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Sep 1st, 2019
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  2. deg the champ: what does
  3. deg the champ: uh
  4. deg the champ: he's going
  5. deg the champ: golem
  6. deg the champ: or necrozma if he's smart
  7. deg the champ: but he's not a 1v1 main, so probably golem?
  8. deg the champ: since it likes 6-0
  9. deg the champ: on preview
  10. sandcastless: go diancie
  11. sandcastless: yeah
  12. +Inkreativ: so diancie?
  13. deg the champ: yea
  14. +Inkreativ: yeah
  15. sandcastless: this teams good
  16. sandcastless: at baiting retards
  17. deg the champ: does diancie beat
  18. deg the champ: devoir
  19. deg the champ: and necrozma
  20. deg the champ: any way?
  21. deg the champ: he hasn't picked yet hmmm
  22. sandcastless: i think it probably loses
  23. sandcastless: to them
  24. deg the champ: so he's thinking the golem choice
  25. deg the champ: but I really have no other play
  26. deg the champ: ig
  27. deg the champ: does mawile live
  28. deg the champ: an eq
  29. deg the champ: ok I THINK he's going necrozma
  30. deg the champ: but im gonna go diancie
  31. +Inkreativ: yeah
  32. +Inkreativ: idt mawile lives
  33. sandcastless: it lives an e
  34. sandcastless: eq*
  35. sandcastless: not a groundiumz
  36. sandcastless: eq
  37. deg the champ: he's prob rock
  38. deg the champ: tho he's going golem/necro
  39. deg the champ: mawile lose to necro
  40. deg the champ: anw
  41. deg the champ: if he uses necro I won't mega
  42. deg the champ: maybe i TANK prismatic
  43. sandcastless: im thinking diancie
  44. sandcastless: is the move
  45. sandcastless: yeah
  46. sandcastless: ez
  47. +Inkreativ: yees
  48. sandcastless: dont mega
  49. +Inkreativ: very good
  50. sandcastless: just magnet rise turn 1
  51. deg the champ: don't mega?
  52. deg the champ: im fastter?
  53. sandcastless: yeah
  54. +Inkreativ: how fast are we
  55. sandcastless: and ur fatter
  56. sandcastless: non mega
  57. sandcastless: its max speed
  58. sandcastless: diancie
  59. deg the champ: ur fat
  60. deg the champ: fuck u
  61. sandcastless: .
  62. deg the champ: ok
  63. deg the champ: magnet>blast>blast
  64. +Inkreativ: lel
  65. deg the champ: GJ
  66. deg the champ: LOL
  67. sandcastless: ok
  68. sandcastless: thats
  69. sandcastless: not good
  70. sandcastless: .,
  71. +Inkreativ: thats an oof
  72. sandcastless: is this
  73. sandcastless: bo5
  74. sandcastless: or bo7
  75. deg the champ: 7
  76. +Inkreativ: bo7
  77. sandcastless: ok
  78. +Inkreativ: nah
  79. +Inkreativ: sorry
  80. deg the champ: ok
  81. +Inkreativ: they know it
  82. deg the champ: Be kreativ xD!
