
FF 10 Mafia (V1)

Jun 19th, 2012
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  1. {
  2. "name": "FF X",
  3. "author": "<b><font color=blue>The Tempest</font></b> and Therealkuja",
  4. "summary": "Theme based on the characters of Final Fantasy 10, developed by The Tempest and Therealkuja! Note: Everyone knows their team except Wakka, Rikku and the Moogles!",
  5. "sides": [
  6. { "side": "village", "translation": "Heroes"
  7. },
  8. { "side": "guado", "translation": "Guado Nation"
  9. },
  10. { "side": "magii", "translation": "Magus Sisters"
  11. },
  12. { "side": "darks", "translation": "Dark Aeon"
  13. },
  14. { "side": "fiends", "translation": "Fiends"
  15. },
  16. { "side": "yu yevon", "translation": "Yu Yevon"
  17. },
  18. { "side": "sin", "translation": "Sin"
  19. }
  20. ],
  21. "roles": [{
  22. "role": "spy",
  23. "translation": "Rikku",
  24. "side": "village",
  25. "help": "You are Rikku! As Rikku you have a chance to find out who will die and a smaller chance of finding out a killer!",
  26. "actions": { "hax": {"kill": { "revealTeam": 0.6, "revealPlayer": 0.2} } }
  27. }, {
  28. "role": "fish",
  29. "translation": "Moogle",
  30. "side": "village",
  31. "help": "Moogles suck. You can't do anything but vote :(",
  32. "actions": {}
  33. }, {
  34. "role": "auron",
  35. "translation": "Auron",
  36. "side": "village",
  37. "help": "You are Auron! Since you are dead and confined to the Farplane you can /protect yourself and daykill.",
  38. "actions": { "night": {"protect": {"target": "Self", "common": "Self", "priority": 5} }, "standby": {"kill": {"target": "AnyButSelf", "msg": "You can kill someone now using /kill (name) :",
  39. "killmsg": "Auron came from the Farplane and took ~Target~ with him. He then left Spira!"} }, "vote": 2,
  40. "startup": "reveal-team"}
  41. }, {
  42. "role": "yuna",
  43. "translation": "Yuna",
  44. "side": "village",
  45. "help": "You are Yuna the summoner! Type/inspect to inspect 1 person at night; your vote count is at 3 and you have a high chance of evading nightkills!",
  46. "actions": { "night": {"inspect": {"target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "broadcast": "team", "priority": 50} }, "kill": { "mode": { "evadeChance": 0.8 } },
  47. "startup": "reveal-team"}
  48. }, {
  49. "role": "kimari",
  50. "translation": "Kimari",
  51. "side": "village",
  52. "help": "As Kimari you can protect 2 people each night. Use this to aid the Heroes against the Sin!",
  53. "actions": { "night": {"protect": {"target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 5, "limit": 2} },
  54. "startup": "reveal-team"}
  55. }, {
  56. "role": "lulu",
  57. "translation": "Lulu",
  58. "side": "village",
  59. "help": "You are Lulu! You can distract 2 people per night and poison 1. Make sure you don't poison your fellow Heroes!",
  60. "actions": { "night": {"distract": {"target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Role", "broadcast": "Role", "priority": 1, "limit": 2} }, "poison": {"target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Role", "broadcast": "Role", "priority": 30 }, "kill": { "mode": { "evadeChance": 0.2 } },
  61. "startup": "team-reveal"}
  62. }, {
  63. "role": "tidus",
  64. "translation": "Tidus",
  65. "side": "village",
  66. "help": "As Tidus the hero, you can make one kill per night... but be careful, make sure you avoid teammates! You have a high hax rate and are sided with the Heroes.",
  67. "actions": { "night": {"kill": {"target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Self", "broadcast": "team", "priority": 25} },
  68. "hax": {"kill": { "revealTeam": 0.4, "revealPlayer": 0.4} },
  69. "startup": "reveal-team"}
  70. }, {
  71. "role": "vigi",
  72. "translation": "Wakka",
  73. "side": "village",
  74. "help": "As Wakka, you can kill once per night! However you don't know your team, so you might want to avoid killing until you find all, or most of the power roles (You are sided with Tidus and the other heroes).",
  75. "actions": { "night": {"kill": {"target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "broadcast": "team", "priority": 26} } }
  76. }, {
  77. "role": "shuyin",
  78. "translation": "Shuyin",
  79. "side": "village",
  80. "help": "You are Shuyin, and very resistant to the forces of evil! You have an immunity to poison and daykills, and a chance of avoiding nightkills. You also have a vote of 2! Use this to help the Heroes.",
  81. "actions": {"poison": {"mode": "ignore"}, "kill": {"mode": { "evadeChance": 0.2}, "daykill": "ignore"}, "vote": 2,
