
Discovery AF Lee Junghoon

Jun 2nd, 2019
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  1. ๐Ÿƒ ยฐ + โžถ ๐Œ๐€๐Š๐„ ๐ˆ๐“ ๐‘๐ˆ๐†๐‡๐“ ! โž
  3. โ€ง ยจ โ› username. GlisteningHobi
  4. โ€ง ยจ โ› full name. Lee Junghoon (์ด์ •ํ›ˆ)
  5. โ€ง ยจ โ› nicknames. Hoony
  6. โ€ง ยจ โ› birthday + age. 3rd April + 24
  7. โ€ง ยจ โ› zodiac sign. Aries
  8. โ€ง ยจ โ› birthplace + hometown. Daegu, South Korea + Daegu, South Korea
  9. โ€ง ยจ โ› nationality. Korean
  10. โ€ง ยจ โ› ethnicity. Korean
  11. โ€ง ยจ โ› sexuality. Heterosexual
  12. โ€ง ยจ โ› height. 190cm (6'2)
  13. โ€ง ยจ โ› weight. 77kg (171 lbs)
  14. โ€ง ยจ โ› languages spoken. Korean + conversational english
  16. ๐Ÿƒ ยฐ + โžถ ๐๐‹๐Ž๐Ž๐Œ ๐๐‹๐Ž๐Ž๐Œ ! โž
  18. โ€ง ยจ โ› slot. Playboy
  19. โ€ง ยจ โ› backup slot. n/a
  20. โ€ง ยจ โ› faceclaim. Lay (EXO)
  21. โ€ง ยจ โ› backup faceclaim. Ten (NCT)
  23. ๐Ÿƒ ยฐ + โžถ ๐‘๐„๐ƒ ๐…๐‹๐€๐•๐Ž๐‘ ! โž
  25. โ€ง ยจ โ› background. Junghoon was born and raised in Daegu with his parents and he had no siblings. He went to a pretty big school and was quite a popular kid since he excelled in sports such as, basketball and swimming. He was constantly surrounded by people wanting to be friends with him due to his popularity and success but he opted to have only a couple of friends since he knew he could trust them. When he got to the older years of his high school, his teacher chose him to be a mentor to some of the kids in the younger years and at first he was hesitant to do it. He did not know what the kids would be like and he thought it would be boring. However, once he started doing a few sessions with the kids, he started enjoying it because he got to help them out and be a sort guardian angel to them. When he was 20, he found out about the position Memory Lake and immediately wanted it when he read about what happens there and what the place is for.
  27. โ€ง ยจ โ› personality.
  28. + Fun; he is very fun to be around and you won't be board when you are with him since he is a very entertaining person.
  29. + Childlike; he is childlike in the fact that he is very bubbly and fun but he is not childish where it gets annoying.
  30. + Charming; he is a very charming guy and has a way with his words and the way he acts that just draws people to him.
  31. + Athletic; he is very athletic and has been this way from a young age.
  32. + Lovable; Junghoon is a very loveable guy since he is very funny and humble and quite excitable
  33. + Quick-thinker; he is able to think on his feet when something has not quite gone to plan
  35. โ€ง ยจ โ› known allergies. n/a
  36. โ€ง ยจ โ› diagnoses. n/a
  38. โ€ง ยจ โ› likes.
  39. + Helping people out
  40. + Playing basketball
  41. + Swimming
  42. + Eating
  43. + Bucket hats and baseball caps
  44. + Compliments
  45. + Good listeners
  46. + Someone who can let lose
  48. โ€ง ยจ โ› dislikes.
  49. + Over-sleeping
  50. + Being ill
  51. + Food that has a sweet taste
  52. + Being bored
  53. + People who are rude to the campers
  54. + Disrespectful people
  55. + Being too hot
  57. โ€ง ยจ โ› positive traits.
  58. + Devoted; Junghoon is very loyal to his peers and his work. He is a devoted worker and strives to do the best he can do for people.
  59. + Motivated; He has the will to do a lot of things and his motivation is not money or power, his motivation is the goal of making people truly happy in life.
  60. + Candid; He is very straight to the point and doesn't like to beat around the bush when he has something to tell you. However, he does know how to say things so it doesn't hurt your feelings.
  61. + Fair; No matter where he is or what he is doing, he always wants everyone to have equal oppurtunities and for things to be fair because he wants everyone to be able to achieve what they want.
  62. + Considerate; He doesn't like inconveniencing others with jobs that he knows he could easily do himself.
  64. โ€ง ยจ โ› negative traits.
  65. + Lack of faith in himself; Sometimes he lacks faith in himself and that affects his mood throughout the day.
  66. + Too modest; This ties in with the point made above. Sometimes he can be so modest to the point where he will refuse to take responsibilty for what he had done.
