
NMS 1.38 Guild Mission dump(Kill x)

Nov 20th, 2017
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  1. --Type: NPC_MISSION_CRE_HUNT_--
  3. #1 {The Taste of Mordite}
  4. The client has a highly sophisticated palate, and hungers for the glide of mordite across their tongue. They seek a discreet hunter to prepare the feast. Leave the bodies where they fall, and the client will take care of the rest.
  7. #2 {Impeding the Competition}
  8. The client is in the zoological business. However, the ability of customers to simply wander into nature and view creatures without having to purchase a ticket is limiting their profits. Eliminate this surplus wildlife.
  11. #3 {Thin the Herd}
  12. The client is concerned that creature overpopulation is harming local plant life. Delicate leaves and juicy, succulent stems are being wantonly trampled. They will reward any enterprising hunters who help thin the herd.
  15. #4 {The Cleanse of Death}
  16. The client is worried that the free movement of creatures represents a serious microbial hazard. Rounding up large numbers of animals and washing them individually is highly impractical, so they seek hunters to eliminate both host and germ.
  19. #5 {Vengeance}
  20. The client is tired of being humiliated by local wildlife. Every time they set foot upon a world, they can feel the mocking compound-eye stares burning into them, the passive-aggressive hoof stomping ringing in their ears. Teach these creatures a lesson.
  23. --Type: NPC_MISSION_PRED_HUNT_--
  25. #1 {Coward's Way Out}
  26. The client is keen to spend time exploring local planets. However, they are worried about the presence of hostile wildlife. The observation of nature at work and play is easier to go about when nature is entirely vegetarian. Eliminate predatory creatures so that the client can move around safely.
  29. #2 {Sanctity of Nature}
  30. The client is concerned about the recent trend of aggressive DNA collection and manipulation by companies keen to breed superpredators. Lobbying for greater regulation has proved futile, and so the client is preparing to take direct action. They will reward any explorer who exterminates predatory lifeforms, preventing research companies from acquiring the predator for themselves.
  33. #3 {Protect the Vulnerable}
  34. The client has recently spent time among the gentle herds of diplos. They have seen their plight first-hand, how these peaceful giants are hassled and harried by vicious predators. They can stand it no longer, and will reward any explorer who helps free the herbivorous from carnivorous tyranny.
  37. #4 {Survival of the Fittest}
  38. The client seeks to engineer the next generation of superpredator. They will do so not by genetic manipulation, hemmed in by the limited imagination of the biologist. Instead, they will accelerate the evolutionary process and let nature refine its raw beasts into unrelenting carnivorous terror. To do so, they seek explorers to hunt and destroy predatory lifeforms. Each culled creature is a weakness removed from the genepool.
  41. #5 {Trying to Please}
  42. The client wishes to exploit the resources of local planets. However, Sentinel drones make such activity highly dangerous. They have observed that the drones do not harm those who kill carnivorous creatures. Therefore, they seek to curry favour with the Sentinels through the extermination of predatory creatures. With enough creatures destroyed, they reason they may offset the drone's wrath and gain the freedom to harvest minerals and flora.
  45. --Type: NPC_MISSION_SENTI_--
  47. #1 {Protect the Miners}
  48. The client is engaged in large-scale mining operations, and planetary Sentinel forces have responded in a hostile fashion. The maintenance and laser-damage repair costs are becoming substantial. The client wishes the Sentinels thinned and their profit margins restored.
  51. #2 {Distracting the Guards}
  52. The client is finding it difficult to pursue their chosen line of business while under constant surveillance by Sentinel forces. They seek a window of opportunity while the Sentinel force is occupied elsewhere.
  55. #3 {A Return Blow}
  56. The client has close friends who, through some unspecified indiscretion, attracted the attention of the Sentinel force. This interaction proved deadly, and the client is seeking vengeance.
  59. #4 {Eyes of the Sentinels}
  60. The client has innocently stumbled upon a large number of animal carcasses, a bounty of harvestable resources. However, Sentinel forces are making it inconvenient to collect this windfall. Ensure nothing is wasted by distracting Sentinels and allowing the client to make their collection.
  63. #5 {Watching the Watchers}
  64. The client has discovered disturbing information. They believe the Sentinel force, far from being neutral, is acting to further the agenda of a shadowy Gek cabal. Regardless of the merit of this belief, the client is willing to reward any who help fight this 'conspiracy'.
  67. #6 {Curious Tastes}
  68. The client is on a search to improve themselves, to expand their mind and free themselves from the physical limitations of their fragile body. To this end, they are attempting to survive on a diet of pure pugneum. Unfortunately, until they have benefited from the this consumption, they are unable to destroy the Sentinel drones required to acquire it. They seek brave explorers to engage and destroy Sentinels, so that they might come along after and eat their fill.