  82. "startup": "reveal-team"}
  83. }, {
  84. "role": "lenne",
  85. "translation": "Lenne",
  86. "side": "village",
  87. "help": "You are Lenne, this gives you a vote of 5, so use it wisely!",
  88. "actions": { "vote": 5,
  89. "startup": "reveal-team"}
  90. }, {
  91. "role": "seymour",
  92. "translation": "Seymour",
  93. "side": "guado",
  94. "help": "As Seymour you can kill once per night, and have a 1.5 vote, which is very useful in the endgame! Use these skills to aid your teammates (Lord Jyscal Guado and Brascht).",
  95. "actions": { "night": {"kill": {"target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 30} }, "vote": 1.5,
  96. "startup": "reveal-team"}
  97. }, {
  98. "role": "jyscal",
  99. "translation": "Lord Jyscal Guado",
  100. "side": "guado",
  101. "help": "You can kill once per night! Team up with Seymour and Brascht to eliminate other parties! (You share a kill with Seymour)",
  102. "actions": { "night": {"kill": {"target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 30} },
  103. "startup": "team-reveal"}
  104. }, {
  105. "role": "brascht",
  106. "translation": "Brascht",
  107. "side": "guado",
  108. "help": "As Brascht you have an all-important double vote. Help save Seymour and Lord Jyscal Guado with this! Inspectors will see you as Moogle, as an added bonus!",
  109. "actions": { "vote": 2, "inspect": {"revealAs": "fish"},
  110. "startup": "team-reveal"}
  111. }, {
  112. "role": "cindy",
  113. "translation": "Cindy",
  114. "side": "magii",
  115. "help": "As one of the 3 Magus Sisters, you can /protect and /safeguard a teammate to keep them from harm! You also have a vote of 2.",
  116. "actions": { "night": {"protect": {"target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Role", "priority": 5 }, "safeguard": {"target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Role", "priority": 5 } }, "vote": 2,
  117. "startup": "team-reveal"}
  118. }, {
  119. "role": "mindy",
  120. "translation": "Mindy",
  121. "side": "magii",
  122. "help": "As one of the 3 Magus Sisters, you can inspect a player, and can poison at night! Use this to help your team win the game!",
  123. "actions": { "night": {"inspect": {"target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Team", "priority": 50, "broadcast": "team"}, "poison": { "target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Self", "priority": 20, "broadcast": "team" } },
  124. "distract": {"mode": "ignore" },
  125. "startup": "team-reveal"}
  126. }, {
  127. "role": "sandy",
  128. "translation": "Sandy",
  129. "side": "magii",
  130. "help": "As one of the 3 Magus sisters, you can kill during the night! You will kill anyone who attempts to distract you at night, but at the cost of your original target...",
  131. "actions": { "night": {"kill": {"target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "broadcast": "team", "priority": 20} },
  132. "distract": {"mode": "ChangeTarget", "hookermsg": "You tried to distract Sandy and were ruthlessly killed", "msg": "~Distracter~ came to you last night and died because they were not on your level."},
  133. "startup": "team-reveal"}
  134. }, {
  135. "role": "anima",
  136. "translation": "Anima",
  137. "side": "darks",
  138. "help": "As Anima you get a 9999 vote! Use this to save a teammate! (Be careful of the Goon, who has -10000). Try not to reveal early game, your powers are stronger when there are less killers! You are sided with the Dark Aeon.",
  139. "actions": { "vote": 9999,
  140. "startup": "team-reveal"}
  141. }, {
  142. "role": "yojimbo",
  143. "translation": "Yojimbo",
  144. "side": "darks",
  145. "help": "As Yojimbo you get the last kill every night.",
  146. "actions": { "night": {"kill": {"target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Role", "priority": 49, "broadcast": "team"} },
  147. "startup": "team-reveal"}
  148. }, {
  149. "role": "shiva",
  150. "translation": "Shiva",
  151. "side": "darks",
  152. "help": "You are Shiva! This allows you to distract a player every night. You have a high chance of evading a nightkill.",
  153. "actions": { "night": {"distract": {"target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Self", "broadcast": "team", "priority": 2} }, "kill": { "mode": { "evadeChance": 0.8 } },
  154. "startup": "team-reveal" }
  155. }, {
  156. "role": "adamant",
  157. "translation": "Adamantoise",
  158. "side": "fiends",