  67. + Silly; Junghoon usually knows how to pick his moments but sometimes when it is time to be serious, he doesn't always behave.
  68. + Messy; His room is usually quite but not with food and stuff, more like paperwork and notes. It usually takes him weeks to get around to cleaning his room.
  69. + Muddled thoughts; Junghoon is someone who is always thinking and ideas are always going through his head but sometimes he can get confused and end up making some weird choices because of this.
  71. โ€ง ยจ โ› hobbies.
  72. + Swimming
  73. + Basketball
  74. + Playing the drums
  75. + Photography
  76. + DIY
  77. + Cycling
  79. โ€ง ยจ โ› known habits
  80. + Blinking a lot
  81. + Making weird noises
  82. + Constantly checking pockets for things even when he has already checked
  83. + Leg bouncing
  84. + Cracking joints (especially back, neck and fingers)
  85. + Messing with his hair
  86. + Talking to himself
  88. โ€ง ยจ โ› strengths.
  89. + Creative
  90. + Versatile
  91. + Flexible
  92. + Focused
  93. + Athletic
  94. + Friendly
  96. โ€ง ยจ โ› weaknesses.
  97. + Self-critic
  98. + Thinking about rumours that were spread about him
  99. + Thinking about his relationship with HEROINE
  100. + Sometimes can be too informal
  101. + Bad at creative writing
  103. โ€ง ยจ โ› specialist occupation.
  104. + Basketball
  105. + Taekwondo
  107. โ€ง ยจ โ› describe their feelings. Junghoon was really happy to sign up to be a counsellor at Memory Lake. He knew it would be a good place for young people to come and realise their true potential. It was also a good place find themselves and a place where they can feel welcomed and appreciated. He was also happy that he was able to find work doing something that he really loves doing. So overall, he was ecstatic about the job opportunity.
  109. โ€ง ยจ โ› fun facts.
  110. + When he was 19 he and his family went on a ski trip and during that trip, he dropped and lost his phone when he was on the ski lift, he broke his leg and someone almost accidentally stole his luggage. All in all, it was a very unlucky trip.
  111. + His celebrity crushes are Rihanna and Hyuna because he loves their stage presence and the energy they have on stage.
  112. + His favourite footballer is Son Heungmin.
  113. + He hates the color orange.
  114. + His favourite movie is Scarface.
  115. + He loves watching movies based on true stories and that is why another one of his favourite movies is The Shawshank Redemption.
  116. ๐Ÿƒ ยฐ + โžถ ๐‚๐Ž๐”๐๐“๐ƒ๐Ž๐–๐ ! โž
  118. โ€ง ยจ โ› possible friends.
  119. + CHILLAX - He is always messing around with her and since their personalities are pretty similar, they click very well.
  120. + WE GO UP - He seems like the kind of guy that Junghoon can just mess about with and just chill with. Also since he is good friends with CHILLAX it will be easy for them to get along since they have a mutual friend.
  121. + HEALING - She seems liks a good person to talk to and when he is in a weird mood I feel like she would be the person that he would go to talk to.
  123. โ€ง ยจ โ› possible enemies.
  124. + 7TH SENSE - He doesn't have a specific reason why he doesn't like him, it is just that they don't seem to get along at all. They can't stay in the same room as them without glaring at each other or making snarky side comments about each other.
  125. + SOLO - He just hates the way that she doesn't seem to care about being there at all and how unenthusiastic she is. He also hates the fact that she is rude to the campers even though they are here for a tough reason and should be looked after. He genuinely just doesn't know why she is here.
  127. โ€ง ยจ โ› thoughts on skin-ship. He is very comfortable with skinship.
  129. โ€ง ยจ โ› thoughts on family. He doesn't talk about his family much but not because he doesn't love them, it is because he doesn't feel the need to talk about them all the time. But he will occasionally bring them up.
  131. โ€ง ยจ โ› thoughts on trust. He is on the most part very good at knowing who to trust. He won't trust people straight away and will have to get to know you before he trusts you.
  133. โ€ง ยจ โ› friendship or happiness. He values happiness over friendship though he does believe it is important to have people around you to support you. He wants happiness for himself but also wants it for others as well. He believes that people cannot reach their fullest potential in life if they are not happy. He also believes that people can't make you happy if you cannot make yourself happy.
  135. ๐Ÿƒ ยฐ + โžถ ๐๐ˆ๐๐†๐‹๐„ ๐๐€๐๐†๐‹๐„ ! โž
  137. โ€ง ยจ โ› anything i missed you wanted to include. Nope
  139. โ€ง ยจ โ› is there something they are hiding ? He has Sidonglobophobia which is a fear of cotton balls. He is hiding it because people would defintiely laugh at him but he seriously get jumpy and his heart beat quickens when he sees it.
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