

Nov 1st, 2019
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  1. {
  2. "logLevel": "Warning",
  3. "message": "Note: Silo not running with ServerGC turned on - recommend checking app config : \u003Cconfiguration\u003E-\u003Cruntime\u003E-\u003CgcServer enabled=\u0022true\u0022\u003E",
  4. "eventId": {
  5. "id": 100405
  6. },
  7. "app": {
  8. "name": "Squidex",
  9. "version": "",
  10. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  11. },
  12. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:17Z",
  13. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Silo"
  14. }
  16. {
  17. "logLevel": "Warning",
  18. "message": "Note: ServerGC only kicks in on multi-core systems (settings enabling ServerGC have no effect on single-core machines).",
  19. "eventId": {
  20. "id": 100405
  21. },
  22. "app": {
  23. "name": "Squidex",
  24. "version": "",
  25. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  26. },
  27. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:17Z",
  28. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Silo"
  29. }
  31. {
  32. "logLevel": "Information",
  33. "message": "Application started",
  34. "environment": {
  35. "applicationname": "Squidex",
  36. "aspnetcore_urls": "http://\u002B:80",
  37. "aspnetcore_version": "3.0.0",
  38. "assets:defaultpagesize": "200",
  39. "assets:defaultpagesizegraphql": "20",
  40. "assets:maxresults": "200",
  41. "assets:maxsize": "5242880",
  42. "assetstore:azureblob:connectionstring": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
  43. "assetstore:azureblob:containername": "squidex-assets",
  44. "assetstore:exposesourceurl": "False",
  45. "assetstore:folder:path": "Assets",
  46. "assetstore:ftp:password": "",
  47. "assetstore:ftp:path": "Assets",
  48. "assetstore:ftp:serverhost": "",
  49. "assetstore:ftp:serverport": "21",
  50. "assetstore:ftp:username": "",
  51. "assetstore:googlecloud:bucket": "squidex-assets",
  52. "assetstore:mongodb:bucket": "fs",
  53. "assetstore:mongodb:configuration": "mongodb://localhost",
  54. "assetstore:mongodb:database": "SquidexAssets",
  55. "assetstore:type": "Folder",
  56. "contentroot": "/app",
  57. "contents:defaultpagesize": "200",
  58. "contents:defaultpagesizegraphql": "20",
  59. "contents:maxresults": "200",
  60. "contentscontroller:enablesurrogatekeys": "True",
  61. "contentscontroller:maxitemsforsurrogatekeys": "200",
  62. "dotnet_running_in_container": "true",
  63. "dotnet_version": "3.0.0",
  64. "email:notifications:existinguserbody": "Dear User,\r\n\r\n$ASSIGNER_NAME ($ASSIGNER_EMAIL) has invited you to join App $APP_NAME at Squidex Headless CMS.\r\n\r\nLogin or reload the Management UI to see the App.\r\n\r\nThank you very much,\r\nThe Squidex Team\r\n\r\n\u003C\u003CStart now!\u003E\u003E [$UI_URL]",
  65. "email:notifications:existingusersubject": "[Squidex CMS] You have been invited to join App $APP_NAME",
  66. "email:notifications:newuserbody": "Welcome to Squidex\r\nDear User,\r\n\r\n$ASSIGNER_NAME ($ASSIGNER_EMAIL) has invited you to join Project (also called an App) $APP_NAME at Squidex Headless CMS. Login with your Github, Google or Microsoft credentials to create a new user account and start editing content now.\r\n\r\nThank you very much,\r\nThe Squidex Team\r\n\r\n\u003C\u003CStart now!\u003E\u003E [$UI_URL]",
  67. "email:notifications:newusersubject": "You have been invited to join Project $APP_NAME at Squidex CMS",
  68. "email:smtp:enablessl": "True",
  69. "email:smtp:password": "",
  70. "email:smtp:port": "465",
  71. "email:smtp:sender": "",
  72. "email:smtp:server": "",
  73. "email:smtp:username": "",
  74. "etags:strong": "False",
  75. "eventpublishers:alltorabbitmq:configuration": "amqp://guest:guest@localhost/",
  76. "eventpublishers:alltorabbitmq:enabled": "False",
  77. "eventpublishers:alltorabbitmq:eventsfilter": ".*",
  78. "eventpublishers:alltorabbitmq:exchange": "squidex",
  79. "eventpublishers:alltorabbitmq:type": "RabbitMq",
  80. "eventstore:cosmosdb:configuration": "https://localhost:8081",
  81. "eventstore:cosmosdb:database": "Squidex",
  82. "eventstore:cosmosdb:masterkey": "C2y6yDjf5/R\u002Bob0N8A7Cgv30VRDJIWEHLM\u002B4QDU5DE2nQ9nDuVTqobD4b8mGGyPMbIZnqyMsEcaGQy67XIw/Jw==",
  83. "eventstore:geteventstore:configuration": "ConnectTo=tcp://admin:changeit@localhost:1113; HeartBeatTimeout=500; MaxReconnections=-1",
  84. "eventstore:geteventstore:prefix": "squidex",
  85. "eventstore:geteventstore:projectionhost": "localhost",
  86. "eventstore:mongodb:configuration": "mongodb://squidex_mongo",
  87. "eventstore:mongodb:database": "Squidex",
  88. "eventstore:type": "MongoDb",
  89. "exposedconfiguration:version": "squidex:version",
  90. "healthz:gc:threshold": "4096",
  91. "home": "/root",
  92. "hostname": "edd52b217ed8",
  93. "identity:adminclientid": "",
  94. "identity:adminclientsecret": "",
  95. "identity:adminemail": "EMAIL",
  96. "identity:adminpassword": "SECUREPASS",
  97. "identity:allowpasswordauth": "True",
  98. "identity:githubclient": "",
  99. "identity:githubsecret": "",
  100. "identity:googleclient": "",
  101. "identity:googlesecret": "",
  102. "identity:lockautomatically": "False",
  103. "identity:microsoftclient": "",
  104. "identity:microsoftsecret": "",
  105. "identity:oidcauthority": "",
  106. "identity:oidcclient": "",
  107. "identity:oidcname": "OIDC",
  108. "identity:oidcscopes:0": "email",
  109. "identity:oidcsecret": "",
  110. "identity:privacyurl": "",
  111. "identity:showpii": "False",
  112. "kafka:bootstrapservers": "",
  113. "languages:custom": "",
  114. "letsencrypt_email": "",
  115. "letsencrypt_host": "",
  116. "logging:colors": "True",
  117. "logging:human": "True",
  118. "mode:isreadonly": "False",
  119. "news:appname": "squidex-website",
  120. "news:clientid": "squidex-website:default",
  121. "news:clientsecret": "QGgqxd7bDHBTEkpC6fj8sbdPWgZrPrPfr3xzb3LKoec=",
  122. "orleans:clustering": "Development",
  123. "orleans:gatewayport": "40000",
  124. "orleans:siloport": "11111",
  125. "path": "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin",
  126. "plugins:0": "Squidex.Extensions.dll",
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  128. "rebuild:assets": "False",
  129. "rebuild:contents": "False",
  130. "rebuild:indexes": "False",
  131. "rebuild:rules": "False",
  132. "rebuild:schemas": "False",
  133. "robots:text": "User-agent: *\nAllow: /api/assets/*",
  134. "rules:executiontimeoutinseconds": "3",
  135. "running_in_container": "true",
  136. "store:mongodb:configuration": "mongodb://squidex_mongo",
  137. "store:mongodb:contentdatabase": "SquidexContent",
  138. "store:mongodb:database": "Squidex",
  139. "store:type": "MongoDb",
  140. "translations:deeplauthkey": "",
  141. "twitter:clientid": "QZhb3HQcGCvE6G8yNNP9ksNet",
  142. "twitter:clientsecret": "Pdu9wdN72T33KJRFdFy1w4urBKDRzIyuKpc0OItQC2E616DuZD",
  143. "ui:hidedatebuttons": "False",
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  145. "ui:hideonboarding": "False",
  146. "ui:map:googlemaps:key": "AIzaSyB_Z8l3nwUxZhMJykiDUJy6bSHXXlwcYMg",
  147. "ui:map:type": "OSM",
  148. "ui:onlyadminscancreateapps": "False",
  149. "ui:redirecttologin": "False",
  150. "ui:referencesdropdownitemcount": "100",
  151. "ui:regexsuggestions:email": "^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%\u0026\u2019*\u002B\\/=?^_\u0060{|}~-]\u002B@[a-zA-Z0-9-]\u002B(?:.[a-zA-Z0-9-]\u002B)*$",
  152. "ui:regexsuggestions:phone": "^\\(*\\\u002B*[1-9]{0,3}\\)*-*[1-9]{0,3}[-. /]*\\(*[2-9]\\d{2}\\)*[-. /]*\\d{3}[-. /]*\\d{4} *e*x*t*\\.* *\\d{0,4}$",
  153. "ui:regexsuggestions:slug": "^[a-z0-9]\u002B(\\-[a-z0-9]\u002B)*$",
  154. "ui:regexsuggestions:url": "^(?:http(s)?:\\/\\/)?[\\w.-]\u002B(?:\\.[\\w\\.-]\u002B)\u002B[\\w\\-\\._~:\\/?#%[\\]@!\\$\u0026\u0027\\(\\)\\*\\\u002B,;=.]\u002B$",
  155. "ui:showinfo": "False",
  156. "urls": "http://\u002B:80",
  157. "urls:baseurl": "",
  158. "urls:enforcehttps": "True",
  159. "version": "3.0.0",
  160. "virtual_host": ""
  161. },
  162. "app": {
  163. "name": "Squidex",
  164. "version": "",
  165. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  166. },
  167. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:18Z"
  168. }
  170. {
  171. "logLevel": "Information",
  172. "action": "FolderAssetStoreConfigured",
  173. "path": "/app/Assets",
  174. "app": {
  175. "name": "Squidex",
  176. "version": "",
  177. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  178. },
  179. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:18Z"
  180. }
  182. {
  183. "logLevel": "Information",
  184. "initializedSystem": "FolderAssetStore",
  185. "app": {
  186. "name": "Squidex",
  187. "version": "",
  188. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  189. },
  190. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:18Z"
  191. }
  193. {
  194. "logLevel": "Information",
  195. "initializedSystem": "MongoEventStore",
  196. "app": {
  197. "name": "Squidex",
  198. "version": "",
  199. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  200. },
  201. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:19Z"
  202. }
  204. {
  205. "logLevel": "Information",
  206. "initializedSystem": "SerializationInitializer",
  207. "app": {
  208. "name": "Squidex",
  209. "version": "",
  210. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  211. },
  212. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:19Z"
  213. }
  215. {
  216. "logLevel": "Information",
  217. "initializedSystem": "MongoMigrationStatus",
  218. "app": {
  219. "name": "Squidex",
  220. "version": "",
  221. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  222. },
  223. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:19Z"
  224. }
  226. {
  227. "logLevel": "Information",
  228. "initializedSystem": "MongoUsageRepository",
  229. "app": {
  230. "name": "Squidex",
  231. "version": "",
  232. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  233. },
  234. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:19Z"
  235. }
  237. {
  238. "logLevel": "Information",
  239. "initializedSystem": "MongoRuleEventRepository",
  240. "app": {
  241. "name": "Squidex",
  242. "version": "",
  243. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  244. },
  245. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:19Z"
  246. }
  248. {
  249. "logLevel": "Information",
  250. "initializedSystem": "MongoHistoryEventRepository",
  251. "app": {
  252. "name": "Squidex",
  253. "version": "",
  254. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  255. },
  256. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:19Z"
  257. }
  259. {
  260. "logLevel": "Information",
  261. "initializedSystem": "MongoRoleStore",
  262. "app": {
  263. "name": "Squidex",
  264. "version": "",
  265. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  266. },
  267. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:19Z"
  268. }
  270. {
  271. "logLevel": "Information",
  272. "initializedSystem": "MongoUserStore",
  273. "app": {
  274. "name": "Squidex",
  275. "version": "",
  276. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  277. },
  278. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:19Z"
  279. }
  281. {
  282. "logLevel": "Information",
  283. "initializedSystem": "MongoAssetRepository",
  284. "app": {
  285. "name": "Squidex",
  286. "version": "",
  287. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  288. },
  289. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:20Z"
  290. }
  292. {
  293. "logLevel": "Information",
  294. "initializedSystem": "MongoContentRepository",
  295. "app": {
  296. "name": "Squidex",
  297. "version": "",
  298. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  299. },
  300. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:20Z"
  301. }
  303. {
  304. "logLevel": "Information",
  305. "initializedSystem": "MongoPersistedGrantStore",
  306. "app": {
  307. "name": "Squidex",
  308. "version": "",
  309. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  310. },
  311. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:20Z"
  312. }
  314. {
  315. "logLevel": "Information",
  316. "initializedSystem": "LanguagesInitializer",
  317. "app": {
  318. "name": "Squidex",
  319. "version": "",
  320. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  321. },
  322. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:20Z"
  323. }
  325. {
  326. "logLevel": "Warning",
  327. "message": "Task [Id=1, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [SystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/20/00000014@S00000014] took elapsed time 0:00:00.2082702 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  328. "eventId": {
  329. "id": 101215
  330. },
  331. "task": "[Id=1, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  332. "schedulingContext": "[SystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/20/00000014@S00000014]",
  333. "duration": "0:00:00.2082702",
  334. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  335. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  336. "app": {
  337. "name": "Squidex",
  338. "version": "",
  339. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  340. },
  341. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:22Z",
  342. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler *stg/20/00000014.WorkItemGroup"
  343. }
  345. {
  346. "logLevel": "Warning",
  347. "message": "Task [Id=2, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [SystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/13/0000000d@S0000000d] took elapsed time 0:00:00.2014531 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  348. "eventId": {
  349. "id": 101215
  350. },
  351. "task": "[Id=2, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  352. "schedulingContext": "[SystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/13/0000000d@S0000000d]",
  353. "duration": "0:00:00.2014531",
  354. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  355. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  356. "app": {
  357. "name": "Squidex",
  358. "version": "",
  359. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  360. },
  361. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:23Z",
  362. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler *stg/13/0000000d.WorkItemGroup"
  363. }
  365. {
  366. "logLevel": "Warning",
  367. "message": "Task [Id=3, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [SystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/29/0000001d@S0000001d] took elapsed time 0:00:00.211835 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  368. "eventId": {
  369. "id": 101215
  370. },
  371. "task": "[Id=3, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  372. "schedulingContext": "[SystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/29/0000001d@S0000001d]",
  373. "duration": "0:00:00.211835",
  374. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  375. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  376. "app": {
  377. "name": "Squidex",
  378. "version": "",
  379. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  380. },
  381. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:23Z",
  382. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler *stg/29/0000001d.WorkItemGroup"
  383. }
  385. {
  386. "logLevel": "Warning",
  387. "message": "Task [Id=4, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [SystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/20/00000014@S00000014] took elapsed time 0:00:00.2187508 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  388. "eventId": {
  389. "id": 101215
  390. },
  391. "task": "[Id=4, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  392. "schedulingContext": "[SystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/20/00000014@S00000014]",
  393. "duration": "0:00:00.2187508",
  394. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  395. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  396. "app": {
  397. "name": "Squidex",
  398. "version": "",
  399. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  400. },
  401. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:23Z",
  402. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler *stg/20/00000014.WorkItemGroup"
  403. }
  405. {
  406. "logLevel": "Warning",
  407. "message": "Task [Id=5, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [LowPrioritySystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/0/00000000@S00000000] took elapsed time 0:00:00.6498988 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  408. "eventId": {
  409. "id": 101215
  410. },
  411. "task": "[Id=5, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  412. "schedulingContext": "[LowPrioritySystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/0/00000000@S00000000]",
  413. "duration": "0:00:00.6498988",
  414. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  415. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  416. "app": {
  417. "name": "Squidex",
  418. "version": "",
  419. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  420. },
  421. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:24Z",
