

Dec 16th, 2018
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  1. .386
  2. .model flat
  3. .code
  5. ; Algoritmo in pseudocodice
  6. ; int salvaparolaspiazzamento (char *s, char *d, unsigned char* parola1)
  7. ; *** USED subroutines (at the end of this file): SEARCH, STRLEN, STRCPY ***
  8. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. ; src = s
  10. ; dst = d
  11. ;
  12. ; riempire d con blank;
  13. ; len = strlen(parola1);
  14. ; if(len < 4) return(-2); // parola1's length is less than 4 characters
  15. ; while(1){
  16. ; pos = search(src,parola1);
  17. ; if(pos == -1){
  18. ; if(src==s) return(-1); // parola1 doesn't occur in s
  19. ; else return(0); // parola1 occurs one or more times in s
  20. ; }
  21. ; else{
  22. ; src += len + pos;
  23. ; dst += pos;
  24. ; strcpy(parola1, dst)
  25. ; dst += len;
  26. ; }
  27. ; }
  28. ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. ;int salvaparolaspiazzamento (char *s, char *d, unsigned char* parola1)
  31. _salvaparolaspiazzamento proc
  32. push ebp
  33. mov ebp,esp
  34. ; save regs
  35. push ebx ;
  36. push ecx ;
  37. push edi ;
  38. push esi ;
  39. ;
  40. mov esi, dword ptr[ebp+8] ; src = s
  41. mov edi, dword ptr[ebp+12] ; dst = d
  42. ;
  43. ; fill d string with spaces:
  44. mov ebx,esi ; eax = strlen(ebx=d)
  45. call strlen ;
  46. ; build string d
  47. mov byte ptr[edi+eax],0 ; add NULL at the end of the d string, termination
  48. dec eax ;
  49. blfill: ;
  50. mov byte ptr[edi+eax],' ' ; fill with blank
  51. dec eax ;
  52. jge blfill ;
  53. ; if(strlen(parola1) < 4) return(-2)
  54. mov ebx, dword ptr[ebp+16] ; *parola1
  55. call strlen ;
  56. mov ecx,eax ; save strlen in to ecx
  57. cmp eax,4 ;
  58. jge cerca ;
  59. mov eax,-2 ;
  60. jmp fine ;
  61. ;
  62. cerca: ; while(1){
  63. call search ; pos (stored in to eax) = search(src,parola1);
  64. cmp eax, -1 ; if(pos == -1){
  65. jne trovata ;
  66. cmp esi,dword ptr[ebp+8] ; if(src==s) return(-1);
  67. je fine ;
  68. mov eax,0 ; else return(0);
  69. jmp fine ; }
  70. trovata: ; else{
  71. add esi,eax ; src += len + pos;
  72. add esi,ecx ;
  73. add edi,eax ; dst += len + pos;
  74. call strcpy ; strcpy(parola1, dst);
  75. add edi,ecx ; dst += len;
  76. jmp cerca ; }
  77. ; }
  78. fine:
  79. pop esi ; restore regs
  80. pop edi ;
  81. pop ecx ;
  82. pop ebx ;
  84. mov esp,ebp ;
  85. pop ebp ;
  86. ret ;
  87. _salvaparolaspiazzamento endp
  90. search proc
  91. ; *********************************
  92. ;
  93. ; search
  94. ; Search for dst string in to src string,
  95. ; returns the position of the first match.
  96. ;
  97. ; input esi, src string pointer; string to search in;
  98. ; ebx, dst string pointer; string to look for;
  99. ; output eax, position of the first occurrence of dst in src; -1 if no match is found;
  100. ;
  101. ; *********************************
  102. ; --------------------------------;
  103. ; i = 0, j = 0
  104. ; while(1){
  105. ; if (src[j] == NULL) return(-1); // No match is found
  106. ; if (dst[i] == NULL) return(j-i); // Match found, return match position of dst string in to src string
  107. ; if (src[j] == dst[i]) i++;
  108. ; else i = 0;
  109. ; j++;
  110. ; }
  111. ;
  112. ; --------------------------------
  113. push ecx ;
  114. push edx ;
  115. ;
  116. mov eax,0 ; j = 0, index of source string
  117. mov edx,0 ; i = 0, index of destination string
  118. ;
  119. ripeti: ; while(1) {
  120. mov ch, byte ptr[ebx+edx] ; if (dst[i] == NULL) return(i-j);
  121. cmp ch,0 ;
  122. jne riparti ;
  123. ;
  124. sub eax,edx ; j <-(j-i) ;
  125. pop edx ;
  126. pop ecx ;
  127. ret ;
  128. ;
  129. riparti:
  130. mov cl, byte ptr[esi+eax] ; if (src[j] == NULL) return(-1);
  131. cmp cl,0 ;
  132. jne compare ;
  133. mov eax,-1 ;return(-1) ;
  134. pop edx ;
  135. pop ecx ;
  136. ret ;
  137. ;
  138. compare:
  139. ;
  140. cmp cl,ch ; if (src[j] == dst[i]) i++;
  141. jne notrov ; else i = 0;
  142. ; j++
  143. inc edx ; i++ ;
  144. inc eax ; j++ ;
  145. jmp ripeti ; }
  146. ;
  147. notrov:
  148. inc eax ; j++ ;
  149. cmp edx,0 ;
  150. je riparti ;
  151. mov edx,0 ; i = 0 ;
  152. jmp ripeti ;
  153. ;
  154. search endp
  157. strcpy proc
  158. ; *********************************
  159. ;
  160. ; strcpy: copy src string to dst
  161. ; (Null is not copyed)
  162. ; input ebx = *src, edi = *dst
  163. ;
  164. ; *********************************
  165. push ecx ;
  166. push eax ;
  167. ;
  168. mov eax,0 ;
  169. inizio:
  170. mov cl,byte ptr[ebx+eax] ;
  171. cmp cl,0 ;
  172. je fine ;
  173. mov byte ptr[edi+eax], cl ;
  174. inc eax ;
  175. jmp inizio ;
  176. fine:
  177. pop eax ;
  178. pop ecx ;
  179. ret ;
  180. ;
  181. strcpy endp
  182. ;----------------------------------
  186. strlen proc
  187. ; *********************************
  188. ; strlen
  189. ; input ebx = string pointer
  190. ; output eax str length
  191. ; *********************************
  192. mov eax,0
  193. inizio:
  194. cmp byte ptr[ebx+eax],0
  195. je fine
  196. inc eax
  197. jmp inizio
  198. fine:
  199. ret
  200. ;
  201. strlen endp
  204. end
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