  83. +Inkreativ: my bro used it agionst them
  84. +Inkreativ: ok xd
  85. sandcastless: yeah
  86. sandcastless: do that
  87. +Inkreativ:
  88. sandcastless: can use that the game after
  89. deg the champ: what to se
  90. deg the champ: use
  91. sandcastless: first 1
  92. sandcastless: i like vaope
  93. +Inkreativ: they know it
  94. +Inkreativ: but w/e
  95. +Inkreativ: idc
  96. sandcastless: second one then fuck it
  97. +Inkreativ: what a team lol
  98. deg the champ:
  99. deg the champ: idk
  100. deg the champ: maan
  101. deg the champ: lool
  102. +Inkreativ: the will go lycanroc imo
  103. sandcastless: ok go
  104. deg the champ: he's going lycanroc
  105. deg the champ: ye
  106. sandcastless: metagross
  107. sandcastless: no
  108. sandcastless: no way
  109. sandcastless: go zard
  110. sandcastless: im calling it now
  111. deg the champ: no
  112. sandcastless: zapdos
  113. deg the champ: he's going lycan
  114. deg the champ: hmm
  115. sandcastless: i think hes going zap
  116. sandcastless: personally
  117. +Inkreativ: go zard so we can blame scs
  118. deg the champ: ok
  119. +Inkreativ: scs you fuck xd
  120. sandcastless: ,m]
  121. sandcastless: feelsbd guys
  122. sandcastless: sorry
  123. sandcastless: ok so um
  124. sandcastless: oops
  125. deg the champ: rof
  126. +Inkreativ:
  127. +Inkreativ: ok they want heat
  128. +Inkreativ: here is it
  129. sandcastless: yes
  130. sandcastless: this is the way
  131. sandcastless: this is more wavy than my ep
  132. sandcastless: and thats fire
  133. deg the champ: ur bad
  134. +Inkreativ: i think ist from solar
  135. +Inkreativ: its
  136. +Inkreativ: we could also just use lancer Teams
  137. deg the champ: LOL
  138. +Inkreativ: i have his builder
  139. deg the champ:
  140. +Inkreativ: what is this weird shit
  141. User: sandcastless
  142. Format Elo GXE Glicko-1 W L Total
  143. [Gen 7] 1v1 1427 63.9% 1608 ± 27 525 403 928
  144. [Gen 7] CAP 1042 – 1500 ± 119 (provisional) 1 0 1
  145. [Gen 7] Challenge Cup 1v1 1115 – 1600 ± 112 (provisional) 0 0 0
  146. [Gen 7] NU 1000 – 1460 ± 123 (provisional) 0 0 0
  147. Reset W/L
  148. sandcastless: ok go
  149. sandcastless: marowak
  150. sandcastless: no
  151. sandcastless: dont
  152. sandcastless: dont listen to me
  153. sandcastless: dont do this
  154. sandcastless: /pick 1,3
  155. We randomly picked: 3
  156. sandcastless: ok i got 3
  157. sandcastless: i think p2
  158. sandcastless: is the way
  159. deg the champ: wait i wasn't thinking
  160. deg the champ: ok so
  161. deg the champ: he's going weavile
  162. deg the champ: but does it beat mrowak
  163. deg the champ: idk
  164. +Inkreativ: probably
  165. sandcastless: yeah
  166. sandcastless: zdark
  167. sandcastless: i think
  168. +Inkreativ: he is drakinium
  169. +Inkreativ: i think
  170. +Inkreativ: yeah
  171. deg the champ: doesit beat
  172. deg the champ: medicham
  173. sandcastless: yeah
  174. deg the champ: SO WEavile 3-0s
  175. +Inkreativ: lol
  176. sandcastless: no
  177. sandcastless: p
  178. sandcastless: 2
  179. sandcastless: beats it
  180. deg the champ: how
  181. deg the champ: knock off
  182. deg the champ: then z
  183. deg the champ: does p2 beat mienshsit
  184. sandcastless: no
  185. sandcastless: that doesn't kill
  186. deg the champ: mienshawo
  187. +Inkreativ: knock off?
  188. +Inkreativ: lol
  189. +Inkreativ: i guess i am unexperienced
  190. sandcastless: itsp
  191. sandcastless: punishmen
  192. sandcastless: not koff
  193. deg the champ: what to do
  194. deg the champ: now
  195. sandcastless: just
  196. sandcastless: p2
  197. deg the champ: ok
  198. deg the champ: what move
  199. deg the champ: toxic foul play?
  200. sandcastless: ye
  201. sandcastless: and recover
  202. deg the champ: toxic
  203. deg the champ: or
  204. deg the champ: foul play
  205. sandcastless: toxic
  206. deg the champ: ok he's not
  207. deg the champ: pp stall
  208. sandcastless: yeah
  209. sandcastless: .