  422. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler.WorkItemGroup"
  423. }
  425. {
  426. "logLevel": "Information",
  427. "action": "Migration",
  428. "status": "Started",
  429. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.StopEventConsumers",
  430. "app": {
  431. "name": "Squidex",
  432. "version": "",
  433. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  434. },
  435. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:25Z"
  436. }
  438. {
  439. "logLevel": "Warning",
  440. "message": "Task [Id=6, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [LowPrioritySystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/0/00000000@S00000000] took elapsed time 0:00:00.2121464 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  441. "eventId": {
  442. "id": 101215
  443. },
  444. "task": "[Id=6, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  445. "schedulingContext": "[LowPrioritySystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/0/00000000@S00000000]",
  446. "duration": "0:00:00.2121464",
  447. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  448. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  449. "app": {
  450. "name": "Squidex",
  451. "version": "",
  452. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  453. },
  454. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:25Z",
  455. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler.WorkItemGroup"
  456. }
  458. {
  459. "logLevel": "Warning",
  460. "message": "Task [Id=7, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BAssetUsageTracker@e98b1f8b #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid] took elapsed time 0:00:00.2599412 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  461. "eventId": {
  462. "id": 101215
  463. },
  464. "task": "[Id=7, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  465. "schedulingContext": "[Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BAssetUsageTracker@e98b1f8b #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid]",
  466. "duration": "0:00:00.2599412",
  467. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  468. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  469. "app": {
  470. "name": "Squidex",
  471. "version": "",
  472. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  473. },
  474. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:25Z",
  475. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler.WorkItemGroup"
  476. }
  478. {
  479. "logLevel": "Warning",
  480. "message": "Task [Id=8, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BHistoryService@1c5a0f9f #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid] took elapsed time 0:00:00.4172637 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  481. "eventId": {
  482. "id": 101215
  483. },
  484. "task": "[Id=8, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  485. "schedulingContext": "[Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BHistoryService@1c5a0f9f #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid]",
  486. "duration": "0:00:00.4172637",
  487. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  488. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  489. "app": {
  490. "name": "Squidex",
  491. "version": "",
  492. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  493. },
  494. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z",
  495. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler.WorkItemGroup"
  496. }
  498. {
  499. "logLevel": "Warning",
  500. "message": "Task [Id=9, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BTextIndexer@1b073e94 #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid] took elapsed time 0:00:00.4278806 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  501. "eventId": {
  502. "id": 101215
  503. },
  504. "task": "[Id=9, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  505. "schedulingContext": "[Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BTextIndexer@1b073e94 #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid]",
  506. "duration": "0:00:00.4278806",
  507. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  508. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  509. "app": {
  510. "name": "Squidex",
  511. "version": "",
  512. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  513. },
  514. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z",
  515. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler.WorkItemGroup"
  516. }
  518. {
  519. "logLevel": "Warning",
  520. "message": "Task [Id=10, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BNotificationEmailSender@558091b1 #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid] took elapsed time 0:00:00.4368448 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  521. "eventId": {
  522. "id": 101215
  523. },
  524. "task": "[Id=10, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  525. "schedulingContext": "[Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BNotificationEmailSender@558091b1 #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid]",
  526. "duration": "0:00:00.4368448",
  527. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  528. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  529. "app": {
  530. "name": "Squidex",
  531. "version": "",
  532. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  533. },
  534. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z",
  535. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler.WorkItemGroup"
  536. }
  538. {
  539. "logLevel": "Warning",
  540. "message": "Task [Id=11, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BAssetUsageTracker@e98b1f8b #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid] took elapsed time 0:00:00.6678272 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  541. "eventId": {
  542. "id": 101215
  543. },
  544. "task": "[Id=11, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  545. "schedulingContext": "[Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BAssetUsageTracker@e98b1f8b #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid]",
  546. "duration": "0:00:00.6678272",
  547. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  548. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  549. "app": {
  550. "name": "Squidex",
  551. "version": "",
  552. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  553. },
  554. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z",
  555. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler.WorkItemGroup"
  556. }
  558. {
  559. "logLevel": "Information",
  560. "action": "Migration",
  561. "status": "Completed",
  562. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.StopEventConsumers",
  563. "elapsedMs": 1129,
  564. "app": {
  565. "name": "Squidex",
  566. "version": "",
  567. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  568. },
  569. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z"
  570. }
  572. {
  573. "logLevel": "Information",
  574. "action": "Migration",
  575. "status": "Started",
  576. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.ConvertEventStore",
  577. "app": {
  578. "name": "Squidex",
  579. "version": "",
  580. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  581. },
  582. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z"
  583. }
  585. {
  586. "logLevel": "Information",
  587. "action": "Migration",
  588. "status": "Completed",
  589. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.ConvertEventStore",
  590. "elapsedMs": 14,
  591. "app": {
  592. "name": "Squidex",
  593. "version": "",
  594. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  595. },
  596. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z"
  597. }
  599. {
  600. "logLevel": "Information",
  601. "action": "Migration",
  602. "status": "Started",
  603. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.RebuildSnapshots",
  604. "app": {
  605. "name": "Squidex",
  606. "version": "",
  607. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  608. },
  609. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z"
  610. }
  612. {
  613. "logLevel": "Information",
  614. "action": "Migration",
  615. "status": "Completed",
  616. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.RebuildSnapshots",
  617. "elapsedMs": 464,
  618. "app": {
  619. "name": "Squidex",
  620. "version": "",
  621. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  622. },
  623. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z"
  624. }
  626. {
  627. "logLevel": "Information",
  628. "action": "Migration",
  629. "status": "Started",
  630. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.MongoDb.ConvertOldSnapshotStores",
  631. "app": {
  632. "name": "Squidex",
  633. "version": "",
  634. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  635. },
  636. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z"
  637. }
  639. {
  640. "logLevel": "Information",
  641. "action": "Migration",
  642. "status": "Completed",
  643. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.MongoDb.ConvertOldSnapshotStores",
  644. "elapsedMs": 17,
  645. "app": {
  646. "name": "Squidex",
  647. "version": "",
  648. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  649. },
  650. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z"
  651. }
  653. {
  654. "logLevel": "Information",
  655. "action": "Migration",
  656. "status": "Started",
  657. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.PopulateGrainIndexes",
  658. "app": {
  659. "name": "Squidex",
  660. "version": "",
  661. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  662. },
  663. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z"
  664. }
  666. {
  667. "logLevel": "Information",
  668. "action": "Migration",
  669. "status": "Completed",
  670. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.PopulateGrainIndexes",
  671. "elapsedMs": 2156,
  672. "app": {
  673. "name": "Squidex",
  674. "version": "",
  675. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  676. },
  677. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:28Z"
  678. }
  680. {
  681. "logLevel": "Information",
  682. "action": "Migration",
  683. "status": "Started",
  684. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.MongoDb.DeleteContentCollections",
  685. "app": {
  686. "name": "Squidex",
  687. "version": "",
  688. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  689. },
  690. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:28Z"
  691. }
  693. {
  694. "logLevel": "Information",
  695. "action": "Migration",
  696. "status": "Completed",
  697. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.MongoDb.DeleteContentCollections",
  698. "elapsedMs": 27,
  699. "app": {
  700. "name": "Squidex",
  701. "version": "",
  702. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  703. },
  704. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  705. }
  707. {
  708. "logLevel": "Information",
  709. "action": "Migration",
  710. "status": "Started",
  711. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.RebuildContents",
  712. "app": {
  713. "name": "Squidex",
  714. "version": "",
  715. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  716. },
  717. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  718. }
  720. {
  721. "logLevel": "Information",
  722. "action": "Migration",
  723. "status": "Completed",
  724. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.RebuildContents",
  725. "elapsedMs": 274,
  726. "app": {
  727. "name": "Squidex",
  728. "version": "",
  729. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  730. },
  731. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  732. }
  734. {
  735. "logLevel": "Information",
  736. "action": "Migration",
  737. "status": "Started",
  738. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.MongoDb.ConvertRuleEventsJson",
  739. "app": {
  740. "name": "Squidex",
  741. "version": "",
  742. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  743. },
  744. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  745. }
  747. {
  748. "logLevel": "Information",
  749. "action": "Migration",
  750. "status": "Completed",
  751. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.MongoDb.ConvertRuleEventsJson",
  752. "elapsedMs": 24,
  753. "app": {
  754. "name": "Squidex",
  755. "version": "",
  756. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  757. },
  758. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  759. }
  761. {
  762. "logLevel": "Information",
  763. "action": "Migration",
  764. "status": "Started",
  765. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.ClearSchemas",
  766. "app": {
  767. "name": "Squidex",
  768. "version": "",
  769. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  770. },
  771. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  772. }
  774. {
  775. "logLevel": "Information",
  776. "action": "Migration",
  777. "status": "Completed",
  778. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.ClearSchemas",
  779. "elapsedMs": 2,
  780. "app": {
  781. "name": "Squidex",
  782. "version": "",
  783. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  784. },
  785. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  786. }
  788. {
  789. "logLevel": "Information",
  790. "action": "Migration",
  791. "status": "Started",
  792. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.AddPatterns",
  793. "app": {
  794. "name": "Squidex",
  795. "version": "",
  796. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  797. },
  798. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  799. }
  801. {
  802. "logLevel": "Information",
  803. "action": "Migration",
  804. "status": "Completed",
  805. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.AddPatterns",
  806. "elapsedMs": 21,
  807. "app": {
  808. "name": "Squidex",
  809. "version": "",
  810. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  811. },
  812. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  813. }
  815. {
  816. "logLevel": "Information",
  817. "action": "Migration",
  818. "status": "Started",
  819. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.MongoDb.RestructureContentCollection",
  820. "app": {
  821. "name": "Squidex",
  822. "version": "",
  823. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  824. },
  825. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  826. }
  828. {
  829. "logLevel": "Information",
  830. "action": "Migration",
  831. "status": "Completed",
  832. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.MongoDb.RestructureContentCollection",
  833. "elapsedMs": 43,
  834. "app": {
  835. "name": "Squidex",
  836. "version": "",
  837. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  838. },
  839. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  840. }
  842. {
  843. "logLevel": "Information",
  844. "action": "Migration",
  845. "status": "Started",
  846. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.MongoDb.RenameAssetSlugField",
  847. "app": {
  848. "name": "Squidex",
  849. "version": "",
  850. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  851. },
  852. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  853. }
  855. {
  856. "logLevel": "Information",
  857. "action": "Migration",
  858. "status": "Completed",
  859. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.MongoDb.RenameAssetSlugField",
  860. "elapsedMs": 1,
  861. "app": {
  862. "name": "Squidex",
  863. "version": "",
  864. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  865. },
  866. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  867. }
  869. {
  870. "logLevel": "Information",
  871. "action": "Migration",
  872. "status": "Started",
  873. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.RebuildAssets",
  874. "app": {
  875. "name": "Squidex",
  876. "version": "",
  877. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  878. },
  879. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  880. }
  882. {
  883. "logLevel": "Information",
  884. "action": "Migration",
  885. "status": "Completed",
  886. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.RebuildAssets",
  887. "elapsedMs": 86,
  888. "app": {
  889. "name": "Squidex",
  890. "version": "",
  891. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  892. },
  893. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  894. }
  896. {
  897. "logLevel": "Information",
  898. "action": "Migration",
  899. "status": "Started",
  900. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.CreateAssetSlugs",
  901. "app": {
  902. "name": "Squidex",
  903. "version": "",
  904. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  905. },
  906. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  907. }
  909. {
  910. "logLevel": "Information",
  911. "action": "Migration",
  912. "status": "Completed",
  913. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.CreateAssetSlugs",
  914. "elapsedMs": 26,
  915. "app": {
  916. "name": "Squidex",
  917. "version": "",
  918. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  919. },
  920. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  921. }
