind, both ponies dash towards each other with everything they got. Each hit is matched with another hit. Every tentacle slap was retaliated with a kick to the face. Mare-Do-Well kept pulling in Marelevolent with her lasso, then kicked her away with a fierce buck, only to have the Mistress do the same with her freaky hair. Both ponies were nearing a third of their HP, when they both throw a hard attack at each other, and managed to simultaneously blow each other back with the attacks. The constantly, relentless buzzing that erotically tortured the two colts throughout the entire round proved to be too much with this last hit. The both of them came at the same time, their little pea shooters throwing extensive amounts of colt custard into their partners faces.
  324. Thunderlane didn't notice his brother cumming in time, getting the first burst directly in to his right eye. “Gah! My eye, sweet Luna that burns!” he howled, only taking his right hoof of the Joystick to rub at the damaged ocular tissue.
  326. Love Tap had her mouth wide open from breathing so hard while trying to focus on the match, causing ropes of her sons cum to shoot straight into the back of her throat when she looked down. She choked on the testicle tapioca spewing out of Button's Romane candle, taking only her left hoof off of the Joystick in order to beat at her barrel, in an attempt to dislodge it and swallow it all down.
  328. She managed to control her breathing again at the same time that Thunderlane's eye stopped being in agony, although he kept his right eye closed. The two glared at each other, both wanting revenge for this short bit of humiliation. As they brought both of their hooves up their respective Joysticks, they found the controls to be unresponsive; their partner's dongs were getting soft.
  330. An objectively annoying guffaw could be heard over the shouting of the audience. “Gahahaha! This is what our announcers were warning you two about! Your Joysticks are not going to work if they're limp!” he shouted out, somehow being clearly heard over the clamor of the peanut gallery.
  332. Love Tap gave a worried look at her son's rapidly shriveling wang, not quite sure what to do. She looked over to her opponent to see if she could get an idea from them. What she saw left her stunned: Thunderlane was going down on his little brother as if his tonsils needed a good scratching. He noisily sucked on Rumble's frosting canon, slurping it clean of all his foal fondue from his earlier release. Thunderlane also fondled his brother's balls, causing Mare-Do-Well to nonsensically attack the empty air on screen.
  334. She realized that this was the only way to get Button Mash ready again. She quickly brought her warm mouth over her son's wet noodle, and slurped it into her orifice just as noisily too. Button tasted and felt just like his father, giving her a leg up on getting her son hard again in comparison to Thunderlane. She pressed her face down as far as she could go, making her nostrils push so deep into her son's sweaty tea bags that she got a long and hard whiff of his musk every time that she breathed erratically through her nose since her mouth was filled with Button's sausage.
  336. Regardless of this advantage, however, Thunderlane got to work on Rumble much earlier, meaning that his Joystick was enabled first. Since this was the last round, he wanted to end it as quickly as possible, so he began to input the sequence for using the most powerful version of “No Means No”.
  338. “It looks like this could be the end for Love Tap, folks!” 1-Up was narrating through Dash's microphone since Pinkie was now a gibbering puddle on the floor, with only her rump still held high the air, Rainbow Dash having abandoned all attempts at subtlety, very visibly attacking Pinkie's ass with her tongue.
  340. Thunderlane finished inputting the sequence for the super move. The screen now flashed a series of colors matching Mare-Do-Well's color scheme, ending with an action shot portrait of her slashing across the screen. She shot forward, her hind hooves having propelled her like a living missile, with one hoof stretched out to give the first devastating blow.
  342. Love Tap quickly pulled off of Button's skin flute with a loud 'pop'. She quickly grasped his Joystick with a hoof, but she didn't have enough time to jump out of the way of the attack, and it'd be impossible to block the entirety of it, so she decided that she'd have to try something stupidly difficult. She'd parry all of it. The small blue spark of a successful parry signified that she managed to parry the first of many hits. She poured titanic amounts of focus into predicting when she'd have to react to properly parry the next hit. Spark after spark, Love Tap kept on parrying every hit of Mare-Do-Well's furious super combo. Thunderlane could only stand there with his mouth agape as his assured victory was looking less and less so with every passing fraction of a second.
  344. Pinkie Pie shot up from the floor so fast that Rainbow was launched backwards into the potted plant. She scooped up her microphone into both of her hooves, and then pressed it right up against her muzzle. “This is unbelievable folks! Love Tap is parrying every hit that Mare-Do-Well's super is dishing out! I never knew that this was possible!” she excitedly belted out, unable to contain her bouncing while watching this spectacle unfold before her, the crowd now worked up into a deafening roar.
  346. Love Tap parried the last of Mare-Do-Well's flurry of kicks, then jumped up in the air as she reared back to deliver her devastating final buck. Mare-Do-Well launched both of her hooves upwards with what should have been her opponent's chin, but instead was parried by Mistress Marelevolent. Grinning maliciously Love Tap decided to go on the counterattack. She delivered a vicious long reaching whip from the air, locking Mare-Do-Well in place long enough for her to begin chaining more attacks into the small opening. Thunderlane could only carelessly twitch his Joystick in random directions in an attempt to prevent what was going to happen, completely oblivious to his little brother's increasingly pleased moaning from both Mare-Do-Well getting caught up in Mistress Marelevolent's combo and Thunderlane's panicked ministrations. Love Tap entered the sequence for her own super combo, wanting to finish the match in flashy manner.
  348. “Oh, oh! Here we go, Mistress Marelevolent's infamous super move: 'Tentacle Paradise'!”
  350. Marelevolent grabbed all of Mare-Do-Well's limbs with her tentacles then yanked them outwards, making her spread eagle. Marelevolent's large mess of freaky follicles shot out towards Mare-Do-Well, completely wrapping her up, squeezing and groping all over her body, causing her suit to start to rip and tear revealing a coat of pink fur underneath the seat.
  352. “Oh, is this where the bad guy finds out the identity of our anonymous super hero? Will we finally find out who Mare-Do-Well is?!”
  354. Marelevolent gave Mare-Do-Well a final squeeze before throwing her towards the end of the screen, causing her last sliver of HP to drop off, making the screen to flash in bright, loud letters: “KO”. This final attack also threw Rumble over the edge, making his baloney pony shoot all of the cream he had left straight into his older brother's face. Thunderlane looked down just in time to get the wad straight in to his left eye. “Gah! My eye! Why is it always the Discord-damned eye?!” he yelled out in pain.
  356. The game now displayed Mistress Marelevolent's victory screen, upon winning this match. The crowd was now stomping the ground so hard that 1-Up winced every time he swore that he heard the tiles under the rug crack.
  358. “Unbelievable, Love Tap used a full parry! Then followed it with a combo to win! Extra Life one-thousand four, it's madness!” Pinkie shrieked at the top of her lungs, bouncing back and forth between the floor and the ceiling in sheer excitement.
  360. Love Tap stepped back from the pedestal as she helped her son off of it, his crap canal sliding right off of the rod without any trouble. When she placed him on the ground Button Mash began to wobble on his legs, trying to gain his balance. Finally managing to stabilize himself he beamed up at his mother.
  362. “Oh, wow, mom! That was great, can we come again next week!? Please~?”
  364. She picked up her son's hat from the ground and placed it back on to its rightful place, then she gave the little propeller a playful flick with her hoof.
  366. “Definitely, my little JoyBoy.”
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