  210. sandcastless: good observation deg
  211. sandcastless: recover
  212. sandcastless: now
  213. deg the champ: ok
  214. deg the champ: LOL
  215. deg the champ: ik im not
  216. deg the champ: bad
  217. deg the champ: like u
  218. deg the champ: heS GOnna FLINch me
  219. +Inkreativ: he will
  220. +Inkreativ: xd
  221. deg the champ: loool
  222. deg the champ: fp
  223. deg the champ: or recover
  224. deg the champ: spam
  225. +Inkreativ: recover
  226. deg the champ: well recover is safer
  227. +Inkreativ: he is z
  228. +Inkreativ: well
  229. +Inkreativ: xd
  230. +Inkreativ: foul Play i guess
  231. sandcastless: yes
  232. sandcastless: ez
  233. +Inkreativ: loool
  234. deg the champ: why didn't he taunt
  235. deg the champ: turn 1
  236. deg the champ: what
  237. +Inkreativ: it 3-0ed
  238. +Inkreativ: idk
  239. deg the champ: yes
  240. deg the champ: LOL
  241. +Inkreativ: dont ask me
  242. +Inkreativ: lancer Teams?
  243. sandcastless: nah
  244. sandcastless: i got one
  245. +Inkreativ: good
  246. sandcastless: 1sec
  247. sandcastless:
  248. sandcastless: this is good
  249. +Inkreativ: Looks familiar lol
  250. +Inkreativ: did you use it agianst 18?
  251. +Inkreativ: 187
  252. deg the champ:
  253. deg the champ: CAN U STOP GIVING ME
  254. deg the champ: 3-0S
  255. deg the champ: ARCHEOPS WINS
  256. deg the champ: WHY
  257. sandcastless: medicham
  258. sandcastless: bro
  259. deg the champ: fly?
  260. sandcastless: yeah but hell
  261. sandcastless: miss
  262. sandcastless: duh
  263. sandcastless: er
  264. sandcastless: fucking
  265. deg the champ: does melo live
  266. sandcastless: we just got unlucky
  267. sandcastless: oh
  268. sandcastless: yeah
  269. sandcastless: it might
  270. deg the champ: my only beat
  271. deg the champ: ig
  272. sandcastless: yeah
  273. deg the champ: is melo
  274. sandcastless: its physdef
  275. sandcastless: i think it might
  276. sandcastless: just z normal
  277. sandcastless: turn 1
  278. sandcastless: z super beam
  279. sandcastless: hyper
  280. deg the champ: h ur not
  281. deg the champ: celebrate
  282. deg the champ: gay
  283. sandcastless: ._.
  284. deg the champ: hmm
  285. deg the champ: so meloetta?
  286. +Inkreativ: ye
  287. +Inkreativ: imo
  288. deg the champ: what if he goes
  289. deg the champ: cara
  290. sandcastless: oh yeah
  291. sandcastless: no
  292. sandcastless: melo
  293. deg the champ: sandcastless what do u say
  294. deg the champ: so I go opposite
  295. sandcastless: .
  296. sandcastless: go medi
  297. sandcastless: pqs is ghosting us
  298. deg the champ: no rly
  299. deg the champ: what do I use
  300. +Inkreativ: melo or medi
  301. +Inkreativ: do !pick
  302. deg the champ: incineroar it is then
  303. +Inkreativ: doesnt inci lose agisnt all 3?