  923. {
  924. "logLevel": "Information",
  925. "action": "Migration",
  926. "status": "Started",
  927. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.StartEventConsumers",
  928. "app": {
  929. "name": "Squidex",
  930. "version": "",
  931. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  932. },
  933. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  934. }
  936. {
  937. "logLevel": "Information",
  938. "action": "Migration",
  939. "status": "Completed",
  940. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.StartEventConsumers",
  941. "elapsedMs": 98,
  942. "app": {
  943. "name": "Squidex",
  944. "version": "",
  945. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  946. },
  947. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  948. }
  950. {
  951. "logLevel": "Information",
  952. "backgroundSystem": "Squidex.Domain.Apps.Entities.Contents.IContentSchedulerGrain",
  953. "app": {
  954. "name": "Squidex",
  955. "version": "",
  956. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  957. },
  958. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  959. }
  961. {
  962. "logLevel": "Information",
  963. "backgroundSystem": "Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.IEventConsumerManagerGrain",
  964. "app": {
  965. "name": "Squidex",
  966. "version": "",
  967. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  968. },
  969. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  970. }
  972. {
  973. "logLevel": "Information",
  974. "backgroundSystem": "Squidex.Domain.Apps.Entities.Rules.IRuleDequeuerGrain",
  975. "app": {
  976. "name": "Squidex",
  977. "version": "",
  978. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  979. },
  980. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  981. }
  983. {
  984. "logLevel": "Information",
  985. "backgroundSystem": "Squidex.Domain.Apps.Entities.Rules.UsageTracking.IUsageTrackerGrain",
  986. "app": {
  987. "name": "Squidex",
  988. "version": "",
  989. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  990. },
  991. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  992. }
  994. {
  995. "logLevel": "Warning",
  996. "message": "Task [Id=12, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/2352C26B/00000000\u002BDefault@64d41380 #GrainType=Squidex.Domain.Apps.Entities.Contents.ContentSchedulerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid] took elapsed time 0:00:00.3469794 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  997. "eventId": {
  998. "id": 101215
  999. },
  1000. "task": "[Id=12, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  1001. "schedulingContext": "[Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/2352C26B/00000000\u002BDefault@64d41380 #GrainType=Squidex.Domain.Apps.Entities.Contents.ContentSchedulerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid]",
  1002. "duration": "0:00:00.3469794",
  1003. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  1004. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  1005. "app": {
  1006. "name": "Squidex",
  1007. "version": "",
  1008. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  1009. },
  1010. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:30Z",
  1011. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler.WorkItemGroup"
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  1026. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:30Z",
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  1028. }
  1030. {
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  1041. }
  1043. {
  1044. "logLevel": "Information",
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  1048. "name": "Squidex",
  1049. "version": "",
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  1052. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:31Z",
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  1063. "Squidex.Extensions.Actions.Webhook.WebhookPlugin",
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  1067. "Squidex.Extensions.Actions.Medium.MediumPlugin",
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  1080. },
  1081. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:32Z"
  1082. }
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  1093. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:32Z",
  1094. "category": "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime"
  1095. }
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  1098. "logLevel": "Information",
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  1105. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:32Z",
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  1133. }
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  1139. },
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  1141. "app": {
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  1179. "app": {
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  1236. "app": {
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  1255. "app": {
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  1273. "elapsedRequestMs": 0,
  1274. "app": {
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  1284. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:39Z"
  1285. }
  1287. {
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  1292. "app": {
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  1294. "version": "",
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  1301. },
  1302. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:41Z",
  1303. "category": "IdentityServer4.Hosting.IdentityServerMiddleware"
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  1308. "filters": {
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  1310. },
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  1312. "app": {
  1313. "name": "Squidex",
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  1317. "web": {
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  1322. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:41Z"
  1323. }
  1325. {
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  1330. "app": {
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  1333. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
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  1340. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:41Z",
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  1342. }
  1344. {
  1345. "logLevel": "Information",
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  1347. "app": {
  1348. "name": "Squidex",
  1349. "version": "",
  1350. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
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  1357. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:42Z",
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  1387. },
  1388. "ExecuteAction": {
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  1390. "elapsedMsAvg": 24,
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  1392. }
  1393. },
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  1456. },
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  1472. "web": {
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  1477. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:49Z"
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  1495. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:49Z",
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  1506. "app": {
  1507. "name": "Squidex",
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  1511. "web": {
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  1516. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:50Z"
  1517. }
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  1535. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:50Z"
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  1554. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:50Z"
  1555. }
  1557. {
  1558. "logLevel": "Information",
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  1572. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:50Z",
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  1576. {
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  1579. "userId": "5dbbeb3dbae47c0001393f45",
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  1581. },
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  1583. "app": {
  1584. "name": "Squidex",
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  1588. "web": {
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  1591. "requestMethod": "GET"
  1592. },
  1593. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:50Z"
  1594. }
  1596. {
  1597. "logLevel": "Information",
  1598. "message": "Invoking IdentityServer endpoint: IdentityServer4.Endpoints.UserInfoEndpoint for /connect/userinfo",
  1599. "endpointType": "IdentityServer4.Endpoints.UserInfoEndpoint",
  1600. "url": "/connect/userinfo",
  1601. "app": {
  1602. "name": "Squidex",
  1603. "version": "",
  1604. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  1605. },
  1606. "web": {
  1607. "requestId": "0bde77b8-ec61-4ba3-975d-5290398415eb",
  1608. "requestPath": "/connect/userinfo",
  1609. "requestMethod": "GET"
  1610. },
  1611. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:50Z",
  1612. "category": "IdentityServer4.Hosting.IdentityServerMiddleware"
  1613. }
  1615. {
  1616. "logLevel": "Information",
  1617. "message": "Profile service returned the following claim types: sub urn:squidex:name urn:squidex:permissions email preferred_username name email email_verified",
  1618. "types": "sub urn:squidex:name urn:squidex:permissions email preferred_username name email email_verified",
  1619. "app": {
  1620. "name": "Squidex",
  1621. "version": "",
  1622. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  1623. },
  1624. "web": {
  1625. "requestId": "0bde77b8-ec61-4ba3-975d-5290398415eb",
  1626. "requestPath": "/connect/userinfo",
  1627. "requestMethod": "GET"
  1628. },
  1629. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:51Z",
  1630. "category": "IdentityServer4.ResponseHandling.UserInfoResponseGenerator"
  1631. }
  1633. {
  1634. "logLevel": "Information",
  1635. "filters": {
  1636. "userId": "5dbbeb3dbae47c0001393f45",
  1637. "costs": 0
  1638. },
  1639. "elapsedRequestMs": 440,
  1640. "app": {
  1641. "name": "Squidex",
  1642. "version": "",
  1643. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  1644. },
  1645. "web": {
  1646. "requestId": "0bde77b8-ec61-4ba3-975d-5290398415eb",
  1647. "requestPath": "/identity-server/connect/userinfo",
  1648. "requestMethod": "GET"
  1649. },
  1650. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:51Z"
  1651. }
  1653. {
  1654. "logLevel": "Information",
  1655. "filters": {
  1656. "costs": 0
  1657. },
  1658. "elapsedRequestMs": 217,
  1659. "app": {
  1660. "name": "Squidex",
  1661. "version": "",
  1662. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  1663. },
  1664. "web": {
  1665. "requestId": "1fc2c370-8d49-44e5-9f71-7763b2101ad2",
  1666. "requestPath": "/build/12.a549f2d5dbc0b1c2fbf8.chunk.js",
  1667. "requestMethod": "GET"
  1668. },
  1669. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:51Z"
  1670. }
  1672. {
  1673. "logLevel": "Information",
  1674. "message": "Invoking IdentityServer endpoint: IdentityServer4.Endpoints.CheckSessionEndpoint for /connect/checksession",
  1675. "endpointType": "IdentityServer4.Endpoints.CheckSessionEndpoint",
  1676. "url": "/connect/checksession",
  1677. "app": {
  1678. "name": "Squidex",
  1679. "version": "",
  1680. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  1681. },
  1682. "web": {
  1683. "requestId": "0eefab51-b2bc-409c-9bb1-71897fb616e9",
  1684. "requestPath": "/connect/checksession",
  1685. "requestMethod": "GET"
  1686. },
  1687. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:51Z",
  1688. "category": "IdentityServer4.Hosting.IdentityServerMiddleware"
  1689. }
  1691. {
  1692. "logLevel": "Information",
  1693. "filters": {
  1694. "userId": "5dbbeb3dbae47c0001393f45",
  1695. "costs": 0
  1696. },
  1697. "elapsedRequestMs": 6,
  1698. "app": {
  1699. "name": "Squidex",
  1700. "version": "",
  1701. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  1702. },
  1703. "web": {
  1704. "requestId": "0eefab51-b2bc-409c-9bb1-71897fb616e9",
  1705. "requestPath": "/identity-server/connect/checksession",
  1706. "requestMethod": "GET"
  1707. },
  1708. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:51Z"
  1709. }
  1710. Last login: Thu Oct 31 22:29:16 on ttys001
  1711. You have new mail.
  1713. The default interactive shell is now zsh.
  1714. To update your account to use zsh, please run `chsh -s /bin/zsh`.
  1715. For more details, please visit
  1716. Macbook-2:~ kieraneves$ ssh root@
  1717. The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
  1718. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:V+MC5tXL1QGZMnnnaqkCq2CVawK0kGfHQIjtYITvOQI.
  1719. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
  1720. Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
  1721. root@ Permission denied (publickey).
  1722. Macbook-2:~ kieraneves$ cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh root@ "cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
  1723. root@ Permission denied (publickey).
  1724. Macbook-2:~ kieraneves$ ssh root@
  1725. The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
  1726. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:1G5Kb16T0MG/OURFcUHXPA2OTnjx/vcUL04TlfDLtRc.
  1727. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
  1728. Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
  1729. root@ Permission denied (publickey).
  1730. Macbook-2:~ kieraneves$ ssh root@
  1731. root@ Permission denied (publickey).
  1732. Macbook-2:~ kieraneves$ ssh root@
  1733. ^[[A^[[B^C
  1734. Macbook-2:~ kieraneves$ ssh root@
  1735. ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
  1736. Macbook-2:~ kieraneves$ ssh root@
  1737. The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
  1738. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:hf1RlL0ENBbZ155Y+s3XGEYvW/vg4MDp/az7SADOajc.
  1739. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
  1740. Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
  1741. Enter passphrase for key '/Users/kieraneves/.ssh/id_rsa':
  1742. Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.15.0-58-generic x86_64)
  1744. * Documentation:
  1745. * Management:
  1746. * Support:
  1748. System information as of Fri Nov 1 08:20:33 UTC 2019
  1750. System load: 0.62 Processes: 87
  1751. Usage of /: 8.0% of 24.06GB Users logged in: 0
  1752. Memory usage: 18% IP address for eth0:
  1753. Swap usage: 0% IP address for docker0:
  1755. 0 packages can be updated.
  1756. 0 updates are security updates.
  1759. ********************************************************************************
  1761. Welcome to DigitalOcean's One-Click Docker Droplet.
  1762. To keep this Droplet secure, the UFW firewall is enabled.
  1763. All ports are BLOCKED except 22 (SSH), 2375 (Docker) and 2376 (Docker).
  1765. * The Docker One-Click Quickstart guide is available at:
  1768. * You can SSH to this Droplet in a terminal as root: ssh root@
  1770. * Docker is installed and configured per Docker's recommendations:
  1773. * Docker Compose is installed and configured per Docker's recommendations:
  1776. For help and more information, visit
  1778. ********************************************************************************
  1780. To delete this message of the day: rm -rf /etc/update-motd.d/99-one-click
  1782. The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
  1783. the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
  1784. individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
  1786. Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
  1787. applicable law.
  1789. root@docker-s-1vcpu-1gb-lon1-01:~# wget
  1790. --2019-11-01 08:20:37--
  1791. Resolving (
  1792. Connecting to (||:443... connected.
  1793. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
  1794. Length: unspecified [text/html]
  1795. Saving to: ‘docker-compose.yml’
  1797. docker-compose.yml [ <=> ] 81.56K --.-KB/s in 0.09s
  1799. 2019-11-01 08:20:38 (935 KB/s) - ‘docker-compose.yml’ saved [83520]
  1801. root@docker-s-1vcpu-1gb-lon1-01:~# ls
  1802. docker-compose.yml
  1803. root@docker-s-1vcpu-1gb-lon1-01:~# rm docker-compose.yml
  1804. root@docker-s-1vcpu-1gb-lon1-01:~# wget
  1805. --2019-11-01 08:20:49--
  1806. Resolving (
  1807. Connecting to (||:443... connected.
  1808. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
  1809. Length: 2125 (2.1K) [text/plain]
  1810. Saving to: ‘docker-compose.yml’
  1812. docker-compose.yml 100%[===================>] 2.08K --.-KB/s in 0s
  1814. 2019-11-01 08:20:49 (12.0 MB/s) - ‘docker-compose.yml’ saved [2125/2125]
  1816. root@docker-s-1vcpu-1gb-lon1-01:~# wget
  1817. --2019-11-01 08:20:56--
  1818. Resolving (
  1819. Connecting to (||:443... connected.
  1820. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
  1821. Length: 279 [text/plain]
  1822. Saving to: ‘.env’
  1824. .env 100%[===================>] 279 --.-KB/s in 0s
  1826. 2019-11-01 08:20:56 (14.2 MB/s) - ‘.env’ saved [279/279]
