
hey anon!

Jan 29th, 2020
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  1. >Hillary Clinton is awarded all delegates and wins two terms, despite not officially running
  2. >wake up to go to mandatory reparations classes
  3. >brush your teeth with synthetic bug paste that doubles as sustenance
  4. >get on your basedboy numale scooter and drive it to work becuz muh environment
  5. >you only slept 2 hours, because it's a 6 hour ride
  6. >you do this every day
  7. >get shot at by niggers on the way to work
  8. >a bullet hits you
  9. >luckily you are saved as the sound of an ied and a phrase shouted in Arabic is heard loudly
  10. >bleeding a lot
  11. >luckily you have free healthcare
  12. >free healthcare/police drone flies up
  13. >sticks a band aid on the wound
  14. >flies away
  15. >god bless murica
  16. >finally arrive at work
  17. >black boss yells at you for using your white privilege as an excuse to get shot by blacks and blames you for being racist
  18. >you must agree with her or you will he fired and possibly sent to a diversity camp
  19. >it's finally lunch
  20. >grasshopper protein time
  21. >you go to the fridge
  22. >the black coworker stole your alotted insect rations again
  23. >you deserve it anyway for racism
  24. >you approach a table with some others eating
  25. >"hey anon, a bunch of us are watching the newest state mandated anti-racism black adult underaged white schoolgirl bdsm anal gangbang tonight, don't forget to bring your cuck cage and your shock collar"
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