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a guest
Oct 19th, 2019
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  1. command /mreset [<text>] [<number>] [<number>] [<number>]:
  2. trigger:
  3. if arg 1 is not set:
  4. send "&7Usa /mreset <región> <Porcentaje mineral> <Porcentaje carbón> <Porcentaje hierro>" to player
  5. send "&7Si deseas restablecer con los porcentajes defaults usa /mreset <región>" to player
  6. stop
  7. if arg 1 is set:
  8. loop directory "plugins\worldedit\schematics\"'s files:
  9. if loop-value contains arg-1:
  10. make player execute command "//schem load %arg 1%"
  11. wait 100 tick
  12. make player execute command "//paste -o"
  13. wait 12000 ticks #12000
  14. make player execute command "/rg create regreset"
  15. wait 10 ticks
  16. loop all blocks in the schematic "2":
  17. if loop-block is stone:
  18. if block 1 meter below, above, east, west, north or south loop-block is air:
  19. if arg-2, arg-3 and arg-4 are set:
  20. if chance of arg-2:
  21. set loop-block to lapis lazuli
  22. if chance of arg-3:
  23. set loop-block to coal ore
  24. if chance of arg-4:
  25. set loop-block to iron ore
  26. if arg-2 is not set:
  27. if chance of {minas::m}:
  28. set loop-block to lapis lazuli
  29. if arg-3 is not set:
  30. if chance of {minas::c}:
  31. set loop-block to coal ore
  32. if arg-4 is not set:
  33. if chance of {minas::i}:
  34. set loop-block to iron ore
  35. wait 3600 ticks #3600
  36. make player execute command "/rg delete regreset"
  37. wait 10 ticks
  38. send "&a&lRegión %arg 1% reseteada." to player
  39. if loop-value does not contain arg-1:
  40. send "&4%arg 1% no es una región." to player
  41. stop
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