  1828. root@docker-s-1vcpu-1gb-lon1-01:~# nano .env
  1829. root@docker-s-1vcpu-1gb-lon1-01:~# mkdir /var/mongo
  1830. root@docker-s-1vcpu-1gb-lon1-01:~# mkdir /var/mongo/db
  1831. root@docker-s-1vcpu-1gb-lon1-01:~# docker-compose up -d
  1832. Creating network "root_internal" with driver "bridge"
  1833. Pulling squidex_mongo (mongo:latest)...
  1834. latest: Pulling from library/mongo
  1835. 7ddbc47eeb70: Pull complete
  1836. c1bbdc448b72: Pull complete
  1837. 45d437916d57: Pull complete
  1838. e119fb0e0a55: Pull complete
  1839. 91f0b9bae1ea: Pull complete
  1840. 53e7c2967f11: Pull complete
  1841. 69a945568374: Pull complete
  1842. 93333bc225a7: Pull complete
  1843. b9c10bd6c9bd: Pull complete
  1844. 7f4e3538e99c: Pull complete
  1845. 1164b51d180a: Pull complete
  1846. a715a7d71f27: Pull complete
  1847. Digest: sha256:2704b1f2ad53c0c5fb029fc112f99b5e9acdca3ab869095a3f8c6d14b2e3c0f3
  1848. Status: Downloaded newer image for mongo:latest
  1849. Pulling squidex_squidex (squidex/squidex:latest)...
  1850. latest: Pulling from squidex/squidex
  1851. 8d691f585fa8: Pull complete
  1852. a9e6ceefc5a0: Pull complete
  1853. 68f6aee67b91: Pull complete
  1854. 7a6b64767b0b: Pull complete
  1855. 9526604e089d: Pull complete
  1856. 1cca87bfbb99: Pull complete
  1857. 344bf332af10: Pull complete
  1858. 06f8e137a734: Pull complete
  1859. Digest: sha256:51896b02e4fb7621b3321829f5b7afa2d04c0c96a716aa96a15a8ed7980651c8
  1860. Status: Downloaded newer image for squidex/squidex:latest
  1861. Pulling squidex_proxy (squidex/nginx-proxy:)...
  1862. latest: Pulling from squidex/nginx-proxy
  1863. f17d81b4b692: Pull complete
  1864. f1998c324db0: Pull complete
  1865. e27db20b7cd9: Pull complete
  1866. 0a77d1b94a77: Pull complete
  1867. 1af30ca4896f: Pull complete
  1868. 988211413f16: Pull complete
  1869. ca130f021af0: Pull complete
  1870. 5ef6a89b4550: Pull complete
  1871. e724f294d914: Pull complete
  1872. 018419fad38e: Pull complete
  1873. d9b40a3d864c: Pull complete
  1874. Digest: sha256:78e57e29072414f321c4832ae38788aa4d20b9120780c2ed1075d1a19ebc3141
  1875. Status: Downloaded newer image for squidex/nginx-proxy:latest
  1876. Pulling squidex_encrypt (jrcs/letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion:)...
  1877. latest: Pulling from jrcs/letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion
  1878. 9d48c3bd43c5: Pull complete
  1879. bb44f4e720ec: Pull complete
  1880. 2ecf7946646c: Pull complete
  1881. bdc38f117e40: Pull complete
  1882. cb5a077165e6: Pull complete
  1883. f2b7ad462653: Pull complete
  1884. Digest: sha256:0d24f841a5bcd19c1fbc026de2fd52600e4c553c1d6abeaae742525f53d85c0f
  1885. Status: Downloaded newer image for jrcs/letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion:latest
  1886. Creating root_squidex_mongo_1 ... done
  1887. Creating root_squidex_squidex_1 ... done
  1888. Creating root_squidex_proxy_1 ... done
  1889. Creating root_squidex_encrypt_1 ... done
  1890. root@docker-s-1vcpu-1gb-lon1-01:~# docker ps
  1892. 583da80fe1a6 jrcs/letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion "/bin/bash /app/entr…" 5 seconds ago Up 2 seconds root_squidex_encrypt_1
  1893. 0f6e958a33e1 squidex/nginx-proxy "/app/docker-entrypo…" 6 seconds ago Up 4 seconds>80/tcp,>443/tcp root_squidex_proxy_1
  1894. edd52b217ed8 squidex/squidex:latest "dotnet Squidex.dll" 8 seconds ago Up 6 seconds 11111/tcp,>80/tcp root_squidex_squidex_1
  1895. 5e04ca22def0 mongo:latest "docker-entrypoint.s…" 9 seconds ago Up 7 seconds>27017/tcp root_squidex_mongo_1
  1896. root@docker-s-1vcpu-1gb-lon1-01:~# docker logs edd52b217ed8
  1897. {
  1898. "logLevel": "Warning",
  1899. "message": "Note: Silo not running with ServerGC turned on - recommend checking app config : \u003Cconfiguration\u003E-\u003Cruntime\u003E-\u003CgcServer enabled=\u0022true\u0022\u003E",
  1900. "eventId": {
  1901. "id": 100405
  1902. },
  1903. "app": {
  1904. "name": "Squidex",
  1905. "version": "",
  1906. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  1907. },
  1908. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:17Z",
  1909. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Silo"
  1910. }
  1912. {
  1913. "logLevel": "Warning",
  1914. "message": "Note: ServerGC only kicks in on multi-core systems (settings enabling ServerGC have no effect on single-core machines).",
  1915. "eventId": {
  1916. "id": 100405
  1917. },
  1918. "app": {
  1919. "name": "Squidex",
  1920. "version": "",
  1921. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  1922. },
  1923. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:17Z",
  1924. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Silo"
  1925. }
  1927. {
  1928. "logLevel": "Information",
  1929. "message": "Application started",
  1930. "environment": {
  1931. "applicationname": "Squidex",
  1932. "aspnetcore_urls": "http://\u002B:80",
  1933. "aspnetcore_version": "3.0.0",
  1934. "assets:defaultpagesize": "200",
  1935. "assets:defaultpagesizegraphql": "20",
  1936. "assets:maxresults": "200",
  1937. "assets:maxsize": "5242880",
  1938. "assetstore:azureblob:connectionstring": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
  1939. "assetstore:azureblob:containername": "squidex-assets",
  1940. "assetstore:exposesourceurl": "False",
  1941. "assetstore:folder:path": "Assets",
  1942. "assetstore:ftp:password": "",
  1943. "assetstore:ftp:path": "Assets",
  1944. "assetstore:ftp:serverhost": "",
  1945. "assetstore:ftp:serverport": "21",
  1946. "assetstore:ftp:username": "",
  1947. "assetstore:googlecloud:bucket": "squidex-assets",
  1948. "assetstore:mongodb:bucket": "fs",
  1949. "assetstore:mongodb:configuration": "mongodb://localhost",
  1950. "assetstore:mongodb:database": "SquidexAssets",
  1951. "assetstore:type": "Folder",
  1952. "contentroot": "/app",
  1953. "contents:defaultpagesize": "200",
  1954. "contents:defaultpagesizegraphql": "20",
  1955. "contents:maxresults": "200",
  1956. "contentscontroller:enablesurrogatekeys": "True",
  1957. "contentscontroller:maxitemsforsurrogatekeys": "200",
  1958. "dotnet_running_in_container": "true",
  1959. "dotnet_version": "3.0.0",
  1960. "email:notifications:existinguserbody": "Dear User,\r\n\r\n$ASSIGNER_NAME ($ASSIGNER_EMAIL) has invited you to join App $APP_NAME at Squidex Headless CMS.\r\n\r\nLogin or reload the Management UI to see the App.\r\n\r\nThank you very much,\r\nThe Squidex Team\r\n\r\n\u003C\u003CStart now!\u003E\u003E [$UI_URL]",
  1961. "email:notifications:existingusersubject": "[Squidex CMS] You have been invited to join App $APP_NAME",
  1962. "email:notifications:newuserbody": "Welcome to Squidex\r\nDear User,\r\n\r\n$ASSIGNER_NAME ($ASSIGNER_EMAIL) has invited you to join Project (also called an App) $APP_NAME at Squidex Headless CMS. Login with your Github, Google or Microsoft credentials to create a new user account and start editing content now.\r\n\r\nThank you very much,\r\nThe Squidex Team\r\n\r\n\u003C\u003CStart now!\u003E\u003E [$UI_URL]",
  1963. "email:notifications:newusersubject": "You have been invited to join Project $APP_NAME at Squidex CMS",
  1964. "email:smtp:enablessl": "True",
  1965. "email:smtp:password": "",
  1966. "email:smtp:port": "465",
  1967. "email:smtp:sender": "",
  1968. "email:smtp:server": "",
  1969. "email:smtp:username": "",
  1970. "etags:strong": "False",
  1971. "eventpublishers:alltorabbitmq:configuration": "amqp://guest:guest@localhost/",
  1972. "eventpublishers:alltorabbitmq:enabled": "False",
  1973. "eventpublishers:alltorabbitmq:eventsfilter": ".*",
  1974. "eventpublishers:alltorabbitmq:exchange": "squidex",
  1975. "eventpublishers:alltorabbitmq:type": "RabbitMq",
  1976. "eventstore:cosmosdb:configuration": "https://localhost:8081",
  1977. "eventstore:cosmosdb:database": "Squidex",
  1978. "eventstore:cosmosdb:masterkey": "C2y6yDjf5/R\u002Bob0N8A7Cgv30VRDJIWEHLM\u002B4QDU5DE2nQ9nDuVTqobD4b8mGGyPMbIZnqyMsEcaGQy67XIw/Jw==",
  1979. "eventstore:geteventstore:configuration": "ConnectTo=tcp://admin:changeit@localhost:1113; HeartBeatTimeout=500; MaxReconnections=-1",
  1980. "eventstore:geteventstore:prefix": "squidex",
  1981. "eventstore:geteventstore:projectionhost": "localhost",
  1982. "eventstore:mongodb:configuration": "mongodb://squidex_mongo",
  1983. "eventstore:mongodb:database": "Squidex",
  1984. "eventstore:type": "MongoDb",
  1985. "exposedconfiguration:version": "squidex:version",
  1986. "healthz:gc:threshold": "4096",
  1987. "home": "/root",
  1988. "hostname": "edd52b217ed8",
  1989. "identity:adminclientid": "",
  1990. "identity:adminclientsecret": "",
  1991. "identity:adminemail": "",
  1992. "identity:adminpassword": "3Vask3!23",
  1993. "identity:allowpasswordauth": "True",
  1994. "identity:githubclient": "",
  1995. "identity:githubsecret": "",
  1996. "identity:googleclient": "",
  1997. "identity:googlesecret": "",
  1998. "identity:lockautomatically": "False",
  1999. "identity:microsoftclient": "",
  2000. "identity:microsoftsecret": "",
  2001. "identity:oidcauthority": "",
  2002. "identity:oidcclient": "",
  2003. "identity:oidcname": "OIDC",
  2004. "identity:oidcscopes:0": "email",
  2005. "identity:oidcsecret": "",
  2006. "identity:privacyurl": "",
  2007. "identity:showpii": "False",
  2008. "kafka:bootstrapservers": "",
  2009. "languages:custom": "",
  2010. "letsencrypt_email": "",
  2011. "letsencrypt_host": "",
  2012. "logging:colors": "True",
  2013. "logging:human": "True",
  2014. "mode:isreadonly": "False",
  2015. "news:appname": "squidex-website",
  2016. "news:clientid": "squidex-website:default",
  2017. "news:clientsecret": "QGgqxd7bDHBTEkpC6fj8sbdPWgZrPrPfr3xzb3LKoec=",
  2018. "orleans:clustering": "Development",
  2019. "orleans:gatewayport": "40000",
  2020. "orleans:siloport": "11111",
  2021. "path": "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin",
  2022. "plugins:0": "Squidex.Extensions.dll",
  2023. "rebuild:apps": "False",
  2024. "rebuild:assets": "False",
  2025. "rebuild:contents": "False",
  2026. "rebuild:indexes": "False",
  2027. "rebuild:rules": "False",
  2028. "rebuild:schemas": "False",
  2029. "robots:text": "User-agent: *\nAllow: /api/assets/*",
  2030. "rules:executiontimeoutinseconds": "3",
  2031. "running_in_container": "true",
  2032. "store:mongodb:configuration": "mongodb://squidex_mongo",
  2033. "store:mongodb:contentdatabase": "SquidexContent",
  2034. "store:mongodb:database": "Squidex",
  2035. "store:type": "MongoDb",
  2036. "translations:deeplauthkey": "",
  2037. "twitter:clientid": "QZhb3HQcGCvE6G8yNNP9ksNet",
  2038. "twitter:clientsecret": "Pdu9wdN72T33KJRFdFy1w4urBKDRzIyuKpc0OItQC2E616DuZD",
  2039. "ui:hidedatebuttons": "False",
  2040. "ui:hidenews": "False",
  2041. "ui:hideonboarding": "False",
  2042. "ui:map:googlemaps:key": "AIzaSyB_Z8l3nwUxZhMJykiDUJy6bSHXXlwcYMg",
  2043. "ui:map:type": "OSM",
  2044. "ui:onlyadminscancreateapps": "False",
  2045. "ui:redirecttologin": "False",
  2046. "ui:referencesdropdownitemcount": "100",
  2047. "ui:regexsuggestions:email": "^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%\u0026\u2019*\u002B\\/=?^_\u0060{|}~-]\u002B@[a-zA-Z0-9-]\u002B(?:.[a-zA-Z0-9-]\u002B)*$",
  2048. "ui:regexsuggestions:phone": "^\\(*\\\u002B*[1-9]{0,3}\\)*-*[1-9]{0,3}[-. /]*\\(*[2-9]\\d{2}\\)*[-. /]*\\d{3}[-. /]*\\d{4} *e*x*t*\\.* *\\d{0,4}$",
  2049. "ui:regexsuggestions:slug": "^[a-z0-9]\u002B(\\-[a-z0-9]\u002B)*$",
  2050. "ui:regexsuggestions:url": "^(?:http(s)?:\\/\\/)?[\\w.-]\u002B(?:\\.[\\w\\.-]\u002B)\u002B[\\w\\-\\._~:\\/?#%[\\]@!\\$\u0026\u0027\\(\\)\\*\\\u002B,;=.]\u002B$",
  2051. "ui:showinfo": "False",
  2052. "urls": "http://\u002B:80",
  2053. "urls:baseurl": "",
  2054. "urls:enforcehttps": "True",
  2055. "version": "3.0.0",
  2056. "virtual_host": ""
  2057. },
  2058. "app": {
  2059. "name": "Squidex",
  2060. "version": "",
  2061. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2062. },
  2063. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:18Z"
  2064. }
  2066. {
  2067. "logLevel": "Information",
  2068. "action": "FolderAssetStoreConfigured",
  2069. "path": "/app/Assets",
  2070. "app": {
  2071. "name": "Squidex",
  2072. "version": "",
  2073. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2074. },
  2075. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:18Z"
  2076. }
  2078. {
  2079. "logLevel": "Information",
  2080. "initializedSystem": "FolderAssetStore",
  2081. "app": {
  2082. "name": "Squidex",
  2083. "version": "",
  2084. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2085. },
  2086. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:18Z"
  2087. }
  2089. {
  2090. "logLevel": "Information",
  2091. "initializedSystem": "MongoEventStore",
  2092. "app": {
  2093. "name": "Squidex",
  2094. "version": "",
  2095. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2096. },
  2097. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:19Z"
  2098. }
  2100. {
  2101. "logLevel": "Information",
  2102. "initializedSystem": "SerializationInitializer",
  2103. "app": {
  2104. "name": "Squidex",
  2105. "version": "",
  2106. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2107. },
  2108. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:19Z"
  2109. }
  2111. {
  2112. "logLevel": "Information",
  2113. "initializedSystem": "MongoMigrationStatus",
  2114. "app": {
  2115. "name": "Squidex",
  2116. "version": "",
  2117. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2118. },
  2119. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:19Z"
  2120. }
  2122. {
  2123. "logLevel": "Information",
  2124. "initializedSystem": "MongoUsageRepository",
  2125. "app": {
  2126. "name": "Squidex",
  2127. "version": "",
  2128. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2129. },
  2130. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:19Z"
  2131. }
  2133. {
  2134. "logLevel": "Information",
  2135. "initializedSystem": "MongoRuleEventRepository",
  2136. "app": {
  2137. "name": "Squidex",
  2138. "version": "",
  2139. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2140. },
  2141. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:19Z"
  2142. }
  2144. {
  2145. "logLevel": "Information",
  2146. "initializedSystem": "MongoHistoryEventRepository",
  2147. "app": {
  2148. "name": "Squidex",
  2149. "version": "",
  2150. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2151. },
  2152. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:19Z"
  2153. }
  2155. {
  2156. "logLevel": "Information",
  2157. "initializedSystem": "MongoRoleStore",
  2158. "app": {
  2159. "name": "Squidex",
  2160. "version": "",
  2161. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2162. },
  2163. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:19Z"
  2164. }
  2166. {
  2167. "logLevel": "Information",
  2168. "initializedSystem": "MongoUserStore",
  2169. "app": {
  2170. "name": "Squidex",
  2171. "version": "",
  2172. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2173. },
  2174. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:19Z"
  2175. }
  2177. {
  2178. "logLevel": "Information",
  2179. "initializedSystem": "MongoAssetRepository",
  2180. "app": {
  2181. "name": "Squidex",
  2182. "version": "",
  2183. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2184. },
  2185. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:20Z"
  2186. }
  2188. {
  2189. "logLevel": "Information",
  2190. "initializedSystem": "MongoContentRepository",
  2191. "app": {
  2192. "name": "Squidex",
  2193. "version": "",
  2194. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2195. },
  2196. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:20Z"
  2197. }
  2199. {
  2200. "logLevel": "Information",
  2201. "initializedSystem": "MongoPersistedGrantStore",
  2202. "app": {
  2203. "name": "Squidex",
  2204. "version": "",
  2205. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2206. },
  2207. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:20Z"
  2208. }
  2210. {
  2211. "logLevel": "Information",
  2212. "initializedSystem": "LanguagesInitializer",
  2213. "app": {
  2214. "name": "Squidex",
  2215. "version": "",
  2216. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2217. },
  2218. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:20Z"
  2219. }
  2221. {
  2222. "logLevel": "Warning",
  2223. "message": "Task [Id=1, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [SystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/20/00000014@S00000014] took elapsed time 0:00:00.2082702 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  2224. "eventId": {
  2225. "id": 101215
  2226. },
  2227. "task": "[Id=1, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  2228. "schedulingContext": "[SystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/20/00000014@S00000014]",
  2229. "duration": "0:00:00.2082702",
  2230. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  2231. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  2232. "app": {
  2233. "name": "Squidex",
  2234. "version": "",
  2235. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2236. },
  2237. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:22Z",
  2238. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler *stg/20/00000014.WorkItemGroup"
  2239. }
  2241. {
  2242. "logLevel": "Warning",
  2243. "message": "Task [Id=2, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [SystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/13/0000000d@S0000000d] took elapsed time 0:00:00.2014531 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  2244. "eventId": {
  2245. "id": 101215
  2246. },
  2247. "task": "[Id=2, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  2248. "schedulingContext": "[SystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/13/0000000d@S0000000d]",
  2249. "duration": "0:00:00.2014531",
  2250. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  2251. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  2252. "app": {
  2253. "name": "Squidex",
  2254. "version": "",
  2255. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2256. },
  2257. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:23Z",
  2258. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler *stg/13/0000000d.WorkItemGroup"
  2259. }
  2261. {
  2262. "logLevel": "Warning",
  2263. "message": "Task [Id=3, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [SystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/29/0000001d@S0000001d] took elapsed time 0:00:00.211835 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  2264. "eventId": {
  2265. "id": 101215
  2266. },