  304. +Inkreativ: xd
  305. deg the champ: yes
  306. deg the champ: that's why
  307. sandcastless: yeah
  308. sandcastless: go
  309. sandcastless: melo
  310. +Inkreativ: do that
  311. deg the champ: why
  312. +Inkreativ: lol
  313. deg the champ: do I listen
  314. deg the champ: to u
  315. sandcastless: lol
  316. sandcastless: see
  317. sandcastless: im so good
  318. +Inkreativ: scs goat
  319. +Inkreativ: ez
  320. +Inkreativ: 2-2
  321. deg the champ: loool
  322. +Inkreativ: never questioned you
  323. sandcastless: so easy
  324. sandcastless: is it 2-2
  325. sandcastless: now
  326. deg the champ: ok we back
  327. deg the champ: in it
  328. deg the champ: next team
  329. sandcastless: ive been playing cod
  330. sandcastless: the entire time btw
  331. sandcastless: ok uh
  332. +Inkreativ:
  333. sandcastless:
  334. sandcastless: this is also decent
  335. +Inkreativ: use his
  336. sandcastless: idm what we use
  337. +Inkreativ: lol
  338. +Inkreativ: i also dont care
  339. sandcastless: yea use mine then
  340. sandcastless: his is
  341. sandcastless: too fire
  342. deg the champ left
  343. sandcastless: ok
  344. sandcastless: well
  345. sandcastless: this is nice
  346. User: sandcastless
  347. Format Elo GXE Glicko-1 W L Total
  348. [Gen 7] 1v1 1427 63.9% 1608 ± 27 525 403 928
  349. [Gen 7] CAP 1042 – 1500 ± 119 (provisional) 1 0 1
  350. [Gen 7] Challenge Cup 1v1 1115 – 1600 ± 112 (provisional) 0 0 0
  351. [Gen 7] NU 1000 – 1460 ± 123 (provisional) 0 0 0
  352. Reset W/L
  353. sandcastless: Inkreativ whats the score btw
  354. sandcastless: do u know
  355. +Inkreativ: 2-2
  356. sandcastless: oh sicj
  357. sandcastless: sick
  358. ★deg joined
  359. ★deg: o
  360. ★deg: k
  361. ★deg: what to use
  362. +Inkreativ: https://
  363. ggopw was invited (and promoted to Room Voice) by deg.
  364. +Inkreativ: lol
  365. sandcastless: guys i gotta go soon
  366. ★deg:
  367. sandcastless: can we do this a pickle bit aster
  368. DezShizzels was invited (and promoted to Room Voice) by deg.
  369. ★deg: ok so
  370. ★deg: I think
  371. ★deg: audino is the play?
  372. +Inkreativ: yeah
  373. ★deg: I think no mega vs dnite turn 1?
  374. ★deg: if its steel move
  375. +ggopw joined
  376. +ggopw: ok
  377. +ggopw: whats the score
  378. +ggopw: boys
  379. +Inkreativ: ryys bot btw
  380. ★deg: 2-2
  381. +Inkreativ: 2-2
  382. +ggopw: what are we using
  383. ★deg:
  384. +Inkreativ: rrys bot
  385. ★deg: audino?
  386. ★deg: ye
  387. +Inkreativ: and linke dup
  388. +Inkreativ: ye
  389. sandcastless: go
  390. sandcastless: audino
  391. sandcastless: yeah
  392. +Inkreativ: i think
  393. sandcastless: nl
  394. sandcastless: no
  395. sandcastless: crustle
  396. sandcastless: on the pinsir
  397. +ggopw: gren 3 0es
  398. +ggopw: their team
  399. +ggopw: lmao
  400. ★deg: huh
  401. ★deg: audino doesn't beat
  402. ★deg: pinsir?
  403. sandcastless: no
  404. sandcastless: way
  405. +ggopw: it doesnt
  406. ★deg: so he's not going
  407. ★deg: gyarados
  408. ★deg: crustle beats dnite?
  409. +DezShizzels joined
  410. sandcastless: perhaps
  411. sandcastless: no
  412. +ggopw: r u z rock
  413. sandcastless: probably not
  414. ★deg: ok so crustle
  415. ★deg: ye
  416. ★deg: z rock
  417. ★deg: with rock blast
  418. +ggopw: if u ohko
  419. +ggopw: u win
  420. +Inkreativ: when he isnt scarf
  421. sandcastless: id go crustle
  422. ★deg: shell smash rock blast?
  423. ★deg: doesn't kill
  424. sandcastless: itd
  425. sandcastless: 2hko
  426. sandcastless: tho
  427. sandcastless: z move into espeed
  428. +ggopw: cant serp
  429. ★deg: oh
  430. +ggopw: finesse
  431. +ggopw: all 3
  432. ★deg: crustle or audino
  433. +ggopw: if no quick attack
  434. ★deg: hmm
  435. /pick [option], [option], ... - Randomly selects an item from a list containing 2 or more elements.
  436. sandcastless: can u voice me
  437. sandcastless: deg
  438. sandcastless: btw
  439. +ggopw: serp or crustle
  440. +ggopw: def
  441. ★deg: huu serv
  442. +Inkreativ: serp?
  443. sandcastless was promoted to Room Voice by deg.
