

May 30th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. After Portugal had an influx of upwards of 35 million refugees come in from a warring Spain, the government was overthrown by the Holy Regime, commonly known as the "Holy Portuguese Empire"
  3. The first thing they did was invade spain, using chemical and biological weapons. In the zones of control portugal had, they used wmds so much it caused Spains population to go to practically zero.
  4. Meanwhile, a ridiculously large flood killed 75 milllion people in the congo, causing it to go to the German Ordenstaat for help.
  5. Chemical Weaponry was used by Ethiopia in a war with Kongo, causing many areas to be unusable for anything.
  6. The Portuguese empire is beginning to show a sign of decline, with the recent Brazillian Revolt using up a large portion of resources. In Arabia, an empire would rise, brutally subduing populations.
  7. In Indochina, the brutal cambodian regime reduces its population from 152 million to only 12 million, as a part of Pol Pots plan for "Year Zero"
  8. Life expectancy went from 84 to 12, and an attempted Chinese invasion resulted in the nuking of Tokyo, Beijing and Shanghai with plague bombs. Luckily the plague had a cure by then, so it didnt do too much damage.
  9. In Columbia, military took over. In Russia, collapse happened when Germany invaded. In Italy, the second rise of the roman empire is beginning.
  11. In Peru, The Incas Rose Again. The Incas rose through a variety of means, one of them being terrorism.
  13. Armenia began to conquer the Turkic Nations, besides Turkey. They became very powerful due to Incredible Stability and Trust in Democracy. Armenia has some of the best freedoms on earth, and immigration is decently high. Armenians only make up 54% of the population, but they are working on a plan to Armenianize them.
  15. The Holy Russian Empire is beginning to show its rise, and is committing unspeakable horrors in its territory. Estimates predict that genocide kills about 19500 people per week, and nations around the world have condemned it. They are modeled after the Holy Portuguese Empire.
  17. China is beginning to weaken severely, and not much can stop it. The Khmer Rouge is funding chinese rebels, specifically the "Chinese Peoples Republic"
  19. In Islamia, Rebels are weakening the Sharia state. Armenia and India are funding the Iraqi Resistance Army, while the Spanish Death Worshippers, Finnish death worshippers and Japanese empire are funding the anarchist Tajik Army.
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