  2267. "task": "[Id=3, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  2268. "schedulingContext": "[SystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/29/0000001d@S0000001d]",
  2269. "duration": "0:00:00.211835",
  2270. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  2271. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  2272. "app": {
  2273. "name": "Squidex",
  2274. "version": "",
  2275. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2276. },
  2277. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:23Z",
  2278. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler *stg/29/0000001d.WorkItemGroup"
  2279. }
  2281. {
  2282. "logLevel": "Warning",
  2283. "message": "Task [Id=4, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [SystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/20/00000014@S00000014] took elapsed time 0:00:00.2187508 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  2284. "eventId": {
  2285. "id": 101215
  2286. },
  2287. "task": "[Id=4, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  2288. "schedulingContext": "[SystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/20/00000014@S00000014]",
  2289. "duration": "0:00:00.2187508",
  2290. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  2291. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  2292. "app": {
  2293. "name": "Squidex",
  2294. "version": "",
  2295. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2296. },
  2297. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:23Z",
  2298. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler *stg/20/00000014.WorkItemGroup"
  2299. }
  2301. {
  2302. "logLevel": "Warning",
  2303. "message": "Task [Id=5, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [LowPrioritySystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/0/00000000@S00000000] took elapsed time 0:00:00.6498988 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  2304. "eventId": {
  2305. "id": 101215
  2306. },
  2307. "task": "[Id=5, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  2308. "schedulingContext": "[LowPrioritySystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/0/00000000@S00000000]",
  2309. "duration": "0:00:00.6498988",
  2310. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  2311. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  2312. "app": {
  2313. "name": "Squidex",
  2314. "version": "",
  2315. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2316. },
  2317. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:24Z",
  2318. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler.WorkItemGroup"
  2319. }
  2321. {
  2322. "logLevel": "Information",
  2323. "action": "Migration",
  2324. "status": "Started",
  2325. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.StopEventConsumers",
  2326. "app": {
  2327. "name": "Squidex",
  2328. "version": "",
  2329. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2330. },
  2331. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:25Z"
  2332. }
  2334. {
  2335. "logLevel": "Warning",
  2336. "message": "Task [Id=6, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [LowPrioritySystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/0/00000000@S00000000] took elapsed time 0:00:00.2121464 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  2337. "eventId": {
  2338. "id": 101215
  2339. },
  2340. "task": "[Id=6, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  2341. "schedulingContext": "[LowPrioritySystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/0/00000000@S00000000]",
  2342. "duration": "0:00:00.2121464",
  2343. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  2344. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  2345. "app": {
  2346. "name": "Squidex",
  2347. "version": "",
  2348. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2349. },
  2350. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:25Z",
  2351. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler.WorkItemGroup"
  2352. }
  2354. {
  2355. "logLevel": "Warning",
  2356. "message": "Task [Id=7, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BAssetUsageTracker@e98b1f8b #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid] took elapsed time 0:00:00.2599412 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  2357. "eventId": {
  2358. "id": 101215
  2359. },
  2360. "task": "[Id=7, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  2361. "schedulingContext": "[Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BAssetUsageTracker@e98b1f8b #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid]",
  2362. "duration": "0:00:00.2599412",
  2363. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  2364. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  2365. "app": {
  2366. "name": "Squidex",
  2367. "version": "",
  2368. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2369. },
  2370. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:25Z",
  2371. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler.WorkItemGroup"
  2372. }
  2374. {
  2375. "logLevel": "Warning",
  2376. "message": "Task [Id=8, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BHistoryService@1c5a0f9f #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid] took elapsed time 0:00:00.4172637 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  2377. "eventId": {
  2378. "id": 101215
  2379. },
  2380. "task": "[Id=8, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  2381. "schedulingContext": "[Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BHistoryService@1c5a0f9f #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid]",
  2382. "duration": "0:00:00.4172637",
  2383. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  2384. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  2385. "app": {
  2386. "name": "Squidex",
  2387. "version": "",
  2388. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2389. },
  2390. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z",
  2391. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler.WorkItemGroup"
  2392. }
  2394. {
  2395. "logLevel": "Warning",
  2396. "message": "Task [Id=9, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BTextIndexer@1b073e94 #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid] took elapsed time 0:00:00.4278806 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  2397. "eventId": {
  2398. "id": 101215
  2399. },
  2400. "task": "[Id=9, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  2401. "schedulingContext": "[Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BTextIndexer@1b073e94 #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid]",
  2402. "duration": "0:00:00.4278806",
  2403. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  2404. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  2405. "app": {
  2406. "name": "Squidex",
  2407. "version": "",
  2408. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2409. },
  2410. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z",
  2411. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler.WorkItemGroup"
  2412. }
  2414. {
  2415. "logLevel": "Warning",
  2416. "message": "Task [Id=10, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BNotificationEmailSender@558091b1 #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid] took elapsed time 0:00:00.4368448 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  2417. "eventId": {
  2418. "id": 101215
  2419. },
  2420. "task": "[Id=10, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  2421. "schedulingContext": "[Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BNotificationEmailSender@558091b1 #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid]",
  2422. "duration": "0:00:00.4368448",
  2423. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  2424. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  2425. "app": {
  2426. "name": "Squidex",
  2427. "version": "",
  2428. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2429. },
  2430. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z",
  2431. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler.WorkItemGroup"
  2432. }
  2434. {
  2435. "logLevel": "Warning",
  2436. "message": "Task [Id=11, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BAssetUsageTracker@e98b1f8b #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid] took elapsed time 0:00:00.6678272 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  2437. "eventId": {
  2438. "id": 101215
  2439. },
  2440. "task": "[Id=11, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  2441. "schedulingContext": "[Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BAssetUsageTracker@e98b1f8b #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid]",
  2442. "duration": "0:00:00.6678272",
  2443. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  2444. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  2445. "app": {
  2446. "name": "Squidex",
  2447. "version": "",
  2448. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2449. },
  2450. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z",
  2451. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler.WorkItemGroup"
  2452. }
  2454. {
  2455. "logLevel": "Information",
  2456. "action": "Migration",
  2457. "status": "Completed",
  2458. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.StopEventConsumers",
  2459. "elapsedMs": 1129,
  2460. "app": {
  2461. "name": "Squidex",
  2462. "version": "",
  2463. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2464. },
  2465. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z"
  2466. }
  2468. {
  2469. "logLevel": "Information",
  2470. "action": "Migration",
  2471. "status": "Started",
  2472. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.ConvertEventStore",
  2473. "app": {
  2474. "name": "Squidex",
  2475. "version": "",
  2476. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2477. },
  2478. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z"
  2479. }
  2481. {
  2482. "logLevel": "Information",
  2483. "action": "Migration",
  2484. "status": "Completed",
  2485. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.ConvertEventStore",
  2486. "elapsedMs": 14,
  2487. "app": {
  2488. "name": "Squidex",
  2489. "version": "",
  2490. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  2491. },
  2492. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z"
  2493. }
  2495. {
  2496. "logLevel": "Information",
  2497. "action": "Migration",
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  2893. "eventId": {
  2894. "id": 101215
  2895. },
  2896. "task": "[Id=12, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  2897. "schedulingContext": "[Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/2352C26B/00000000\u002BDefault@64d41380 #GrainType=Squidex.Domain.Apps.Entities.Contents.ContentSchedulerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid]",
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  2905. },
  2906. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:30Z",
  2907. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler.WorkItemGroup"
  2908. }
  2910. {
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  2913. "eventId": {
  2914. "id": 35
  2915. },
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  2921. },
  2922. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:30Z",
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  2924. }
  2926. {
  2927. "logLevel": "Information",
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  2930. "app": {
  2931. "name": "Squidex",
  2932. "version": "",
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  2934. },
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  2937. }
  2939. {
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  2944. "name": "Squidex",
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  2947. },
  2948. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:31Z",
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  2950. }
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  2967. "Squidex.Extensions.Actions.ElasticSearch.ElasticSearchPlugin",
  2968. "Squidex.Extensions.Actions.Discourse.DiscoursePlugin",
  2969. "Squidex.Extensions.Actions.AzureQueue.AzureQueuePlugin",
  2970. "Squidex.Extensions.Actions.Algolia.AlgoliaPlugin"
  2971. ],
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  2976. },
  2977. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:32Z"
  2978. }
  2980. {
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  2984. "app": {
  2985. "name": "Squidex",
  2986. "version": "",
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  2989. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:32Z",
  2990. "category": "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime"
  2991. }
  2993. {
  2994. "logLevel": "Information",
  2995. "message": "Application started. Press Ctrl\u002BC to shut down.",
  2996. "app": {
  2997. "name": "Squidex",
  2998. "version": "",
  2999. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  3000. },
  3001. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:32Z",
  3002. "category": "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime"
  3003. }
  3005. {
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  3027. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:32Z",
  3028. "category": "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime"
  3029. }
  3031. {
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  3035. },
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  3037. "app": {
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  3046. },
  3047. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:32Z"
  3048. }
  3050. {
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  3183. {
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  3189. "name": "Squidex",
  3190. "version": "",
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  3193. "web": {
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  3198. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:41Z",
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  3218. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:41Z"
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  3221. {
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  3226. "app": {
  3227. "name": "Squidex",
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  3229. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
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  3231. "web": {
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  3236. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:41Z",
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  3240. {
  3241. "logLevel": "Information",
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  3243. "app": {
  3244. "name": "Squidex",
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  3252. },
  3253. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:42Z",
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  3273. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:42Z"
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  3283. },
  3284. "ExecuteAction": {
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  3288. }
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  3290. "filters": {
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  3304. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:43Z"
  3305. }
  3307. {
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  3323. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:43Z"
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  3352. },
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  3357. }
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  3359. "filters": {
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  3363. "app": {
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  3368. "web": {
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  3373. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:49Z"
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  3376. {
  3377. "logLevel": "Information",
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  3391. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:49Z",
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  3401. "elapsedRequestMs": 403,
  3402. "app": {
  3403. "name": "Squidex",
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  3407. "web": {
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  3412. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:50Z"
  3413. }
  3415. {
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  3421. "app": {
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  3426. "web": {
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  3431. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:50Z"
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  3438. },
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  3440. "app": {
  3441. "name": "Squidex",
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  3444. },
  3445. "web": {
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  3450. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:50Z"
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  3453. {
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  3456. "endpointType": "IdentityServer4.Endpoints.DiscoveryKeyEndpoint",
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  3458. "app": {
  3459. "name": "Squidex",
  3460. "version": "",
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  3467. },
  3468. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:50Z",
  3469. "category": "IdentityServer4.Hosting.IdentityServerMiddleware"
  3470. }
  3472. {
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  3474. "filters": {
  3475. "userId": "5dbbeb3dbae47c0001393f45",
  3476. "costs": 0
  3477. },
  3478. "elapsedRequestMs": 115,
  3479. "app": {
  3480. "name": "Squidex",
  3481. "version": "",
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  3484. "web": {
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  3488. },
  3489. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:50Z"
  3490. }
  3492. {
  3493. "logLevel": "Information",
  3494. "message": "Invoking IdentityServer endpoint: IdentityServer4.Endpoints.UserInfoEndpoint for /connect/userinfo",
  3495. "endpointType": "IdentityServer4.Endpoints.UserInfoEndpoint",
  3496. "url": "/connect/userinfo",
  3497. "app": {
  3498. "name": "Squidex",
  3499. "version": "",
  3500. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
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  3502. "web": {
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  3505. "requestMethod": "GET"
