
WarpedRealm release 1.11

Aug 27th, 2022
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  1. Release 1.11 Changes:
  2. - Daily quests increased from 2 to 5
  3. - Weekly quests increased from 2 to 4
  4. - Slightly nerfed Gaia attack damage
  5. - Patched a gaia bug that would deal like 4-5 times more damage than intended
  6. - Patched unstable spectral wraith bug that would do the exact same thing
  7. - Slighty increased chestsort cooldown
  8. - Mine diamond quest now increased from 10 to 15 diamonds, gives 1.5k$ and only accepts the deepslate variant
  9. - Buffed MythicalHunter job (Doubled XP and Money gain)
  10. - Disabled an ingame notification lunar users would get
  11. - Fixed some deathmessages showing up more often than others
  12. - Fixed some crate percentages that didnt make sense
  13. - Nerfed Gaia Explosion
  14. - Gaia now glows, easier to see him through walls etc.
  15. - Gaia now also walks about 25% slower than before
  16. - Fixed skilllbar showing up when having an item without skills but with gemslots
  17. - Added new item "Barbarian Sword" craftable in the forge
  18. - Added new Material "Hardened Steel" craftable in the altar
  19. - Added gemstone system and, for now, one craftable gemstone ("Gem of life") inside the forge
  20. - All spectral wraiths can now drop chorus fruit
  21. - Fixed materials having an empty line too much
  22. - Added gem slots to the barbarian chestplate and the Bountyhunter's Torso
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