  444. +sandcastless: ty
  445. ★deg: what does serp do
  446. +sandcastless: !pick serp, crustle
  447. We randomly picked: crustle
  448. +sandcastless: there u go
  449. +sandcastless: im so good
  450. +sandcastless: did i not say
  451. ★deg: blast ye?
  452. +sandcastless: that i was the best
  453. +sandcastless: z rock
  454. +sandcastless: turn 1
  455. +ggopw: z rock
  456. +ggopw: and then
  457. +ggopw: blast
  458. +ggopw: if sub
  459. +sandcastless: ^^^
  460. +Inkreativ: good
  461. +sandcastless: i cant believe u guys doubted me
  462. +sandcastless: ow
  463. +sandcastless: o
  464. ★deg: uwu
  465. +DezShizzels: 3-2 for deg?
  466. deg the champ: ye
  467. +ggopw: bring a gren team
  468. +ggopw: w gknot
  469. +ggopw: i bet it will 3 0
  470. deg the champ: send
  471. deg the champ: :joy:
  472. +Inkreativ: i dont have one
  473. +Inkreativ: lol
  474. +ggopw: sec
  475. dom was invited (and promoted to Room Voice) by deg.
  476. +ggopw: !code
  477. deg the champ: ok
  478. +ggopw: i removed the extra def to ouspeed pins
  479. +ggopw: xd
  480. deg the champ:
  481. deg the champ: standard stuff
  482. +ggopw: not gunk
  483. +ggopw: kek
  484. +ggopw: gunk won
  485. deg the champ: f
  486. +ggopw: its ok
  487. +ggopw: look at zera
  488. +ggopw: :D
  489. deg the champ: LOL
  490. deg the champ: does it kill
  491. deg the champ: gyarados
  492. deg the champ: x
  493. +sandcastless: go
  494. +sandcastless: w
  495. +sandcastless: zeraora
  496. deg the champ: w
  497. +sandcastless: ez
  498. deg the champ: ye that's the play
  499. deg the champ: ig
  500. +ggopw: lele also might win
  501. +ggopw: but just go zera
  502. deg the champ: I think he's going gard
  503. +sandcastless: zcharge
  504. +sandcastless: on gard
  505. deg the champ: its band
  506. deg the champ: idiot
  507. +sandcastless: should win
  508. +ggopw: band
  509. +ggopw: tail
  510. +ggopw: ohkoes
  511. +ggopw: they shouldnt
  512. +ggopw: click gyara
  513. +ggopw: ever
  514. +ggopw: here
  515. deg the champ: ye
  516. +ggopw: is it x or y
  517. +ggopw: x?
  518. +DezShizzels: x
  519. +Inkreativ: x prolly
  520. +DezShizzels: its a kaif team
  521. +DezShizzels: its x
  522. +ggopw: spdef?
  523. +DezShizzels: yeah
  524. deg the champ: I can find it in asia
  525. deg the champ: discord
  526. deg the champ: but lazy
  527. +DezShizzels: unless he changed it
  528. +ggopw: if outrage ohkoes
  529. +ggopw: click that
  530. +ggopw: if not doesnt
  531. +ggopw: lele win
  532. +ggopw: i cahnged it from
  533. +ggopw: ada to jolly
  534. +ggopw: so it might not
  535. deg the champ: uh
  536. deg the champ: i cant use code
  537. deg the champ: f
  538. deg the champ: its zard x
  539. deg the champ: Charizard-Mega-X @ Charizardite X
  540. deg the champ: Ability: Tough Claws
  541. deg the champ: EVs: 212 HP / 12 Atk / 176 SpD / 108 Spe
  542. +ggopw: dude
  543. +ggopw: we eat
  544. +ggopw: that
  545. +ggopw: shit
  546. +ggopw: just zera
  547. +ggopw: and win
  548. +ggopw: already
  549. +DezShizzels: f charge into outrage?