  3506. },
  3507. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:50Z",
  3508. "category": "IdentityServer4.Hosting.IdentityServerMiddleware"
  3509. }
  3511. {
  3512. "logLevel": "Information",
  3513. "message": "Profile service returned the following claim types: sub urn:squidex:name urn:squidex:permissions email preferred_username name email email_verified",
  3514. "types": "sub urn:squidex:name urn:squidex:permissions email preferred_username name email email_verified",
  3515. "app": {
  3516. "name": "Squidex",
  3517. "version": "",
  3518. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  3519. },
  3520. "web": {
  3521. "requestId": "0bde77b8-ec61-4ba3-975d-5290398415eb",
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  3523. "requestMethod": "GET"
  3524. },
  3525. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:51Z",
  3526. "category": "IdentityServer4.ResponseHandling.UserInfoResponseGenerator"
  3527. }
  3529. {
  3530. "logLevel": "Information",
  3531. "filters": {
  3532. "userId": "5dbbeb3dbae47c0001393f45",
  3533. "costs": 0
  3534. },
  3535. "elapsedRequestMs": 440,
  3536. "app": {
  3537. "name": "Squidex",
  3538. "version": "",
  3539. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  3540. },
  3541. "web": {
  3542. "requestId": "0bde77b8-ec61-4ba3-975d-5290398415eb",
  3543. "requestPath": "/identity-server/connect/userinfo",
  3544. "requestMethod": "GET"
  3545. },
  3546. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:51Z"
  3547. }
  3549. {
  3550. "logLevel": "Information",
  3551. "filters": {
  3552. "costs": 0
  3553. },
  3554. "elapsedRequestMs": 217,
  3555. "app": {
  3556. "name": "Squidex",
  3557. "version": "",
  3558. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  3559. },
  3560. "web": {
  3561. "requestId": "1fc2c370-8d49-44e5-9f71-7763b2101ad2",
  3562. "requestPath": "/build/12.a549f2d5dbc0b1c2fbf8.chunk.js",
  3563. "requestMethod": "GET"
  3564. },
  3565. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:51Z"
  3566. }
  3568. {
  3569. "logLevel": "Information",
  3570. "message": "Invoking IdentityServer endpoint: IdentityServer4.Endpoints.CheckSessionEndpoint for /connect/checksession",
  3571. "endpointType": "IdentityServer4.Endpoints.CheckSessionEndpoint",
  3572. "url": "/connect/checksession",
  3573. "app": {
  3574. "name": "Squidex",
  3575. "version": "",
  3576. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  3577. },
  3578. "web": {
  3579. "requestId": "0eefab51-b2bc-409c-9bb1-71897fb616e9",
  3580. "requestPath": "/connect/checksession",
  3581. "requestMethod": "GET"
  3582. },
  3583. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:51Z",
  3584. "category": "IdentityServer4.Hosting.IdentityServerMiddleware"
  3585. }
  3587. {
  3588. "logLevel": "Information",
  3589. "filters": {
  3590. "userId": "5dbbeb3dbae47c0001393f45",
  3591. "costs": 0
  3592. },
  3593. "elapsedRequestMs": 6,
  3594. "app": {
  3595. "name": "Squidex",
  3596. "version": "",
  3597. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  3598. },
  3599. "web": {
  3600. "requestId": "0eefab51-b2bc-409c-9bb1-71897fb616e9",
  3601. "requestPath": "/identity-server/connect/checksession",
  3602. "requestMethod": "GET"
  3603. },
  3604. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:51Z"
  3605. }
  3607. root@docker-s-1vcpu-1gb-lon1-01:~# docker logs edd52b217ed8
  3608. {
  3609. "logLevel": "Warning",
  3610. "message": "Note: Silo not running with ServerGC turned on - recommend checking app config : \u003Cconfiguration\u003E-\u003Cruntime\u003E-\u003CgcServer enabled=\u0022true\u0022\u003E",
  3611. "eventId": {
  3612. "id": 100405
  3613. },
  3614. "app": {
  3615. "name": "Squidex",
  3616. "version": "",
  3617. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  3618. },
  3619. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:17Z",
  3620. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Silo"
  3621. }
  3623. {
  3624. "logLevel": "Warning",
  3625. "message": "Note: ServerGC only kicks in on multi-core systems (settings enabling ServerGC have no effect on single-core machines).",
  3626. "eventId": {
  3627. "id": 100405
  3628. },
  3629. "app": {
  3630. "name": "Squidex",
  3631. "version": "",
  3632. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  3633. },
  3634. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:17Z",
  3635. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Silo"
  3636. }
  3638. {
  3639. "logLevel": "Information",
  3640. "message": "Application started",
  3641. "environment": {
  3642. "applicationname": "Squidex",
  3643. "aspnetcore_urls": "http://\u002B:80",
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  3654. "assetstore:ftp:path": "Assets",
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  3656. "assetstore:ftp:serverport": "21",
  3657. "assetstore:ftp:username": "",
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  3670. "dotnet_version": "3.0.0",
  3671. "email:notifications:existinguserbody": "Dear User,\r\n\r\n$ASSIGNER_NAME ($ASSIGNER_EMAIL) has invited you to join App $APP_NAME at Squidex Headless CMS.\r\n\r\nLogin or reload the Management UI to see the App.\r\n\r\nThank you very much,\r\nThe Squidex Team\r\n\r\n\u003C\u003CStart now!\u003E\u003E [$UI_URL]",
  3672. "email:notifications:existingusersubject": "[Squidex CMS] You have been invited to join App $APP_NAME",
  3673. "email:notifications:newuserbody": "Welcome to Squidex\r\nDear User,\r\n\r\n$ASSIGNER_NAME ($ASSIGNER_EMAIL) has invited you to join Project (also called an App) $APP_NAME at Squidex Headless CMS. Login with your Github, Google or Microsoft credentials to create a new user account and start editing content now.\r\n\r\nThank you very much,\r\nThe Squidex Team\r\n\r\n\u003C\u003CStart now!\u003E\u003E [$UI_URL]",
  3674. "email:notifications:newusersubject": "You have been invited to join Project $APP_NAME at Squidex CMS",
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  3688. "eventstore:cosmosdb:database": "Squidex",
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  3691. "eventstore:geteventstore:prefix": "squidex",
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  3759. "ui:regexsuggestions:phone": "^\\(*\\\u002B*[1-9]{0,3}\\)*-*[1-9]{0,3}[-. /]*\\(*[2-9]\\d{2}\\)*[-. /]*\\d{3}[-. /]*\\d{4} *e*x*t*\\.* *\\d{0,4}$",
  3760. "ui:regexsuggestions:slug": "^[a-z0-9]\u002B(\\-[a-z0-9]\u002B)*$",
  3761. "ui:regexsuggestions:url": "^(?:http(s)?:\\/\\/)?[\\w.-]\u002B(?:\\.[\\w\\.-]\u002B)\u002B[\\w\\-\\._~:\\/?#%[\\]@!\\$\u0026\u0027\\(\\)\\*\\\u002B,;=.]\u002B$",
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  3768. },
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  3771. "version": "",
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  3773. },
  3774. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:18Z"
  3775. }
  3777. {
  3778. "logLevel": "Information",
  3779. "action": "FolderAssetStoreConfigured",
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  3781. "app": {
  3782. "name": "Squidex",
  3783. "version": "",
  3784. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  3785. },
  3786. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:18Z"
  3787. }
  3789. {
  3790. "logLevel": "Information",
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  3792. "app": {
  3793. "name": "Squidex",
  3794. "version": "",
  3795. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  3796. },
  3797. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:18Z"
  3798. }
  3800. {
  3801. "logLevel": "Information",
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  3803. "app": {
  3804. "name": "Squidex",
  3805. "version": "",
  3806. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  3807. },
  3808. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:19Z"
  3809. }
  3811. {
  3812. "logLevel": "Information",
  3813. "initializedSystem": "SerializationInitializer",
  3814. "app": {
  3815. "name": "Squidex",
  3816. "version": "",
  3817. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  3818. },
  3819. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:19Z"
  3820. }
  3822. {
  3823. "logLevel": "Information",
  3824. "initializedSystem": "MongoMigrationStatus",
  3825. "app": {
  3826. "name": "Squidex",
  3827. "version": "",
  3828. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  3829. },
  3830. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:19Z"
  3831. }
  3833. {
  3834. "logLevel": "Information",
  3835. "initializedSystem": "MongoUsageRepository",
  3836. "app": {
  3837. "name": "Squidex",
  3838. "version": "",
  3839. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  3840. },
  3841. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:19Z"
  3842. }
  3844. {
  3845. "logLevel": "Information",
  3846. "initializedSystem": "MongoRuleEventRepository",
  3847. "app": {
  3848. "name": "Squidex",
  3849. "version": "",
  3850. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  3851. },
  3852. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:19Z"
  3853. }
  3855. {
  3856. "logLevel": "Information",
  3857. "initializedSystem": "MongoHistoryEventRepository",
  3858. "app": {
  3859. "name": "Squidex",
  3860. "version": "",
  3861. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  3862. },
  3863. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:19Z"
  3864. }
  3866. {
  3867. "logLevel": "Information",
  3868. "initializedSystem": "MongoRoleStore",
  3869. "app": {
  3870. "name": "Squidex",
  3871. "version": "",
  3872. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  3873. },
  3874. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:19Z"
  3875. }
  3877. {
  3878. "logLevel": "Information",
  3879. "initializedSystem": "MongoUserStore",
  3880. "app": {
  3881. "name": "Squidex",
  3882. "version": "",
  3883. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  3884. },
  3885. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:19Z"
  3886. }
  3888. {
  3889. "logLevel": "Information",
  3890. "initializedSystem": "MongoAssetRepository",
  3891. "app": {
  3892. "name": "Squidex",
  3893. "version": "",
  3894. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  3895. },
  3896. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:20Z"
  3897. }
  3899. {
  3900. "logLevel": "Information",
  3901. "initializedSystem": "MongoContentRepository",
  3902. "app": {
  3903. "name": "Squidex",
  3904. "version": "",
  3905. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  3906. },
  3907. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:20Z"
  3908. }
  3910. {
  3911. "logLevel": "Information",
  3912. "initializedSystem": "MongoPersistedGrantStore",
  3913. "app": {
  3914. "name": "Squidex",
  3915. "version": "",
  3916. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  3917. },
  3918. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:20Z"
  3919. }
  3921. {
  3922. "logLevel": "Information",
  3923. "initializedSystem": "LanguagesInitializer",
  3924. "app": {
  3925. "name": "Squidex",
  3926. "version": "",
  3927. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  3928. },
  3929. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:20Z"
  3930. }
  3932. {
  3933. "logLevel": "Warning",
  3934. "message": "Task [Id=1, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [SystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/20/00000014@S00000014] took elapsed time 0:00:00.2082702 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  3935. "eventId": {
  3936. "id": 101215
  3937. },
  3938. "task": "[Id=1, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  3939. "schedulingContext": "[SystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/20/00000014@S00000014]",
  3940. "duration": "0:00:00.2082702",
  3941. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  3942. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  3943. "app": {
  3944. "name": "Squidex",
  3945. "version": "",
  3946. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  3947. },
  3948. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:22Z",
  3949. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler *stg/20/00000014.WorkItemGroup"
  3950. }
  3952. {
  3953. "logLevel": "Warning",
  3954. "message": "Task [Id=2, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [SystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/13/0000000d@S0000000d] took elapsed time 0:00:00.2014531 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  3955. "eventId": {
  3956. "id": 101215
  3957. },
  3958. "task": "[Id=2, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  3959. "schedulingContext": "[SystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/13/0000000d@S0000000d]",
  3960. "duration": "0:00:00.2014531",
  3961. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  3962. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  3963. "app": {
  3964. "name": "Squidex",
  3965. "version": "",
  3966. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  3967. },
  3968. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:23Z",
  3969. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler *stg/13/0000000d.WorkItemGroup"
  3970. }
  3972. {
  3973. "logLevel": "Warning",
  3974. "message": "Task [Id=3, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [SystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/29/0000001d@S0000001d] took elapsed time 0:00:00.211835 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  3975. "eventId": {
  3976. "id": 101215
  3977. },
  3978. "task": "[Id=3, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  3979. "schedulingContext": "[SystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/29/0000001d@S0000001d]",
  3980. "duration": "0:00:00.211835",
  3981. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  3982. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  3983. "app": {
  3984. "name": "Squidex",
  3985. "version": "",
  3986. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  3987. },
  3988. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:23Z",
  3989. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler *stg/29/0000001d.WorkItemGroup"
  3990. }
  3992. {
  3993. "logLevel": "Warning",
  3994. "message": "Task [Id=4, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [SystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/20/00000014@S00000014] took elapsed time 0:00:00.2187508 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  3995. "eventId": {
  3996. "id": 101215
  3997. },
  3998. "task": "[Id=4, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  3999. "schedulingContext": "[SystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/20/00000014@S00000014]",
  4000. "duration": "0:00:00.2187508",
  4001. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  4002. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  4003. "app": {
  4004. "name": "Squidex",
  4005. "version": "",
  4006. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4007. },
  4008. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:23Z",
  4009. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler *stg/20/00000014.WorkItemGroup"
  4010. }
  4012. {
  4013. "logLevel": "Warning",
  4014. "message": "Task [Id=5, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [LowPrioritySystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/0/00000000@S00000000] took elapsed time 0:00:00.6498988 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  4015. "eventId": {
  4016. "id": 101215
  4017. },
  4018. "task": "[Id=5, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  4019. "schedulingContext": "[LowPrioritySystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/0/00000000@S00000000]",
  4020. "duration": "0:00:00.6498988",
  4021. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  4022. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  4023. "app": {
  4024. "name": "Squidex",
  4025. "version": "",
  4026. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4027. },
  4028. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:24Z",
  4029. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler.WorkItemGroup"
  4030. }
  4032. {
  4033. "logLevel": "Information",
  4034. "action": "Migration",
  4035. "status": "Started",
  4036. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.StopEventConsumers",
  4037. "app": {
  4038. "name": "Squidex",
  4039. "version": "",
  4040. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4041. },
  4042. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:25Z"
  4043. }
  4045. {
  4046. "logLevel": "Warning",
  4047. "message": "Task [Id=6, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [LowPrioritySystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/0/00000000@S00000000] took elapsed time 0:00:00.2121464 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  4048. "eventId": {
  4049. "id": 101215
  4050. },
  4051. "task": "[Id=6, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  4052. "schedulingContext": "[LowPrioritySystemTarget: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*stg/0/00000000@S00000000]",
  4053. "duration": "0:00:00.2121464",
  4054. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  4055. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  4056. "app": {
  4057. "name": "Squidex",
  4058. "version": "",
  4059. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4060. },
  4061. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:25Z",
  4062. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler.WorkItemGroup"
  4063. }
  4065. {
  4066. "logLevel": "Warning",
  4067. "message": "Task [Id=7, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BAssetUsageTracker@e98b1f8b #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid] took elapsed time 0:00:00.2599412 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  4068. "eventId": {
  4069. "id": 101215
  4070. },
  4071. "task": "[Id=7, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  4072. "schedulingContext": "[Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BAssetUsageTracker@e98b1f8b #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid]",
  4073. "duration": "0:00:00.2599412",
  4074. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  4075. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  4076. "app": {
  4077. "name": "Squidex",
  4078. "version": "",
  4079. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4080. },
  4081. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:25Z",
  4082. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler.WorkItemGroup"