  71. #7 {An Acquired Taste}
  72. The client seeks a large amount of zinc for a research project. Growing and then harvesting all the plants required would take a prohibitively long time, so they seek an enterprising explorer to help them cut a few corners. Hunt and destroy Sentinels, and let their corpse leach zinc into the earth. The client will arrive for separate collection of the metal.
  75. #8 {Sweet Release}
  76. The client believes that the anger of the Sentinels derives from a deep-seated pain. They propose that the drones suffer in eternal mechanical torment, their souls burning inside their metal shells. They believe it is their duty to free these beings from their suffering.
  79. #9 {Luring them Out}
  80. The client wishes to engage in a study of the Sentinels. They wish to find out where the Sentinels come from, and how fresh Sentinels are manufactured. Are they built like conventional machines, or summoned from some strange unknown? They require a willing explorer to kill planetary drones to begin the generation of fresh Sentinel forces.
  83. #10 {Want Not, Waste Not}
  84. The client, along with many others, has suffered at the hands of overzealous Sentinel patrols. They wish to take this perpetual source of stress and misery and transform it into something pleasant. To that end, they have commissioned explorers to hunt and destroy Sentinel drones. They shall melt down the fallen scraps of metal and recast them in a large arboreal sculpture, a source of beauty and refuge for all.
  89. #1 {Mapping their Movements}
  90. The client seeks to better understand the Sentinels. They feel they have enough data on the behaviour of planetary drones, but comparatively little on the more rare quad and walker examples. The seek explorers to draw out and engage such higher Sentinels in order that they might be observed in battle.
  93. #2 {Harvest The Brains}
  94. The client is engaged in advanced artificial intelligence research. They seek to further their studies through the acquisition of mechanical and fabricated brains from across the galaxy. They have a wide collection already, but the jewel in the crown would be the processing unit from an advanced Sentinel. They seek an explorer to make the kill so that their team can safely perform the extraction.
  97. #3 {Spare Parts}
  98. The client requires spare parts for a personal project. Long ago, they overwrote the brain of a damaged Sentinel quadruped with a simple AI of their own creation. This salvaged machine has proved to be a loyal companion. However, various bearings and hydraulic systems are beginning to wear out. They require an explorer to disable or destroy an advanced Sentinel, so that they might harvest it for spares parts and restore their pet to full working order.
  101. #4 {Wrath of the Sentinels}
  102. The client suffered a great humiliation at the hands of the Sentinels. Their thirst for vengeance has not been slaked by the destruction of Sentinels with their own hands. Nor has the widespread elimination of drones soothed their rage. In what is probably a futile escalation, they are paying explorers to destroy every advanced Sentinel they can.
  105. #5 {Send Them Running}
  106. The client wishes to perform an aggressive experiment. They wish to discover effective ways of discouraging Sentinel drone aggression. Their latest theory is that destroying the more advanced Sentinel creations will leave the drones leaderless and confused, scattering them and bringing respite to planetary explorers. All they require to test this theory is a bold technician to perform the combat portion of their experiment.
  109. #6 {Poking the Beast}
  110. The client wishes to probe the systems that drive the Sentinels. Current knowledge is limited to the observation that Sentinels are provoked by the harvesting of resources. They wish to study other behavioural patterns. How do they communicate? Do they have a natural hierarchy? Are they aware of their wounds? How do they feel about their targets? The client feels the best way to answer these questions is to have a suitably equipped explorer engaged an advanced Sentinel while they observe from a safe distance.
  113. #7 {The Heist}
  114. The client, like many others, has observed the value of gravitino orbs. Unlike many others, however, they have little desire to be attacked and pursued by Sentinels. Instead, for a share of the profits, they seek an enterprising explorer to attack and kill advanced Sentinel forces. While the drones are distracted, they will quickly collect their orbs and flee before the Sentinels return.
  117. #8 {A Sentinel of One's Own}
  118. The client has worked hard to grow a substantial nursery garden, full of rare and valuable plants. However, this has attracted thieves and other plant plunderers. The client seeks to construct their own private Sentinel force to monitor their trees. The have a large number of parts from downed drones, but to complete their patrol group they need pieces from a Sentinel quad or walker. They seek an explorer to perform the necessary combat manoeuvres.
  121. #9 {The Nullifier}
  122. The client is testing a potential solution to the Sentinel harassment problem. They have developed a device that broadcasts high-frequency sounds at a wavelength that interferes with whatever intelligence drives the Sentinels. At least, that is the theory. The client seeks an explorer to engage an advanced Sentinel in battle, so that the device can be tested properly. The explorer should be prepared to fight if the device fails to function correctly.
  125. #10 {Testing their Defences}
  126. The client has developed a networking device that operates at the same wavelength as the Sentinel communicator systems. They intend to use this to probe for exploits in whatever system directs and controls the drones. They seek an explorer to engage an advanced Sentinel in battle, in order that they might test their device.
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