  550. +sandcastless: bulk up
  551. +DezShizzels: doesn't kill
  552. +sandcastless: charge
  553. deg the champ: gyarados
  554. +sandcastless: smack
  555. deg the champ: EVs: 40 HP / 252 Atk / 216 Spe
  556. +ggopw: actually
  557. +ggopw: wait
  558. deg the champ: EVs: 224 HP / 96 Def / 12 SpA / 176 Spe
  559. deg the champ: gardevoir
  560. deg the champ: hyper beam calm mind
  561. +ggopw: what
  562. deg the champ: will o psych
  563. +ggopw: nature
  564. +ggopw: on zard
  565. deg the champ: zard is jolly
  566. +ggopw: bad
  567. deg the champ: zeraora
  568. deg the champ: ig
  569. +DezShizzels: yes
  570. +sandcastless: zera
  571. +sandcastless: is the manoeuvre
  572. +sandcastless: im telling u
  573. +DezShizzels: just do it
  574. deg the champ: he's going zard
  575. deg the champ: on greninja
  576. deg the champ: btw
  577. +sandcastless: then go lele
  578. +sandcastless: lele
  579. +sandcastless: lelelelellelelelel
  580. +ggopw: zera
  581. +ggopw: loses
  582. +ggopw: to zard
  583. deg the champ: hmm
  584. deg the champ: so lele
  585. User: sandcastless
  586. Format Elo GXE Glicko-1 W L Total
  587. [Gen 7] 1v1 1427 63.9% 1608 ± 27 525 403 928
  588. [Gen 7] CAP 1042 – 1500 ± 119 (provisional) 1 0 1
  589. [Gen 7] Challenge Cup 1v1 1115 – 1600 ± 112 (provisional) 0 0 0
  590. [Gen 7] NU 1000 – 1460 ± 123 (provisional) 0 0 0
  591. Reset W/L
  592. +sandcastless: JUST PICK ONE
  593. +sandcastless: LELE
  594. +sandcastless: GO LELE
  595. +ggopw: !pick lele,stun w zerra
  596. We randomly picked: stun w zerra
  597. deg the champ: rof
  598. +sandcastless: see
  599. +sandcastless: sandcastles
  600. +sandcastless: never loses
  601. deg the champ: z reflect?
  602. deg the champ: or what
  603. +sandcastless: z
  604. +sandcastless: psychic
  605. +sandcastless: .
  606. +Inkreativ: kill
  607. deg the champ: he's spdf
  608. deg the champ: tho
  609. +sandcastless: just do it
  610. deg the champ: ggopw
  611. deg the champ: ?
  612. deg the champ: xD
  613. +sandcastless: wow
  614. +sandcastless: ignoring me and Inkreativ
  615. deg the champ: LOL
  616. +sandcastless: ur real teammates
  617. +sandcastless: ok
  618. +ggopw: what
  619. +sandcastless: Inkreativ lets lynch deg
  620. +ggopw: lemme calc
  621. deg the champ: LOOL
  622. +ggopw: u retard
  623. +sandcastless: no i cab
  624. +sandcastless: cba
  625. +sandcastless: just win
  626. +Inkreativ: ok go scs
  627. +sandcastless: ^
  628. +ggopw: we
  629. +ggopw: kill
  630. +sandcastless: ^
  631. +sandcastless: see
  632. +ggopw: 0+ SpA Tapu Lele Shattered Psyche (175 BP) vs. 248 HP / 174 SpD Charizard-Mega-X in Psychic Terrain: 367-433 (102.2 - 120.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
  633. deg the champ: rof
  634. +sandcastless: sandcastless triumfs once again
  635. deg the champ: inb5
  636. deg the champ: changed to
  637. deg the champ: y
  638. +ggopw: sub
  639. +sandcastless: lol
  640. deg the champ: LOL
  641. +ggopw: remove my team from the logs if u are posting please
  642. +ggopw: deg the champ
  643. deg the champ: ok
  644. +sandcastless: deg ur poo
  645. +sandcastless: ggopw carried us
  646. +Inkreativ: deg when you post
  647. +Inkreativ: do you wanna send the Teams?
  648. +sandcastless: alright ggs thats a wrap lads
  649. deg the champ: no
  650. +ggopw: zz
  651. +Inkreativ: lest go
  652. +Inkreativ: or so
  653. deg the champ: ok how dO i got
  654. deg the champ: logs
  655. deg the champ: from gc
  656. +sandcastless: c/p
  657. +sandcastless: everything
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