
Blast Rush 2

Dec 10th, 2019
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  1. [15:59] He gives a quick look around, "I guess he's still looking for lumber I guess." That was some quality ambition that man had, willing to cut trees with the best of them. It was obvious though, given how he'd had a house to buy. That this was someone who would but his all into such a thing.
  3. Jasper looks over and asks his question, and in return Cristovan nudges his head to Solon and---well, Duran isn't here. Neither is Ceres. "They're here to practice, I'm here to study."
  4. (Cristóvan)
  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. [15:59] Jogs eyes were spinning and his body ached from the sheer gravitational force it was put under.
  9. He managed to escape the battle unscathed thanks to his opponent holding back but ultimateley he had lost the match that much was pretty clear.
  11. "Y-you really think so?!" He would ask, excited hearing that from his mentor despite losing pretty badly, atleast she got a good observation of him. He smiles whilst lugging himself out of the arena.
  12. (Jog Ran)
  13. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. [15:59] Angelica Maltine says, "I do yes, but let's move so they can continue."
  16. [15:59] Kieran asks, "...anyone taking this one?"
  17. [15:59] Cristóvan says, "All yours, if you want."
  18. [15:59] Angelica Maltine says, "Feel free Kieran."
  19. [15:59] Kieran exclaims, "Great!"
  20. [16:00] Solon Tofusin says, "Kieran, if you win I'll spar ya. Since you wanted to."
  21. [16:00] Yami walked around with Kieran for some time and then he decides he didn't want to be here. The boy walks over to the exit and waves.
  23. "Alright, farewell."
  25. He was going to his dojo to see how things were. How everyone was doing. He felt as if he weren't going to get any better if he just walked around and did nothing.
  27. It was time to do some damage control. The boy could feel a weight being placed on his shoulders holding him down, he didn't want to continue on like this. He'd probably meditate, it was the best thing he could do. There was nothing else he'd be able to manage without clearing his mind first.
  29. "Good luck."
  31. A word to his friend before he departs.
  32. (Yami Kurokaiyo)
  33. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. [16:02] Solon Tofusin asks, "So whats up with the new clothes Angelica? You a priestess or a knight now?"
  36. [16:03] Angelica Maltine says, "Ah, not a priestess officially. I'm just a member of the Faith."
  37. [16:03] Solon Tofusin says, "Ah I see. Well best of luck with that."
  38. [16:04] Angelica Maltine says, "Mhm, thank you very much."
  39. [16:06] Kieran says, "Phew... that was tough."
  40. [16:06] Kieran says, "I never fought against ice magic before."
  41. [16:06] Solon Tofusin exclaims, "Nice, Kieran!"
  42. [16:09] Vitus waves to everyone. "How's it going?"
  43. (Vitus Endore)
  44. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  46. [16:10] Solon Tofusin asks, "I could be better, you?"
  47. [16:10] Angelica Maltine says, "Hello, I'm doing well."
  48. [16:11] Kieran says, "Yeah."
  49. [16:11] Duran Novak says, "'Ey. Like Solon said."
  50. [16:11] Kieran exclaims, "I wanna see what Solon can do with his new magic now!"
  51. [16:11] Solon Tofusin says, "Alright, sure... My bad if I somehow get out of hand. I'm in a bit of a bad mood right now."
  52. [16:11] Khaine sits back down to oberve the other fights.
  53. (Khaine Vanador)
  54. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  56. [16:11] Kieran says, "Ah... it's no problem. I'll just have to do my best to defend myself in that case."
  57. [16:13] After warming up against an Ice user, it was time to see what Solon could do-- the man who had learned a new type of magic since their last bout.
  59. Previously, the two fought on close to even footing, would explosion magic be enough to push the Tofusin over the edge? That was what remained to be seen and Kieran couldn't wait!
  61. Clad in cosmic energies, the dual-colored hair youth would propel himself towards his opponent, starting off their battle!
  62. (Kieran)
  63. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  65. [16:16] He would shakenly walk out into the arena. Taking a deep breath in and exhaling. Heated air would exit his throat. His facial expression is that of a man who had just watched his whole family die before them.
  67. He would longingly draw his greatsword from his back. Hoping that he won't hurt Kieran to bad. Crouching into a strange alteration of Ifrit, he would ready himself for combat. Bursting into flames.
  69. The flames that encase his body are brighter than usual. Perhaps hotter? A small grin with cross his face.
  70. (Solon Tofusin )
  71. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  73. [16:18] Angelica Maltine asks, "Hey, Sophie. How is your family doing?"
  74. [16:20] Angelica Maltine asks, "I'm so very pleased to hear that. Is Francois taking it well?"