  4083. }
  4085. {
  4086. "logLevel": "Warning",
  4087. "message": "Task [Id=8, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BHistoryService@1c5a0f9f #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid] took elapsed time 0:00:00.4172637 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  4088. "eventId": {
  4089. "id": 101215
  4090. },
  4091. "task": "[Id=8, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  4092. "schedulingContext": "[Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BHistoryService@1c5a0f9f #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid]",
  4093. "duration": "0:00:00.4172637",
  4094. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  4095. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  4096. "app": {
  4097. "name": "Squidex",
  4098. "version": "",
  4099. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4100. },
  4101. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z",
  4102. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler.WorkItemGroup"
  4103. }
  4105. {
  4106. "logLevel": "Warning",
  4107. "message": "Task [Id=9, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BTextIndexer@1b073e94 #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid] took elapsed time 0:00:00.4278806 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  4108. "eventId": {
  4109. "id": 101215
  4110. },
  4111. "task": "[Id=9, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  4112. "schedulingContext": "[Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BTextIndexer@1b073e94 #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid]",
  4113. "duration": "0:00:00.4278806",
  4114. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  4115. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  4116. "app": {
  4117. "name": "Squidex",
  4118. "version": "",
  4119. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4120. },
  4121. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z",
  4122. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler.WorkItemGroup"
  4123. }
  4125. {
  4126. "logLevel": "Warning",
  4127. "message": "Task [Id=10, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BNotificationEmailSender@558091b1 #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid] took elapsed time 0:00:00.4368448 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  4128. "eventId": {
  4129. "id": 101215
  4130. },
  4131. "task": "[Id=10, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  4132. "schedulingContext": "[Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BNotificationEmailSender@558091b1 #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid]",
  4133. "duration": "0:00:00.4368448",
  4134. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  4135. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  4136. "app": {
  4137. "name": "Squidex",
  4138. "version": "",
  4139. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4140. },
  4141. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z",
  4142. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler.WorkItemGroup"
  4143. }
  4145. {
  4146. "logLevel": "Warning",
  4147. "message": "Task [Id=11, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BAssetUsageTracker@e98b1f8b #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid] took elapsed time 0:00:00.6678272 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  4148. "eventId": {
  4149. "id": 101215
  4150. },
  4151. "task": "[Id=11, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  4152. "schedulingContext": "[Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/647D2954/00000000\u002BAssetUsageTracker@e98b1f8b #GrainType=Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.EventConsumerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid]",
  4153. "duration": "0:00:00.6678272",
  4154. "turnWarningLengthThreshold": "00:00:00.2000000",
  4155. "thread": "System.Threading.Thread",
  4156. "app": {
  4157. "name": "Squidex",
  4158. "version": "",
  4159. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4160. },
  4161. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z",
  4162. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler.WorkItemGroup"
  4163. }
  4165. {
  4166. "logLevel": "Information",
  4167. "action": "Migration",
  4168. "status": "Completed",
  4169. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.StopEventConsumers",
  4170. "elapsedMs": 1129,
  4171. "app": {
  4172. "name": "Squidex",
  4173. "version": "",
  4174. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4175. },
  4176. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z"
  4177. }
  4179. {
  4180. "logLevel": "Information",
  4181. "action": "Migration",
  4182. "status": "Started",
  4183. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.ConvertEventStore",
  4184. "app": {
  4185. "name": "Squidex",
  4186. "version": "",
  4187. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4188. },
  4189. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z"
  4190. }
  4192. {
  4193. "logLevel": "Information",
  4194. "action": "Migration",
  4195. "status": "Completed",
  4196. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.ConvertEventStore",
  4197. "elapsedMs": 14,
  4198. "app": {
  4199. "name": "Squidex",
  4200. "version": "",
  4201. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4202. },
  4203. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z"
  4204. }
  4206. {
  4207. "logLevel": "Information",
  4208. "action": "Migration",
  4209. "status": "Started",
  4210. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.RebuildSnapshots",
  4211. "app": {
  4212. "name": "Squidex",
  4213. "version": "",
  4214. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4215. },
  4216. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z"
  4217. }
  4219. {
  4220. "logLevel": "Information",
  4221. "action": "Migration",
  4222. "status": "Completed",
  4223. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.RebuildSnapshots",
  4224. "elapsedMs": 464,
  4225. "app": {
  4226. "name": "Squidex",
  4227. "version": "",
  4228. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4229. },
  4230. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z"
  4231. }
  4233. {
  4234. "logLevel": "Information",
  4235. "action": "Migration",
  4236. "status": "Started",
  4237. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.MongoDb.ConvertOldSnapshotStores",
  4238. "app": {
  4239. "name": "Squidex",
  4240. "version": "",
  4241. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4242. },
  4243. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z"
  4244. }
  4246. {
  4247. "logLevel": "Information",
  4248. "action": "Migration",
  4249. "status": "Completed",
  4250. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.MongoDb.ConvertOldSnapshotStores",
  4251. "elapsedMs": 17,
  4252. "app": {
  4253. "name": "Squidex",
  4254. "version": "",
  4255. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4256. },
  4257. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z"
  4258. }
  4260. {
  4261. "logLevel": "Information",
  4262. "action": "Migration",
  4263. "status": "Started",
  4264. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.PopulateGrainIndexes",
  4265. "app": {
  4266. "name": "Squidex",
  4267. "version": "",
  4268. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4269. },
  4270. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:26Z"
  4271. }
  4273. {
  4274. "logLevel": "Information",
  4275. "action": "Migration",
  4276. "status": "Completed",
  4277. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.PopulateGrainIndexes",
  4278. "elapsedMs": 2156,
  4279. "app": {
  4280. "name": "Squidex",
  4281. "version": "",
  4282. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4283. },
  4284. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:28Z"
  4285. }
  4287. {
  4288. "logLevel": "Information",
  4289. "action": "Migration",
  4290. "status": "Started",
  4291. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.MongoDb.DeleteContentCollections",
  4292. "app": {
  4293. "name": "Squidex",
  4294. "version": "",
  4295. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4296. },
  4297. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:28Z"
  4298. }
  4300. {
  4301. "logLevel": "Information",
  4302. "action": "Migration",
  4303. "status": "Completed",
  4304. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.MongoDb.DeleteContentCollections",
  4305. "elapsedMs": 27,
  4306. "app": {
  4307. "name": "Squidex",
  4308. "version": "",
  4309. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4310. },
  4311. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  4312. }
  4314. {
  4315. "logLevel": "Information",
  4316. "action": "Migration",
  4317. "status": "Started",
  4318. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.RebuildContents",
  4319. "app": {
  4320. "name": "Squidex",
  4321. "version": "",
  4322. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4323. },
  4324. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  4325. }
  4327. {
  4328. "logLevel": "Information",
  4329. "action": "Migration",
  4330. "status": "Completed",
  4331. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.RebuildContents",
  4332. "elapsedMs": 274,
  4333. "app": {
  4334. "name": "Squidex",
  4335. "version": "",
  4336. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4337. },
  4338. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  4339. }
  4341. {
  4342. "logLevel": "Information",
  4343. "action": "Migration",
  4344. "status": "Started",
  4345. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.MongoDb.ConvertRuleEventsJson",
  4346. "app": {
  4347. "name": "Squidex",
  4348. "version": "",
  4349. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4350. },
  4351. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  4352. }
  4354. {
  4355. "logLevel": "Information",
  4356. "action": "Migration",
  4357. "status": "Completed",
  4358. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.MongoDb.ConvertRuleEventsJson",
  4359. "elapsedMs": 24,
  4360. "app": {
  4361. "name": "Squidex",
  4362. "version": "",
  4363. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4364. },
  4365. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  4366. }
  4368. {
  4369. "logLevel": "Information",
  4370. "action": "Migration",
  4371. "status": "Started",
  4372. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.ClearSchemas",
  4373. "app": {
  4374. "name": "Squidex",
  4375. "version": "",
  4376. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4377. },
  4378. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  4379. }
  4381. {
  4382. "logLevel": "Information",
  4383. "action": "Migration",
  4384. "status": "Completed",
  4385. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.ClearSchemas",
  4386. "elapsedMs": 2,
  4387. "app": {
  4388. "name": "Squidex",
  4389. "version": "",
  4390. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4391. },
  4392. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  4393. }
  4395. {
  4396. "logLevel": "Information",
  4397. "action": "Migration",
  4398. "status": "Started",
  4399. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.AddPatterns",
  4400. "app": {
  4401. "name": "Squidex",
  4402. "version": "",
  4403. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4404. },
  4405. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  4406. }
  4408. {
  4409. "logLevel": "Information",
  4410. "action": "Migration",
  4411. "status": "Completed",
  4412. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.AddPatterns",
  4413. "elapsedMs": 21,
  4414. "app": {
  4415. "name": "Squidex",
  4416. "version": "",
  4417. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4418. },
  4419. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  4420. }
  4422. {
  4423. "logLevel": "Information",
  4424. "action": "Migration",
  4425. "status": "Started",
  4426. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.MongoDb.RestructureContentCollection",
  4427. "app": {
  4428. "name": "Squidex",
  4429. "version": "",
  4430. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4431. },
  4432. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  4433. }
  4435. {
  4436. "logLevel": "Information",
  4437. "action": "Migration",
  4438. "status": "Completed",
  4439. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.MongoDb.RestructureContentCollection",
  4440. "elapsedMs": 43,
  4441. "app": {
  4442. "name": "Squidex",
  4443. "version": "",
  4444. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4445. },
  4446. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  4447. }
  4449. {
  4450. "logLevel": "Information",
  4451. "action": "Migration",
  4452. "status": "Started",
  4453. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.MongoDb.RenameAssetSlugField",
  4454. "app": {
  4455. "name": "Squidex",
  4456. "version": "",
  4457. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4458. },
  4459. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  4460. }
  4462. {
  4463. "logLevel": "Information",
  4464. "action": "Migration",
  4465. "status": "Completed",
  4466. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.MongoDb.RenameAssetSlugField",
  4467. "elapsedMs": 1,
  4468. "app": {
  4469. "name": "Squidex",
  4470. "version": "",
  4471. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4472. },
  4473. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  4474. }
  4476. {
  4477. "logLevel": "Information",
  4478. "action": "Migration",
  4479. "status": "Started",
  4480. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.RebuildAssets",
  4481. "app": {
  4482. "name": "Squidex",
  4483. "version": "",
  4484. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4485. },
  4486. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  4487. }
  4489. {
  4490. "logLevel": "Information",
  4491. "action": "Migration",
  4492. "status": "Completed",
  4493. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.RebuildAssets",
  4494. "elapsedMs": 86,
  4495. "app": {
  4496. "name": "Squidex",
  4497. "version": "",
  4498. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4499. },
  4500. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  4501. }
  4503. {
  4504. "logLevel": "Information",
  4505. "action": "Migration",
  4506. "status": "Started",
  4507. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.CreateAssetSlugs",
  4508. "app": {
  4509. "name": "Squidex",
  4510. "version": "",
  4511. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4512. },
  4513. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  4514. }
  4516. {
  4517. "logLevel": "Information",
  4518. "action": "Migration",
  4519. "status": "Completed",
  4520. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.CreateAssetSlugs",
  4521. "elapsedMs": 26,
  4522. "app": {
  4523. "name": "Squidex",
  4524. "version": "",
  4525. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4526. },
  4527. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  4528. }
  4530. {
  4531. "logLevel": "Information",
  4532. "action": "Migration",
  4533. "status": "Started",
  4534. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.StartEventConsumers",
  4535. "app": {
  4536. "name": "Squidex",
  4537. "version": "",
  4538. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4539. },
  4540. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  4541. }
  4543. {
  4544. "logLevel": "Information",
  4545. "action": "Migration",
  4546. "status": "Completed",
  4547. "migrator": "Migrate_01.Migrations.StartEventConsumers",
  4548. "elapsedMs": 98,
  4549. "app": {
  4550. "name": "Squidex",
  4551. "version": "",
  4552. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4553. },
  4554. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  4555. }
  4557. {
  4558. "logLevel": "Information",
  4559. "backgroundSystem": "Squidex.Domain.Apps.Entities.Contents.IContentSchedulerGrain",
  4560. "app": {
  4561. "name": "Squidex",
  4562. "version": "",
  4563. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4564. },
  4565. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  4566. }
  4568. {
  4569. "logLevel": "Information",
  4570. "backgroundSystem": "Squidex.Infrastructure.EventSourcing.Grains.IEventConsumerManagerGrain",
  4571. "app": {
  4572. "name": "Squidex",
  4573. "version": "",
  4574. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4575. },
  4576. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  4577. }
  4579. {
  4580. "logLevel": "Information",
  4581. "backgroundSystem": "Squidex.Domain.Apps.Entities.Rules.IRuleDequeuerGrain",
  4582. "app": {
  4583. "name": "Squidex",
  4584. "version": "",
  4585. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4586. },
  4587. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  4588. }
  4590. {
  4591. "logLevel": "Information",
  4592. "backgroundSystem": "Squidex.Domain.Apps.Entities.Rules.UsageTracking.IUsageTrackerGrain",
  4593. "app": {
  4594. "name": "Squidex",
  4595. "version": "",
  4596. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  4597. },
  4598. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:29Z"
  4599. }
  4601. {
  4602. "logLevel": "Warning",
  4603. "message": "Task [Id=12, Status=RanToCompletion] in WorkGroup [Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/2352C26B/00000000\u002BDefault@64d41380 #GrainType=Squidex.Domain.Apps.Entities.Contents.ContentSchedulerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid] took elapsed time 0:00:00.3469794 for execution, which is longer than 00:00:00.2000000. Running on thread System.Threading.Thread",
  4604. "eventId": {
  4605. "id": 101215
  4606. },
  4607. "task": "[Id=12, Status=RanToCompletion]",
  4608. "schedulingContext": "[Activation: S172.18.0.3:11111:310292535*grn/2352C26B/00000000\u002BDefault@64d41380 #GrainType=Squidex.Domain.Apps.Entities.Contents.ContentSchedulerGrain Placement=RandomPlacement State=Valid]",
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  4614. "version": "",
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  4616. },
  4617. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:30Z",
  4618. "category": "Orleans.Runtime.Scheduler.WorkItemGroup"
  4619. }
  4621. {
  4622. "logLevel": "Warning",
  4623. "message": "No XML encryptor configured. Key {692f36cd-bc90-4586-927d-98c5f8c1a55e} may be persisted to storage in unencrypted form.",