  159. "help": "You are extremely resilient to damage! You can't be killed at night, poisoned, or daykilled. However, this means you don't get a vote.",
  160. "actions": {"vote": 0, "kill": {"mode": "ignore"}, "poison": {"mode": "ignore" }, "daykill": {"mode": "ignore"},
  161. "startup": "team-reveal" }
  162. }, {
  163. "role": "goon",
  164. "translation": "Goon",
  165. "side": "fiends",
  166. "help": "As the goon, you can't do much, but you can utilise your -10000 vote to save a teamate (all your teammates have 0 votes).",
  167. "actions": { "vote": -10000, "kill": {"mode": "killattacker"},
  168. "startup": "team-reveal" }
  169. }, {
  170. "role": "omega",
  171. "translation": "Omega Weapon",
  172. "side": "fiends",
  173. "help": "As the Fiends' Omega Weapon, you share a kill with Fire Flan and can /expose a person once per day! (This will not reveal you).",
  174. "actions": { "night": { "kill": {"target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Team", "broadcast": "team", "priority": 15 } }, "standby": {"expose": {"target": "AnyButSelf","msg": "You can type /expose [name] to reveal someone's role!","exposemsg": "The Omega Weapon exposed ~Target~ as ~Role~"} }, "vote": 0,
  175. "startup": "team-reveal" }
  176. }, {
  177. "role": "fire",
  178. "translation": "Fire Flan",
  179. "side": "fiends",
  180. "help": "The Fire Flan... sided with the Fiends, you can kill once per night (shared with the Omega Weapon) and Protect once per night (Note that Adamantoise avoids all kills and poison - Your best target would be the Omega Weapon or the Goon).",
  181. "actions": { "night": { "protect": {"target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 5}, "kill": {"target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Team", "broadcast": "team", "priority": 15 } }, "vote": 0,
  182. "startup": "team-reveal"}
  183. }, {
  184. "role": "yu",
  185. "translation": "Yu Yevon",
  186. "side": "yu yevon",
  187. "help": "Team up with Yunalesca to defeat the Heroes! You get one kill and poison per night, evade distractors and have a small chance to evade a nightkill!",
  188. "actions": { "night": { "kill": {"target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Self", "broadcast": "team", "priority": 12 }, "poison": {"target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Self", "broadcast": "team", "priority": 18} }, "distract": {"mode": "ignore"}, "kill": {"mode": {"evadeChance": 0.1} },
  189. "startup": "team-reveal"}
  190. }, {
  191. "role": "yunalesca",
  192. "translation": "Yunalesca",
  193. "side": "yu yevon",
  194. "help": "As Yunalesca you can distract 2 players per night, and have a vote of 2. You are sided with Yu Yevon.",
  195. "actions": { "night": { "distract": {"target": "AnyButTeam", "common": "Self", "broadcast": "team", "priority": 2, "limit": 2 } }, "vote": 2,
  196. "startup": "team-reveal"}
  197. }, {
  198. "role": "sin",
  199. "translation": "Sin",
  200. "side": "sin",
  201. "help": "The Sin... the villain of the piece. This grants you extreme killing power, but you work alone. Kill once per night (you kill distractors) and once during the standby, you avoid nightkills, and you have a vote of 3.",
  202. "actions": { "night": { "kill": {"target": "AnyButSelf", "common": "Self", "priority": 10 } }, "standby": { "kill" : {"target": "AnyButSelf", "msg": "You can kill now using /kill [name] :", "killmsg": "Sin came from the clouds and obliterated ~Target~!"} }, "kill": { "mode": "ignore"}, "distract": {"mode": "ChangeTarget", "hookermessage": "You came to the Sin... he saw you and vanished you on the spot...", "msg": "The ~Distracter~ came to you last night! You concentrated your rage and expelled them from Spira!" }, "vote": 3, "avoidhax": ["kill"]}
  203. }],
  205. "roles1": ["fish", "yuna", "kimari", "seymour", "mindy", "fish", "cindy", "lulu", "jyscal", "lenne", "auron", "yojimbo"],
  206. "roles2": ["fish", "fish", "fish", "kimari", "yuna", "cindy", "mindy", "sandy", "auron", "spy", "jyscal", "yojimbo", "tidus", "lenne", "seymour", "lulu", "anima", "omega", "fish", "goon", "vigi", "fire", "fish", "brascht", "fish"],
  207. "roles3": ["fish", "fish", "fish", "fish", "fish", "sin", "goon", "adamant", "omega", "seymour", "tidus", "lulu", "yuna", "kimari", "auron", "jyscal", "lenne", "vigi", "spy", "anima", "shuyin", "shiva", "cindy", "mindy", "sandy", "yojimbo", "brascht", "yu", "fish", "yunalesca", "fire", "fish", "fish", "fish", "fish"],
  208. "villageCantLoseRoles": ["vigi", "auron", "tidus", "shuyin"]
  209. }
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