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Oct 25th, 2012
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  1. I introduce myself, G.P, 28 years old, member of the anonymous network because i think that this idea and this collective who has got value. Indeed, since a few weeks, i decided to whitedraw myself from a few networks, associations and all that is not linked with all that.
  2. I mainly right a testimony of what appened to me a few weeks ago in Paris. Indeed since i’ve exited my custody of the deposit that will have been for 48 hours then realeased under juridical control until the day of my trial, wich will take place the Monday 19 of november 2012 beggining at 9 A.M. in front of the 29 correctional chamber of the great authority court of Paris for the facts of « rebellion in relapse. On papers about my juridical test, it is written that i’ve not been allowed to come in Paris since this exited of the october 2 until the day of my trial.
  3. Indeed , after the differents protestings against the Austerity launched in some of the European Union’ state, the « Front de gauche » with other political parties but with « les indignés » too decided to organize too a protest against the Austerity supported by the gouvernement of François Hollande the Sunday 30 of september 2012 from 2 P.M. starting at Nation going to Place D’Italie. I so decided to go me too, but wearing an Anonymous mask (Guy Fawkes Mask serait je pense plus approprié). When i arrived at Nation, everything went OK even if at the beggining of this one, some policemans tried to approach us but in vain. I go to the end of this protest wich ends, i remind, at the « place d’Italie ». At the end of this one, i notice that we are a few of us wearing this mask, wich is very appreciable. Then i begin to rejoin the movement of « les indignés » what was united on the street since 16h30, hou rat wich this movement had fixed an appointement. At 18h30, the protest organized by the « front de gauche » ends, policemans (gendarmes) begin to come to ask to the « indignés » to stop theyr general assembly by expaining them that the legal time for the protest is now over and that we have to let the taffic be. This is at this point that i decide to put again my mask and to apply the priciple of the « civil disobedience” by leaving me fall and lay on the road, wich represent to me a non-violent direct action.
  4. Gendarmes seeing me layed on the road, they decide to take every member of my body and to put me on the other side sidewalk. The “Indignés” are too pushed on the other side sidewalk by joining me but they are surrounded by gendarmes. The I realize that we are surronded and showing my dissagriment with gendarmes, I begin to do a second action once more masked and on the road. The gendarmes take me a second time and put me again on the sidewalk. Then, while the “indignés” are pushed-back by gendarmes, and that they decided to obey the gendarmes’ indications, I decide to stay, mainly because a young woman begins to get beat up by gendarmes and no one helps. While they continue to hit her, and she’s crying, I decide to try to oppose myself, always in a non-violent action, between gendarmes and the young woman. Then, she is set free, and decide to join me, and, seeing her, I keep wanting to apply the principle of “civil disobedience” and I set on the road with her, and, keeping my mask, raising may hands up. Gendarmes take off my mask a first time, that I put again, then twice, I put it back and a third time where my mask is ripped off and take away by gendarmes. Then, seeing that I’m still present and always non-violent, this is at this point that they arrest me, then place me in custody. Here, while they are putting me down like a dangerous criminal, they handcuff me, but I was trying to do everything so screaming in the aim to alert population by trying to explain that there is people getting arrested, gendarmes put my jacket on my head to shut me down. We are indeed two of us in custody for rebellion motivations. We are placed in a policetruck and from here we drive to the police station just next to the Austerlitz train station. We are placed in custody for rebellion. The Police Officer interwiew us one by one with the prescence of a lawyer. The second who got arrested is a young men who had joined “les indignés” and got arrested for the motives of “rebellion with violence”, because he had supposedly hit one of the gendarmes during his arrest. During my audition with the O.P.J. and with my lawyer, this one asked me if I was engaged in any political movement, question that I answered by “no”. Then, thinking that we will be set free the very next day, so at least the Monday 1 of october 2012, the O.P.J. explain us, at 17H30 that the parquet asked to hear us again, wich means that we were heard two times and that I just repeated myself. Then, in the night between the Monday 1 of october and Tuesday 2 of october, we were brought to the deposit, wich significated to me that if we’ll sleep on the deposit, we will appear in immediately appearance the very next day. The O.P.J well precised me during the audition that, having a few troubles with the French justice and already had fines, this will make things hader. The Tuesday morning, we are informed that the prosecutor decided to do not make us appear but he asked in change to have us under juridical control until the day of the trial, trial that will take place the Monday 19 of november 2012 begginig at 9 A.M. in front of the 29 correctional chamber of the high authority court of Paris.
  5. Having police record for refusing to give my D.N.A. a few years ago during a protest and having reprieve for a simillary case in Paris where I’ve already been juged a first time for doing a “civil disobedience” action and for that I had to pay a fine of ten euros to a policeman for 30 days and I decided not to pay, I risk, I’ve been told, a maximum sentence of one year of jail and I risk to be took as an example, wich I do not hope at all.
  6. For more informations, you can contact me on my phone at : 06 66 88 79 80 and by mail
  8. There is a facebook event too :
  10. G.P.
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