  4624. "eventId": {
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  4626. },
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  4629. "name": "Squidex",
  4630. "version": "",
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  4632. },
  4633. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:30Z",
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  4635. }
  4637. {
  4638. "logLevel": "Information",
  4639. "message": "Starting IdentityServer4 version",
  4640. "version": "",
  4641. "app": {
  4642. "name": "Squidex",
  4643. "version": "",
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  4645. },
  4646. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:31Z",
  4647. "category": "IdentityServer4.Startup"
  4648. }
  4650. {
  4651. "logLevel": "Information",
  4652. "message": "Using the default authentication scheme Identity.Application for IdentityServer",
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  4654. "app": {
  4655. "name": "Squidex",
  4656. "version": "",
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  4658. },
  4659. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:31Z",
  4660. "category": "IdentityServer4.Startup"
  4661. }
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  4670. "Squidex.Extensions.Actions.Webhook.WebhookPlugin",
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  4672. "Squidex.Extensions.Actions.Slack.SlackPlugin",
  4673. "Squidex.Extensions.Actions.Prerender.PrerenderPlugin",
  4674. "Squidex.Extensions.Actions.Medium.MediumPlugin",
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  4678. "Squidex.Extensions.Actions.ElasticSearch.ElasticSearchPlugin",
  4679. "Squidex.Extensions.Actions.Discourse.DiscoursePlugin",
  4680. "Squidex.Extensions.Actions.AzureQueue.AzureQueuePlugin",
  4681. "Squidex.Extensions.Actions.Algolia.AlgoliaPlugin"
  4682. ],
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  4684. "name": "Squidex",
  4685. "version": "",
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  4687. },
  4688. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:32Z"
  4689. }
  4691. {
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  4695. "app": {
  4696. "name": "Squidex",
  4697. "version": "",
  4698. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
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  4700. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:32Z",
  4701. "category": "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime"
  4702. }
  4704. {
  4705. "logLevel": "Information",
  4706. "message": "Application started. Press Ctrl\u002BC to shut down.",
  4707. "app": {
  4708. "name": "Squidex",
  4709. "version": "",
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  4712. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:32Z",
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  4716. {
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  4725. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:32Z",
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  4738. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:32Z",
  4739. "category": "Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime"
  4740. }
  4742. {
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  4745. "costs": 0
  4746. },
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  4748. "app": {
  4749. "name": "Squidex",
  4750. "version": "",
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  4758. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:32Z"
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  4784. },
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  4786. "app": {
  4787. "name": "Squidex",
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  4803. },
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  4822. },
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  4824. "app": {
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  4834. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:39Z"
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  4843. "app": {
  4844. "name": "Squidex",
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  4856. {
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  4862. "app": {
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  4879. },
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  4881. "app": {
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  4891. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:39Z"
  4892. }
  4894. {
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  4899. "app": {
  4900. "name": "Squidex",
  4901. "version": "",
  4902. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
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  4904. "web": {
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  4908. },
  4909. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:41Z",
  4910. "category": "IdentityServer4.Hosting.IdentityServerMiddleware"
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  4917. },
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  4919. "app": {
  4920. "name": "Squidex",
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  4929. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:41Z"
  4930. }
  4932. {
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  4937. "app": {
  4938. "name": "Squidex",
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  4940. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
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  4947. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:41Z",
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  4949. }
  4951. {
  4952. "logLevel": "Information",
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  4954. "app": {
  4955. "name": "Squidex",
  4956. "version": "",
  4957. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
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  4963. },
  4964. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:42Z",
  4965. "category": "IdentityServer4.ResponseHandling.AuthorizeInteractionResponseGenerator"
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  4972. },
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  4974. "app": {
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  4984. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:42Z"
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  4987. {
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  4993. "count": 1
  4994. },
  4995. "ExecuteAction": {
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  4997. "elapsedMsAvg": 24,
  4998. "count": 1
  4999. }
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  5015. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:43Z"
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  5063. },
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  5079. "web": {
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  5084. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:49Z"
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  5101. },
  5102. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:49Z",
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  5112. "elapsedRequestMs": 403,
  5113. "app": {
  5114. "name": "Squidex",
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  5118. "web": {
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  5123. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:50Z"
  5124. }
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  5162. }
  5164. {
  5165. "logLevel": "Information",
  5166. "message": "Invoking IdentityServer endpoint: IdentityServer4.Endpoints.DiscoveryKeyEndpoint for /.well-known/openid-configuration/jwks",
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  5168. "url": "/.well-known/openid-configuration/jwks",
  5169. "app": {
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  5177. "requestMethod": "GET"
  5178. },
  5179. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:50Z",
  5180. "category": "IdentityServer4.Hosting.IdentityServerMiddleware"
  5181. }
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  5188. },
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  5197. "requestPath": "/identity-server/.well-known/openid-configuration/jwks",
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  5199. },
  5200. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:50Z"
  5201. }
  5203. {
  5204. "logLevel": "Information",
  5205. "message": "Invoking IdentityServer endpoint: IdentityServer4.Endpoints.UserInfoEndpoint for /connect/userinfo",
  5206. "endpointType": "IdentityServer4.Endpoints.UserInfoEndpoint",
  5207. "url": "/connect/userinfo",
  5208. "app": {
  5209. "name": "Squidex",
  5210. "version": "",
  5211. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
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  5213. "web": {
  5214. "requestId": "0bde77b8-ec61-4ba3-975d-5290398415eb",
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  5216. "requestMethod": "GET"
  5217. },
  5218. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:50Z",
  5219. "category": "IdentityServer4.Hosting.IdentityServerMiddleware"
  5220. }
  5222. {
  5223. "logLevel": "Information",
  5224. "message": "Profile service returned the following claim types: sub urn:squidex:name urn:squidex:permissions email preferred_username name email email_verified",
  5225. "types": "sub urn:squidex:name urn:squidex:permissions email preferred_username name email email_verified",
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  5227. "name": "Squidex",
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  5234. "requestMethod": "GET"
  5235. },
  5236. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:51Z",
  5237. "category": "IdentityServer4.ResponseHandling.UserInfoResponseGenerator"
  5238. }
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  5244. "costs": 0
  5245. },
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  5247. "app": {
  5248. "name": "Squidex",
  5249. "version": "",
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  5256. },
  5257. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:51Z"
  5258. }
  5260. {
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  5262. "filters": {
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  5274. "requestMethod": "GET"
  5275. },
  5276. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:51Z"
  5277. }
  5279. {
  5280. "logLevel": "Information",
  5281. "message": "Invoking IdentityServer endpoint: IdentityServer4.Endpoints.CheckSessionEndpoint for /connect/checksession",
  5282. "endpointType": "IdentityServer4.Endpoints.CheckSessionEndpoint",
  5283. "url": "/connect/checksession",
  5284. "app": {
  5285. "name": "Squidex",
  5286. "version": "",
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  5288. },
  5289. "web": {
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  5293. },
  5294. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:51Z",
  5295. "category": "IdentityServer4.Hosting.IdentityServerMiddleware"
  5296. }
  5298. {
  5299. "logLevel": "Information",
  5300. "filters": {
  5301. "userId": "5dbbeb3dbae47c0001393f45",
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  5303. },
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  5310. "web": {
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  5313. "requestMethod": "GET"
  5314. },
  5315. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:22:51Z"
  5316. }
  5318. {
  5319. "logLevel": "Error",
  5320. "message": "Exception occurred while processing message.",
  5321. "eventId": {
  5322. "id": 3,
  5323. "name": "ProcessingMessageFailed"
  5324. },
  5325. "exception": {
  5326. "type": "System.InvalidOperationException",
  5327. "message": "IDX20803: Unable to obtain configuration from: \u0027[PII is hidden. For more details, see]\u0027.",
  5328. "stackTrace": " at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.ConfigurationManager\u00601.GetConfigurationAsync(CancellationToken cancel)\n at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer.JwtBearerHandler.HandleAuthenticateAsync()"
  5329. },
  5330. "app": {
  5331. "name": "Squidex",
  5332. "version": "",
  5333. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  5334. },
  5335. "web": {
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  5338. "requestMethod": "GET"
  5339. },
  5340. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:23:51Z",
  5341. "category": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer.JwtBearerHandler"
  5342. }
  5344. {
  5345. "logLevel": "Error",
  5346. "message": "IDX20803: Unable to obtain configuration from: \u0027[PII is hidden. For more details, see]\u0027.",
  5347. "exception": {
  5348. "type": "System.InvalidOperationException",
  5349. "message": "IDX20803: Unable to obtain configuration from: \u0027[PII is hidden. For more details, see]\u0027.",
  5350. "stackTrace": " at Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.ConfigurationManager\u00601.GetConfigurationAsync(CancellationToken cancel)\n at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer.JwtBearerHandler.HandleAuthenticateAsync()\n at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer.JwtBearerHandler.HandleAuthenticateAsync()\n at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.AuthenticationHandler\u00601.AuthenticateAsync()\n at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.AuthenticationService.AuthenticateAsync(HttpContext context, String scheme)\n at IdentityServer4.AccessTokenValidation.IdentityServerAuthenticationHandler.HandleAuthenticateAsync()"
  5351. },
  5352. "app": {
  5353. "name": "Squidex",
  5354. "version": "",
  5355. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  5356. },
  5357. "web": {
  5358. "requestId": "66adb9e8-5278-425b-a4a0-8a59e3b12a4c",
  5359. "requestPath": "/apps",
  5360. "requestMethod": "GET"
  5361. },
  5362. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:23:51Z",
  5363. "category": "IdentityServer4.AccessTokenValidation.IdentityServerAuthenticationHandler"
  5364. }
  5366. {
  5367. "logLevel": "Information",
  5368. "message": "Bearer was not authenticated. Failure message: IDX20803: Unable to obtain configuration from: \u0027[PII is hidden. For more details, see]\u0027.",
  5369. "eventId": {
  5370. "id": 7,
  5371. "name": "AuthenticationSchemeNotAuthenticatedWithFailure"
  5372. },
  5373. "authenticationScheme": "Bearer",
  5374. "failureMessage": "IDX20803: Unable to obtain configuration from: \u0027[PII is hidden. For more details, see]\u0027.",
  5375. "app": {
  5376. "name": "Squidex",
  5377. "version": "",
  5378. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  5379. },
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  5384. },
  5385. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:23:51Z",
  5386. "category": "IdentityServer4.AccessTokenValidation.IdentityServerAuthenticationHandler"
  5387. }
  5389. {
  5390. "logLevel": "Information",
  5391. "message": "AuthenticationScheme: Bearer was challenged.",
  5392. "eventId": {
  5393. "id": 12,
  5394. "name": "AuthenticationSchemeChallenged"
  5395. },
  5396. "authenticationScheme": "Bearer",
  5397. "app": {
  5398. "name": "Squidex",
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  5400. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
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  5404. "requestPath": "/apps",
  5405. "requestMethod": "GET"
  5406. },
  5407. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:23:51Z",
  5408. "category": "IdentityServer4.AccessTokenValidation.IdentityServerAuthenticationHandler"
  5409. }
  5411. {
  5412. "logLevel": "Information",
  5413. "filters": {
  5414. "costs": 0
  5415. },
  5416. "elapsedRequestMs": 60224,
  5417. "app": {
  5418. "name": "Squidex",
  5419. "version": "",
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  5421. },
  5422. "web": {
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  5424. "requestPath": "/api/apps",
  5425. "requestMethod": "GET"
  5426. },
  5427. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:23:51Z"
  5428. }
  5430. {
  5431. "logLevel": "Information",
  5432. "filters": {
  5433. "costs": 0
  5434. },
  5435. "elapsedRequestMs": 8,
  5436. "app": {
  5437. "name": "Squidex",
  5438. "version": "",
  5439. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  5440. },
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  5445. },
  5446. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:25:15Z"
  5447. }
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  5451. "filters": {
  5452. "costs": 0
  5453. },
  5454. "elapsedRequestMs": 11,
  5455. "app": {
  5456. "name": "Squidex",
  5457. "version": "",
  5458. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  5459. },
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  5463. "requestMethod": "GET"
  5464. },
  5465. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:28:42Z"
  5466. }
  5468. {
  5469. "logLevel": "Information",
  5470. "filters": {
  5471. "costs": 0
  5472. },
  5473. "elapsedRequestMs": 9,
  5474. "app": {
  5475. "name": "Squidex",
  5476. "version": "",
  5477. "sessionId": "a4dc677e-7773-4f72-8bf6-a59642503280"
  5478. },
  5479. "web": {
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  5483. },
  5484. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:28:42Z"
  5485. }
  5487. {
  5488. "logLevel": "Information",
  5489. "filters": {
  5490. "costs": 0
  5491. },
  5492. "elapsedRequestMs": 10,
  5493. "app": {
  5494. "name": "Squidex",
  5495. "version": "",
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  5498. "web": {
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  5502. },
  5503. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:28:43Z"
  5504. }
  5506. {
  5507. "logLevel": "Information",
  5508. "filters": {
  5509. "costs": 0
  5510. },
  5511. "elapsedRequestMs": 3,
  5512. "app": {
  5513. "name": "Squidex",
  5514. "version": "",
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  5516. },
  5517. "web": {
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  5521. },
  5522. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:28:43Z"
  5523. }
  5525. {
  5526. "logLevel": "Information",
  5527. "filters": {
  5528. "costs": 0
  5529. },
  5530. "elapsedRequestMs": 267,
  5531. "app": {
  5532. "name": "Squidex",
  5533. "version": "",
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  5535. },
  5536. "web": {
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  5539. "requestMethod": "GET"
  5540. },
  5541. "timestamp": "2019-11-01T08:28:43Z"
  5542. }
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