  75. [16:21] The flames are indeed hotter. The look on his face started to change into a sinister look. He seemed to be a lot more hostile that normal. Though he isn't aiming to kill or injury even, it seems like he isn't holding back.
  77. He would crouch lower making it look like he will rush Kieran. Its apparent, with large flames behind him as if he were to attempt to use them to launch himself forward.
  78. (Solon Tofusin )
  79. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  81. [16:22] Immediately as things kicked off, Kieran wasn't just able to see the difference in Solon, but feel it as well. This type of progression, it was exactly the same which the teen had sought after for himself.
  83. If he could find it in himself to improve as much as the Tofusin did, then he'd be in a pretty good place-- likely strong enough to finally achieve his goals.
  85. "This is just as fun as I expected it to be... but don't think it's over yet!" He'd chirp before once more charging in.
  86. (Kieran)
  87. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  89. [16:22] Angelica arches her eyebrows for a moment taking note of the hesitation. "I-I see. Im very sorry for the loss you all suffered. You have my condolences. If there's anything I can do for your family, when I'm available, please don't hesitate to request of me." She offers a brief bow and aims to return back above.
  90. (Angelica Maltine)
  91. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  93. [16:29] The rush that he did was a easy tell. His movements were rushed, as if he wanted to end the fight as soon as possible. The second part of that fight he used the flames to explode and launch himself forward. Small explosions would follow him. Albeit not stronger enough to hurt anything yet, but it seems like soon it may.
  95. He would stay on the offensive as much as possible. Though when Kieran would fall back he would let him. Simply using explosions to attack from a range. After many clashes with him the fight was ended with a rushed blade.
  97. The look on his face would go back to what it was before. After he would calm himself down...
  99. "Good Spar, I hope I didn't... Do much damage." He would give a sly smile.
  100. (Solon Tofusin )
  101. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  103. [16:30] Khaine Vanador says, "Oh hello Ceres."
  104. [16:32] An intense battle, the sort that Kieran felt he could grow from-- despite the cosmic magi's best efforts he had been trounced, though rather than seem disappointed Kieran would be boasting a smile.
  106. "Very good spar, I had a lot of fun! Those explosions are pretty strong-- I need to work on timing when to block them!"
  108. That, and many other things.
  110. "Don't worry about hurting me too much, I want nothing but your best from you and I'll return it with my best too.
  112. Let's go again, if you don't mind!"
  113. (Kieran)
  114. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  116. [16:33] Solon Tofusin says, "Yea... Thats fine."
  117. [16:34] Solon Tofusin says, "After this one though I would like to allow others to use it."
  118. [16:34] Kieran says, "Fair enough."
  119. [16:34] Ceres Dracoff says, "Hi, Ser Khaine~"
  120. [16:35] He was already ready to fight. His flames still was the brightness before. Shining a bright as the sun. His emotions were talking over. Though this time he better control over it. He would crouch again ready to rush him.
  122. Larger flames than before behind him ready to explode.
  123. (Solon Tofusin )
  124. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  126. [16:40] Sophie cos Duran says, "Right. Thanks you again, Angelica."
  127. [16:43] She waves at Duran, "Not at the moment sadly, I've come here to watch for now~" she says, before turning back to watching the fight between Solon and another.
  128. (Ceres Dracoff)
  129. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  131. [16:44] A scowl at the name, but he'd received it well enough. It was good, and they were still matched evenly. This was good news, "A bit rough for a newer sight like myself but, you know. I enjoyed it."
  133. He didn't even have a sword to claim! Alas, with Duran in a good mood he doesn't feel too down about the past and instead looks to the fight that had now ended. "I really hope you don't get used to that name though. I'm just wanting that to stay in the past as well!"
  135. He throws a look over his shoulder at the noise and spots a duo of Duran. Rather than bother them though he turns back to his own side. "I should get a training blade."
  136. (Cristóvan)
  137. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  139. [16:46] The fight went about the same as before though this time Solon was calm. Which may have lead to his down fall later. He started to slip up and allowed Kieran a lot of leeway to control the battle.
  141. A bit later on he gained control over the battle. Though it was still quite even, trading blows back and forth. The rush he did at the beginning may not have worked as good as it could be; Though it has gotten a lot better than when he first started to use it.
  143. He ended the battle with a shift rush of blows. Falling back to land a explosion to close the fight. With Kieran now defeated.
  145. "Good Spar again. You did a lot better this time."
  146. (Solon Tofusin )
  147. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  149. [16:48] Once more, the two battled-- a clash of blades alongside cosmic energy and heated flames. Though just as before, Kieran found himself grabbing the short end of the stick often times in their clashes.
  151. Despite coming a tad closer, he found himself tasting defeat yet again, though every minute of their battle was entertaining. Fun.
  153. "Yeah, that was great, thanks for sparring!"
  154. (Kieran)
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